Based on Gaudi v32r2, LHCb v50r6, Lbcom v30r6, Rec v30r6, Phys v30r6
This version is released on the master branch.
### Line developments
### New features
### Enhancements
### Bug fixes
### Cleanup and testing
### Other
- Change of Phys version, !104 (@bimitres)
The Phys version in the CMakeLists.txt was changed so the Alignment package can be compiled with the latest Phys (v30r6).
- Replace GaudiObjDesc generation with committed files, !103 (@clemenci) [LHCBPS-1845]
See LHCBPS-1845
- follow changes in lhcb/LHCb!2132, !101 (@graven)
- follow lhcb/Rec!1522, !99 (@graven)
to be applied in conjunction with lhcb/Rec!1522
- Add test for VP halves alignment, !97 (@bimitres)
- also update version of Phys dependency
- Follow Run1+Run2 cleanup in RecSysConf, !96 (@cattanem)
Fix Escher Configurable following remove of Run1+Run2 support in RecSysConf (Rec!1536)
- Fixed compilation warnings, !90 (@sponce)
- RunType Upgrade and change of TraskListMerger to TrackContainerCopy, !89 (@bimitres)
Changed DefaultRecoSequences for the Upgrade, added RunType Upgrade in Escher Configuration. Changed TrackListMerger into TrackContainerCopy in TAlignment Configuration. Added a working version of the option file for testing the alignment (
- Follow changes in lhcb/Rec!1380, !87 (@graven)
adopt to the changes introduced in lhcb/Rec!1380: trajectory has moved from 'general' part of `Measurement` to the subsystem specific part.
- Follow migration in lhcb/LHCb!1691, !85 (@graven)
- Remove obsolete and no longer valid LbcomSys and RecSys dependencies, !79 (@cattanem)
Follows Rec!1250 and Lbcom!286
- Change DeUTDetector.h include path to follow LHCb!1487, !78 (@cattanem)