diff --git a/DaVinciSys/CMakeLists.txt b/DaVinciSys/CMakeLists.txt
index c1cabb485863f5e8ab7ef586d7401659459311e3..2380c29a0d57fc15f87bb8430f7b679414fe144d 100644
--- a/DaVinciSys/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/DaVinciSys/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -5,11 +5,7 @@ gaudi_subdir(DaVinciSys v42r4)
-                         # Patch just for this release!
-                         Velo/VeloDAQ
-                         Calo/CaloTools
-                         ##############################
-                         # Temporarily moved in from Stripping, for S23 release
+                         # Temporarily moved in from Stripping
diff --git a/Phys/Tesla/CMakeLists.txt b/Phys/Tesla/CMakeLists.txt
index ebf23836acfd3dc75071fb667af22d5dd0c9f63f..1b802e82a25989ede33aa810a460d31b455c936f 100644
--- a/Phys/Tesla/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Phys/Tesla/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -4,10 +4,6 @@
 gaudi_subdir(Tesla v2r2)
-                         ##############################
-                         # Patch just for this release!
-                         Velo/VeloDAQ
-                         ##############################
diff --git a/Phys/TurboCache/CMakeLists.txt b/Phys/TurboCache/CMakeLists.txt
index e67a7fb16d6b29647ec203644d6997845d4e2c5d..46d47996a75e481e70fcf1a0eb538512d2c32e82 100644
--- a/Phys/TurboCache/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Phys/TurboCache/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -4,10 +4,6 @@
 gaudi_subdir(TurboCache v1r0)
-                         ##############################
-                         # Patch just for this release!
-                         Velo/VeloDAQ
-                         ##############################
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/CMakeLists.txt b/Velo/VeloDAQ/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 00f169f86188c42167d3d1db4f2eec45e304c453..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Package: VeloDAQ
-gaudi_subdir(VeloDAQ v6r13)
-                         Det/VeloDet
-                         Event/DAQEvent
-                         Event/DigiEvent
-                         Event/RecEvent
-                         Event/VeloEvent
-			 DAQ/DAQKernel
-                         Si/SiDAQ)
-                 src/*.cpp
-                 INCLUDE_DIRS DAQ/Tell1Kernel Event/DigiEvent Event/VeloEvent Si/SiDAQ DAQ/DAQKernel
-                 LINK_LIBRARIES VeloDetLib DAQEventLib DAQKernelLib RecEvent)
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/doc/release.notes b/Velo/VeloDAQ/doc/release.notes
deleted file mode 100755
index 042c39cebd822ca0a59b96d1594f1428ca6cfa23..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/doc/release.notes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,602 +0,0 @@
-! Package     : VeloDAQ
-! Responsible : David Hutchcroft, Kurt Rinnert
-!========================= VeloDAQ v6r13 2016-03-16 =========================
-! 2016-02-08 - Gerhard Raven
- - C++11 modernization:
-  o prefer pass-by-reference over pass-by-pointer if nullptr is not a valid argument
-  o add const where possible
-  o prefer emplace_back over push_back
-  o prefer STL algorithms over raw loops
-  o prefer range-based loops
-  o prefer direct member initialization
-  o prefer FastClusterContainer::resize over pop_back in loop
-  o prefer std::unique_ptr over raw pointer + explicit delete
-!========================= VeloDAQ v6r12p1 2015-10-12 =========================
-! 2015-08-03 - Gerhard Raven
- - remove #include of obsolete Gaudi headers
-!========================= VeloDAQ v6r12 2014-07-29 =========================
-! 2014-02-18 - David Hutchcroft
- - Added LHCb::RawEventLocation::Velo to the default location list for Stripping 21
-!========================= VeloDAQ v6r11 2014-02-18 =========================
-! 2014-02-17 - David Hutchcroft
- - DefaultVeloRawBufferDecoders.py to use RawEventLocations (used by VETRA nightlies)
-! 2014-02-14 - Rob Lambert
- - Suppress velo decoder printout for nominal options (DAQ/RawEvent Other/RawEvent)
-! 2014-02-12 - Rob Lambert
- - Adapt velo decoder tools to Decoder base classes, task #49078
-!========================= VeloDAQ v6r10 2013-06-03 =========================
-! 2013-05-27 - Marco Cattaneo
- - Fix clang32 warnings and UNINIT_CTOR defects
-!========================= VeloDAQ v6r9p1 2013-04-22 =========================
-! 2013-04-08 - Marco Cattaneo
- - Add __init.py__ to please CMake
-!========================= VeloDAQ v6r9 2013-02-14 =========================
-! 2013-01-25 - David Hutchcroft
- - Fixed Coverity warning about memory leak if lite to full cluster conversion failed.
- - Made a bad bank length set a non-abort ProcStatus.
-! 2013-01-17 - David Hutchcroft
- - Replaced check on full bank length from decoding lite clusters (crashed BigEvents)
-! 2013-01-16 - David Hutchcroft
- - Remove check on full bank length from decoding lite clusters by default
-   Should make trigger slightly faster (some TELL1 failure modes could cause problems)
-! 2012-12-20 - Marco Cattaneo
- - Fix Coverity defects
- - Use getIfExists
- - Remove unnecessary finalize() methods
-!========================= VeloDAQ v6r8 2012-11-28 =========================
-! 2012-11-21 - Marco Clemencic
- - Added CMake configuration file.
-!========================= VeloDAQ v6r7 2012-06-25 =========================
-! 2012-06-08 - Marco Cattaneo
- - Add RawEventLocations property to decoders, to allow to specify a 
-   search list of locations. Default is to look for RawEventLocation::Other
-   followed by RawEventLocation::Default.
- - RawEventLocation property is declared obsolete. If set, it is prepended
-   to RawEventLocations and a warning is printed.
-!========================= VeloDAQ v6r6 2011-12-14 =========================
-! 2011-11-29 - David Hutchcroft
- - Hide warning by default due to problems with TELL1 cluster maker
-   putting the same strip into two clusters (to be re-enabled for data/mc 
-   after the TELL1 bug is resolved).
-! 2011-11-28 - Marco Cattaneo
- - Fix coverity defect 28294: UNINIT_CTOR in VeloClustersToRaw
- - Add some missing calls to GaudiAlgorithm::finalize
- - Replace obsolete DeclareFactoryEntries includes
- - Fix trivial icc remarks
-!========================= VeloDAQ v6r5 2011-11-08 =========================
-! 2011-10-05 - Kurt Rinnert
- - Changed ZS decoder so it maintains event specific information in
-   DeVeloSensor::Tell1EventInfo (requested by HLT). No change in behaviour as
-   no client code for the new feature exists yet.
-! 2011-09-29 - Kurt Rinnert
- - merged source coode for less-than predicate of internal and standard VELO
-   cluster pointers.
- - added new algorithm to encode raw banks from VELO clusters
-!========================= VeloDAQ v6r4 2011-07-27 =========================
-! 2011-07-19 - Kurt Rinnert
- - added swtich to ZS decoder to allow decoding of clusters in the presence of
-   errors for expert debugging.
-! 2011-06-24 - Eduardo Rodrigues
- - Protected unprotected debug messages
-!========================= VeloDAQ v6r3 2011-06-15 =========================
-! 2011-04-27 - Tomasz Szumlak
- - fix of the problems reported by the coverity tool
-!========================= VeloDAQ v6r2 2011-02-25 =========================
-! 2011-02-17 - Tomasz Szumlak
- - a minor modification of the decoder code - add option IgnoreErrorBanks
-   that makes using the TAE scan in VETRA more convinient
-! 2011-02-14 - Tomasz Szumlak
- - considerably large changes in the VeloFull decoding software to cope
-   with the nzs data that are sent together with the VeloError banks.
