diff --git a/DaVinciTests/CMakeLists.txt b/DaVinciTests/CMakeLists.txt
index 873b3a2ba8bdf02219889296acb24f6976d0bf20..ee4df4c9f8184d870d9948a0257c93e88ae1fa83 100644
--- a/DaVinciTests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/DaVinciTests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# (c) Copyright 2000-2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
+# (c) Copyright 2000-2023 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
 #                                                                             #
 # This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
 # Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
@@ -13,6 +13,16 @@ DaVinciTests
+    # Disable some tests that are not for dd4hep
+    set_property(
+        TEST
+            DaVinciTests.mc.test_davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth
+        PROPERTY
+            DISABLED TRUE
+    )
diff --git a/DaVinciTests/python/DaVinciTests/mc/option_davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth.py b/DaVinciTests/python/DaVinciTests/mc/option_davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf1abc7d624b552417add93fbdd9237456e14eb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DaVinciTests/python/DaVinciTests/mc/option_davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# (c) Copyright 2023 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration           #
+#                                                                             #
+# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
+# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
+#                                                                             #
+# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
+# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
+# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+rst_title: Test for DaVinci issue 97
+rst_description: Test for DaVinci issue 97 on an incorrect behaviour
+of the `MCTruthAndBkgCat` helper in Analysis's `Phys/DaVinciMCTools` package,
+traced back to a bug in one of the tools internally called.
+rst_running: lbexec DaVinciTests.mc.option_davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth:main "$DAVINCITESTSROOT/python/DaVinciTests/mc/option_davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth.yaml"
+rst_yaml: ../DaVinciTests/python/DaVinciTests/mc/option_davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth.yaml
+import Functors as F
+from PyConf.reading import get_particles
+from FunTuple import FunTuple_Particles as Funtuple
+from FunTuple import FunctorCollection
+import FunTuple.functorcollections as FC
+from DaVinciMCTools import MCTruthAndBkgCat
+from DaVinci import make_config, Options
+from DaVinci.algorithms import add_filter
+my_line = "Hlt2Lb2JpsiLambda"
+def make_branches():
+    return {
+        "Lb":
+        "[Lambda_b0 -> ( J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu- ) ( Lambda0 -> p+ pi- )]CC",
+        "Jpsi":
+        "[Lambda_b0 -> ^( J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu- ) ( Lambda0 -> p+ pi- )]CC",
+        "Lambda0":
+        "[Lambda_b0 -> ( J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu- ) ^( Lambda0 -> p+ pi- )]CC",
+        "mu_plus":
+        "[Lambda_b0 -> ( J/psi(1S) -> ^mu+ mu- ) ( Lambda0 -> p+ pi- )]CC",
+        "mu_minus":
+        "[Lambda_b0-> ( J/psi(1S) -> mu+ ^mu- ) ( Lambda0 -> p+ pi- )]CC",
+        "p_plus":
+        "[Lambda_b0 -> ( J/psi(1S) ->mu+ mu- ) ( Lambda0 -> ^p+ pi- )]CC",
+        "pi_minus":
+        "[Lambda_b0 -> ( J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu- ) ( Lambda0 -> p+ ^pi- )]CC"
+    }
+def variables_all():
+    return FunctorCollection({
+        "MASS": F.MASS,
+        "PT": F.PT,
+        "ETA": F.ETA,
+        "PHI": F.PHI,
+    })
+def make_variables():
+    return {
+        "ALL": variables_all()  # adds these variables to all branches
+    }
+def make_trueid_bkgcat_info(mctruth):
+    MCTRUTH = mctruth
+    trueid_bkgcat_info = {
+        "BKGCAT": MCTRUTH.BkgCat,
+        "TRUEPT": MCTRUTH(F.PT),
+    }
+    return trueid_bkgcat_info
+def main(options: Options):
+    my_data = get_particles(f"/Event/HLT2/{my_line}/Particles")
+    my_filter = add_filter("LoKi__HDRFilter", f"HLT_PASS('{my_line}Decision')")
+    mctruth = MCTruthAndBkgCat(input_particles=my_data)
+    trueid_bkgcat_info = make_trueid_bkgcat_info(mctruth)
