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[master] Fix TS plugins

Long explanations:


CHANGE/FIX: In the TS plugins that involve archiving (LHCbDSTBroadcast,...), there were two problems:

  1. For historical reasons there were 2 archive SEs defines as the initial Computing M<odel of LHCb was to have 2 archives, one at CERN and one elsewhere... For many years, Archive1SEs was never used and only Archive2SEs was used.

  2. Archive2SEs has been usually limited to a subset of Tier1-Archive because some sites are short in tape pledges. This causes a problem when re-running a replication on files that had been archived at an SE that is NOT in the current list of Archive2SEs because the plugin thought they need to be re-replicated.

This PR removes Archive1SEs and replaces Archive2SEs in the code and in the CS with ArchiveSEs. It also bases the check on existing archives on Tier1-Archive rather than on the current setting for archives.


CHANGE: in the BookkeepingWatchAgent, some run information is added only based on certain plugins. Totally illogically what was defined in the CS is the list of plugins that DO NOT require the run information. I.e. when adding a plugin that does not require run info, it has to be added to this list... This is totally not logical,. Therefore this list is replaced with PluginsWithRunInfo in the CS and in the code.

*TS NEW: in the script dirac-test-plugin it is now possible to list the CS default values, which is more handy than browsing the CS... Use dirac-test-plugin --Plugin <name> --Default



CHANGE/FIX: removes Archive1SEs and replaces Archive2SEs in the code and in the CS with ArchiveSEs. Bases the check on existing archives on Tier1-Archive rather than on the current setting for archives.

CHANGE: BookkeepingWatchAgent, replace PluginsWithoutRunInfo with PluginsWithRunInfo

NEW: dirac-test-plugin: option --Default to list the CS default values


Edited by Philippe Charpentier

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