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adding TupleToolTrackPosition and Hlt2Topo* TIS TOS

Marian Stahl requested to merge mstahl_Run2_D2HHH into Run2_D2HHH

Implementing changes requested by @msokolof

  • TupleToolTrackPosition adds the following 6 branches to all tuples: p{1,2,3}_{X,Y}
  • Hlt2 TIS TOS info from all Topo trigger lines are added for 2017 and 2018 data. Warnings will be thrown for 2015 and 2016. Discriminating between years in the options file resulted in factor 30 increase in execution time (maybe just bad luck, but I'd rather accept some warnings than discovering that this factor 30 is real)
  • Includes merge from master

Merge request reports