+    mchierarchy_info = FC.MCHierarchy(mctruth_alg=mctruth)
+    variables = make_variables()
+    for branch in variables.keys():
+        variables[branch] += FunctorCollection(trueid_bkgcat_info)
+        variables[branch] += mchierarchy_info
+    evt_variables = FC.SelectionInfo(
+        selection_type="Hlt2", trigger_lines=[my_line])
+    my_tuple = Funtuple(
+        tuple_name="Tuple",
+        name=f"{my_line}Tuple",
+        fields=make_branches(),
+        variables=variables,
+        event_variables=evt_variables,
+        inputs=my_data)
+    algs = {my_line: [my_filter, my_tuple]}
+    return make_config(options, algs)
diff --git a/DaVinciTests/python/DaVinciTests/mc/option_davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth.yaml b/DaVinciTests/python/DaVinciTests/mc/option_davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b9fd913c7f09917131219a1b017f8637bdca8e66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DaVinciTests/python/DaVinciTests/mc/option_davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+- 'root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/wg/dpa/wp3/tests/test_davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth.dst'
+annsvc_config: 'root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/wg/dpa/wp3/tests/test_davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth.tck.json'
+data_type: Upgrade
+input_type: ROOT
+simulation: true
+input_process: 'Hlt2'
+stream: 'default'
+conddb_tag: sim-20210617-vc-mu100
+dddb_tag: dddb-20210617
+evt_max: -1
+input_raw_format: 0.3
+lumi: false
+print_freq: 100
+msg_svc_format: '% F%80W%S %7W%R%T %0W%M'
diff --git a/DaVinciTests/tests/qmtest/mc.qms/test_davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth.qmt b/DaVinciTests/tests/qmtest/mc.qms/test_davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth.qmt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d6d6a10d1f6f6aa377e3645afaacce0714a4ca4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DaVinciTests/tests/qmtest/mc.qms/test_davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth.qmt
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+# (c) Copyright 2023 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration           #
+#                                                                             #
+# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
+# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
+#                                                                             #
+# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
+# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
+# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+<!DOCTYPE extension  PUBLIC '-//QM/2.3/Extension//EN'  'http://www.codesourcery.com/qm/dtds/2.3/-//qm/2.3/extension//en.dtd'>
+<extension class="GaudiTest.GaudiExeTest" kind="test">
+  <argument name="program"><text>lbexec</text></argument>
+  <argument name="args"><set>
+    <text>DaVinciTests.mc.option_davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth:main</text>
+  </set></argument>
+  <argument name="options_yaml_fn"><text>$DAVINCITESTSROOT/python/DaVinciTests/mc/option_davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth.yaml</text></argument>
+  <argument name="extra_options_yaml"><text>
+    ntuple_file: davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth_ntuple.root
+    histo_file: davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth_histos.root
+    evt_max: 10
+  </text></argument>
+  <argument name="reference"><text>../refs/test_davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth.ref</text></argument>
+  <argument name="error_reference"><text>../refs/empty.ref</text></argument>
+  <argument name="validator"><text>
+from DaVinciTests.QMTest.DaVinciExclusions import preprocessor, counter_preprocessor
+validateWithReference(preproc = preprocessor, counter_preproc = counter_preprocessor)
+countErrorLines({"FATAL": 0, "ERROR": 0}, stdout=stdout)
+import os
+from DaVinciTests.QMTest.check_helpers import get_pandas_dataframe, df_has_nan
+filename = "./davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth_ntuple.root"
+ntuple = "Hlt2Lb2JpsiLambdaTuple/Tuple"
+df = get_pandas_dataframe(filename, ntuple)
+# Check ntuple structure
+if df.empty:
+    causes.append(f"File {filename}: ntuple does not contain any branches")
+if df.shape != (7, 116):
