fixed Xic lifetime offset
We observed that the lifetime shift for the Xic -> pKpi with tightcuts (26103091) is too large, causing a sizeable data-MC difference (see attached plot). (We copied the value from 25103029, which roughly corresponds to the cut on the Lc with the ratio of Xic/Lc lifetimes, but did not take into account any difference in trigger acceptance). We propose to put it at the same value as for the corresponding Lc eventtype (25103064). This was discussed with the Charm MC liaisons @mhilton @smaccoli
This implies the following generated test samples would have to be marked as obsolete:
('/MC/2017/Beam6500GeV-2017-MagDown-Nu1.6-25ns-Pythia8/Sim09i/Trig0x62661709/Reco17/Turbo04a-WithTurcal/Stripping29r2NoPrescalingFlagged/26103091/ALLSTREAMS.MDST', 'dddb-20170721-3', 'sim-20170721-2-vc-md100', 4120, 10009885, 109979)
('/MC/2017/Beam6500GeV-2017-MagUp-Nu1.6-25ns-Pythia8/Sim09i/Trig0x62661709/Reco17/Turbo04a-WithTurcal/Stripping29r2NoPrescalingFlagged/26103091/ALLSTREAMS.MDST', 'dddb-20170721-3', 'sim-20170721-2-vc-md100', 4123, 10018168, 109981)