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Remove TupleToolSwimmingInfo

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* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
// $Id: TupleToolSwimmingInfo.cpp,v 1.6 2010-03-04 14:02:03 xieyu Exp $
// Include files
// boost
#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
// local
#include "TupleToolSwimmingInfo.h"
#include "GaudiAlg/Tuple.h"
#include "GaudiAlg/TupleObj.h"
#include "Event/Particle.h"
using namespace LHCb;
// Implementation file for class : TupleToolSwimmingInfo
// 2011-10-15 : V Gligorov & R Aaij
// Declaration of the Tool Factory
// actually acts as a using namespace TupleTool
DECLARE_COMPONENT( TupleToolSwimmingInfo )
// Standard constructor, initializes variables
TupleToolSwimmingInfo::TupleToolSwimmingInfo( const std::string& type, const std::string& name,
const IInterface* parent )
: TupleToolBase( type, name, parent ) {
declareInterface<IParticleTupleTool>( this );
declareProperty( "RelationsLocation", m_swimRelTableLoc );
declareProperty( "ReportStage", m_swimRepsStage = "Trigger" );
bool TupleToolSwimmingInfo::hasDescendant( const LHCb::Particle* mother, const LHCb::Particle* desc ) {
if ( !mother || !desc ) {
error() << "TupleToolSwimmingInfo::hasDescendant(" << mother << ", " << desc << ")" << endmsg;
return false;
LHCb::Particle::ConstVector daughters( mother->daughtersVector() );
for ( LHCb::Particle::ConstVector::iterator diter = daughters.begin(); diter != daughters.end(); diter++ ) {
const LHCb::Particle* daug( *diter );
if ( daug == desc or hasDescendant( daug, desc ) ) return true;
return false;
bool TupleToolSwimmingInfo::getRelationsFromDescendant( P2TPRelation::Range& range, const P2TPRelation* relatePart,
const LHCb::Particle* Phead, const LHCb::Particle* P ) {
if ( !relatePart || !Phead || !P ) {
error() << "TupleToolSwimmingInfo::getRelationsFromDescendant(range, " << relatePart << ", " << Phead << ", " << P
<< ")" << endmsg;
return false;
LHCb::Particle::ConstVector daughters( Phead->daughtersVector() );
for ( LHCb::Particle::ConstVector::iterator diter = daughters.begin(); diter != daughters.end(); diter++ ) {
const LHCb::Particle* daug( *diter );
range = relatePart->relations( daug );
debug() << "Got range.size() = " << range.size() << endmsg;
if ( range.size() == 1 ) {
// This could be the swum B/D
if ( hasDescendant( daug, P ) ) {
// It is the correct swum B/D
debug() << "getRelationsFromDescendant() found the correct B/D from " << relatePart->relations( P ).size()
<< " choices" << endmsg;
debug() << "swum descendant is " << *daug << " which has " << *P << " as a descendant" << endmsg;
return true;
} else {
debug() << "Found particle " << daug
<< " with exactly one related swimming report, but it didn't have our track as a descentant" << endmsg;
if ( daug ) debug() << *daug << endmsg;
} else {
// Recurse down before we move onto the next 'Phead' daughter.
if ( getRelationsFromDescendant( range, relatePart, daug, P ) ) {
debug() << "Succeeded calling getRelationsFromDescendant(range, relatePart, " << daug << ", " << P << ")"
<< endmsg;
return true;
return false;
StatusCode TupleToolSwimmingInfo::fill( const Particle* Phead, const Particle* P, const std::string& head,
Tuples::Tuple& tuple ) {
const std::string prefix( fullName( head ) + "_" + m_swimRepsStage );
const unsigned int maxTurns( 1000 );
typedef std::vector<double> doubleVec;
typedef std::set<std::string> stringSet;
typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<double>> MapType;
doubleVec raw, dec, tau, ip;
P2TPRelation* relatePart( NULL );
if ( exist<P2TPRelation>( m_swimRelTableLoc ) ) {
relatePart = get<P2TPRelation>( m_swimRelTableLoc );
debug() << "Found Particle2TurningPointRelations at " << m_swimRelTableLoc << endmsg;
if ( !relatePart ) return Error( "Retrieved NULL Particle2TurningPointRelations" );
} else {
error() << "Couldn't get Particle2TurningPointRelations from " << m_swimRelTableLoc << endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
// We need to find some reports. Any reports. Just so we can get a list of names, so we always consistently
// set some value for all of the branches.
