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WIP: Multi-Event-Scheduler features test with SMOG2 sequence

Saverio Mariani requested to merge samarian_checkSMOGPV into master

Multi-event-scheduler test with a realistic physics-case consisting in the acquisition of the SMOG2 lines in only events with a reconstructed primary vertex in [-500, -300] mm (a realistic mu for proton-gas collisions will be 0.1-0.3, so all lines must be switched off in case there is no collision).

The MR introduces:

  • a CheckPV algorithm producing a MASK_OUTPUT if there is a reconstructed PV in [zMin, zMax]. When configured to [-500, -300] mm, this is tested to fire with a rate equal to the SMOG2 absolute PV reconstruction efficiency when running on a pHe stand-alone simulated sample, never when running on pp.

  • the porting of the lines implemented in Moore to Allen: SMOG2MinimumBias and SMOG2DiMuonHighMass line

  • a hlt1_SMOG2_default sequence to test the CheckPV prefiltering on the two lines.

WIP since requiring !429 (merged)

cc @dcampora @ggrazian

Merge request reports