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fixes in Jet2MCJetsMatcher

Carlos Vazquez Sierra requested to merge Jet2MCJetsMatcher_fix into 2018-patches

Jets2MCJetsMatcher seems to be cloned from Jets2MCHepJetsMatcher, hence there are some minor problems.

See Phys/JetAccessoriesMC/python/JetAccessoriesMC/, MCJetMakerConf initialises as:

    def __init__(self, _name,
                 R = 0.5 ,
                 PtMin = 5000.,
                 MotherCut = "MCNONE" ,
                 ToBanCut = "MCNONE" ,
                 SimpleAcceptance = False ,
                 jetidnumber = 99 ,
                 OutputTableMC = "",
                 SaveMotherOnly = False ):

while HEPMCJetMakerConf does it as:

    def __init__(self, _name, PartTypes = ['pi+','K+','p+','mu+','e+','gamma','pi0','KS0','KL0','n0','f_0(980)','f_0(1370)'],
                 R = 0.5 ,
                 PtMin = 5000.,
                 MotherCut = "GNONE" ,
                 ToBanCut = "GNONE" ,
                 SimpleAcceptance = False ,
                 jetidnumber = 999 ,
                 OutputTable = "",
                 SaveMotherOnly = False ):

Also, the JetsALocation argument of MCJets2Jets is hardcoded as:


which is not very convenient.

Namely, the problems and fixes in this MR are:

  • PartTypes is not an argument for MCJetMakerConf and breaks - removed.

  • GNONE is a HepMC functor - replaced with MCNONE.

  • Added a new argument (JetsLocationsA) to optionally specify the path to the reco jets for MC2Jets2Jets.

  • Fixed the default value for the JetsLocations - should be"Jets".

Edited by Carlos Vazquez Sierra

Merge request reports
