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  • v33r8p2 Release: v33r8p2
    2022-02-24 Bender v33r8p2
    This version uses DaVinci v45r7 an didential to v33r8 with several fixes 
    and tests/examples are fixes for misisng `CERN-SWTEST` storage 
    ### New features
    ### Enhancements
    ### Bug fixes
       - fix for `get-files-from-BK` script 
    ### Code modernisations and cleanups
    ### Monitoring changes
    ### Changes to tests
    ### Other
  • v33r9 Release: v33r9
    2022-02-07 Bender v33r9
    This version uses DaVinci v45r8
    This version is released on `run2-patches` branch. 
    ### New features
    ### Enhancements
    ### Bug fixes
    ### Code modernisations and cleanups
    ### Monitoring changes
    ### Changes to tests
    ### Other
  • v33r8p1 Release: v33r8p1
    2022-02-06 Bender v33r8p1
    This version uses DaVinci v45r7 an didential to v33r8 with several fixes 
    and tests/examples are fixes for misisng `CERN-SWTEST` storage 
    ### New features
    ### Enhancements
    ### Bug fixes
       - fix for `get-files-from-BK` script 
    ### Code modernisations and cleanups
    ### Monitoring changes
    ### Changes to tests
    ### Other
  • v33r8 Release: v33r8
    2021-06-05 Bender v33r8
    This version uses DaVinci v45r7 
    This version is released on `run2-patches` branch. 
    ### New features
      - small tweak for `get-dbtags` script and `inGRID` function.
        From now `GRID` parameter is not imporative anymore, it jsut implies preferred sites 
    ### Enhancements
    ### Bug fixes
    ### Code modernisations and cleanups
    ### Monitoring changes
    ### Changes to tests
    ### Other
      - `Counters` and `Histos` do not work anymore for algorithms :-(
  • v33r7 Release: v33r7
    2021-04-17 Bender v33r7
    This version uses DaVinci v45r7 
    This version is released on `run2-patches` branch. 
    ### New features
      - `get-dbtags` script gets option `--path` that allows to get db-tags from BK-path:
    get-dbtags /MC/2011/Beam3500GeV-2011-MagDown-Nu2-Pythia8/Sim09k/Trig0x40760037/Reco14c/Stripping21r1NoPrescalingFlagged/18114070/ALLSTREAMS.DST --path 
    Attention: valid GRID proxy required! 
    ### Enhancements
    ### Bug fixes
    ### Code modernisations and cleanups
     - few more steps towards `python3`
    ### Monitoring changes
    ### Changes to tests
    ### Other
      - `Counters` and `Histos` do not work anymore for algorithms :-(
  • v33r6p1 Release: v33r6p1
  • v33r6 Release: v33r6
    2021-04-02 Bender v33r6
    This version uses DaVinci v45r7 
    This version is released on `run2-patches` branch. 
    It contains many fixes for python3 
    ### New features
      - add `UPS_turbo` to the list of known streams 
      - add `BBANDBD` to the list of known stream 
    ### Enhancements
    ### Bug fixes
    ### Code modernisations and cleanups
     - few more steps towards `python3`
    ### Monitoring changes
    ### Changes to tests
    ### Other
      - `Counters` and `Histos` do not work anymore for algorithms :-(
  • v33r5
    4ecaecb5 · Update ·
    Release: v33r5
  • v33r4
    16f4d4f9 · prepare v33r4 ·
  • v33r3 Release: v33r3
    This version uses DaVinci v45r4 
    This version is released on `run2-patches` branch.
    This version coem with *NO* ostap
  • v33r2 Release: v33r2
    # 2019-10-23 Bender v33r2
    This version is released on 'run2-patches' branch of DaVinci and 'run2-patches' branch of Bender 
    It is based on DaVinci [v45r3](
      - the version is very similar to [Bender v33r1p2] (
      - fixed incorrect recognition of `CHIC_TURBO.MDST` stream 
      - fix tests/examples
  • v33r1p2 Release: v33r1p2
    # 2019-08-23 Bender v33r1p2
    This version is released on 'run2-patches' branch of DaVinci and 'run2-patches' branch of Bender 
    It is based on DaVinci [v45r1](
      - the version is very similar to [Bender v33r1] (
      - fixed `get-files-from-BK` script 
      - `` : fix the issue with duplicated `PFN:PFN:`
  • v35r6 Release: v35r6
    # 2019-08-05 Bender v35r6
    This version is released on 'master' branch of DaVinci and 'master' branch of Bender 
    It is based on DaVinci [v50r5](
     - the version is very similar to Bender [v35r5](
     - + some fixes in the tests
  • v33r1 Release: v33r1
    # 2019-07-25 Bender v33r1
    This version is released on 'run2-patches' branch of DaVinci and 'run2-patches' branch of Bender 
    It is based on DaVinci [v45r1](
     - the version is very similar to [Bender v33r0] (
     - add the event type nickname and event type decay descriptor to the default printout for simulation files    
     - The `RebuildSelection` now works also for (some) nontrivial cases
     - `ConstantMomentumScaling` now is fixed and works nicely (many thanks to Dima Goluibkov)
  • v33r0 Release: v33r0
    # 2019-06-01 Bender v33r0
    This version is released on 'run2-patches' branch of DaVinci and 'run2-patches' branch of Bender 
    It is based on DaVinci [v45r0](
     - the version is very similar to [Bender v32r9] (
     - add the event type nickname and event type decay descriptor to the default printout for simulation files
  • v35r5 Release: v35r5
    # 2019-04-22 Bender v35r5
    This version is released on 'master' branch of DaVinci and 'master' branch of Bender 
    It is based on DaVinci [v50r3](
     - the version is very similar to Bender [v35r4](
    ## Resurrect and improve Bender-to-LHCbDirac communications
      - hide all communications using new `dirac-command` script
      - improve manipulations with `subprocess.Popen` 
      - remove redundant options for bender scripts
      - change treatment of `DataType` for bender scripts
      - make try to read `DataType` from the content of the input file if not defined explictely and can't be deduced from the input file name
  • v32r9 Release: v32r9
    # 2019-04-22 Bender v32r9
    This version is released on '2018-patches' branch of DaVinci and 'run2-patches' branch of Bender 
    It is based on DaVinci [v44r10p1](
     - the version is very similar to [Bender v32r8p1] (
    ## Resurrect and improve Bender-to-LHCbDirac communications
      - hide all communications using new `dirac-command` script
      - improve manipulations with `subprocess.Popen` 
      - remove redundant options for bender scripts
      - change treatment of `DataType` for bender scripts
      - make try to read `DataType` from the content of the input file if not defined explictely and can't be deduced from the input file name
  • v35r4 Release: v35r4
    # 2019-03-26 Bender v35r4
    This version is released on 'master' branch of DaVinci and 'master' branch of Bender 
    It is based on DaVinci [v50r3](
  • v32r8p1 Release: v32r8p1
    # 2019-03-25 Bender v32r8p1
    This version is released on '2018-patches' branch of DaVinci and 'run2-patches' branch of Bender 
    It is based on DaVinci [v44r10](
     - the version is practically identical to [Bender v32r7] (
  • v32r7 Release: v32r7
    # 2019-02-07 Bender v32r7
    This version is released on '2018-patches' branch of DaVinci and 'run2-patches' branch of Bender 
    It is based on DaVinci [v44r9](
     - the version is practially identical to [Bender v32r6] (