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WIP: Calo reco rebase

Roel Aaij requested to merge calo_reco_rebase into master

Rebase of the calo clustering on master completed.

Summary of the changes:

  • ECal and HCal clusters
  • 3x3 clusters around local maxima
  • no cluster overlap corrections
  • cluster position is the position of the cell in which the local maximum lies, i.e. 0th order position without any corrections
  • no optimization, but cost in throughput only about 4.5%
  • clusters are accessible as dev_ecal_clusters and dev_hcal_clusters with offsets per event given by dev_ecal_num_clusters and dev_hcal_num_clusters, respectively. The clusters are an output of calo_find_clusters and the offsets are an output of calo_seed_clusters
  • Dense CellID indexing used by putting only CaloIndex in the CaloGeometry (thanks @graven)
  • IDs of digits stored in clusters is the dense index. CaloIndex -> CaloCellID to be implemented in the SelReports

FYI: @maxime, @rangel

Edited by Roel Aaij

Merge request reports