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Change from MCParticles to MCParticleRange in FunTuple and some fix for the new MC Track functors

Jiahui Zhuo requested to merge jzhuo_AddMCParticleRange into master

Moving from previous MR that got merged accidentally.

This MR contains following changes:

  • Change FunTuple_MCParticles interface from LHCb::MCParticles -> LHCb::MCParticle::Range that will accept not only the legacy type LHCb::MCParticles but also the new type LHCb::MCParticle::Selection. This new type LHCb::MCParticle::Selection is created to avoid unnecessary clones in MCParticles.
  • New functorcollections for MC_Reconstrutible and MC_ReconstructedTrack .
  • When an array variable (e.g. "Track_NUTHITS[nRecoTracks]": MCP2TRACK.nUTHits ) is added to the special field ALL, the index nRecoTracks can be different for different particles in the tree. As a result, prepend the user specified particle name to the index i.e. Track_NUTHITS[nRecoTracks] -> piminus_Track_NUTHITS[piminus_nRecoTracks].

To be tested with: Moore!1759 (merged) DaVinci!716 (merged) and Rec!2979 (merged)

Work towards DPA task

Edited by Jiahui Zhuo

Merge request reports
