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Commit 63140470 authored by Sebastien Ponce's avatar Sebastien Ponce
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Merge branch 'ahennequ_particlev2' into 'master'

SOACollection particlev2

See merge request !942
parents 4581cf3d 23e720ad
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1 merge request!942SOACollection particlev2
Pipeline #5242582 passed
......@@ -937,19 +937,13 @@ LHCb::FTuple::retype<ObjType> FunTupleBase<T>::find_candidates( const ObjType& p
// The following implementation will change for now
// copy the input particles (will have to do it eventually (?) once we have the decay descriptor matching in place)
if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<T, LHCb::Event::ChargedBasics> ) {
// make a copy of Charged Basic
ObjType cands{particles};
return cands;
} else {
// make a copy of Composites (no deep copy constructor?)
ObjType cands{particles.zipIdentifier(), particles};
cands.reserve( particles.size() );
const SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet simd_inst{SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet::Best};
auto const iterable = LHCb::Event::make_zip<simd_inst>( particles );
for ( auto const& prts : iterable ) cands.template copy_back<simd_inst>( prts );
return cands;
// make a copy of Composites (no deep copy constructor?)
ObjType cands{particles.zipIdentifier(), particles};
cands.reserve( particles.size() );
const SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet simd_inst{SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet::Best};
auto const iterable = LHCb::Event::make_zip<simd_inst>( particles );
for ( auto const& prts : iterable ) cands.template copy_back<simd_inst>( prts );
return cands;
// Monitoring the size of the current event and updating corresponding counters
......@@ -97,24 +97,6 @@ namespace LHCb {
// assign a value to static member
inline Gaudi::XYZPoint InvalidValue<Gaudi::XYZPoint>::value = InvalidValue<Gaudi::XYZPoint>::get_invalid_val();
/// Invalid value for LinAlg::Vec3
template <typename T>
using Vec3 = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec3<T>;
template <typename T>
struct InvalidValue<Vec3<T>> {
// helper function to get invalid value
static Vec3<T> get_invalid_val() {
std::array<T, 3> v{};
for ( auto& x : v ) x = InvalidValue<T>::value;
return Vec3<T>{v[0], v[1], v[2]};
// not a literal type. Cannot be constexpr and cannot be instantiated within the class declaration
static Vec3<T> value;
// assign a value to static member
template <typename T>
inline Vec3<T> InvalidValue<Vec3<T>>::value = InvalidValue<Vec3<T>>::get_invalid_val();
/// Invalid value for LinAlg::Vec
template <typename T, auto N>
using Vec = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<T, N>;
......@@ -122,9 +104,9 @@ namespace LHCb {
struct InvalidValue<Vec<T, N>> {
// helper function to get invalid value
static Vec<T, N> get_invalid_val() {
std::array<T, N> v{};
for ( auto& x : v ) x = InvalidValue<T>::value;
return Vec<T, N>{v};
Vec<T, N> v{};
v.m.fill( InvalidValue<T>::value );
return v;
// not a literal type. Cannot be constexpr and cannot be instantiated within the class declaration
static Vec<T, N> value;
......@@ -504,10 +504,8 @@ namespace ChargedBasicsTag = LHCb::Event::ChargedBasicsTag;
using MuonStatusMasks = LHCb::Event::v2::Muon::StatusMasks;
using MuonFlags = LHCb::Event::flags_v<SIMDWrapper::scalar::types, MuonStatusMasks>;
using output_t = std::tuple<LHCb::Event::ChargedBasics, std::unique_ptr<LHCb::Event::AssignedMasses>,
std::unique_ptr<LHCb::Event::v2::RichPIDs>, std::unique_ptr<LHCb::Event::v2::Muon::PIDs>,
std::unique_ptr<LHCb::Event::ParticleIDs>, std::unique_ptr<LHCb::Event::v3::Tracks>,
using output_t = std::tuple<LHCb::Event::ChargedBasics, std::unique_ptr<LHCb::Event::v2::Muon::PIDs>,
class ChargedBasicsProducer
: public Gaudi::Functional::MultiTransformer<output_t( EventContext const&, LHCb::UniqueIDGenerator const& )> {
......@@ -516,16 +514,8 @@ public:
: MultiTransformer( name, pSvcLocator,
{// input
KeyValue{"InputUniqueIDGenerator", LHCb::UniqueIDGeneratorLocation::Default}},
// output
KeyValue{"Particles", ""},
KeyValue{"Masses", ""},
KeyValue{"RichPIDs", ""},
KeyValue{"MuonPIDs", ""},
KeyValue{"ParticleIDs", ""},
KeyValue{"Tracks", ""},
KeyValue{"CombDLLs", ""},
} ) {}
{// output
KeyValue{"Particles", ""}, KeyValue{"MuonPIDs", ""}, KeyValue{"Tracks", ""}} ) {}
StatusCode initialize() override {
this->info() << "Initialising ChargedBasicsProducer" << endmsg;
......@@ -559,35 +549,19 @@ public:
output_t operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, LHCb::UniqueIDGenerator const& unique_id_gen ) const override {
this->info() << "Executing ChargedBasicsProducer" << endmsg;
/// create some particles with random values
auto zn = Zipping::generateZipIdentifier();
/// generate some tracks
