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D0 -> Ks H H (version 2)

Chris Burr requested to merge D0Kshh_BinFlip_Run2-v2 into master

This PR updates !28 (closed) for making D0 → Ks H H. It includes two different sources for this decay:

1.) DstarTag - Turbo

  • Prompt: D*+ → D0 pi+
  • Double tagged: B0 → (D*+ → D0 pi+) mu- (PeresistReco with selecitons)

2.) Secondary tag - Stripping (no selections applied)

  • Single tagged: B- → D0 mu-
  • Double tagged: B0 → (D*+ → D0 pi+) mu-

The variable names should be consistent between all ntuples.

All ntuples are made using the same options file. The DaVinci().TupleFile and DaVinci.DataType properties are set using other options files which then control what actually does. It should be fairly easy to extend this to make your MC ntuples using the DaVinci().Simulation property to control when MC specific settings are used.

For now this only creates ntuples for 2016 and 2017 as a new DaVinci release is needed to get the 2018 momentum calibration. The 2018 productions can be submitted later by making a new PR after regenerating the info.json file by running:

productions/Run2_D02KsHH/ --years 2018 --force-full-lfn

@mhilton @sekin: I have only checked that the ntuples exist, I haven't made sure they contain something sensible. Can you check the output of this carefully to make sure it includes everything you need?

You can find a summary of how many branches and events are in each ntuple by looking at the CI pipeline status (or clicking here). You can also download the output ROOT files from that page by clicking the "Download" button in the "Job artifacts" section on the right of that page. The testing was done using a full LFN of data.

[SE] 2018 data has been added since fb46f89e

Edited by Surapat Ek-In

Merge request reports