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Add new options to TupleToolDecayTreeFitter

Working with @shaines this MR adds a couple new options to TupleToolDecayTreeFitter to fix some naming issues or add new features.

  1. VetoPIDs allows a list of PDG codes, which if found in the tree will be veto'ed from being filled.
  2. UseFullTreeInName When set true this changes the logic that creates the branch name for each element in the tree, to include more of the ancestor history. The reason for this is the current logic fails in certain scenarios to distinguish between particles of the same type in the tree. The example we have is B -> ( D -> Ks pi pi ) Ks pi where the old logic would not unambiguously identify the two Ks particles.

The default for 1. is clearly an empty list. So no change in the default behaviour. The default for 2. is False, however, I think a case could be made that the current behaviour is wrong in certain cases, like the one above, and so True might be a better default.

Edited by Christopher Rob Jones

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