diff --git a/doc/release.notes b/doc/release.notes
index 720aea8a5e0a788b1aaf35b4a9f3c319dd2dadbb..afbea0285256b3fda607d81bffcdfd5c2aface78 100644
--- a/doc/release.notes
+++ b/doc/release.notes
@@ -1,9 +1,19 @@
 ! Package     : DBASE/MCStatTools
-! Responsible : Marc-Olivier Bettler, Alex Grecu
+! Responsible : Alex Grecu, Marc-Olivier Bettler
 ! Purpose     : Tools for MC Production statistics
 !               (https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCb/DownloadAndBuild)
+!========================== 2019-12-10 MCStatTools v4r7p6 ======================
+! 2019-12-10 - Alex Grecu
+ - add module __version__ attribute which hold date of last major change in module
+   code
+! 2019-12-01 - Alex Grecu
+ - add module version debug messages
+! 2019-11-30 - Alex Grecu
+ - patch for automatically detect and process XML logs from single ZIP
+   containing all production job log (drawback in terms of runtime and
+   traffic due to download and unzip)
 !========================== 2019-07-09 MCStatTools v4r7p5 ======================
 ! 2019-06-28 - Alex Grecu
diff --git a/scripts/DownloadAndBuildStat.py b/scripts/DownloadAndBuildStat.py
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index e86b93c46564fedcf777ff1401b9f31825653d64..e4ba4b891e5bbe475febba6b7ed3ecd7c20c1d81
--- a/scripts/DownloadAndBuildStat.py
+++ b/scripts/DownloadAndBuildStat.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ from glob import glob
 from datetime import date, datetime
 from optparse import OptionParser
+__version__ = '20190604'
 logs_server_url = 'http://lhcb-logs.cern.ch/storage/lhcb/MC/'
 dt_format = '%a, %d.%m.%Y @ %H:%M:%S'
 list_Dirac_id = []
@@ -179,8 +179,8 @@ def get_GenerationXml(cwd, nb_logs, prodId):
     return stat, max_
 def mkJoin_Html (pID,  statDict, nb_jobs):
-    global GaussStat,  prodCache
-    import lbDirac_utils as lbDrk
+    global  prodCache,  lbDrk
+    import GaussStat
     mlog.info('Get meta-information from DIRAC...')
     jobDescription = {}
     #retrieve production information from DIRAC - use early cached info if valid
@@ -298,9 +298,7 @@ parse_options()
 import lbDirac_utils as lbDrk
 #fails here if LHCbDirac environment not set
 import GenXmlLogParser as XmlParser
-import GaussStat
 # if using "local" JSON files
 online_pids = []
@@ -386,6 +384,8 @@ if not fallbackOldAlgo:
         dirac_logger = logging.getLogger('gfal2')
         prodWkPath = os.path.join(workPath,  'GenLogs-%d' % (prod))
+        if not os.path.exists(prodWkPath) or not os.path.isdir(prodWkPath):
+            os.mkdir(prodWkPath,  0700)
         if use_local_logs:
             validFiles = preValidateLocalXMLs(prodWkPath)
             if len(validFiles) > 1:
@@ -396,39 +396,46 @@ if not fallbackOldAlgo:
                 mlog.info('Could not find enough local XMLs for prod. #%d. Fallback to normal execution.' % (prod))
             del validFiles
         prodlfn = lbDrk.prod_lpath % prodCache[prod]['metadata']
-        lfns = lbDrk.get_LFNs_on_SE(prodlfn,  nbLimit=nb_logs)
+        lfns = lbDrk.get_LFNs_on_SE(prodlfn,  nbLimit=nb_logs,  localPath=prodWkPath)
         if len(lfns) == 0:
             mlog.warn('No valid xml LFNs found for production #%d. Skipping...' % (prod))
         if len(lfns) < nb_logs:
             mlog.warn('Number of available logs smaller than requested. Will merge %d XML logs.' % (len(lfns)))
-        lfns.sort()
-        if not os.path.exists(prodWkPath) or not os.path.isdir(prodWkPath):
-            os.mkdir(prodWkPath,  0700)
+        # paths that are not LFNs but already downloaded XML file are prepended with file://
+        mlFiles = filter(lambda x: x.startswith('file:///'),  lfns)
         k = 0
-        mlog.debug('Downloading XML logs for prod %d. Processing...' % (prod))
-        fcnt = len(lfns)
-        pstart = datetime.now()
-        tvar = pstart
-        for i in range(0,  fcnt):
-            lfn = lfns[i]
-            (head,  xfname)= os.path.split(lfn)
-            (head,  tail)= os.path.split(head)
-            suff = ''
-            (fbase,  fext) = os.path.splitext(xfname)
-            if fext.endswith('gz'):
-                suff = '.tgz'
-            # change local name on download to process correctly with tarfile
-            fn = 'GeneratorLog-%s.xml%s' % (tail,  suff)
-            if lbDrk.getSEfile(lfn, prodWkPath,  localFilename=fn):
-                mlog.warn('Download of LFN %s from LogSE has failed. Skipping...' % (lfn))
-                continue
-            k += 1
-            if (datetime.now() - tvar).seconds > 15:
-                tvar = datetime.now()
-                mlog.debug('Prod %d: %3.2f%% XMLs processed...' % (prod,  float(k)/float(fcnt)*100.))
