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Prototype of new alignment configuration

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@@ -99,13 +99,15 @@ namespace LHCb::Alignment {
void applyToAllChildren( std::function<void( const LHCb::Alignment::DetectorElement& )> func ) const {
std::for_each( de->childBegin(), de->childEnd(),
[&func]( const ::IDetectorElement* item ) {
func( LHCb::Alignment::DetectorElement{dynamic_cast<const ::DetectorElement*>( item )} );
} ),
[&func]( LHCb::Detector::DeIOV item ) { func( LHCb::Alignment::DetectorElement{item} ); } ) );
DELEGATEVOID( const auto& children = de->childIDetectorElements();
std::for_each( children.begin(), children.end(),
[&func]( const ::IDetectorElement* item ) {
std::invoke( func, LHCb::Alignment::DetectorElement{
dynamic_cast<const ::DetectorElement*>( item )} );
} ),
de.applyToAllChildren( [&func]( LHCb::Detector::DeIOV item ) {
std::invoke( func, LHCb::Alignment::DetectorElement{item} );
} ) );
LHCb::Alignment::DetectorElement getChild( const std::string& part ) {
@@ -116,12 +118,13 @@ namespace LHCb::Alignment {
} );
if ( det ) return LHCb::Detector::DeIOV( det );
auto it = std::find_if( m_data->childBegin(), m_data->childEnd(), [&part]( const ::IDetectorElement* item ) {
const auto& children = m_data->childIDetectorElements();
auto it = std::find_if( children.begin(), children.end(), [&part]( const ::IDetectorElement* item ) {
auto& name = item->name();
return name.length() > part.length() && name.substr( name.length() - part.length() ) == part &&
name[name.length() - part.length() - 1] == '/';
} );
if ( it != m_data->childEnd() ) return dynamic_cast<const ::DetectorElement*>( *it );
if ( it != children.end() ) return dynamic_cast<const ::DetectorElement*>( *it );
throw GaudiException( "WriteAlignmentConditions : unable to find requested element : no child named " + part +
" was found in " + name(),