// It's not (/no longer) acceptable to just return some error code without tidying up when we find a candidate
// which wasn't swum
stringSet decisions, infonames, extranames;
P2TPRelation::Range allreports( relatePart->relations() );
for ( P2TPRelation::Range::const_iterator report_iter = allreports.begin(); report_iter != allreports.end();
report_iter++ ) {
const SwimmingReport* report( report_iter->to() );
const tPoints& turns = report->turningPoints( m_swimRepsStage );
BOOST_FOREACH ( const LHCb::TurningPoint& tp, turns ) {
BOOST_FOREACH ( const std::string& name, tp.decisions() ) {
decisions.insert( name ); // things like Hlt2CharmHadD02HHXDst_hhXDecision, /Event/Phys/StripBlah/Particles
BOOST_FOREACH ( const std::string& name, tp.infoNames() ) {
infonames.insert( name ); // things like trRec_VELO_OFF, trRec_HLT1
BOOST_FOREACH ( const std::string& name, tp.extraNames() ) {
extranames.insert( name ); // things like 'mipchi2', 'fdchi2'
if ( decisions.empty() ) return Error( "Failed to populate decisions" );
// Now we should have the information to know what all of our branches are called
debug() << "Found decisions:";
for ( stringSet::const_iterator dec_iter = decisions.begin(); dec_iter != decisions.end(); dec_iter++ )
debug() << " " << *dec_iter;
debug() << endmsg;
debug() << "Found infonames:";
for ( stringSet::const_iterator inf_iter = infonames.begin(); inf_iter != infonames.end(); inf_iter++ )
debug() << " " << *inf_iter;
debug() << endmsg;
debug() << "Found extranames:";
for ( stringSet::const_iterator xtra_iter = extranames.begin(); xtra_iter != extranames.end(); xtra_iter++ )
debug() << " " << *xtra_iter;
debug() << endmsg;
if ( P ) {
P2TPRelation::Range range( relatePart->relations( P ) );
debug() << "Got range.size() = " << range.size() << endmsg;
// range.size() will be zero if we failed to find any associated TPs -- in this case we don't fill anything and nTP
// = 0. range.size() will be one if everything is simple and there is only one swum candidate 'P' could possibly be
// associated with range.size() will be larger if there are multiple swum candidates and 'P' is part of more than
// one of them.
LHCb::SwimmingReport* report( range.size() == 1 ? range.begin()->to() : NULL );
if ( range.size() == 1 and !report ) return Error( "Got NULL LHCb::SwimmingReport" );
if ( range.size() > 1 ) {
// There can be multiple B/D candidates swum in one event. This means there will be multiple SwimmingReports.
// A particular B/D descendant track/particle may be part of more than one B/D candidate, and therefore we may
// find more than one related SwimmingReport in the relations table.
// In this case we need to find which SwimmingReport corresponds to the B/D candidate which we are currently
// processing.
// Start searching from 'Phead' downwards, until we find a particle with exactly one SwimmingReport and which
// has 'P' as a descendant.
debug() << "Phead = " << Phead << endmsg;
if ( Phead ) debug() << "*Phead = " << *Phead << endmsg;
if ( getRelationsFromDescendant( range, relatePart, Phead, P ) && range.size() == 1 ) {
debug() << "Successfully found relations despite range.size() initially being > 1" << endmsg;
report = range.begin()->to();
} else {
debug() << "About to fail, range.size() == " << range.size() << endmsg;
return Error( "Failed to find the correct swimming report" );
bool test( true );
const std::string triggerPrefix( "Trigger" ), strippingPrefix( "Stripping" );
if ( !P->isBasicParticle() ) {
// Loop over turning points to fill decision names and insert vectors
MapType line_decisions, extra_info;
// If there is only one decision then the next part would just be duplicating ..._TP_DEC above.