-            if k == nb_logs:
-                break
+        if len(mlFiles) > 0:
+            olfns = list(lfns)
+            lfns = filter(lambda x: not x in mlFiles,  olfns)
+            k = len(mlFiles)
+            mlog.info('Already downloaded %d XML logs while searcing on LogSE...' % (k))
+        if len(lfns) > 0:
+            lfns.sort()
+            fcnt = len(lfns)
+            mlog.debug('Downloading %d XML logs for prod #%d. Processing...' % (fcnt, prod))
+            pstart = datetime.now()
+            tvar = pstart
+            for i in range(0,  fcnt):
+                lfn = lfns[i]
+                (head,  xfname) = os.path.split(lfn)
+                (head,  jobid) = os.path.split(head)
+                (head,  runid) = os.path.split(head)
+                suff = ''
+                (fbase,  fext) = os.path.splitext(xfname)
+                if fext.endswith('gz'):
+                    suff = '.tgz'
+                # change local name on download to process correctly with tarfile
+                fn = 'GeneratorLog-%s-%s.xml%s' % (runid,  jobid,  suff)
+                if lbDrk.getSEfile(lfn, prodWkPath,  localFilename=fn):
+                    mlog.warn('Download of LFN %s from LogSE has failed. Skipping...' % (lfn))
+                    continue
+                k += 1
+                if (datetime.now() - tvar).seconds > 15:
+                    tvar = datetime.now()
+                    mlog.debug('Prod %d: %3.2f%% XMLs processed...' % (prod,  float(k)/float(fcnt)*100.))
+                if k == nb_logs:
+                    break
         validFiles = preValidateLocalXMLs(prodWkPath)
         if len(validFiles) == 0:
             mlog.warning('No downloaded/available log files for production. Skipping Prod ID %d ...' % (prod))
diff --git a/scripts/GaussStat.py b/scripts/GaussStat.py
index e41170f0fa193939ee5dbb4b05dbd3b40743ef54..1dbf25ea66e95f758253f4bf1bcac8a23a12f8f7 100644
--- a/scripts/GaussStat.py
+++ b/scripts/GaussStat.py
@@ -11,8 +11,10 @@
-global script_version
+"""Module implementing functions required to create/merge generator statistics tables in HTML and JSON format."""
 script_version = '20190531' #previous versions: '20180530', '20180323','20171020','20130920','20190123'
+__version__ = '20190531'
 simStatRepoPath = '/eos/project/l/lhcbwebsites/www/projects/STATISTICS'
 simStatFormat = '%sSTAT'
 simFmtRe = r'Sim(\d+).*'
@@ -29,6 +31,7 @@ import re
 import json
 mlog = logging.getLogger('lbMcST.%s' % (__name__))
+mlog.debug('Module %s v. %s loaded.' % (__name__, script_version))
 jsonDict=dict() #global dict to hold data to write as JSON (alternative to HTML generation)
@@ -115,9 +118,6 @@ def getWGhtmlFile(jobdic):
 # ========================================================================
 # Functions relative to smart rounding
 # ========================================================================
-def sayHello():
-    global script_version
-    mlog.info('Module GaussStat.py v. %s imported.' % (script_version))
 def nb_digit(val, nb_sig_digit=2):
     """ compute the number of digit after the point that needs to be
diff --git a/scripts/GenXmlLogParser.py b/scripts/GenXmlLogParser.py
index bbb2fcfbc8e311ecbaa7668045464972d4eecc00..9f45f67130e1de563b8f0af238718eee5f84ceb0 100644
--- a/scripts/GenXmlLogParser.py
+++ b/scripts/GenXmlLogParser.py
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@
 # TODO: Finish support for XML generator log versioning
 # add __str__ for debugging
+"""Module including all XML processing and merging code."""