-   PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer has been redesigned and rewritten. At the 
-   moment, if an ErrorBank is detected it will automatically divide the
-   nzs data stream. The normal data will be prepared, decoded and put at
-   the default location whilst the data associated with an error bank will
-   end up in the container that will be stored at 'Raw/Velo/DecodedPartialADCs'
-   'Partial' here means that the nzs bank that was sent together with an
-   error bank may not be complete.    
-!========================= VeloDAQ v6r1 2011-02-01 =========================
-! 2011-01-31 - Eduardo Rodrigues
- - PrepareVeloRawBuffer: default bank version set to v3
-!========================= VeloDAQ v6r0p1 2010-10-25 =========================
-! 2010-10-18 - David Hutchcroft
- - Default is now now ERROR from the decoding (can override in options)
- - Fix for online trigger farm flooding with header bit errors 
- - Does not solve the underlaying hardware issue
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v6r0 2010-08-25 =======================
-! 2010-08-03 - David Hutchcroft
- - Added a ProcStatus when the bank has a header bit error and is not 
-   decoded
-! 2010-07-28 - Tomasz Szumlak
- - nzs data stream decoder code changed to cope with corrupted banks
-   PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer can now discard banks that contains data
-   for which error was triggered. The corrupted data can be analysed
-   in a separate job with flag:
-   DecodeErrorStream = True 
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v5r3 2010-07-20 =======================
-! 2010-07-05 - David Hutchcroft
- - Adapted ProcStatus setting to changes in the interface and official 
-   use policy
-! 2010-06-30 - Chris Jones
- - Add a missing use statement for Event/RecEvent in cmt/requirements
-! 2010-06-24 - David Hutchcroft
- - Changed how ProcStatus is used as per Savannah task #16278
-   Now still set ProcStatus for any problem, but also set 
-   ProcStatus->setAborted(true)
-   when all clusters are removed due to high multiplicity
-   Removed setFilterPass options as it was unused.
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v5r2 2010-05-15 =======================
-! 2010-05-13 - David Hutchcroft
- - Make lite decoding check full bank length, remove lite and full clusters 
-   from the conatiners for corrupted TELL1 banks then continue normally
-! 2010-05-13 - Rob Lambert
- - Review warnings/errors
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v5r1 2010-04-26 =======================
-! 2010-04-21 - David Hutchcroft
- - Added the ProcStatus object if the VELO decoding fails for any reason
-   Added an option to setFilterPass(fail) (default to off) for HLT
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v4r14 2010-04-18 =======================
-! 2010-04-18 - Gerhard Raven
- - retag v5r0 as v4r14 so it can be used in Moore v8r10. cmt does not accept
-   it when an application project has a package with a different major number
-   from the underlying project
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v5r0 2010-04-13 =======================
-! 2010-04-13 - David Hutchcroft
- - On advice from Gerhard about the trigger changed the behviour when too
-   many VELO clusters to printing an error and erasing all of the clusters 
-   (both lite and full)
-! 2010-04-13 - David Hutchcroft
- - Made decoding more that 10k Velo clusters an AbortEvent incident to cap 
-   the tracking reconstruction time 
-! 2010-04-06 - David Hutchcroft
- - Made a corrupted bank length in the full cluster decoding an Abort event
-   incident and caused the algorthm processing of that event to cease.
-! 2010-03-19 - Serena Oggero
- - DecodePileUpData : changed info() messages to Info() for non existing PU
-   banks
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v4r13 2010-03-18 ======================
-! 2010-03-17 - Kurt Rinnert
- - ZS banks are no longer decoded when the TELL1 has set the error flag
-! 2010-03-03 - Tomasz Szumlak
- - add protection against corrupted banks in Velo decoders
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v4r12 2009-11-27 ======================
-! 2009-11-25 - Kurt Rinnert
- - fixed memory leak in SmartVeloErrorDecoder
- - lowered message severity in PU decoding
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v4r11 2009-11-18 ======================
-! 2009-11-17 - Tomasz Szumlak
- - modify PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer algorithm to handle round-robin data
- - add protection in SmartVeloErrorDecoder against corrupted data, this
-   problem needs to be better understood though 
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v4r10 2009-11-16 ======================
-! 2009-11-16 - Marco Cattaneo
- - In DecodeVeloRawBuffer.cpp:
-   . Redo previous fix to stop printing any warnings by default. If DEBUG, ten
-     warnings are printed
-   . Protect a debug in the event loop with test on MsgLevel(MSG::DEBUG)
- - Replace endreq by endmsg
-! 2009-11-12 - Tomasz Szumlak
- - change the type of message that is issued after duplicate cluster has
-   been found - this is a know problem with Velo Tell1 firmware, from now
-   on when this kind of situation is encountered a Warning message will
-   be printed out  
-! 2009-11-02 - Serena Oggero
- - bug fix in DecodePileUpData (switched to unsigned int)
-! 2009-10-30 - Serena Oggero
- - bug fix in DecodePileUpData: there were some StatusCode FAILURE resulting
-   in a crash when the Event was not retreived from the right location
- - added a property to disable the NZS banks decoding
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v4r9 2009-10-20 =======================
-! 2009-09-25 - Kurt Rinnert
- - bug fix in error bank decoder: there were no (empty) event infos inserted
-   for PPFPGAs w/o errors resulting in a creash when trying to access an info 
-   for a PPFPGA > number of PPFGA w/ errors. Of course the positions were also
-   wrong. The only cases handled correctly before the fix were: 
-   1. only errors in PPFPGA 0
-   2. errors in all PPFPGAs   
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v4r8 2009-09-09 =======================
-! 2009-09-09 - Kurt Rinnert
- - work around for missing C99 standard header on Windows(TM)
- - removed unnecessary and potentially confusing 'using' directives for
-   namespace LHCb
-! 2009-09-03 - Marco Cattaneo
- - Remove obsolete file src/VeloDAQ_dll.cpp
-! 2009-08-31 - Kurt Rinnert
- - fixed compiler warnings in DecodePileUpData
-! 2009-08-04 - Serena Oggero
- - added DecodePileUpData, to decode PileUp banks (binary), both NZS and ZS.
-   The output is put in the TES using the VeloCluster container with an 
-   arbitrary value of 1 ADC per hit.
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v4r7 2009-06-17 =======================
-! 2009-06-06 - Kurt Rinnert
- - more robustness in full cluster decoding. Duplicate channel IDs now only
-   causes a cluster to be dropped, not the entire bank for a source ID.
-! 2009-06-05 - Kurt Rinnert
- - made PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer handle missing input container gracefully
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v4r6 2009-05-08 =======================
-! 2009-03-12 - Tomasz Szumlak
- - Change the default values for SectorCorrection and CableOrder variables
-   no need to put additional lines into options file
- - Add flexibility to the SmartDecoder algorithm it no longer assumes
-   anything about expected number of slots in error bank
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v4r5 2009-02-20 =======================
-! 2009-01-19 - David Hutchcroft
- - Added a sort to the decoding of the VELO lite clusters for the track fit
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v4r4p1 2009-01-12 =====================
-! 2008-12-09 - Marco Cattaneo
- - Fix gcc 4.3 compilation warnings
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v4r4 2008-11-21 =======================
-! 2008-10-28 - Tomasz Szumlak
- - Degrading some message level from info() to debug() - related with
-   new data that can contain errors only for one ppfpga processor
- - Add property for PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer - used when consecutive
-   events are analysed  
-! 2008-10-16 - Tomasz Szumlak
- - Modified SmartErrorBankDecoder - if there is no error banks
-   detected it continue processing and skips to the next event
-   (some minor improvement that makes the code compatible with
-    new RawEvent object and allows at the same time to process
-    the older files)
-! 2008-10-16 - Kurt Rinnert
- - The decoding of full VELO clusters for bank version 3 now checks whether a
-   key already exists in the container before insertion.  This is a change in
-   policy, not a bug fix.  We will no longer crash in the case of duplicate
-   keys.  Instead an error message containing the problematic source ID is 
-   issued and all clusters from this source are removed.  
