TupleToolKinematic AtVtx changed
TupleToolKinematic provides the momentum of basic particles at the First Measurement (first layer of the detector where it is measured). For some analyses, it is also important to know the momentum without the effect of the magnetic field (momentum at the origin vertex).
The current version of the this Tuple Tool computes the momentum of a particle on the secondary vertex ( mother->endvertex() ) when "Verbose" is enable. However, the SV do not always match with the origin vertex of the particle (take 1 -> 2 3; 2 -> 4 5, the origin vertex of "4" is not the SV (origin vertex of "2") ).
To solve this, I have implemented the "originVertex" function from TupleToolGeometry in TupleToolKinematic. This function searches for the actual origin vertex of the analyzed particle.