Run Allen checkers as part of the Allen sequence
Currently, the Allen checkers are called after the whole sequence has finished by the CheckerInvoker
This poses two problems:
- Running the checkers for two differently configured instantiations of the same algorithm is not easily possible (see discussion in
- Studying reconstruction efficiencies at different steps of reconstruction algorithms is not possible
Therefore, the checkers should be converted into HostAlgorithms
and run as part of the Allen sequence. The following items have to be implemented for that:
Make MC information available inside the sequence via the InputProvider -
Convert validation (checker) algorithms into normal Allen HostAlgorithms -
Implement counters to keep track of the efficiencies
For studies of efficiencies within reconstruction algorithms the counters are not strictly required, but it can be useful to provide a linker table between reconstructed tracks and MC particles, which can then be used by a separate validation algorithm at a later stage to check single hit efficiencies. One use case is to store the links between reconstructed veloUT tracks and matched MC particles. This can then be used in a validation algorithm to check the efficiency of search windows in the Forward algorithm.