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DRAFT: Rquaglia backported bkgcat tool

Renato Quagliani requested to merge rquaglia_BackportedBKGCAT into master

When using DaVinci releases (such as v42r7p2, v42r7p3) and generally speaking any DV release which depends on Analysis/v18 and even below the tool if used on samples with pi0 and converted photons in the decay triggers random failures. This MR is a backport (tested) on DV v42r7p2,v42r7p3 specifically of !545 (merged) , extendible to other DV compatible versions where the


can be backported. Not sure how backporting in old releases work, the issue is that if people uses lb-run DaVinci/v42r7p2 to run DV jobs the code breaks and jobs on the grid randomly fail Most probably the destination branch is incorrect as this should target old releases of Analysis package (namely here for Analysis/v18r6p2 and all Analysis/vXXrY used for DaVinci vZZ with ZZ < 43

Edited by Renato Quagliani

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