+    causes.append("Ntuple not with expected number of entries and/or branches")
+# Check there are no NaN values in the ntuple except where expected
+from DaVinciTests.QMTest.check_helpers import list_fields_with_nan
+l_branches_with_nans = ['Lambda0_TRUEORIGINVX',
+                        'Lambda0_TRUEORIGINVY',
+                        'Lambda0_TRUEORIGINVZ',
+                        'Lambda0_TRUEPT',
+                        'Lb_TRUEORIGINVX',
+                        'Lb_TRUEORIGINVY',
+                        'Lb_TRUEORIGINVZ',
+                        'Lb_TRUEPT'
+                       ]
+l_test = list_fields_with_nan(filename, ntuple)
+if sorted(l_test) != sorted(l_branches_with_nans):
+    causes.append("Unexpected list of branches with NaN values")
+# Checks PIDs are correctly assigned
+if not ( (df.filter(regex=("mu.*TRUEID")).abs() == 13).all().all()  # all true muons
+         and ( (df["pi_minus_TRUEID"].abs() == 211).all().all() )   # all true pions
+         and ( (df["Jpsi_TRUEID"].abs() == 443).all().all() )       # all true J/psi
+         and ( df["Lambda0_TRUEID"].to_list() == [0, 310, 0, 310, 0, 0, 3122] )
+         and ( (df["Lb_TRUEID"] == 5122).sum() == 1 )
+         and ( (df["p_plus_TRUEID"].abs() == 2212).sum() == 3 )
+       ):
+    causes.append("Ntuple contains unexpected TRUEID values")
+# Check background categories
+if not ( (df.filter(regex=("(p_|pi|mu).*BKGCAT"))==-1).all().all()  # all entries are -1 for final-state particles
+         and (df["Jpsi_BKGCAT"]==0).all().all()  # all signal
+         and ( (df["Lambda0_BKGCAT"]==0).sum() + (df["Lb_BKGCAT"]==0).sum() == 2 )  # single entry with both == 0
+         and ( df["Lb_BKGCAT"].to_list() == [100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 110, 0] )
+         and ( df["Lambda0_BKGCAT"].to_list() == [100, 30, 130, 30, 100, 120, 0] )
+       ):
+    causes.append("Ntuple contains unexpected BKGCAT values")
+print('Test successfully completed!')
+os.system(f"rm {filename}")
+  </text></argument>
diff --git a/DaVinciTests/tests/refs/test_davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth.ref.detdesc b/DaVinciTests/tests/refs/test_davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth.ref.detdesc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..981a70fbbd66fcf36347d0531c4a23ac51e0d047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DaVinciTests/tests/refs/test_davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth.ref.detdesc
@@ -0,0 +1,764 @@
+ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
+ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
+NTupleSvc                                                                           INFO Added stream file:davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth_ntuple.root as FILE1
+HistogramPersistencySvc                                                             INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootHistSvc
+FSROutputStreamDstWriter                                                            INFO Data source: EventDataSvc output: SVC='Gaudi::RootCnvSvc'
+MCTruthAndBkgCatAlg#1.DaVinciSmartAssociator.P2MCPFromProtoP                        INFO Will look into protoparticle locations [/Event/HLT2/Relations/ChargedPP2MCP, /Event/HLT2/Relations/NeutralPP2MCP]
+MCTruthAndBkgCatAlg#1.DaVinciSmartAssociator.BackgroundCategory.P2MCPFromProtoP     INFO Will look into protoparticle locations [/Event/HLT2/Relations/ChargedPP2MCP, /Event/HLT2/Relations/NeutralPP2MCP]
+MCTruthAndBkgCatAlg#1.BackgroundCategory.P2MCPFromProtoP                            INFO Will look into protoparticle locations [/Event/HLT2/Relations/ChargedPP2MCP, /Event/HLT2/Relations/NeutralPP2MCP]
+ApplicationMgr                                                                      INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
+ApplicationMgr                                                                      INFO Application Manager Started successfully
+EventPersistencySvc                                                                 INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootCnvSvc
+EventSelector                                                                    SUCCESS Reading Event record 1. Record number within stream 1: 1
+HltANNSvc                                                                        WARNING key 0x######## has an explicitly configured overrule -- using that...
