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Commit 0f837422 authored by Sebastien Ponce's avatar Sebastien Ponce Committed by Patrick Koppenburg
Browse files

Dropped unused classes TrackScaleState and TrackSmearState (they do not compile for DD4hep)

parent a755dd85
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1 merge request!922Dropped unused classes TrackScaleState and TrackSmearState (they do not compile for DD4hep)
......@@ -13,22 +13,4 @@ Phys/DaVinciTrackScaling
This diff is collapsed.
* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "GaudiKernel/IIncidentListener.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/IIncidentSvc.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/RndmGenerators.h"
#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiAlgorithm.h"
#include "GaudiUtils/Histo2String.h"
#include "GaudiUtils/HistoParsers.h"
#include "LHCbMath/LHCbMath.h"
#include "Event/State.h"
#include "Event/Track.h"
#include "Event/ODIN.h"
#include "DetDesc/Condition.h"
#include "DetDesc/HistoParam.h"
#include "DetDesc/ParamAsHisto.h"
#include "DetDesc/RunChangeIncident.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TGraph.h"
#include "TGraphErrors.h"
#include "TH1D.h"
/** @class TrackSmearState TrackSmearState.h
* Smear the track momenta
* @author M.Needham
* @date 30/05/2006
* Use on MC-(x)DST to smear the track momenta *before* your
* user algorithms sequence:
* @code
* from Configurables import TrackSmearState as SMEAR
* smear = SMEAR( 'Smear' ) ## default configuration is perfectly fine
* daVinci = DaVinci ( ... )
* daVinci.UserAlgortithms = [ smear ]
* seq = ... ## analysis sequence
* daVinci.UserAlgortithms += [ seq ]
* @endcode
* Important properties:
* - "Input" : TES location of input tracks (no need to redefine)
* - "Fudge" : fudge factor for momenutm smearing
* Property that allows to read data from ROOT-file
* - "RootFile" : the name of exisiting root file with TGraph "res;1"
* Property that allows to spedcifi histogram as options
* - "SmearHisto" : \f$\delta p/p\f$-histogram for smearing
* Property that allows to modify the parameters from CONDDB
* - "CONDDBpath" : the path in CONDB
* RootFile has a precedence
* OPTION is activated in case
* - no RootFile is specified
* - valid input histogram is specified - it overrides CONDB access
* CondDB is activated in case :
* - NO INPUT ROOT file is specified
* - NO VALID OPTIONS for histograms are specified
* - valid CONDD path is specified
* How to specify the histograms as options?
* @code
* import ROOT
* import AnalysisPython.PyRoUts ## well, a bit lighter version also exists..
* root_file = ROOT.TFile( ... , 'READ')
* ## get Matt's graph
* graph = root_file.Get('res' )
* # convert it to the histogram
* histo = graph.GetHistogram ()
* # unfortunately here 'histo' could be of type
* # TH1F histiogram, need to convert it to TH1D histgram:
* # in case histo is already of type TH1D, next two lines are not needed at all.
* from AnalysisPython.PyRoUts import h1_axis
* histo = h1_axis ( histo.GetXaxis() , 'Momentum smear' , double = True )
* histo += graph ## NB!!!
* from Configurables import TrackSmearState as SMEAR
* smear = SMEAR()
* smear.SmearHisto = histo.toString()
* ## as alternatively one can use XML:
* #smear.SmearHisto = histo.toXml ()
* @endcode
* How to specify input RootFile with graph object?