+__version__ = '20190126'
 import os
 #import stat
@@ -33,7 +35,7 @@ import tarfile
 import logging
 mlog = logging.getLogger('lbMcST.%s' % (__name__))
-mlog.info('using %s v. 20190123...' % (__name__))
+mlog.debug('Module %s v. %s loaded.' % (__name__, __version__))
 xml_log_name = 'GeneratorLog.xml'
diff --git a/scripts/LogServer_utils.py b/scripts/LogServer_utils.py
index 43775cea4849c01b8c464998499c51b89dc9ea45..bc5b04e1bf8e8b6f1b25955cd09a56666d3c2107 100644
--- a/scripts/LogServer_utils.py
+++ b/scripts/LogServer_utils.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 """Module implementing helper code to access log files published on web server"""
 import tarfile
-import zlib
+#import zlib
 import os
 import urllib
 import urllib2
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ mlog.setLevel(mlog.parent.level)
 verbose = False
 logs_server_url = 'http://lhcb-logs.cern.ch/storage/lhcb/MC/'
+__version__ = '20190419'
 xml_server_urlbase = 'https://lhcb-dirac-logse.web.cern.ch/lhcb-dirac-logse'
diff --git a/scripts/XRootD_utils.py b/scripts/XRootD_utils.py
index c0d7ef4e58e15b97efee351e06b31e9e65755460..f68bf88b9c94918531346c639f016b21db8e1763 100644
--- a/scripts/XRootD_utils.py
+++ b/scripts/XRootD_utils.py
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ from subprocess import Popen
 castor_xrd_server = 'castorlhcb.cern.ch'
 eos_xrd_server = 'eoslhcb.cern.ch'
+__version__ = '20190624'
 archive_location = '/castor/cern.ch/grid/lhcb/backup/log/'
 mlog = logging.getLogger('lbMcST.%s'%(__name__))
diff --git a/scripts/lbDirac_utils.py b/scripts/lbDirac_utils.py
index ff441d06f1bc74ec969c1bc0e4e14ba847f765ce..8c1f96f2b88329ae4eae5afe80c1b44e0f454412 100644
--- a/scripts/lbDirac_utils.py
+++ b/scripts/lbDirac_utils.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 """Module implementing helper tools to access information from LHCb DIRAC system."""
 ## see info provided by dirac-bookkeeping-production-information
+__version__ = '20191201'
 import logging
 import subprocess as sp
@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ import sys
 import os
 import stat
 import re
+import zipfile
 #Python 2-3 compat
@@ -30,6 +32,7 @@ import zlib
 mlog = logging.getLogger('lbMcST.%s' % (__name__))
+mlog.debug('Module %s v. %s loaded.' % (__name__, __version__))
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     mlog.error('This module cannot be run as a script.')
@@ -43,6 +46,7 @@ except ImportError,  exx:
     mlog.error('%s\nPlease, set up LHCbDirac environment:\n$ \x1b[1mlb-run --use=MCStatTools LHCbDirac bash\x1b[0m' % (exx.message))
+logSE_name = 'LogSE-EOS'
 logSE_name = 'LogSE-EOS'
 prod_lpath = '/lhcb/MC/%(simYear)s/LOG/%(prodID)08d'
@@ -138,7 +142,59 @@ def dirac_guessGaussJobs(prodID):
     return ret
-def get_LFNs_on_SE(prodLFN,  seName=logSE_name,  targetFiles=['GeneratorLog.xml.gz','GeneratorLog.xml'],  logger=mlog,  nbLimit=None):
+def ls_SE_path(prodLFN, seName=logSE_name,  logger=mlog,  ):
+    if len(prodLFN) == 0:
+        logger.error('LFN location cannot be empty string.')
+        return False
+    from DIRAC.Core.Base.Script import parseCommandLine
+    parseCommandLine()
+    from DIRAC.Resources.Storage.StorageElement import StorageElement
+    logSE = StorageElement(seName)
+    # find run directory LFNs
+    dd = processResponse(logSE.listDirectory(prodLFN),  logger=logger)
+    print(dd)
+    return True
+def findDownloadLogLFN(containerLFN,  localPath, targetFiles=['GeneratorLog.xml','GeneratorLog.xml.gz'], seName=logSE_name, logger=mlog):
+    ret = []
+    tpath, zfname = os.path.split(containerLFN)
+    tpath, jobid = os.path.split(tpath) # remove jobid from path
+    tpath, runid = os.path.split(tpath)
+    tpath, prodid = os.path.split(tpath)
+    lzfname = '_'.join([prodid, runid, zfname])
+    if getSEfile(containerLFN,  localPath, seName = seName,  localFilename=lzfname):
+        return []
+    lzPath = os.path.join(localPath,  lzfname)
+    try:
+        zf = zipfile.ZipFile(lzPath,  'r')
+        for fi in zf.filelist:
+            fbase = os.path.split(fi.filename)[1]
+            if fbase in targetFiles:
+                zf.extract(fi, localPath)
+                # local XML log name
+                xmlPath = os.path.join(localPath,  fi.filename)
+                suff = ''
+                (fbase,  fext) = os.path.splitext(fbase)
+                if fext.endswith('gz'):
+                    suff = '.tgz'
+                    fbase,  fext = os.path.splitext(fbase)
+                newxfname = '-'.join([fbase, runid, jobid]) + '.xml' + suff
+                newXmlPath = os.path.join(localPath,  newxfname)
+                os.rename(xmlPath,  newXmlPath)
+                ret = [ 'file://' + newXmlPath, ]
+                break
+        zf.close()
+    except Exception,  exx:
+        mlog.error(exx.message)
+    # clean up
+    if os.path.exists(lzPath):
+        os.unlink(lzPath)
+    lzbPath = os.path.join(localPath,  jobid)
+    if os.path.exists(lzbPath):
+        os.removedirs(lzbPath)
+    return ret
+def get_LFNs_on_SE(prodLFN,  seName=logSE_name,  targetFiles=['GeneratorLog.xml.gz','GeneratorLog.xml'],  logger=mlog,  nbLimit=None,  localPath=None):
     if len(prodLFN) == 0:
         return []
     if targetFiles is None or len(targetFiles) == 0:
@@ -158,8 +214,12 @@ def get_LFNs_on_SE(prodLFN,  seName=logSE_name,  targetFiles=['GeneratorLog.xml.
