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Add offset to new qop parametrization in matching

Jiahui Zhuo requested to merge jzhuo_qop_offset into 2024-patches

Add offset to new qop parametrization in matching

I have been checking the D0 mass and Ks0 mass (with overlay), and I observe that the new TCK (with new qop parameters) improves the mass peak for both D0 and Ks0 compared to the old one (the one we are using on MagDown). However, there is still a ~1 MeV mass shift in both mass distributions (see plots). I realized that the old qop parametrization contains a global offset, which seems to have been used to correct the mass shift. Therefore, I tried using the Ks0 mass peak in the data to obtain the same global offset for the new qop parameters (using simple math). This approach seems to improve the mass shift situation for both D0 and Ks0, bringing them closer to the PDG value.

This offset = 34.27448 is obtained from KsToPiPi peak in real data (Run 295933, MagUp), this offset will shift the Kshort mass peak to PDG value.

Check with real data (Run 295933):

image image

The old qop refers to the qop parameters we used in MagDown.

FIY: @dovombru @cagapopo @gligorov @mfontana

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