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Draft: Bariogenesis and DM model

Emilio Xose Rodriguez Fernandez requested to merge BarioDM into main

The analysts are missing some MC files to complete the full-model picture they are hoping to cover. As the analysis is running with Sim09 productions, they need simulation with those settings. The decfiles to run over are:

Sigmab_Lambda0pi,Lambda0_PsiDMDK,D_pipiK=TightCut,mPsiDM=940MeV.dec Sigmab_Lambda0pi,Lambda0_PsiDMDK,D_pipiK=TightCut,mPsiDM=2000MeV.dec Sigmab_Lambda0pi,Lambda0_PsiDMDK,D_pipiK=TightCut,mPsiDM=2400MeV.dec Sigmab_Lambda0pi,Lambda0_PsiDMDK,D_pipiK=TightCut,mPsiDM=3000MeV.dec

In all of them requesting 500K events per magnet polarity, in total 4M events. No need for PPG approval.

Merge request reports