+HltANNSvc                                                                        WARNING key 0x######## has an explicitly configured overrule -- using that...
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 0 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 2 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 3 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 5 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 6 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 7 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 8 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 9 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 10 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 11 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 12 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 13 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 14 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 16 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 16 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 17 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 18 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 19 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 20 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 21 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 22 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 23 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 24 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 25 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 26 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 28 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 29 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 31 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 32 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 65 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 66 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 34 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 35 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 36 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 37 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 38 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 39 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 40 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 42 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 43 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 44 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 46 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 47 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 48 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 49 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 50 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 52 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 53 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 54 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 55 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 55 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 56 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 57 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 58 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 59 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 60 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 62 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 63 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 64 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 129 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 67 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 68 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 69 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 70 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 71 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 72 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 73 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 75 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 76 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 77 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 78 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 79 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 80 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 81 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 82 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 83 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 85 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 86 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 87 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 88 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 89 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 89 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 91 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 92 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 93 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 94 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 96 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 98 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 99 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 100 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 100 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 100 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 101 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 101 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 102 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 103 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 104 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 106 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 107 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 108 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 108 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 110 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 111 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 113 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 116 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 116 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 117 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 118 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 119 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 120 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 121 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 123 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 123 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 124 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 126 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 127 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 128 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 135 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 136 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 138 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 138 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 0 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 1 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 2 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 3 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 4 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 6 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 9 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 10 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 12 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 13 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 14 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 15 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 16 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 33 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 17 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 18 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 19 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 20 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 21 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 22 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 23 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 24 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 25 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 26 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 27 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 28 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 29 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 30 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 31 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 32 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 66 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 67 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 34 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 35 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 36 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 37 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 38 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 39 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 40 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 41 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 42 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 44 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 45 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 46 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 47 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 48 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 49 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 50 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 51 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 52 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 53 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 54 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 55 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 56 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 57 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 58 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 59 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 60 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 63 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 64 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 68 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+RFileCnv                                                                            INFO opening Root file "davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth_ntuple.root" for writing
+RCWNTupleCnv                                                                        INFO Booked TTree with ID: Tuple "Tuple" in directory davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth_ntuple.root:/Hlt2Lb2JpsiLambdaTuple
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 1 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 2 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 3 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 4 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 6 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 8 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 9 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 10 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 11 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 12 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 13 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 14 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 15 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 16 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 33 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 17 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 17 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 18 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 19 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 20 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 21 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 22 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 23 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 24 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 25 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 26 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 27 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 28 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 29 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 30 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 31 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 32 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 65 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 66 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 34 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 35 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 36 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 38 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 39 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 40 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 41 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 41 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 42 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 43 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 44 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 44 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 45 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 46 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 47 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 48 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 49 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 50 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 51 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 52 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 53 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 54 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 55 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 56 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 58 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 59 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 60 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 61 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 62 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 63 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 64 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 130 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 67 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 69 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 70 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 72 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 73 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 73 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 74 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 75 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 75 