         logger.error('Did not find any valid production run LFNs.')
         return []
     jobLFNs = []
+    if len(runLFNs) > 1:
+        runLFNs.sort(reverse = True)
+    logger.debug('Found %d run dirs under %s...' % (len(runLFNs),  prodLFN))
     # find accessible job LFNs with LOGs
     for prun in runLFNs:
+        logger.debug('Getting job dirs in %s ...' % (prun))
         dd = processResponse(logSE.listDirectory(prun),  logger=logger)
         if dd is None:
@@ -168,6 +228,9 @@ def get_LFNs_on_SE(prodLFN,  seName=logSE_name,  targetFiles=['GeneratorLog.xml.
             logger.warning('Could not find any job LFNs under %s' % (prun))
         jobLFNs += tlfn
+        #temporary for tests
+        if not nbLimit is None and len(jobLFNs) >= int(float(nbLimit)*2.1):
+            break
     jcount = len(jobLFNs)
     logger.debug('Found %d job LFNs for production LFN %s' % (jcount,  prodLFN))
     if not nbLimit is None:
@@ -177,17 +240,31 @@ def get_LFNs_on_SE(prodLFN,  seName=logSE_name,  targetFiles=['GeneratorLog.xml.
     # find valid LFNs for XML logs
     for j in range(0, jcount):
         lfn = jobLFNs[j]
+        #logger.debug('Processing LFN path: %s' % (lfn))
+        jobName = os.path.split(lfn)[1]
         if (datetime.now()-tvar).seconds > 15:
             tvar = datetime.now()
-            mlog.debug('Validated %d/%d LFNs...' % (j, jcount))
+            logger.debug('Validated %d/%d LFNs...' % (j, jcount))
         dd = processResponse(logSE.listDirectory(lfn),  logger=logger)
         if dd is None:
+            logger.debug('No LFNs under %s ...' % (lfn))
-        flfns = filter(lambda fn: any([fn.endswith(target) for target in targetFiles]), getAccessibleLFNs(dd['Successful'].items()[0][1]))
+        if len(dd['Successful']) == 0:
+            logger.debug(str(dd))
+            continue
+        jfLFNs =  getAccessibleLFNs(dd['Successful'].items()[0][1])
+        flfns = filter(lambda fn: any([fn.endswith(target) for target in targetFiles]), jfLFNs)
         if len(flfns) > 0:
             validLFNs += flfns
+        else:
+            # here we actually need localPath to pre-download XML files if found
+            if len(jfLFNs) == 1 and not localPath is None:
+                zfName = os.path.split(jfLFNs[0])[1]
+                if zfName.startswith(jobName) and zfName.lower().endswith('.zip'):
+                    # dealing with latest policy of including all files in a ZIP
+                    validLFNs += findDownloadLogLFN(jfLFNs[0],  localPath)
         # 30% margin for errorneous transfers!
-        if not nbLimit is None and len(validLFNs) == int(float(nbLimit)*1.3):
+        if not nbLimit is None and len(validLFNs) >= int(float(nbLimit)*1.3):
     logger.debug('%d valid LFNs found under %s:%s' % (len(validLFNs),  seName,  prodLFN))
     return validLFNs
diff --git a/scripts/lbTarZ_utils.py b/scripts/lbTarZ_utils.py
index 7775a4ad639dd2e941c1bd9f48cb11f0ce9f7326..93d52045b992ebf0a57e0cbd01023c3fcd0d2d60 100644
--- a/scripts/lbTarZ_utils.py
+++ b/scripts/lbTarZ_utils.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import re
 mlog = logging.getLogger('lbMcST.%s' % (__name__))
+__version__ = '20190606'
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     mlog.error('This module cannot be run as a script.')
     raise NotImplementedError('Aborting execution...')