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Converted ParticleToTrackContainer Class to Functional Framework

Raphael Skuza requested to merge rskuza_ParticleToTrackContainer into master

Test: Comparison of the Alignment constants between master and this branch. Test was conducted by running gaudiiter single-threaded with the options file:

master branch: Total number of events: 1300

Time of first event [ns]: 0 --> 1970-01-01 01:00:00 AM

Time of last event [ns] : 0 --> 1970-01-01 01:00:00 AM

Time at initialize [ns] : 0 --> 1970-01-01 01:00:00 AM

First/last run number: 9106801/9106823

Used 12060 vertices for alignment

Used 0 particles for alignment

Used 88733 tracks for alignment

Total chisquare/dofs: 2.19581e+06 / 1743085

Average track chisquare: 23.2175

Track chisquare/dof: 1.27164

Vertex chisquare/dof: 1.10278

Used 1375104 hits for alignment

Total number of hits in external detectors: 642372

Average number of tracks per vertex: 6.59967

Total chisquare of survey constraints: 0 / 12

Number of alignables with insufficient statistics: 0

Number of lagrange constraints: 0

Number of chisq constraints: 12

Number of active parameters: 12

Time to compute solution [ms]: 0.212494

Error2: 3.35628e-16

Alignment delta chisquare/dof: 79.1441 / 12

Normalised alignment change chisquare: 6.59534

Alignment delta chisquare/track dof: 4.88519e-05

Alternative total chisq: 79.1441

Maximum chisq contribution of eigenmode: 50.367

Number of negative eigenvalues: 0

Number of eigenvalues < 1: 0

Smallest eigenvalue: 106819

Parameter contributing most to weakest mode: VP/VPRight 4 0.6984

Alignment parameter with largest contribution to chi2: VP/VPLeft 0 20.4156

this branch: Total chisquare/dofs: 2.19581e+06 / 1743085

Average track chisquare: 23.2175

Track chisquare/dof: 1.27164

Vertex chisquare/dof: 1.10278

Used 1375104 hits for alignment

Total number of hits in external detectors: 642372

Average number of tracks per vertex: 6.59967

Total chisquare of survey constraints: 0 / 12

Number of alignables with insufficient statistics: 0

Number of lagrange constraints: 0

Number of chisq constraints: 12

Number of active parameters: 12

Time to compute solution [ms]: 0.227044

Error2: 3.35628e-16

Alignment delta chisquare/dof: 79.1441 / 12

Normalised alignment change chisquare: 6.59534

Alignment delta chisquare/track dof: 4.88519e-05

Alternative total chisq: 79.1441

Maximum chisq contribution of eigenmode: 50.367

Number of negative eigenvalues: 0

Number of eigenvalues < 1: 0

Smallest eigenvalue: 106819

Parameter contributing most to weakest mode: VP/VPRight 4 0.6984

Alignment parameter with largest contribution to chi2: VP/VPLeft 0 20.4156

Merge request reports