* @code
* from Configurables import TrackSmearState as SMEAR
* smear = SMEAR ()
* smear.RootFile = "smear12.root"
* @endcode
class TrackSmearState : public extends1<GaudiAlgorithm, IIncidentListener> {
public: // Algorithm
/// specific algorithm initialization
StatusCode initialize() override; // specific algorithm initialization
/// specific algorithm execution
StatusCode execute() override; // specific algorithm execution
/// specific algorithm finalization
StatusCode finalize() override; // specific algorithm finalization
public: // Incident Listener
/** handle run change incident
* @see IIncidentListener
void handle( const Incident& ) override; // handle incident
public: // constructors & destructors
/// Standard constructor
TrackSmearState( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator );
/// update the data from CONDDB
StatusCode i_updateDATA(); // update the data from CONDDB
/** the action for new run:
* - store the magnet polarity (from magnet field service )
* - store the run-dependent offset (taking run number from ODIN)
* @param run new run number
void new_run( const unsigned int run );
// properties
/// the condition path in CONDDB (property)
std::string m_cond_path; // the condition path in CONDDB (property)
/// the histogram for smearer (property)
std::string m_h_str; // the histogram (property)
/// fudge (property)
double m_fudge; // fudge (property)
/// input location for tracks (property)
std::string m_input; // input location for tracks (property)
// the file name to read the graph
std::string m_filename;
// data
/// the histogram for scaler (property)
TH1D m_h; // the histogram
/// the graph iself (for interpolation)
std::unique_ptr<TGraph> m_graph; // the graph iself (for interpolation)
/// the file (if needed)
std::unique_ptr<TFile> m_rootfile; // the file (if needed)
/// the condition itself
Condition* m_condition; // the condition itself
/// random numbers supplier
mutable Rndm::Numbers m_gauss; // random numbers supplier
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_condDBPbCounter{this, "#CONDB problem"};
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_condDBUpdCounter{this, "#CONDB update"};
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_smearCounter{this, "SMEAR[%]"};
// ============================================================================
// Standard constructor
// ============================================================================
TrackSmearState::TrackSmearState( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
: base_class( name, pSvc )
, m_cond_path( "/dd/Conditions/Calibration/LHCb/MomentumSmear" )
, m_h_str() // the histogram for state smear (as text)
, m_fudge( 1 ) // the fudge factor
, m_input( LHCb::TrackLocation::Default ) // input tracks
, m_filename( "" )
, m_h()
, m_graph()
, m_rootfile()
, m_condition( 0 ) // condiiton itself
, m_gauss() // random numbers provider (initially invalid)
declareProperty( "CONDDBpath", m_cond_path, "The path in CONDDB with calibration data" );
declareProperty( "RootFile", m_filename, "The name of Root-file where Graph 'res' is placed" );
declareProperty( "SmearHisto", m_h_str, "The 1D-historam for momentum smear" );
declareProperty( "Fudge", m_fudge, "The fudge-factor for momentum smearing" );
declareProperty( "Input", m_input, "Input location for Tracks" );
// ============================================================================
// specific algorithm initialization
// ============================================================================
StatusCode TrackSmearState::initialize() {
/// initialize the base class
StatusCode sc = GaudiAlgorithm::initialize();
if ( sc.isFailure() ) { return sc; }
// if all histograms from the options are fine, just use them
if ( !m_filename.empty() ) {
m_rootfile.reset( TFile::Open( m_filename.c_str(), "READ" ) );
if ( 0 == m_rootfile.get() ) { return Error( "Unable to open RootFile '" + m_filename + "'" ); } // RETURN
TObject* o = m_rootfile->Get( "res;1" );
if ( 0 == o ) { return Error( "Unable to access 'res;1'-object" ); } // RETURN
TGraph* g = dynamic_cast<TGraph*>( o );
if ( 0 == g ) { return Error( "'res;1'-object if not TGraph" ); } // RETURN
m_graph.reset( g );
info() << "Use the momentum smearing from root-file '" << m_filename << "'" << endmsg;
} else if ( Gaudi::Parsers::parse( m_h, m_h_str ).isSuccess() ) {
info() << "Use the momentum smearing from options" << endmsg;
} else if ( !m_cond_path.empty() && existDet<DataObject>( detSvc(), m_cond_path ) ) {
try {
