[RTA/DPA BW tests]: Unpack ODIN from correct RawEventLocation in bandwidth test analysis script
Status | Pipeline | Created by | Stages | Actions |
Passed 00:00:29
| Stage: check Stage: test | No artifacts found |
GitLab service scheduled maintenance on Friday, March 21st 2025 as of 08h00 Geneva time for an estimated period of 1 hour. Further information under OTG0154918.
Goes with lhcb/Moore!3031 (merged)
Thanks to @sesen, we found a bit of incorrect raw event unpacking in one of the bandwidth tests' analysis scripts, which was being hidden by the absence of the alg being added in the above Moore MR. Once that alg is re-added to the Moore control flow, this script will break, so we need to fix the incorrect unpacking to avoid that.
Status | Pipeline | Created by | Stages | Actions |
Passed 00:00:29
| Stage: check Stage: test |
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