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DecFiles for D02hhee rare charm analysis backgrounds: D02hheta and D02hhpi0

Alessandro Scarabotto requested to merge ascarabo/D2hheta_D2hhpi0 into master

This MR includes in total 12 new decfiles to study backgrounds for the rare charm analysis D0->hhee. In particular we are interested into the partially reconstructed backgrounds D0->hheta and D0->hhpi0 with eta->eegamma and eta->gamma gamma with electron conversion of the photon (same for the pi0). In fact the lost photon could be also added back to the electrons as brem photon so thanks to these decfiles further investigation can be made.

The DecFiles are split between eta->eeg and eta->gg as we would like to request the eta->gg MC with SplitSim to force the material interaction (electron conversion). Example:

cc @mfontana @dmitzel @dunverza

Edited by Alessandro Scarabotto

Merge request reports