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update MiniBrunel to swallow also the preselectionPT and SecondLoop for the forward tracking

Update MiniBrunel to swallow also the preselectionPT and SecondLoop for the forward tracking , defaults used The ConfigHLT1 slot in TrackSys is

        ,"ConfigHLT1" : { "GEC" : -1 , 
                          "VeloHLT1"   :   "Default" , 
                          "VeloUTHLT1" : { "IPCut" : False,
                                           "IPCutVal" : 0.1 * mm ,
                                           "minPT" : 0.3 * GeV
                          "ForwardHLT1" : { "minPT" : 0.4 * GeV ,
                                            "SecondLoop" : True ,
                                            "PreselectionPT" : 0.3 * GeV

Therefore I added the SecondLoop and PreselectionPT to ease the throughput studies for the Computing workshop. Basically you can change the tracking configuration to test over for the timing comparison directly from MiniBrunel playing with the extra flags.

(note you can also run the PrChecker to see the performance as in one of the test option files used for the nightly)

FYI : @decianm , @chasse , @adudziak , @sstahl , @jihu

This does not break any test

Edited by Marco Cattaneo

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