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Sweeping !1371 from master to devel: [master] fix (BKK): add space at the begining of END statement

LHCbDIRAC Bot requested to merge cherry-pick-4f69f3faa-devel into devel

Again fix some formating mistakes

dirac-bookkeeping-get-files --Runs 216262 --BKQuery "/LHCb/Collision18/Beam6500GeV-VeloClosed-MagUp/RealData/Reco18/Stripping34/90000000/DIMUON.DST"

This lead to an error like

Execution failed.: ( ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended )

Looking on the server side, the query was indeed malformed

SELECT DISTINCT f.filename FROM  files f, jobs j , configurations c , productionscontai
ner cont ,filetypes ft , prodrunview prview WHERE f.jobid= j.jobid  AND c.configurationid=j.configurationid AND c.configname='LHCb' AND c.configversion='Collision18' and cont.processingid in (2365) and cont.production=j.production  AND'DIMUON.DST' AND f.filetypeid=ft.filetypeidAND prview.runnumber=j.runnumber AND  ( j.runnumber=216262 )  AND f.eventt$peid=90000000 AND f.eventtypeid=90000000 AND f.gotreplica='Yes'  AND f.visibilityflag='Y' AND cont.DAQPERIODID=432900 AND cont.DAQPERIODID is not null

Notice the lack of space

f.filetypeid=ft.filetypeidAND prview.runnumber=j.runnumber

This MR adds spaces back, probably moroe than needed but it does not matter




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