NB: objects will be copied to latest 'persistreco_version', this might lead to unwanted duplication in a subsequent packing step
ApplicationMgr SUCCESS
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
NTupleSvc INFO Added stream file:DV-example-tupling-basic-ntp-run-mc.root as FILE1
HistogramPersistencySvc INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootHistSvc
UnpackChargedProtos.ChargedProto... INFO Using retuned RICH el and mu DLL values in combined DLLs
DimuonsTuple INFO User specified descriptor: J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-
DimuonsTuple INFO Number of decay possibilities with specified descriptor: 1
DimuonsTuple INFO Possibility #0: J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Started successfully
EventPersistencySvc INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootCnvSvc
EventSelector SUCCESS Reading Event record 1. Record number within stream 1: 1
RFileCnv INFO opening Root file "DV-example-tupling-basic-ntp-run-mc.root" for writing
RCWNTupleCnv INFO Booked TTree with ID: DecayTree "DecayTree" in directory DV-example-tupling-basic-ntp-run-mc.root:/DimuonsTuple
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
DimuonsTuple SUCCESS Booked 1 N-Tuples and 0 Event Tag Collections
DimuonsTuple SUCCESS List of booked N-Tuples in directory "FILE1/DimuonsTuple"
DimuonsTuple SUCCESS ID=DecayTree Title="DecayTree" #items=12 {EVENTNUMBER,RUNNUMBER,Jpsi_LOKI_P,Jpsi_LOKI_PT,Jpsi_LOKI_Muonp_PT,Jpsi_LOKI_Muonm}
LAZY_AND: DaVinci #=10 Sum=10 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
NONLAZY_OR: UserAnalysis #=10 Sum=10 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
LAZY_AND: default #=10 Sum=10 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
UnpackRecVertex/UnpackRecVertices #=10 Sum=10 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
UnpackCaloHypo/UnpackCaloElectrons #=10 Sum=10 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
UnpackCaloHypo/UnpackCaloPhotons #=10 Sum=10 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
UnpackCaloHypo/UnpackCaloMergedPi0s #=10 Sum=10 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
UnpackCaloHypo/UnpackCaloSplitPhotons #=10 Sum=10 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
UnpackMuonPIDs/UnpackMuonPIDs #=10 Sum=10 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
UnpackRichPIDs/UnpackRichPIDs #=10 Sum=10 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
UnpackTrack/UnpackBestTracks #=10 Sum=10 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
UnpackProtoParticle/UnpackNeutralProtos #=10 Sum=10 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
UnpackProtoParticle/UnpackChargedProtos #=10 Sum=10 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
FunTupleBase_Particles/DimuonsTuple #=10 Sum=10 Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
RFileCnv INFO dumping contents of /NTUPLES/FILE1
TFile: name=DV-example-tupling-basic-ntp-run-mc.root, title=Gaudi Trees, option=CREATE
NTupleSvc INFO NTuples saved successfully
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
DimuonsTuple INFO Number of counters : 7
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |

| "# events with multiple candidates for field Jpsi"| 2 |
| "# events with multiple candidates for field MuPlus"| 2 |
| "# events without candidate for field Jpsi" | 3 |
| "# events without candidate for field MuPlus" | 3 |
| "# non-empty events for field Jpsi" | 7 |
| "# non-empty events for field MuPlus" | 7 |
| "# processed events" | 10 |
FunctionalParticleMaker_ebbf29eb INFO Number of counters : 4
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
|*"# passed ProtoParticle filter" | 1059 | 1059 |( 100.0000 +- 0.000000)% |
|*"# passed Track filter" | 1059 | 1059 |( 100.0000 +- 0.000000)% |
| "Nb created anti-particles" | 10 | 524 | 52.400 | 19.541 | 17.000 | 90.000 |
| "Nb created particles" | 10 | 535 | 53.500 | 16.771 | 21.000 | 88.000 |
HLTControlFlowMgr INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Processed events" | 10 |

ParticleRangeFilter_70940445 INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |

|*"Cut selection efficiency" | 1059 | 23 |( 2.171860 +- 0.4479194)% |
ToolSvc.HybridFactory INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
UnpackBestTracks INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "# Unpacked Tracks" | 10 | 4101 | 410.10 |
UnpackMuonPIDs INFO Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "# UnPackedData" | 10 | 1061 | 106.10 | 33.285 | 43.000 | 169.00 |

make_detached_mumu_68651e3a_rs INFO Number of counters : 7
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
|*"# passed" | 10 | 7 |( 70.00000 +- 14.49138)% |

|*"# passed CombinationCut" | 18 | 12 |( 66.66667 +- 11.11111)% |
|*"# passed CompositeCut" | 12 | 9 |( 75.00000 +- 12.50000)% |
|*"# passed vertex fit" | 12 | 12 |( 100.0000 +- 0.000000)% |
| "Input1 size" | 10 | 23 | 2.3000 |
| "Input2 size" | 10 | 23 | 2.3000 |
| "candidate multiplicity" | 10 | 9 | 0.90000 | 0.70000 | 0.0000 | 2.0000 |