-! 2008-10-08 - Eduardo Rodrigues
- - added DefaultVeloRawBufferDecoders.py, a new Python helper module
-   containing default configurations of the DecodeVeloRawBuffer algorithm
-   for decoding into VeloLiteClusters or VeloClusters.
- - requirements file changed to produce configurable
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v4r3 2008-09-04 =======================
-! 2008-08-31 - Kurt Rinnert
- - missing input containers are no longer an error condition in NZS decoder
- - if input is missing, the cluster decoder now only creates empty containers 
-   for the requested cluster type. 
-! 2008-08-26 Tomasz Szumlak
- - add a new algoritm to deal with complicated error bank 
-   SmartVeloErrorBankDecoder, this piece of code is able
-   to check which fpga processors sent errors and deal with
-   different size of the bank that depends on a raw file content
- - update PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer - error decoding is now decoupled
-   from NZS data
-! 2008-08-25 Malcolm John
- - add a cluster filter algorithm that filters the [lite]clusters into 
-   new TES locations according to a few pre-defined criteria like 
-   "is R", is phi", etc. Also maximum and and minimum limits can be required
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v4r2 2008-05-26 =======================
-! 2008-05-26 T Szumlak
- - adapt VeloFull decoding to run without ODIN bank; this behaviour
-   is contorlable via options file 
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v4r1 2008-04-17 =======================
-! 2008-03-18 - Kurt Rinnert
- - minor bug fix introduced in latest update of VeloFullDecoder: a size check
-   in the decoding method assumed ADC encoding.  This was removed, there was
-   no check before anyway.  Need to decide whether we want a smart check or 
-   rather issue an error message.
-! 2008-03-13 - Kurt Rinnert
- - changes in DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer and VeloFullDecoder:
- - avoid unnecessary copies of large vectors 
- - protect frequent streams to debug() with a flag 
- - instatiate the various VeloFullDecoders only once, so their internal
-   containers live for the whole job
- - made local ADC/Header/Ped buffers member variables, so their memory is
-   only allocated once per job 
- - the target cable order is now configurable
- - the cable order correction is now off by default  
- - all TES input and output locations are now configurable
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v4r0 2007-09-19 =======================
-! 2007-09-19 - Kurt Rinnert
- - changed the encoder default back to bank version 2.  We have to sort out in
-   more detail how the TELL1 creates the bank before we change the default.
-   This will only be relevant for the next major MC production, so for now we
-   live with the old version.
-! 2007-09-19 - Tomasz Szumlak
- - Modified name of the NZS decoder 
-! 2007-09-19 - Marco Cattaneo
- - Adapt to new location of Tell1Kernel includes
-! 2007-09-17 - Tomasz Szumlak
- - decoding of the non-zero suppressed (NZS) banks added, new code can cope
-   with decoding of the VeloFull data bank, PedestalBank and VeloErrorBank.
-   Also EvtInfo object, that includes a number of informations critical from 
-   point of view of the emulation, can be created. Beetle headers do not
-   make a separate data stream but are part of the NZS header bank. The headers
-   are also decoded and stored. All decoding routines follow closely appropriate
-   EDMS notes describing TELL1 data formats.
-! 2007-09-17 - Kurt Rinnert
- - make the decoder fail more graciously in case a source ID can not matched
-   to a sensor number.  This should never happen and indicates an inconsistent
-   conditions data base.  However, crashing seemed a bit harsh.  Now an error
-   message is issued and the source ID is simply skipped.
-! 2007-09-16 - Kurt Rinnert
- - introduced new version 3 of VELO raw buffer.  The only difference to
-   version 2 is the treatment of interstrip positions.  These are now computed
-   and rounded exactly like on the TELL1 board.  The default for
-   PrepareVeloRawBuffer (i.e. Boole) is now the new, correct version.  The
-   old behaviour can be obtained via the BankVersion property.
- - added proper bank version management to decoder.  The correct decoding is
-   determined from the raw bank's version.  The version can also be enforced
-   via the ForceBankVersion property (useful for testbeam data).  In all cases
-   the code is protected against unsupported bank versions.  There is one
-   dangerous scenario, however:  if a user decides to use a new version of
-   Boole and reconstructs the events with and old version Brunel, there will
-   be trouble if the bank version is not configured properly in either the
-   encoder or the decoder.  Not a likely scenario, I hope.
-   Otherwise this change is completely transparent.  Old data will be
-   processed just like before.
- - made sure the decoder creates empty cluster and lite cluster containers on
-   the TES even if the raw event is missing or it encounters an unsupported
-   bank version.  If a byte count mismatch (corrupted raw bank) is discovered
-   during the cluster decoding the clusters from this source ID are removed from
-   the container.  Clusters from other source IDs will be still available in
-   this case. 
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v3r5 2006-08-30 =======================
-! 2006-08-21 - Kurt Rinnert
- - It really makes no sense to create banks for sensors that can not me mapped
-   to a Tell1 Id.  So the code now protects against this (following Eugenia's
-   proposal more closely).  This check should not be necessary if the geometry
-   XML and the CondDB sensor/Tell1 mapping are consistent.  But it's not
-   expensive so better play it safe.
-! 2006-08-21 - Kurt Rinnert
- - The source ID of the banks created by PrepareVeloRawBuffer are no longer
-   fixed to the sensor number.  If the CondDB provides a sensor/Tell1 mapping,
-   the Tell1 ID is used as a source ID for the bank.  This is mostly useful
-   for simulation of test beam setups.  Note that the mapping technically also
-   happens int the default setup.  In this case, however, the Tell1 Id maps
-   trivially onto the sensor number itself, i.e. default behaviour is not
-   affected by this feature.  The implementation closely follows a proposal
-   by Eugenia Maria Puccio. 
-! 2006-08-16 - Kurt Rinnert
- - added option to DecodeVeloRawBuffer that allows to properly decode
- clusters when the TELL1 encodes chip channels instead of software strip
- numbers.  No changes in default behaviour.
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v3r4 2006-07-25 =======================
-! 2006-07-24 - David Hutchcroft
- - Bug fix to previous update: was accidentally padding out clusters with
-   zero strips
-! 2006-07-19 - David Hutchcroft
- - Removed sorting from decoding to full clusters, speed up decoding to 
-   lite clusters slightly as well.
-! 2006-07-17 - Marco Hutchcroft
- - Fix some windows compilation warnings
-! 2006-07-14 - David Hutchcroft
- - Changed to official message service access, initialised fastcontainer to 
-   full size at in lite cluster decoding.
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v3r3 2006-06-30 =======================
-! 2006-04-21 - Kurt Rinnert
- - added TELL1 source ID to sensor number mapping in decoding
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v3r2 2006-04-18 =======================
-! 2006-04-18 - David Hutchcroft
- - Fixed code to cope with a single cluster in a sensor in strip zero 
-   without crashing
-! 2006-04-14 - David Hutchcroft
- - Fixed code to always write a bank for every sensor, even the empty sensors
-! 2006-03-14 - Kurt Rinnert
- - fixed bug in test code, does not affect standard operations
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v3r1 2006-03-14 =======================
-! 2006-03-13 - Kurt Rinnert
- - moved less-than operator for InternalVeloClusters outside of encoding
-  algorithm
- - changed definition of less-than for VeloClusters to match the definition
-  for InternalVeloClusters
- - added testing code
- - fixed bugs revealed by testing with Boole v11r0:
-  1.  In the decoding to full VeloClusters the interstrip position bits
-  were not passed properly to the VeloLiteCluster. Independent of that the 
-  VeloLiteCluster (or rather the SiCluster.ent) has a bug in the handling of
-  the interstrip position bits which will reported to Chris and Matt.
