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Centrality tuple tool

Felipe Andres Garcia Rosales requested to merge CentralityTupleTool into run2-patches

This is a tuple tool specifically for PbP at 5.02 TeV collisions that works as a look up table to assign to each PbPb event geometric quantities related to the centrality of the collision. The procedure to determine these quantities is described in detail in the internal note LHCb-INT-2020-013 that can be found at The tuple tool is written such that the user can set the desired number of centrality classes (N), with the restriction that 100/N is integer. This is to ensure that every class will span an integer number of percentiles. To set the desired number of classes the user must set the attribute NClasses of the added tuple tool, likewise, the user can set the Verbose attribute to either True or False. If it is set to True the tuple tool will in addition save the energy deposited by the events to the tuple, under the name EcalDigitEnergySum.

Example syntax to add it in a DaVinci options file:

from Configurables import TupleToolCentrality

evt = EventTuple('events')
cent = evt.addTool(TupleToolCentrality)
cent.Verbose = True
cent.NClasses = 20
evt.ToolList +=['TupleToolCentrality']
Edited by Felipe Andres Garcia Rosales

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