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 76 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 76 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 77 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 78 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 80 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 80 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 81 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 81 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 82 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 84 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 85 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 86 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 86 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 89 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 90 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 91 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 91 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 93 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 94 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 95 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 95 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 95 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 100 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 101 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 102 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 103 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 105 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 106 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 108 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 110 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 111 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 112 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 113 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 115 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 117 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 118 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 118 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 120 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 120 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 122 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 125 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 128 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 135 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 65 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 0 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 1 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 2 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 3 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 4 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 5 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 6 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 7 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 8 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 9 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 10 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 11 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 12 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 13 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 14 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 15 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 16 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 33 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 18 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 19 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 20 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 21 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 22 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 23 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 24 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 25 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 26 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 27 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 28 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 29 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 30 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 31 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 32 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 66 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 34 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 35 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 36 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 37 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 38 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 39 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 40 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 41 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 43 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 44 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 45 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 46 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 47 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 48 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 50 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 51 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 52 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 53 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 54 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 55 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 56 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 57 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 58 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 59 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 60 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 62 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 63 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 64 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 68 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 69 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 0 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 0 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 1 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 2 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 3 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 5 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 6 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 7 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 8 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 9 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 10 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 11 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 12 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 13 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 14 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 14 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 15 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 16 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 33 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 17 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 18 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 19 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 20 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 21 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 22 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 23 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 24 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 25 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 26 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 27 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 28 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 30 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 32 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 32 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 68 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 69 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 34 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 35 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 36 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 36 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 37 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 38 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 39 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 39 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 40 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 40 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 41 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 42 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 43 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 44 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 45 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 46 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 48 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 50 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 51 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 52 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 54 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 55 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 56 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 58 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 59 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 60 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 60 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 61 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 62 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 71 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 72 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 73 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 74 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 75 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 76 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 79 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 82 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 83 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 86 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 86 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 86 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 86 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 86 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 86 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 86 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 86 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 86 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 86 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 88 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 90 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 90 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 95 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 96 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 96 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 96 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 97 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 66 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 67 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 65 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 44 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 45 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 46 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 47 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 48 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 49 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 51 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 52 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 53 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 54 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 55 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 56 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 57 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 58 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 59 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 62 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 63 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 64 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 67 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 1 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 3 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 4 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 5 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 6 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 7 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 8 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 17 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 9 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 10 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 11 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 12 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 13 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 14 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 15 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 16 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 33 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 18 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 19 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 20 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 21 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 22 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 23 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 24 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 25 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 26 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 27 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 28 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 29 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 30 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 31 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 32 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 65 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 66 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 34 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 35 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 36 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 37 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 38 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 39 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 40 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 41 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 42 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 43 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 0 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 1 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 1 