TupleToolKinematic AtVtx changed
3 unresolved threads
3 unresolved threads
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2@@ -77,8 +77,9 @@ StatusCode TupleToolKinematic::fill( const LHCb::Particle* mother, const LHCb::P
@@ -88,6 +89,23 @@ StatusCode TupleToolKinematic::fill( const LHCb::Particle* mother, const LHCb::P
@@ -105,3 +123,30 @@ double TupleToolKinematic::preFitMass( const LHCb::Particle* p ) const {
Why change
?You mean, why not keeping the momentum at the SV and add another tuple branch for the actual origin vertex? If so, I would change the current tuple branch name to "AtSV" or "AtSecondVtx" to avoid misunderstanding. Would it be ok?
Yes. One should not break existing functionality unless in really exceptional circumstances (bugs, for example ;-)).
Thanks for the clarification. I have included the previous functionality with the name "AtSV".