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Ryunosuke O'Neil requested to merge roneil-main-patch-30867 into main

This fixes some edge case failures w.r.t. counters presenting like this

2023-07-14 14:51:20 UTC X2PiPiPiDarkBos...SUCCESS Number of counters : 12
 |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
 | "# KS0 -> pi+  pi-  pi0 "                       |      4347 |       5720 |     1.3159 |     2.1818 |      0.0000 |      38.000 |
 | "# Phys/PiXDarkBosonFilter"                     |      4347 |      18326 |     4.2158 |     2.2695 |      1.0000 |      15.000 |
 | "# Phys/pizRXDarkBosonFilter"                   |      4347 |       6142 |     1.4129 |    0.77156 |      1.0000 |      8.0000 |
 | "# input particles"                             |      4347 |      24468 |     5.6287 |     2.4695 |      2.0000 |      18.000 |
 | "# pi+"                                         |      4347 |       9268 |     2.1320 |     1.4219 |      0.0000 |      9.0000 |
 | "# pi-"                                         |      4347 |       9058 |     2.0837 |     1.4342 |      0.0000 |      10.000 |
 | "# pi0"                                         |      4347 |       6142 |     1.4129 |    0.77156 |      1.0000 |      8.0000 |
 | "# selected"                                    |      4347 |       5720 |     1.3159 |     2.1818 |      0.0000 |      38.000 |
 |*"#accept"                                       |      4347 |       2178 |(  50.1035 +- 0.758358 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
 |*"#pass combcut"                                 |     32468 |       6641 |(  20.4540 +- 0.223857 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
 |*"#pass mother cut"                              |      6641 |       5720 |(  86.1316 +- 0.424109 )%|   -------   |   -------   |
 | "Error from IParticleCombiner, skip the combinat|         4 |          4 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |

The regex has been changed to accommodate the case where the name is too long and gets truncated i.e. without being terminated with "

Edited by Ryunosuke O'Neil

Merge request reports