bool doDecisions( decisions.size() > 1 );
// This is just setting up some structures rather than actually filling turning point values
// Even if we didn't swim this event, we still need to fill in the right branches in the tree
// This is why 'decisions' was populated earlier...
for ( stringSet::const_iterator dec_iter = decisions.begin(); doDecisions && dec_iter != decisions.end();
dec_iter++ )
line_decisions.insert( make_pair( *dec_iter, doubleVec() ) );
for ( stringSet::const_iterator xtra_iter = extranames.begin(); xtra_iter != extranames.end(); xtra_iter++ )
extra_info.insert( make_pair( *xtra_iter, doubleVec() ) );
if ( report ) {
// After all that, we do have swimming reports to associate with this event
const tPoints& turns = report->turningPoints( m_swimRepsStage );
debug() << "Retrieved " << turns.size() << " turning points" << endmsg;
// Loop over turning points to fill vectors
BOOST_FOREACH ( const LHCb::TurningPoint& tp, turns ) {
// Fill variables
raw.push_back( tp.raw() );
dec.push_back( tp.dec() );
tau.push_back( tp.tau() );
ip.push_back( tp.ip() );
if ( doDecisions ) {
// Decisions must not change between turning points
BOOST_FOREACH ( MapType::value_type& entry, line_decisions ) {
if ( !tp.dec() ) {
entry.second.push_back( false );
} else {
entry.second.push_back( tp.decision( entry.first ) );
BOOST_FOREACH ( MapType::value_type& entry, extra_info ) {
entry.second.push_back( tp.extra( entry.first ) );
if ( raw.size() > maxTurns )
warning() << "Have " << raw.size() << " turning points, which is > maxTurns = " << maxTurns << endmsg;
// Fill tuple from vectors
test &= tuple->farray( prefix + "_TP_RAW", raw, prefix + "_nTP", maxTurns );
test &= tuple->farray( prefix + "_TP_DEC", dec, prefix + "_nTP", maxTurns );
test &= tuple->farray( prefix + "_TP_TAU", tau, prefix + "_nTP", maxTurns );
test &= tuple->farray( prefix + "_TP_IP", ip, prefix + "_nTP", maxTurns );
if ( doDecisions ) {
debug() << "Populating line_decisions stuff" << endmsg;
BOOST_FOREACH ( const MapType::value_type& entry, line_decisions ) {
std::string branch( entry.first );
boost::algorithm::replace_all( branch, "/", "_" );
test &= tuple->farray( prefix + "_TP_DEC_" + branch, entry.second, prefix + "_nTP", maxTurns );
debug() << "Populating extra_info..." << endmsg;
BOOST_FOREACH ( const MapType::value_type& entry, extra_info ) {
test &= tuple->farray( prefix + "_TP_" + entry.first, entry.second, prefix + "_nTP", maxTurns );
} else if ( m_swimRepsStage.size() >= triggerPrefix.size() and
m_swimRepsStage.substr( 0, triggerPrefix.size() ) == triggerPrefix ) {
// The each track part is only for the trigger
// Loop over turning points to fill info names and insert vectors
MapType track_infos;
debug() << "Doing per-track trigger stuff" << endmsg;
for ( stringSet::const_iterator infoname_iter = infonames.begin(); infoname_iter != infonames.end();
infoname_iter++ )
track_infos.insert( make_pair( *infoname_iter, doubleVec() ) );
if ( report ) {
const tPoints& turns = report->turningPoints( m_swimRepsStage );
debug() << "Got " << turns.size() << " per-track TPs..." << endmsg;
BOOST_FOREACH ( const LHCb::TurningPoint& tp, turns ) {
// Fill infos
BOOST_FOREACH ( MapType::value_type& entry, track_infos ) {
if ( !tp.dec() ) {
entry.second.push_back( false );
} else {
entry.second.push_back( tp.participated( entry.first, *P ) );
// Fill tuple with infos
BOOST_FOREACH ( const MapType::value_type& entry, track_infos ) {
test &= tuple->farray( prefix + "_TP_DEC_" + entry.first, entry.second, prefix + "_nTP", maxTurns );
debug() << "Finished doing track stuff" << endmsg;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;