Draft: B_PiPiG_Reprocess
contact: odescham@in2p3.fr
The samples need to be reprocessed, compared to !433 (merged) because some links were removed in the options file "$APPCONFIGOPTS/DaVinci/DV-RedoCaloPID-Stripping_28_24.py"
. This options file was not used in the previous stripping versions of 2015/16 so by going back to 24r1p1/28r1p1 should fix the issue.
See also: https://mattermost.web.cern.ch/lhcb/pl/kbm3zamry3nmbedqaji9h5fh7a
@admorris said v24r1p1 and v28r1p1 are not available right now in lbmcsubmit as only these are available: https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb-simulation/lbmcsubmit/-/blob/main/src/LbMCSubmit/processing_passes/stripping.py?ref_type=heads So we may have to wait until this is added.
Edited by Jan Peter Wagner