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[master] Add guidance to PM & protect storage-usage

When dirac-production-check-descendants finds Processed files without descendants, and if the production is e.g. a DataStripping production, the problem may come from the Merge production. It is not possible to make the check directly in the script, but one may help the PM to make this further check by issuing another command. This MR gives this type of guidance:

This is a DataStripping production: the problem may come from the Merge production 85721
     You may check it with:
     grep ProcNoDesc CheckDescendantsResults_85720-6.txt | dirac-bookkeeping-get-file-descendants | grep 85720 |dirac-production-check-descendants 85721

Add protection in StorageUsage against a negative number of files (or size) in a directory. This may happen if the DFC counters are screwed up...

Edited by Philippe Charpentier

Merge request reports
