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Add more information to BW test pages

Ross John Hunter requested to merge rjhunter-bw-test-extra-info into master

Goes with Moore!2603 and LHCbPR2HD!257

!316 (merged) and its dependencies/dependents added a yaml config file for each input to the BW tests. This MR now extends the yaml to include more information, which we can read in and display on the html page. In places we can also just read e.g. an HLT1 output rate of a sample from the yaml, rather than have to provide an argument for it.

Example of new information on the page:


c.f. e.g. this recent BW test page.

I also try to address point two on LHCb/Moore#638, which is to make sure that if any of the substeps of the BW tests fail, we know about it. Being no expert in bash scripts, my first attempt to do this was to store the cumulative error code of all the sub-jobs. This should be 0 if everything was successful, and non-zero if not, so I added a message to the BW test page to reflect that, and also plan to get the error message into mattermost via the BandwidthTestHandler.


  • Cleanup commit history
  • Error handling: get error message into BandwidthTestHandler (MR required in LHCbPR2HD)
  • Error handling: get a message onto the html page here
  • Add links & sort some pages by retention as suggested by @sstahl
  • Tidy up/make sure each BW test has all the same features.


  • Add to shifter guidelines?
Edited by Ross John Hunter

Merge request reports