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Simple script that returns if a line has persist reco
and/or extra output flag enabled. Saves to .html.
Relies upon this information being saved to JSON during the Moore job.
import json
import pandas as pd
from PRConfig.bandwidth_helpers import FileNameHelper, KNOWN_STREAM_CONFIGS
import argparse
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
help='Compute for Hlt2 or Sprucing lines. Not applicable to HLT1',
choices=['hlt2', 'spruce'],
parser.add_argument('--streams', type=str, nargs='+', required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
fname_helper = FileNameHelper(args.process, args.stream_config)
with open(fname_helper.line_descriptor_json_path(), 'r') as f:
line_descriptives = json.load(f)
dfs = {}
for stream in args.streams:
print(f"Tabulating line descriptives for \"{stream}\" stream.")
df = pd.DataFrame(
columns=['PersistReco', 'ExtraOutputs'])
for line in df.index.to_list():
for descr in ['PersistReco', 'ExtraOutputs']:
df[descr][line] = line_descriptives[stream][line][descr]
dfs[stream] = df
html_page = """
<p> Persist reco and extra outputs for each line in each stream </p>
<p>Jump to:\n<ul>
for stream in args.streams:
html_page += f'<li><a href="#{stream}_label">{stream.upper()}</a></li>'
html_page += "</ul>\n</p>"
for stream in args.streams:
html_page += f'<head>{stream.upper()}</head>'
html_page += f'<a id="{stream}_label">'
html_page += dfs[stream].to_html(justify='left')
html_page += '</a>'
html_page += '<br/><br/>'
html_page += """
with open(fname_helper.line_descr_path(), 'w') as f:
print(f"Written line descriptives to {fname_helper.line_descr_path()}.")
if __name__ == '__main__':