Fbetti dstp2hh dp2hhh
Add the momentum spectra obtained from Run-2 data:
- MomentumSpectrum_413.root obtained from prompt D*+ -> D0 (-> K- pi+) pi+ decays; selection described in Run-2 DACP ana note (https://cds.cern.ch/record/2312320?ln=en), with relaxed fiducial selection as described in https://indico.cern.ch/event/780618/#2-update-of-delta-a_cp-to-the
- MomentumSpectrum_411.root obtained from prompt D+ -> K- pi+ pi+ decays; selection described in slide 46 of https://indico.cern.ch/event/780620/#5-status-report-on-a_cp-in-d0t, with 3 GeV/c < pT(D+) < 12 GeV/c, 2.1 < eta(D+) < 4.5 and without the K-pi+ and D+h+ combined cuts