registerCondition( m_cond_path, m_condition, &TrackSmearState::i_updateDATA );
} catch ( GaudiException& e ) {
error() << e << endmsg;
return Error( "Unable register condition " + m_cond_path, e.code() );
sc = runUpdate();
if ( sc.isFailure() ) { return Error( "Unable update Run", sc ); }
info() << "Use the momentum smearing from CONDDB" << endmsg;
} else {
return Error( "Invalid setting of histogam source" ); // RETURN
sc = m_gauss.initialize( randSvc(), Rndm::Gauss( 0, 1 ) );
if ( sc.isFailure() ) { return Error( "Unable to initialize random numbers provider", sc ); }
if ( !m_gauss ) { return Error( "Invalid state of random numbers provider" ); }
// subscribe to run-change incident
IIncidentSvc* incsvc = svc<IIncidentSvc>( "IncidentSvc" );
incsvc->addListener( this, IncidentType::RunChange );
incsvc->addListener( this, IncidentType::BeginRun );
if ( LHCb::Math::equal_to_double( m_fudge, 0.0 ) ) {
Warning( "Momentum smearing is explicitly disabled, fudge = 0 " ).ignore();
m_fudge = 0;
} else if ( LHCb::Math::equal_to_double( m_h.Integral(), 0.0 ) ) {
Warning( "Momentum smearing is implicitly disabled, set e = 0 " ).ignore();
m_fudge = 0;
return sc;
// ============================================================================
// specific algorithm finalization
// ============================================================================
StatusCode TrackSmearState::finalize() {
if ( 0 != m_rootfile.get() ) { m_graph.release(); }
m_gauss.finalize().ignore( /* AUTOMATICALLY ADDED FOR gaudi/Gaudi!763 */ );
// unsubscribe to run-change incident
IIncidentSvc* incsvc = svc<IIncidentSvc>( "IncidentSvc" );
incsvc->removeListener( this, IncidentType::RunChange );
incsvc->removeListener( this, IncidentType::BeginRun );
// finalize the base class
return GaudiAlgorithm::finalize();
/* handle run change incident
* @see IIncidentListener
void TrackSmearState::handle( const Incident& /* inc */ ) {} // handle incident
// ============================================================================
// update histos from CONDDB
// ============================================================================
StatusCode TrackSmearState::i_updateDATA() {
if ( !m_condition ) { return StatusCode::FAILURE; } // RETURN
const TH1D* h1 = 0;
try {
h1 = DetDesc::Params::paramAsHisto1D( m_condition, "Smear" );
if ( 0 == h1 ) {
return Error( "Unable to get 'Smear' from CONDDB" );
} catch ( GaudiException& e ) {
return Error( "Unable to get data from CONDDB", e.code() ); // RETURN
info() << " Condition: " << m_condition->name() << " " << ( m_condition->isValid() ? " Valid; " : "Invalid; " )
<< " Validity: " << m_condition->validSince().format( true ) << " -> "
<< m_condition->validTill().format( true ) << endmsg;
h1->Copy( m_h );
// reset the graph
m_graph.reset( new TGraph( &m_h ) );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// ============================================================================
// specific algorithm execution
// ============================================================================
StatusCode TrackSmearState::execute() {
/// no scaling is needes
if ( 0 == m_fudge ) { return StatusCode::SUCCESS; }
/// get the tracks to scale
LHCb::Tracks* tracks = getIfExists<LHCb::Tracks>( m_input );
/// check
if ( 0 != tracks ) { /* ok */
} else {
return Warning( "No tracks at location '" + m_input + "'", StatusCode::SUCCESS );
/// perform the action for new run (trigger update if needed)
get<LHCb::ODIN>( evtSvc(), LHCb::ODINLocation::Default );
auto smearCounterBuf = m_smearCounter.buffer();
// loop and do the scaling
for ( LHCb::Tracks::iterator it = tracks->begin(); it != tracks->end(); ++it ) {
LHCb::Track* track = *it;
if ( 0 == track ) { continue; }
// smear only LONG tracks
if ( LHCb::Track::Types::Long != track->type() ) { continue; } // smear only Long tracks
const int q = track->charge();
const double shoot = m_gauss();
// loop over the states for the given track
for ( auto* state : track->states() ) {
const double p = state->p();
const double factor = m_graph->Eval( p ) * m_fudge;
// keep the track for debugging purposes
smearCounterBuf += 100 * factor; // keep the track for debugging purposes
const double smear = factor * p; // NB: graph is dp/p
const double delta_p = smear * shoot;
// change momentum!
state->setQOverP( q / ( p + delta_p ) ); // smear momentum!
} // end of loop over the states
} // end loop over the tracks
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// The factory
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