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Draft: Addition of Dark Matter decays from B-hadrons

Saul Lopez Solino requested to merge slopezso/my-changes into master

Adding six new decay files, for two different decay topologies:

  1. B0 -> Lambda(1520) (-> pK) Psi,
  2. B+ -> Lambda_c(2595) (-> Lambda_c (-> pKpi) pi pi) Psi,

where Psi is a stable Dark Matter candidate and does not decay back to SM. We consider three masses per category:

  • 1.5 GeV, 2 GeV, 3.4 GeV for topology 1.
  • 1.5 GeV, 2 GeV, 2.4 GeV for topology 2.

The Psi particle is encoded as a H_30 to avoid EvtGen to pick up an decay it and to avoid material interactions from G4. We have tested the DecFiles with a full MC chain of 500 events as well.

Edited by Carlos Vazquez Sierra

Merge request reports