auto tracks = std::make_unique<LHCb::Event::v3::Tracks>( LHCb::Event::v3::generate_tracks(
auto zn = Zipping::generateZipIdentifier();
auto muon_pids = std::make_unique<LHCb::Event::v2::Muon::PIDs>( zn );
auto tracks = std::make_unique<LHCb::Event::v3::Tracks>( LHCb::Event::v3::generate_tracks(
m_nTracks, unique_id_gen, m_eventCount.value(), zn, LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) ) );
LHCb::Event::ChargedBasics chargedbasics{tracks.get(), muon_pids.get()};
/// make RichPid and reserve memory for n tracks
auto rich_pids = std::make_unique<LHCb::Event::v2::RichPIDs>( zn );
rich_pids->reserve( m_nTracks );
/// make muonPid and reserve memory for n tracks
auto muon_pids = std::make_unique<LHCb::Event::v2::Muon::PIDs>( zn );
muon_pids->reserve( m_nTracks );
/// make assigned masses and reserve for tracks
auto masses = std::make_unique<LHCb::Event::AssignedMasses>( zn );
masses->reserve( m_nTracks );
/// make particle ids and reserve for n tracks
auto particle_ids = std::make_unique<LHCb::Event::ParticleIDs>( zn );
particle_ids->reserve( m_nTracks );
/// zip the SOA collection and loop through all the tracks
for ( const auto& track : tracks->scalar() ) {
/// make combdlls and reserve for n tracks
auto combdlls = std::make_unique<LHCb::Event::CombDLLs>( zn );
combdlls->reserve( m_nTracks );
auto part = chargedbasics.emplace_back<SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet::Scalar>();
/// zip the SOA collection and loop through all the tracks
for ( const auto& track : LHCb::Event::make_zip<SIMDWrapper::Scalar>( *tracks ) ) {
/// set track
part.field<ChargedBasicsTag::Track>().set( track.offset() );
/// Get the (anti)particle property according charge of the track
const LHCb::ParticleProperty* prop = nullptr;
......@@ -600,42 +574,32 @@ public:
/// set RICHPIDCode
rich_pids->emplace_back<SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet::Scalar>().field<ChargedBasicsTag::RichPIDCode>().set( 0 );
part.field<ChargedBasicsTag::RichPIDCode>().set( 0 );
/// set Status (?) and Chi2Corr (?)
auto mu_pid = muon_pids->emplace_back<SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet::Scalar>();
part.field<ChargedBasicsTag::MuonPID>().set( mu_pid.offset() );
mu_pid.field<MuonTag::Status>().set( MuonFlags( 0 ) );
mu_pid.field<MuonTag::Chi2Corr>().set( std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest() );
/// set mass
masses->emplace_back<SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet::Scalar>().field<ChargedBasicsTag::Masse>().set( prop->mass() );
part.field<ChargedBasicsTag::Mass>().set( prop->mass() );
/// set particle id
prop->particleID().pid() );
/// set comdll related quantities
auto combdll = combdlls->emplace_back<SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet::Scalar>();
combdll.field<ChargedBasicsTag::CombDLLp>().set( std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest() );
combdll.field<ChargedBasicsTag::CombDLLe>().set( std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest() );
combdll.field<ChargedBasicsTag::CombDLLpi>().set( std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest() );
combdll.field<ChargedBasicsTag::CombDLLk>().set( std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest() );
combdll.field<ChargedBasicsTag::CombDLLmu>().set( std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest() );
part.field<ChargedBasicsTag::ParticleID>().set( prop->particleID().pid() );
/// set combDLL related quantities
part.field<ChargedBasicsTag::CombDLL>( ChargedBasicsTag::Hypo::p ).set( std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest() );
part.field<ChargedBasicsTag::CombDLL>( ChargedBasicsTag::Hypo::e ).set( std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest() );
part.field<ChargedBasicsTag::CombDLL>( ChargedBasicsTag::Hypo::pi ).set( std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest() );
part.field<ChargedBasicsTag::CombDLL>( ChargedBasicsTag::Hypo::K ).set( std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest() );
part.field<ChargedBasicsTag::CombDLL>( ChargedBasicsTag::Hypo::mu ).set( std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest() );
// event counter
// we must be careful here, since doing a copy/move instruction will change the
// instruction set to "Best", giving problems comparing SIMD value types
return std::make_tuple(
// LHCb::Event::ChargedBasics
std::as_const( *tracks ), std::as_const( *rich_pids ), std::as_const( *muon_pids ),
std::as_const( *masses ), std::as_const( *particle_ids ), std::as_const( *combdlls ) ),
// return pointers of other objects
std::move( masses ), std::move( rich_pids ), std::move( muon_pids ), std::move( particle_ids ),
std::move( tracks ), std::move( combdlls ) );
return std::make_tuple( std::move( chargedbasics ), std::move( muon_pids ), std::move( tracks ) );
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