[master] BK query sampling support for all relevant queries
Implement the following to support deterministic random sampling of BK query results:
from hashlib import md5
def make_sample_max_hash(fraction):
upper_limit = (2**128) - 1
width = int(upper_limit * fraction)
max_hash = hex(width)[2:].upper()
return max_hash
def do_sampling(sampleable, seed_md5, fraction):
max_hash = make_sample_max_hash(fraction)
for i in sampleable:
h = md5((i + seed_md5).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest().upper()
if h < max_hash:
yield i
cc @cburr
*NewOracleBookkeepingDB NEW: BK query sampling support for all relevant queries
Edited by Ryunosuke O'Neil