-  2.  In the decoding the treshold bit was only handled for one strip clusters
- - updated some documentation
- - some cosmetics
-! 2006-03-10 - Kurt Rinnert
- - DecodeVeloRawBuffer now checks for the correct byte count when
-  decoding to full VeloClusters
- - adapted to LHCb coding conventions
-! 2006-03-09 - Kurt Rinnert
- - improved naming of cluster comparison functor
- - added optional dumping of input clusters in PrepareVeloRawBuffer
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v3r0 2006-03-13 =======================
-! 2006-03-09 - David Hutchcroft
- - Added retrieval of threshold from VeloLiteCluster to set bit
-! 2006-03-07 - Kurt Rinnert
- - in the encoding, the high threshold bit is explicitely *not* handled
-  anymore. This reflects the fact that this inforamtion can currently not
-  be retrieved from the VeloLiteCluster.   As soon as VeloLiteCluster
-  provides it, the encoding will handle it properly.
- - introduced enumeration type for bank version, similar to the ST
-  implementation
- - introduced some constants with meaningful names for raw word sizes etc. 
-  to avoid hardcoding this several times in the preparation of the raw buffer
- - the raw buffer is now added to the raw event using RawEvent::createBank() and
-  RawEvent::adoptBank().  This allows to set the correct bank size in bytes. 
-  The number of bytes in the bank is counted including the four header bytes but
-  without the padding bytes at the end of the bank.
-! 2006-03-02 - David Hutchcroft
- - fixed a bug in DecodeVeloRawBuffer where containers were generated and 
-   placed many times
- - Fixed a bug in creation of VeloLiteClusters to set fracStripBits
-! 2006-02-23 - Kurt Rinnert
- - finished implementation of decoding algorithm. The algorithm DecodeVeloRawBuffer
-   can decode the raw buffer into VeloLiteClusters or VeloClusters (or both).
-   The locations of the containers in the TES are fully configurable.
-   The default is to decode into VeloLiteCluster, all locations their respective defaults.
- - fixed requirements file according to removed include directory
-! 2006-02-23 - Kurt Rinnert
- - reorganised package, no headers exported anymore
- - made changes necessary to take advantage of the generic decoder in SiDAQ.
-   This also fixes a problem on windows reported by Marco.
-! 2006-02-23 - M Needham
- - Add missing velo policy trait
-! 2006-02-21 - Marco Cattaneo
- - Cleaned up requirements
- - Adapt to new location of InternalVeloCluster
-! 2006-02-17 - Kurt Rinnert
- - removed obsolete algorithm declaration
-! 2006-02-17 - Kurt Rinnert
- - fixed crash in PrepareVeloRawBuffer related to incorrect
-   resizing of the vector holding the sorted clusters
-! 2006-02-16 - Kurt Rinnert
- - bug fix: sizeBits in VeloBitsPolicy was wrong after silly editing mistake
-   during cosmetic reformatting
-! 2006-02-16 - Kurt Rinnert
- - bug fix: adc value for one strip clusters was not limited to 127
- - overflow bit in cluster word is now set correctly when an adc overflow
-   is detected
-! 2006-02-15 - Kurt Rinnert
- - changed type of buffer_word into u_int32_t
- - protected reading of InternalVeloClusters from missing bank
- - added raw event writing
-! 2006-02-15 - Kurt Rinnert, David Jones
- - introduced typedef for buffer_word, ensuring it is a 32 bit integer
- - implemented raw buffer encoding from InternalVeloClusters according to EDMS 637676. 
-   Since there currently is no RawBuffer object definition available, the encoded 
-   clusters are not yet put into the TES. Will be fixed soon hopefully.
-! 2006-02-15 - Kurt Rinnert
- - removed more obsolete dependencies
-! 2006-02-14 - Kurt Rinnert
- - updated requirements file: removed depency on no longer existing Kernel
-   package, made new public include directory visible
- - added new public include directory for low level encoding/decoding classes
- - added new low level encoding/decoding classes
-! 2006-02-14 - Kurt Rinnert
- - removed obsolete classes
- - reduced PrepareVeloRawBuffer and DecodeVeloRawBuffer to skeletons,
-   meaningful new implementation coming up soon
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v2r3p2 2005-07-08 =====================
-! 2005-07-08 - Tomasz Szumlak
- - Fix problem of missing last Velo Phi bank in L1Buffer, in cases when this
-   bank would be empty
-!=========================  VeloDAQ v2r3p1 2005-03-07 =====================
-! 2005-03-07 - Marco Cattaneo
- - Fix requirements to use DAQEvent v*
-!==========================  VeloDAQ v2r3 2005-02-10 ======================
-! 2005-02-10 - David Hutchcroft
- - Modified the code to produce banks for all of the sensors.
-!==========================  VeloDAQ v2r2 2004-12-06 ======================
-! 2004-12-03 - David Hutchcroft
- - Modified PrepareVeloRawBufferFPGA to use new Velo Detector element inteface
-!==========================  VeloDAQ v2r1 2004-11-29 ======================
-! 2004-10-26 - David Hutchcroft
- - Changed to sort by VeloChannelID not position (CP's modification)
-!==========================  VeloDAQ v1r0 2004-03-15 ======================
-! 2004-03-19 - Chris Parkes
- - added a high threshold bit for Olivier
-! 2004-03-06 - Chris Parkes
- - Initial release.
-   L1 and HLT Buffers for Velo.
-   L1 code (Niels Tuning) previously in Trg area
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/python/VeloDAQ/DefaultVeloRawBufferDecoders.py b/Velo/VeloDAQ/python/VeloDAQ/DefaultVeloRawBufferDecoders.py
deleted file mode 100755
index f707a84288dac533d15bec209c02a6dea79f09fc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/python/VeloDAQ/DefaultVeloRawBufferDecoders.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-#                                                                            #
-#  Velo/VeloDAQ helper module.                                               #
-#  Contains default configurations of the DecodeVeloRawBuffer algorithm      #
-#  for decoding into VeloLiteClusters or VeloClusters.                       #
-#                                                                            #
-#  @package Velo/VeloDAQ                                                     #
-#  @author  Eduardo Rodrigues  ( e.rodrigues@physics.gla.ac.uk )             #
-#  @date    06/10/2008                                                       #
-#                                                                            #
-#                                                                            #
-from Configurables import DecodeVeloRawBuffer
-# =============================================================================
-# Instance of DecodeVeloRawBuffer for decoding into VeloLiteClusters
-# =============================================================================
-def DefaultDecoderToVeloLiteClusters(
-    Name                     = 'DecodeVeloRawBufferToVeloLiteClusters',
-    RawEventLocations        = ['Velo/RawEvent', 
-                                'Other/RawEvent',
-                                'DAQ/RawEvent'],
-    VeloClusterLocation      ='Raw/Velo/Clusters',
-    DecodeToVeloClusters     = False,
-    DecodeToVeloLiteClusters = True
-    ):
-    decoder = DecodeVeloRawBuffer( Name )
-    decoder.RawEventLocations        = RawEventLocations
-    decoder.VeloClusterLocation      = VeloClusterLocation
-    decoder.DecodeToVeloClusters     = DecodeToVeloClusters
-    decoder.DecodeToVeloLiteClusters = DecodeToVeloLiteClusters
-    return decoder
-# =============================================================================
-# Instance of DecodeVeloRawBuffer for decoding into VeloClusters
-# =============================================================================
-def DefaultDecoderToVeloClusters(
-    Name                     = 'DecodeVeloRawBufferToVeloClusters',
-    RawEventLocations        = ['Velo/RawEvent',
-                                'Other/RawEvent',
-                                'DAQ/RawEvent'],
-    VeloClusterLocation      ='Raw/Velo/Clusters',
-    DecodeToVeloClusters     = True,
-    DecodeToVeloLiteClusters = False
-    ):
-    decoder = DecodeVeloRawBuffer( Name )
-    decoder.RawEventLocations        = RawEventLocations
