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Physics efficiency versus number of Scifi hits

Dorothea Vom Bruch requested to merge dovombru_SciFiHits_plots into 2024-patches
  • Adds number of velo, UT and SciFi hits per event to the TrackerDumper, i.e. to MC truth information available in Allen's MC checking, re-dumped MDF files for samples used in Allen ci tests, bumped MC raw bank version to 3 to be backwards compatible
  • Add categories to tracking efficiency checkers in slices of number of SciFi hits
  • Add plots of efficiency / ghost rate versus number of SciFi hits
  • update to work with current master branch

Histograms used for efficiency / ghost plots are stored in output/PrCheckerPlots.root, where output lives in the directory that the Allen executable is called from. Plots can be produced by running python from within checker/plotting/tracking

Edited by Dorothea Vom Bruch

Merge request reports
