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adding the integration Workflow tests (were left out)

Merged Federico Stagni requested to merge fstagni/LHCbDIRAC:workflowTests into devel
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Integration Testing
To be run after unit tests have finished and checked, and before running the regression tests.
After having installed the client version on AFS, login on lxplus and issue:
This will do the following:
SetupProject LHCbDirac --dev (by default this is the certification setup)
lhcb-proxy-init -g lhcb_prmgr (will ask for your password)
cd /tmp/yourId
svn co svn+ssh://
setenv PYTHONPATH /tmp/yourId/:$PYTHONPATH
cd LHCbTestDirac/Integration
Then, it will run the following 3 test files to run:
- ''
- ''
- ''
and save the result in a txt file for each of them. Running these tests can take some time.