-    decoder.VeloClusterLocation      = VeloClusterLocation
-    decoder.DecodeToVeloClusters     = DecodeToVeloClusters
-    decoder.DecodeToVeloLiteClusters = DecodeToVeloLiteClusters
-    return decoder
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/python/VeloDAQ/__init__.py b/Velo/VeloDAQ/python/VeloDAQ/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodePileUpData.cpp b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodePileUpData.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1417782fb9aa7bd4dec5135918b7c1229ea001c6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodePileUpData.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,631 +0,0 @@
-// Include files 
-// data model
-#include "Event/RawBank.h"
-#include "Event/RawEvent.h" 
-#include "Event/VeloCluster.h" 
-#include "Event/VeloLiteCluster.h"
-#include "Kernel/VeloChannelID.h"
-// local
-#include "DecodePileUpData.h"
-using namespace LHCb;
-using namespace VeloTELL1;
-// Implementation file for class : DecodePileUpData
-// 2009-06-19 : Serena Oggero
-// Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
-// Standard constructor, initializes variables
-DecodePileUpData::DecodePileUpData( const std::string& name,
-    ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
-: Decoder::AlgBase ( name , pSvcLocator ), 
-  m_rawEvent(0)
-  declareProperty("NonZeroSupp", m_isNonZeroSupp=true);
-  declareProperty("PUClusterLocation", m_PUClusterLocation="Raw/Velo/PUClusters");
-  declareProperty("PUClusterNZSLocation", m_PUClusterNZSLocation="Raw/Velo/PUClustersNZS");
-  m_rawEventLocations = {LHCb::RawEventLocation::Trigger, LHCb::RawEventLocation::Default};
-  initRawEventSearch();
-// Destructor
-DecodePileUpData::~DecodePileUpData() {} 
-// Initialization
-StatusCode DecodePileUpData::initialize() {
-  StatusCode sc = Decoder::AlgBase::initialize(); // must be executed first
-  if ( sc.isFailure() ) return sc;  // error printed already by GaudiAlgorithm
-  if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) debug() << "==> Initialize" << endmsg;
-  if (m_rawEventLocations.empty()) 
-  {
-    return Error("You need to give me a valid list of locaitons to decode!",StatusCode::FAILURE);
-  }
-  if (m_rawEventLocations[0]!=LHCb::RawEventLocation::Trigger && m_rawEventLocations[0]!=LHCb::RawEventLocation::Default) 
-  {
-    info() << "Using '" << m_rawEventLocations << "' as search path for the RawEvent object" << endmsg;
-  }
-  inizializePUcontainer( m_PUcontainerBee ) ;
-  inizializePUcontainer( m_PUcontainerBee_NZS ) ;
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-// Main execution
-StatusCode DecodePileUpData::execute() {
-  if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) debug() << "==> Execute" << endmsg;
-  StatusCode sc = getRawEvent();
-  if ( sc ){
-    // get PU banks (NZS and ZS)
-    // fill in a LUT 
-    decode(); 
-    LHCb::VeloClusters * clusters = new LHCb::VeloClusters();
-    LHCb::VeloClusters * clustersNZS = new LHCb::VeloClusters();
-    // find hits from the LUT and put them in clusters
-    for ( int sensorIt = 0; sensorIt < PuTell1::NUM_SENSORS; sensorIt++ ){    
-      for ( int beetleIt = 0; beetleIt < PuTell1::NUM_BEETLES; beetleIt++ ){
-        sc = findPileUpHitsBee(m_PUcontainerBee[sensorIt][beetleIt], sensorIt, beetleIt, clusters); 
-        if ( m_isNonZeroSupp ){ 
-          sc = findPileUpHitsBeeNZS(m_PUcontainerBee_NZS[sensorIt][beetleIt], sensorIt, beetleIt, clustersNZS);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // put the cluster in the TES
-    writePUBanks( clusters, clustersNZS );
-  }
-  else { return ( StatusCode::SUCCESS ); }  
-   if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) debug() << "==> DecodePileUp done" << endmsg;
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode DecodePileUpData::getRawEvent() {
-  if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) debug() << "==> getRawEvent()" << endmsg;
-  // Retrieve the RawEvent:
-  m_rawEvent = findFirstRawEvent();
-  if( m_rawEvent == NULL ) {
-    error() << "Raw Event not found in " << m_rawEventLocations << endmsg;
-    VeloClusters* clusters = new LHCb::VeloClusters();
-    put(clusters,m_PUClusterLocation);    
-    return ( StatusCode::FAILURE );
-  }
-  return ( StatusCode::SUCCESS ); 
-StatusCode DecodePileUpData::decode() {
-  if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) debug() << "==> getRawBanks()" << endmsg;
-  // NZS PU decode
-  LHCb::RawBank::BankType type = LHCb::RawBank::BankType(PuTell1::LOPU_NZS);
-  const std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*> banksNZS = m_rawEvent->banks(type); //bank name not defined yet!
-  if ( banksNZS.size() != 0 )
-  {
-    StatusCode nzsBinDecoder=decodePileUpBinaryNZS(banksNZS);
-    nzsBinDecoder.ignore();
-    if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) debug() << " decode() : NZS bank decoded " << endmsg;
-  }
-  else Info(" NZS bank empty ");
-  // ZS PU decode
-  const std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*> banks = m_rawEvent->banks(LHCb::RawBank::L0PU); 
-  if ( banks.size() != 0 )
-  {
-    StatusCode binDecoder=decodePileUpBinary(banks); 
-    binDecoder.ignore();
-     if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) debug() << " decode() : ZS bank decoded " << endmsg;
-  }
-  else Info(" ZS bank empty ");
-  return ( StatusCode::SUCCESS ); 
-StatusCode DecodePileUpData::decodePileUpBinary( const std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*> & banks ) 
-  // loop on PU banks, should be only 1
-  std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*>::const_iterator bi;
-  int counter = 0;
-  for ( bi = banks.begin(); bi != banks.end(); bi++) 
-  {
-     if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) debug() << "************************ decodePileUpBinary ***********" << counter << "********" << endmsg;
-    LHCb::RawBank* aBank = *bi;
-    // --> protect against corrupted banks
-    if(LHCb::RawBank::MagicPattern!=aBank->magic()) continue;
-    unsigned int* data = aBank->data(); //point at the beginning of data body, header already skipped
-    unsigned int* dataPtr = data;
-    // fill in the data container
-    unsigned int head = PuTell1::HEADERS_PER_SECTION; // skip the first 2 words (header) of the section
-    unsigned int wordTot = (aBank->size() / ( 2 * sizeof(unsigned int) ));
-     if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) debug() << "now some prints...tot numb word is " << wordTot << endmsg;
-    Fill( head, wordTot, dataPtr, PuTell1::WORDS_PER_SECTION, m_PUcontainerBee );
-    counter++;
-  } // loop on PU banks
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
-} // end function
-StatusCode DecodePileUpData::decodePileUpBinaryNZS( const std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*> & banksNZS ) 
-  // loop on PU non zero-supp banks, there should be only 1
-  for (std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*>::const_iterator bnzs = banksNZS.begin(); bnzs!= banksNZS.end(); bnzs++) 
-  {
-     if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) debug() << "************************ decodePileUpBinaryNZS *********************" << endmsg;
-    LHCb::RawBank* aBank = *bnzs;
-    // --> protect against corrupted banks
-    if(LHCb::RawBank::MagicPattern!=aBank->magic()) continue;
-    unsigned int* data = (aBank->data()); //point at the beginning of data body skipping the header
-    //loop on PP FPGA's
-    for ( int PP = 0; PP < PuTell1::NUM_PP ; PP++ ){
-      unsigned int* PPbegin = data + PP*(PuTell1::WORDS_PER_PP); // point at the beginning of each PP body; 
-      // initialize links
-      bool linkIsGood[PuTell1::NUM_PPLINKS];
-      for ( int linkIt = 0; linkIt < PuTell1::NUM_PPLINKS; linkIt++) { 
-        linkIsGood[linkIt] = false;
-      }
-      // loop on data words
-      for ( int word = 0; word < PuTell1::WORDS_PER_LINK; word++ )
-      {
-        // loop on links; step of 2 to avoid repetitions
-        for ( int link = 0; link < PuTell1::NUM_PPLINKS; link+=2 ){
-          // get link format
-          if ( word== PuTell1::WORD_WITH_FORMATINFO ){
