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[ErroBankFilter] Add protection against unexpected bank types

Roel Aaij requested to merge ra-fix-unexpected-bank-types into 2024-patches

In a MEP saved by the error saver task from run 299878 the 1st event contains a bank that comes from the UT A-side (source ID 10292) that has as bank type 64/FTCluster. This unexpected type resulted in a segfault in the error bank filter. This MR protects against that.

The MEP can be found here on eos: /eos/lhcb/wg/rta/data/jun_2024_mep/Error_0000299878_ECEB01_20240702-145545-173.0010.mep

I've also created an MDF file that contains this event as the first event (and 499 others): /eos/lhcb/wg/rta/data/jun_2024_mdf/Error_299878_ut_ftcluster_type_bank.mdf Please note that since all HLT2 decoders request banks by their type, the faulty bank will show up as an extra bank in the SciFi decoding.

Closes #565 (closed)

Edited by Roel Aaij

Merge request reports
