diff --git a/Phys/Tesla/python/Tesla/Configuration.py b/Phys/Tesla/python/Tesla/Configuration.py
index cfc6fa8aefab1f5cf65fccef9102a9296072730b..5b4f68413c975e1421e5a6452da61817f1c82e3d 100644
--- a/Phys/Tesla/python/Tesla/Configuration.py
+++ b/Phys/Tesla/python/Tesla/Configuration.py
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ from Configurables import (
     DataPacking__Unpack_LHCb__CaloClusterPacker_ as UnpackCaloClusters,
+    EventNodeKiller,
     Gaudi__DataCopy as DataCopy,
     Gaudi__DataLink as DataLink,
@@ -1206,15 +1207,12 @@ class Tesla(LHCbConfigurableUser):
             packers += prpacking_stream.packers(identifier=namer(''))
             # Pack everything else that we've cloned
-            # (Packed locations made by PackParticlesAndVertices already exist
-            # at the anonymous stream location)
-            if output_prefix:
-                psandvs_packer = PackParticlesAndVertices(
-                    namer('TurboPacker'),
-                    InputStream=turbo_base,
-                    VetoedContainers=prpacking_stream.inputs.values()
-                )
-                packers.append(psandvs_packer)
+            psandvs_packer = PackParticlesAndVertices(
+                namer('TurboPacker'),
+                InputStream=turbo_base,
+                VetoedContainers=prpacking_stream.inputs.values()
+            )
+            packers.append(psandvs_packer)
             # Pack the filtered MC particles and vertices
             if filter_mc:
@@ -1240,9 +1238,35 @@ class Tesla(LHCbConfigurableUser):
                 packer.OutputLevel = min(self.getProp('OutputLevel'),
+            # If the stream is anonymous, we must first kill the output of
+            # PackParticlesAndVertices from HLT2 (which lives in the same
+            # place) so that we can re-run the algorithm here
+            # This is done primarily for packing relations tables, which are
+            # packed by PackParticlesAndVertices but created only in Tesla
+            node_killers = []
+            if not output_prefix:
+                enk = EventNodeKiller(namer('KillHLT2PackPsAndVsOutput'))
+                # List of locations produced by PackParticlesAndVertices
+                enk.Nodes = [os.path.join(turbo_base, p) for p in [
+                    'pPhys/Particles',
+                    'pPhys/Vertices',
+                    'pPhys/FlavourTags',
+                    'pPhys/RecVertices',
+                    'pPhys/Relations',
+                    'pPhys/P2MCPRelations',
+                    'pPhys/P2IntRelations',
+                    'pPhys/PartToRelatedInfoRelations',
+                    'pRec/ProtoP/Custom',
+                    'pRec/Muon/CustomPIDs',
+                    'pRec/Rich/CustomPIDs',
+                    'pRec/Track/Custom',
+                    'pPhys/PP2MCPRelations'
+                ]]
+                node_killers.append(enk)
             packing_seq = GaudiSequencer(
-                Members=packers,
+                Members=node_killers + packers,
@@ -1252,12 +1276,6 @@ class Tesla(LHCbConfigurableUser):
                 os.path.join(turbo_base, 'pRec#*'),
                 os.path.join(turbo_base, 'Hlt2/pRec#*')
-            # Need to save the *unpacked* relations tables when we aren't
-            # streaming because we don't run PackParticlesAndVertices in that
-            # case
-            if simulation and not output_prefix:
-                optional_output_locations += [os.path.join(turbo_base, 'Relations#*')]
             # Save everything under the stream prefix
             optional_output_locations += [