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Draft: HLT1 lines to handle Error Banks from each subdetector

Alessandro Scarabotto requested to merge error_banks_line into master

HLT1 line which checks error banks inside a specific subdetector, if an error bank is found the event is flagged. Lines are now general and can be used for any subdetector HLT1ErrorBanks+subdetector name.

Test made using mep files took 23/05/2022 (/group/hlt/data_hlt1/2022-05-23/LHCb_BU_29.mep) At the moment using only Muon and Calo raw banks as input:



Details on the code:

TO DO (in another MR):

  • add functionality to run on Rich1, Rich2 and HCal banks
  • make monitoring plots for each line (show error bank types: subdetector specific and DAQ errors)
  • if DAQ error = 90, 91 or 94 : read TELL40 + failing link numbers from raw bank and make it available to shifter (who can make an action, for example detach the failing link). Each TELL40 has 24 links.

Replaces !766 (closed)

FYI: @raaij @dovombru @mfontana

Edited by Andre Gunther

Merge request reports