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 2 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 3 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 5 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 6 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 7 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 8 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 10 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 11 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 12 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 13 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 14 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 15 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 16 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 18 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 19 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 20 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 21 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 22 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 23 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 28 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 29 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 30 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 30 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 31 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 32 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 65 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 65 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 66 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 37 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 38 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 39 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 42 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 43 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 44 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 45 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 46 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 47 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 47 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 48 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 49 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 51 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 52 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 53 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 54 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 55 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 56 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 56 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 57 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 58 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 59 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 60 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 60 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 61 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 62 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 63 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 63 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 64 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 67 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 70 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 71 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 72 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 73 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 73 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 75 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 76 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 77 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 78 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 79 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 80 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 82 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 83 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 84 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 85 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 87 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 88 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 88 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 89 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 89 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 90 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 90 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 91 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 92 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 94 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 95 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 96 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 97 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 98 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 101 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 102 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 105 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 106 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 108 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 109 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 110 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 111 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 111 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 114 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 115 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 116 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 116 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 117 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 118 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 120 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 121 from /Event/HLT2/Rec/ProtoP/Charged
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 38 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 39 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 40 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 41 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 42 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 43 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 44 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 45 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 46 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 47 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 48 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 49 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 50 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 51 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 52 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 53 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 54 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 0 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 1 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 2 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 5 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 6 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 7 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 8 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 17 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 9 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 10 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 11 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 12 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 13 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 14 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 15 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 16 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 33 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 18 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 19 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 20 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 21 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 22 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 23 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 24 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 25 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 26 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 27 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 28 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 29 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 30 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 31 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 32 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 34 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 35 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 36 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                         WARNING No object corresponding to specified key found in container while retrieving object with key 37 from /Event/HLT2/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker#2/Output
+ApplicationMgr                                                                      INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
+FSROutputStreamDstWriter                                                            INFO Set up File Summary Record
+FSROutputStreamDstWriter                                                            INFO Events output: 1
+Hlt2Lb2JpsiLambdaTuple                                                           SUCCESS Booked 1 N-Tuples and 0 Event Tag Collections
+Hlt2Lb2JpsiLambdaTuple                                                           SUCCESS List of booked N-Tuples in directory "FILE1/Hlt2Lb2JpsiLambdaTuple"
+Hlt2Lb2JpsiLambdaTuple                                                           SUCCESS  ID=Tuple         Title="Tuple"                                   #items=116{EVENTNUMBER,Hlt2_Hlt2Lb2JpsiLambdaDecision,Hlt2_TCK,RUNNUMBER,Lb_MASS,Lb_PT,Lb_ET}
+LAZY_AND: DaVinci                                 #=4       Sum=4           Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+ NONLAZY_OR: FileSummaryRecords                   #=4       Sum=4           Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+  LAZY_AND: GenFSR                                #=4       Sum=4           Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+   RecordStream/FSROutputStreamDstWriter          #=4       Sum=4           Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+ NONLAZY_OR: UserAnalysis                         #=4       Sum=4           Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+  LAZY_AND: Hlt2Lb2JpsiLambda                     #=4       Sum=4           Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+   RawBankSizeFilter/RawBankSizeFilter            #=4       Sum=4           Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+   LoKi__HDRFilter/LoKi__HDRFilter                #=4       Sum=4           Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+   FunTupleBase_Particles/Hlt2Lb2JpsiLambdaTuple  #=4       Sum=4           Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+RFileCnv                                                                            INFO dumping contents of /NTUPLES/FILE1
+TFile: name=davinci-issue-97_bkgcat_mc-truth_ntuple.root, title=Gaudi Trees, option=CREATE
+NTupleSvc                                                                           INFO NTuples saved successfully
+ApplicationMgr                                                                      INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
+ApplicationMgr                                                                      INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
+Hlt2Lb2JpsiLambdaTuple                                                              INFO Number of counters : 15
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# events with multiple candidates for field Jpsi"|         1 |
+ | "# events with multiple candidates for field Lambda0"|         1 |
+ | "# events with multiple candidates for field Lb"|         1 |
+ | "# events with multiple candidates for field mu_minus"|         1 |
+ | "# events with multiple candidates for field mu_plus"|         1 |
+ | "# events with multiple candidates for field p_plus"|         1 |
+ | "# events with multiple candidates for field pi_minus"|         1 |
+ | "# non-empty events for field Jpsi"             |         4 |
+ | "# non-empty events for field Lambda0"          |         4 |
+ | "# non-empty events for field Lb"               |         4 |
+ | "# non-empty events for field mu_minus"         |         4 |
+ | "# non-empty events for field mu_plus"          |         4 |
+ | "# non-empty events for field p_plus"           |         4 |
+ | "# non-empty events for field pi_minus"         |         4 |
+ | "# processed events"                            |         4 |
+LoKi__HDRFilter                                                                     INFO Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"#passed"                                       |         4 |          4 |( 100.0000 +- 0.000000)% |
+MCTruthAndBkgCatAlg#1                                                               INFO Number of counters : 3
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "Events"                                        |         4 |
+ | "Ghosts"                                        |        10 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |  4.2950e+09 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Particles"                                     |        49 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |  4.2950e+09 |      0.0000 |
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#2                                                            INFO Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# UnpackedData"                                |         8 |      14386 |     1798.2 |
+PP2MCPRelationUnpacker#3                                                            INFO Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# UnpackedData"                                |         8 |        216 |     27.000 |
+ParticleUnpacker                                                                    INFO Number of counters : 2
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# Linked BufferData"                           |        64 |      32530 |     508.28 |
+ | "# UnpackedData"                                |         8 |       1521 |     190.12 |
+ProtoParticleUnpacker#3                                                             INFO Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# AbsentBuffer"                                |         4 |          0 |     0.0000 |
+RawBankSizeFilter                                                                   INFO Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ |*"Number of too small raw banks size"            |         4 |          4 |( 100.0000 +- 0.000000)% |
+ToolSvc.HltFactory                                                                  INFO Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |