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Add heaptrack memory profiling to the profiling pass in MooreTests/

Christoph Hasse requested to merge heaptrack into master

I'm using heaptrack to profile memory allocations and then create a flamegraph of those.
This records a stack trace (+ additional info we don't use here) for each allocation.
These stack traces are then filtered to require that they include BasicNode which leads to the flamegraph showing all allocations which originate from an algorithm.
Including startup would otherwise swamp the entire flamegraph with information that is not useful to us.

I've also updated the profile handler in lhcb-core/LHCbPR2HD!187 (merged) to include the new flamegraph in the generated webpage.

An example:

@rmatev @maszyman let me know if there are any objections or if you approve we can merge this 👍

Edited by Christoph Hasse

Merge request reports