diff --git a/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/Configuration.py b/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/Configuration.py
index 90f08996477ff983af192847d924b0156b86f74d..8bbe535eb186a8449dc9158cfb59d8da337e2e52 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/Configuration.py
+++ b/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/Configuration.py
@@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ class DaVinci(LHCbConfigurableUser) :
         if 'MDST' == self.getProp('InputType').upper() :
             if not self.getProp('RootInTES') :
                 log.warning ('RootInTES is not specified for MDST input')
+            elif self.getProp('Simulation') and     self.getProp('Turbo')     : pass 
             elif self.getProp('Simulation') and not self.getProp('RootInTES') in ( '/Event/AllStreams' , '/Event/AllStreams/' ) : 
                 log.warning ('RootInTES for MC-uDST ("%s") is not equal to "/Event/AllStreams"' % self.getProp('RootInTES') )
@@ -189,9 +190,34 @@ class DaVinci(LHCbConfigurableUser) :
         if self.getProp("Turbo"):
+            data_type = self.getProp('DataType')
+            if not self.isPropertySet("RootInTES") :
+                if self.getProp('Simulation') and '2015' == data_type :
+                    self.setProp('RootInTES','/Event/Turbo')
+                else : 
+                    raise DaVinciConfigurationError ( "You must set DaVinci().RootInTES when DaVinci().Turbo is `True`")
+            if   self.getProp('Simulation') and '2015' == data_type : pass 
+            elif 'MDST' != self.getProp('InputType') :
+                log.info ("Forcing `InputType` to `'MDST'` as `Turbo` is `True`")
+                self.setProp ( "InputType" , "MDST")
             self.setOtherProps(TurboConf(), ["DataType","Simulation","RootInTES"])
+            # These lines are here and not in TurboConf because different applications need to process Turbo data differently:
+            # Tesla has to do a bit of juggling to get the data from HLT2 to locations under a single RootInTES, whereas DaVinci doesn't.
+            if data_type == "2016":
+                # Enable the decoding of the persisted reconstruction objects
+                TurboConf().RunPackedDataDecoder = True
+            if data_type in ["2016", "2017", "2018"]:
+                # Enable the unpacking of the persisted reconstruction objects
+                TurboConf().RunPersistRecoUnpacking = True                
     def _analysisSeq(self) :
         return GaudiSequencer('DaVinciAnalysisSeq', IgnoreFilterPassed = True)
@@ -405,20 +431,6 @@ class DaVinci(LHCbConfigurableUser) :
             if self.getProp("Simulation") :
-        if self.getProp("Turbo"):
-            log.debug("Forcing `InputType` to `'MDST'` as `Turbo` is `True`")
-            self.setProp("InputType", "MDST")
-            if not self.getProp("RootInTES"):
-                raise DaVinciConfigurationError((
-                    "You must set DaVinci().RootInTES when DaVinci().Turbo is `True`"
-                ))
-            if self.getProp("DataType") == "2016":
-                # Enable the decoding of the persisted reconstruction objects
-                TurboConf().RunPackedDataDecoder = True
-            if self.getProp("DataType") in ["2016", "2017", "2018"]:
-                # Enable the unpacking of the persisted reconstruction objects
-                TurboConf().RunPersistRecoUnpacking = True
         return inputType