-            unsigned int* word1Ptr = PPbegin + (PuTell1::NUM_PPLINKS)*word + link;
-            int format = ( (*word1Ptr) >> PuTell1::FORMAT_BIT);
-            unsigned int* word1Ptr2 = PPbegin + (PuTell1::NUM_PPLINKS)*word + link+1;
-            int format2 = ( (*word1Ptr2) >> PuTell1::FORMAT_BIT);
-            if ( format && format2 ){
-              linkIsGood[link] = true;
-              linkIsGood[link+1] = true;
-            }
-          }
-          // get data but only for *good* links
-          else if ( (word > PuTell1::BEGIN_OF_DATAWORDS) && (linkIsGood[link]) && (linkIsGood[link+1]) ){
-            // use the Fill function avoiding the loop
-            unsigned int* datawordPtr = PPbegin + (PuTell1::NUM_PPLINKS)*word + link;
-            // word can go from 4 to 36, but the Fill function uses a "scheme" with words from 2 to 33
-            // moreover it's done to loop automatically on all the words from a ZS bank
-            // thus I use a step of 1, to enter only once the while-condition, and I give it (word-2)
-            Fill( word-2, word-1, datawordPtr-word+2, 1, m_PUcontainerBee_NZS );
-          }
-        } // link loop
-      } // word loop
-    } // PPi loop
-  } // PU banks loop
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-void DecodePileUpData::inizializePUcontainer( PuTell1::DataTable PUcontainerBee ) 
-  for (int sens = 0; sens < PuTell1::NUM_SENSORS; sens++ ){
-    for ( int bee = 0; bee < PuTell1::NUM_BEETLES; bee++ ){
-      unsigned int word = 0;
-      PUcontainerBee[sens][bee].dataWord = word;
-      switch(bee){
-        case 3:
-        case 5:
-        case 6:
-        case 7:
-        case 11:
-        case 13:
-        case 14:
-        case 15:
-          PUcontainerBee[sens][bee].isOrdered = false;
-          break;
-        default:
-          PUcontainerBee[sens][bee].isOrdered = true;
-      }
-    }
-  }     
-void DecodePileUpData::Fill( unsigned int wordIt, unsigned int word_Tot, 
-                             unsigned int* data_Ptr, int step, 
-                             PuTell1::DataTable PUcontainerBee ){
-   if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) debug() << "******************** Fill() *********************************" << endmsg;
-  while ( wordIt < word_Tot )
-  {
-    unsigned int* wordPtr = data_Ptr + wordIt;
-     if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) debug() << "*HARD* DEBUG - FILL  : wordPtr " << wordPtr << " " << binary(*wordPtr) << endmsg;
-    //to take words from the 2nd section
-    // step is 34 for the 0 supp bank, 35 for the non-0 supp
-    unsigned int* wordPtr2 = wordPtr + step;  
-     if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) debug() << "*HARD* DEBUG - FILL  : wordPtr2 " << wordPtr2 << " " << binary(*wordPtr2) << endmsg;     
-    switch(wordIt){
-      case 2:
-        (PUcontainerBee[0][2]).dataWord = *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[0][1]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;
-        break;
-      case 3:
-        (PUcontainerBee[0][0]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[0][3]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;
-        break;
-      case 4:
-        (PUcontainerBee[1][13]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[1][14]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;
-        break;
-      case 5:
-        (PUcontainerBee[1][15]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[1][12]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;
-        break;
-      case 6:
-        (PUcontainerBee[2][13]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[2][14]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;
-        break;
-      case 7:
-        (PUcontainerBee[2][15]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[2][12]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;              
-      case 8:
-        (PUcontainerBee[3][2]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[3][1]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;     
-      case 9:
-        (PUcontainerBee[3][0]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[3][3]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;  
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;     
-      case 10:
-        (PUcontainerBee[0][5]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[0][6]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;     
-      case 11:
-        (PUcontainerBee[0][7]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[0][4]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;     
-      case 12:
-        (PUcontainerBee[1][10]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[1][9]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;     
-      case 13:
-        (PUcontainerBee[1][8]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[1][11]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;             
-      case 14:
-        (PUcontainerBee[2][10]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[2][9]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;     
-      case 15:
-        (PUcontainerBee[2][8]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[2][11]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;     
-      case 16:
-        (PUcontainerBee[3][5]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[3][6]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;     
-      case 17:
-        (PUcontainerBee[3][7]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[3][4]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;              
-      case 18:
-        (PUcontainerBee[0][10]).dataWord =  *wordPtr ;
-        (PUcontainerBee[0][9]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;     
-      case 19:
-        (PUcontainerBee[0][8]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[0][11]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;     
-      case 20:
-        (PUcontainerBee[1][5]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[1][6]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;     
-      case 21:
-        (PUcontainerBee[1][7]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[1][4]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;             
-      case 22:
-        (PUcontainerBee[2][5]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[2][6]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;     
-      case 23:
-        (PUcontainerBee[2][7]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[2][4]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;     
-      case 24:
-        (PUcontainerBee[3][10]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[3][9]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;     
-      case 25:
-        (PUcontainerBee[3][8]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[3][11]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;              
-      case 26:
-        (PUcontainerBee[0][13]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[0][14]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;     
-      case 27:
-        (PUcontainerBee[0][15]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[0][12]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;     
-      case 28:
-        (PUcontainerBee[1][2]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[1][1]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;     
-      case 29:
-        (PUcontainerBee[1][0]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[1][3]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;             
-      case 30:
-        (PUcontainerBee[2][2]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[2][1]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;     
-      case 31:
-        (PUcontainerBee[2][0]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[2][3]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;     
-      case 32:
-        (PUcontainerBee[3][13]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[3][14]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;     
-      case 33:
-        (PUcontainerBee[3][15]).dataWord =  *wordPtr;
-        (PUcontainerBee[3][12]).dataWord =  *wordPtr2;
-        wordIt++;      
-        break;  
-    } // switch case
-  } // while "beetle map"  
-StatusCode DecodePileUpData::findPileUpHitsBee( PuTell1::dataObject OneBeetleData, int sens, int bee,  VeloClusters * clusters ) 
-  unsigned int maskBee = 1;
-  unsigned int inBee = OneBeetleData.dataWord;
-  // VeloChannelID parameters
-  unsigned int sensorNum;
-  unsigned int stripNum;
-  unsigned int fracStrip = 0;
-  unsigned int pseudoSize = 0;
-  bool hasHighThre = 1;
-  for(int i=0; i < PuTell1::NUMBITS; i++)
-  {
-    unsigned int checkBee = maskBee & inBee; 
-    if ( checkBee ){
-      sensorNum = SensorId(sens);
-      if ( OneBeetleData.isOrdered ){
-        //not flipped word
-        stripNum = ( PuTell1::STRIPS_PER_CHANNEL )*i + bee* ( PuTell1::STRIPS_PER_BEETLE ); // channel numbering starts from 0
-      }
-      else{
-        //flipped
-        stripNum = ( PuTell1::STRIPS_PER_CHANNEL )*( PuTell1::NUMBITS-1-i ) + bee*( PuTell1::STRIPS_PER_BEETLE );  
-      }
-      VeloChannelID vcid( sensorNum, stripNum );
-      VeloLiteCluster lc( fracStrip, pseudoSize, hasHighThre, vcid );
-      VeloCluster::ADCVector adcs;
-      adcs.reserve(1);
-      adcs.push_back( std::pair<int,unsigned int> (static_cast<int>( stripNum ), static_cast<unsigned int>( 1.)) );
-      // now append new cluster
-      clusters->insert( new LHCb::VeloCluster(lc,adcs), vcid );
-       if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) 
-       {
-         debug()	<< "findPileUpHitsBee : VeloLiteCluster lc(" 
-                  << fracStrip << ", "
-                  << pseudoSize << ", " 
-                  << hasHighThre << ", with channelId strip "
-                  << (lc.channelID()).strip() << endmsg;
-         debug() << "******************** clusters size is " 
-                 << clusters->size() << ")*********************************" 
-                 << endmsg;
-       }
-    } // if checkBee
-    else if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) )
-    {
-      if ( OneBeetleData.isOrdered ){
-        //not flipped word
-        debug() << "No hits found in PU strip i= " << i << endmsg;
-      }
-      else{
-        //flipped
-        debug() << "No hits found in PU strip i= " << 32 - i << endmsg;
-      }
-    }  
-    maskBee = maskBee << 1;
-  } // for loop on word
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
-StatusCode DecodePileUpData::findPileUpHitsBeeNZS( PuTell1::dataObject OneBeetleData, int sens,
-                                                   int bee,  VeloClusters * clustersNZS ) 
-  unsigned int maskBee = 1;
-  unsigned int inBee = OneBeetleData.dataWord;
-  // VeloChannelID parameters
-  unsigned int sensorNum;
-  unsigned int stripNum;
-  unsigned int fracStrip = 0;
-  unsigned int pseudoSize = 0;
-  bool hasHighThre = 1;
-  for(int i=0; i < PuTell1::NUMBITS; i++)
-  {
-    unsigned int checkBee = maskBee & inBee;   
-    if ( checkBee ){
-      sensorNum = SensorId(sens);     
-      if ( OneBeetleData.isOrdered ){
-        //not flipped word
-        stripNum = ( PuTell1::STRIPS_PER_CHANNEL )*i + bee*( PuTell1::STRIPS_PER_BEETLE );
-      }
-      else{
-        //flipped
-        stripNum = ( PuTell1::STRIPS_PER_CHANNEL )*( PuTell1::NUMBITS-1-i) + bee*( PuTell1::STRIPS_PER_BEETLE );  
-      }
-      VeloChannelID vcid( sensorNum, stripNum );
-      VeloLiteCluster lc( fracStrip, pseudoSize, hasHighThre,
-          VeloChannelID(sensorNum, stripNum) );
-      VeloCluster::ADCVector adcs;
-      adcs.reserve(1);
-      adcs.push_back( std::pair<int,unsigned int> (static_cast<int>( stripNum ), static_cast<unsigned int>( 1.)) );
-      // got all we need, now append new cluster
-      clustersNZS->insert( new LHCb::VeloCluster(lc,adcs), vcid );
-       if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) 
-       {
-         debug() 	<< "findPileUpHitsBeeNZS : VeloLiteCluster lc(" 
-                  << fracStrip << ", " 
-                  << pseudoSize << ", " 
-                  << hasHighThre << ", with channelId strip "
-                  << (lc.channelID()).strip() << endmsg;
-         debug() 	<< "******************** clustersNZS size is " 
-                  << clustersNZS->size() 
-                  << ")*********************************" << endmsg;
-       }
-    } // if checkBee
-    else if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) 
-    {
-      if ( OneBeetleData.isOrdered ){
-        //not flipped word
-        debug() << "No hits found in PU strip i= " << i << endmsg;
-      }
-      else{
-        //flipped
-        debug() << "No hits found in PU strip i= " << 32 - i << endmsg;
-      }
-    }
-    maskBee = maskBee << 1;
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
-// binary function with strings
-std::string DecodePileUpData::binary( unsigned int number )
-  std::string result;
-  while(number)
-  {
-    result.insert(result.begin(), number % 2 + '0');
-    number /= 2;
-  }
-  return result;
-// function to convert sensor numbering (0,1,2,3) to "official" PU sensor Id
-int DecodePileUpData::SensorId (int s){
-  switch(s){ 
-    case (PuTell1::A1):
-      return 128;
-    case (PuTell1::C1): 
-      return 129;
-    case (PuTell1::A2):
-      return 130;
-    case (PuTell1::C2):
-      return 131;
-    default:
-      return -1;
-  }
-StatusCode DecodePileUpData::writePUBanks(  LHCb::VeloClusters * clusters,  LHCb::VeloClusters * clustersNZS )  {
-  if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) debug() << "==> writePUBanks()" << endmsg;
-  put(clusters, m_PUClusterLocation);
-  //info() << "put clusters in " <<  m_PUClusterLocation << endmsg();
-  if ( m_isNonZeroSupp ){ 
-    put(clustersNZS, m_PUClusterNZSLocation);
-  }
-  return ( StatusCode::SUCCESS ); 
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodePileUpData.h b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodePileUpData.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a0ffe123af4a6dc51985c4b3bb58970f50647a38..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodePileUpData.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-// Include files
-// from Gaudi
-#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiAlgorithm.h"
-#include "DAQKernel/DecoderAlgBase.h"
-// from TELL1 Kernel:
-#include "Tell1Kernel/VeloDecodeConf.h"
-#include "Tell1Kernel/PUTell1Core.h"
-/** @class DecodePileUpData DecodePileUpData.h
- *
- *
- *  @author Serena Oggero
- *  @date   2009-06-19
- */
-// -----------------------------------
-namespace LHCb
-  class RawEvent;
-  class RawBank;
-using namespace LHCb;
-// -----------------------------------
-namespace PuTell1
-  enum BankTypes{
-    LOPU_NZS = 57
-  };
-class DecodePileUpData : public Decoder::AlgBase {
-  DecodePileUpData( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator ); /// Standard constructor
-  virtual ~DecodePileUpData(); /// Destructor
-  StatusCode initialize() override;    ///< Algorithm initialization
-  StatusCode execute   () override;    ///< Algorithm execution
-  StatusCode getRawEvent();
-  StatusCode decode();
-  StatusCode getPileUpBank();
-  StatusCode writePUBanks(LHCb::VeloClusters *, LHCb::VeloClusters *);
-  StatusCode decodePileUpBinary( const std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*> & banks );
-  StatusCode decodePileUpBinaryNZS( const std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*> & banks );
-  StatusCode findPileUpHitsBee( PuTell1::dataObject, int, int, LHCb::VeloClusters * );
-  StatusCode findPileUpHitsBeeNZS( PuTell1::dataObject, int, int, LHCb::VeloClusters * );
-  int SensorId( int );
-  std::string binary ( unsigned int );
-  void inizializePUcontainer( PuTell1::DataTable PUcontainerBee );
-  void Fill( unsigned int wordIt, unsigned int word_Tot, unsigned int* data_Ptr, int step, PuTell1::DataTable PUcontainerBee );
-  LHCb::RawEvent*       m_rawEvent;
-  std::string	m_PUClusterLocation;
-  std::string	m_PUClusterNZSLocation;
-  bool          	m_isNonZeroSupp;
-  PuTell1::DataTable	m_PUcontainerBee_NZS;
-  PuTell1::DataTable	m_PUcontainerBee;
-#endif // DecodePileUpData_H
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodeRawBankToClusters.cpp b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodeRawBankToClusters.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 56fc1e283b142d47ac3875097bd6260e3b6cd353..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodeRawBankToClusters.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-// $Id: DecodeRawBankToClusters.cpp,v 1.17 2010-03-17 18:33:19 krinnert Exp $
-#include <vector>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "VeloDet/DeVeloSensor.h"
-#include "VeloRawBankDecoder.h"
-#include "DecodeRawBankToClusters.h"
-int VeloDAQ::decodeRawBankToClustersV2(
-    const SiDAQ::buffer_word* bank, 
-    const DeVeloSensor* sensor,
-    const bool assumeChipChannels,
-    LHCb::VeloClusters& clusters,
-    int& byteCount,
-    bool ignoreErrors)
-  // construct new raw decoder, implicitely decodes header
-  VeloRawBankDecoder decoder(bank);
-  // only decode banks without errors
-  if ( decoder.hasError() && !ignoreErrors ) { return -1; }
-  // make sure we have enough capacity in the container
-  // to avoid unnecessary relocations
-  clusters.reserve(clusters.size()+decoder.nClusters());
-  // decode the clusterpositions, create  clusters and
-  // append them to the container
-  unsigned int sensorNumber = sensor->sensorNumber();
-  unsigned int stripNumber;
-  VeloRawBankDecoder::posadc_iterator padci = decoder.posAdcBegin();
-  for ( ; padci != decoder.posAdcEnd(); ++padci) {
-    stripNumber = padci->first.channelID();
-    if (assumeChipChannels) stripNumber = sensor->ChipChannelToStrip(stripNumber);
-    LHCb::VeloChannelID vcid(sensorNumber,stripNumber);
-    LHCb::VeloLiteCluster lc(
-        padci->first.fracStripBits(),
-        padci->first.pseudoSizeBits(),
-        padci->first.hasHighThreshold(),
-        vcid);
-    const std::vector<SiADCWord>& adcWords = padci->second;
-    int firstStrip = static_cast<int>(stripNumber);
-    // if we have more than two strips on the cluster we have to
-    // find the offset of the cluster centre by computing
-    // the weighted mean
-    if (adcWords.size() > 2) {
-      double adcValue;
-      double sumADC         = 0.0;
-      double sumWeightedPos = 0.0;
-      for (unsigned int adci = 0; adci < adcWords.size(); ++adci) {
-        adcValue        = adcWords[adci].adc();
-        sumWeightedPos += adci*adcValue;
-        sumADC         += adcValue;
-      }
-      firstStrip -= static_cast<unsigned int>(sumWeightedPos/sumADC);
-    }
-    LHCb::VeloCluster::ADCVector adcs;
-    adcs.reserve(adcWords.size());
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i<adcWords.size(); ++i) {
-      adcs.push_back( std::pair<int,unsigned int>
-		      (static_cast<int>(firstStrip+i),
-		       static_cast<unsigned int>(adcWords[i].adc())) );
-    }
-    // got all we need, now append new cluster
-    clusters.insert(new LHCb::VeloCluster(lc,adcs),vcid);
-  }
-  // fetch number of decoded bytes, including 4 byte header, without
-  // the padding bytes at the end.
-  byteCount = padci.bytesRead();
-  return decoder.nClusters();
-// decoding of bank version 3, treating isp rounding like the TELL1
-int VeloDAQ::decodeRawBankToClustersV3(
-    const SiDAQ::buffer_word* bank, 
-    const DeVeloSensor* sensor,
-    const bool assumeChipChannels,
-    LHCb::VeloClusters& clusters,
-    int& byteCount, 
-    std::string& errorMsg,
-    bool ignoreErrors )
-  // construct new raw decoder, implicitely decodes header
-  VeloRawBankDecoder decoder(bank);
-  // only decode banks without errors
-  if ( decoder.hasError() && !ignoreErrors ) { return -1; }
-  // make sure we have enough capacity in the container
-  // to avoid unnecessary relocations
-  clusters.reserve(clusters.size()+decoder.nClusters());
-  // decode the clusterpositions, create  clusters and
-  // append them to the container
-  unsigned int sensorNumber = sensor->sensorNumber();
-  unsigned int stripNumber;
-  VeloRawBankDecoder::posadc_iterator padci = decoder.posAdcBegin();
-  for ( ; padci != decoder.posAdcEnd(); ++padci) {
-    stripNumber = padci->first.channelID();
-    if (assumeChipChannels) stripNumber = sensor->ChipChannelToStrip(stripNumber);
-    LHCb::VeloChannelID vcid(sensorNumber,stripNumber);
-    LHCb::VeloLiteCluster lc(
-        padci->first.fracStripBits(),
-        padci->first.pseudoSizeBits(),
-        padci->first.hasHighThreshold(),
-        vcid);
-    const std::vector<SiADCWord>& adcWords = padci->second;
-    int firstStrip = static_cast<int>(stripNumber);
-    // if we have more than two strips on the cluster we have to
-    // find the offset of the cluster centre by computing
-    // the weighted mean
-    if (adcWords.size() > 1) {
-      double adcValue;
-      double sumADC         = 0.0;
-      double sumWeightedPos = 0.0;
-      for (unsigned int adci = 0; adci < adcWords.size(); ++adci) {
-        adcValue        = adcWords[adci].adc();
-        sumWeightedPos += adci*adcValue;
-        sumADC         += adcValue;
-      }
-      firstStrip -= static_cast<int>(sumWeightedPos*static_cast<int>(65536./sumADC+0.5)/65536.+1/16.);
-    }
-    LHCb::VeloCluster::ADCVector adcs;
-    adcs.reserve(adcWords.size());
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i<adcWords.size(); ++i) {
-      adcs.push_back( std::pair<int,unsigned int>
-		      (static_cast<int>(firstStrip+i),
-		       static_cast<unsigned int>(adcWords[i].adc())) );
-    }
-    // DEBUG: check for "this should never happen"
-    LHCb::VeloCluster* clu =  clusters.object(vcid);
-    if ( clu ) {
-      std::ostringstream errmsg;
-      errmsg << "Cluster of size " << clu->size() << " already in container. " 
-          << "Strip = " << vcid.strip() << ", sensor = " << vcid.sensor()  
-          << ". This inidicates a TELL1 problem." << std::endl;
-      errorMsg = errmsg.str();  
-      continue;
-    }
-    // got all we need, now append new cluster
-    clusters.insert(new LHCb::VeloCluster(lc,adcs),vcid);
-  }
-  // fetch number of decoded bytes, including 4 byte header, without
-  // the padding bytes at the end.
-  byteCount = padci.bytesRead();
-  return decoder.nClusters();
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodeRawBankToClusters.h b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodeRawBankToClusters.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bdd9eb700b14f76399c7a824cea00e46bb7ca0e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodeRawBankToClusters.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-// $Id: DecodeRawBankToClusters.h,v 1.5 2008-10-16 15:31:30 krinnert Exp $
-#include <string>
-#include "Event/VeloCluster.h"
-#include "SiDAQ/SiRawBufferWord.h"
-class DeVeloSensor;
-namespace VeloDAQ {
-  /**  Append  clusters to keyed container, bank version 2
-   *   This function decodes the cluster position and adc counts
-   *   from the  raw bank and appends the resulting VeloClusters to
-   *   to the keyed container provided by the client.
-   *
-   *   @arg bank pointer to raw bank
-   *   @arg sensor sensor corresponding to bank, needed to create channel id and for channel to strip mapping
-   *   @arg assumeChipChannels if true, assume chip channels instead of strip numbers in raw bank
-   *   @arg clusters keyed container to which decoded clusters will be appended
-   *   @arg number of bytes in the bank, including 4 byte header, without padding bytes at the end. Is set by this function.
-   *   @return number of decoded clusters appended (-1 = header error)
-   *   @see VeloCluster
-   *   @author Kurt Rinnert
-   *   @date   2006-02-17
-   */
-  int decodeRawBankToClustersV2(
-      const SiDAQ::buffer_word* bank, 
-      const DeVeloSensor* sensor,
-      const bool assumeChipChannels,
-      LHCb::VeloClusters& clusters,
-      int& byteCount,
-      bool ignoreErrors=false); 
-  /**  Append  clusters to keyed container, bank version 3
-   *   This function decodes the cluster position and adc counts
-   *   from the  raw bank and appends the resulting VeloClusters to
-   *   to the keyed container provided by the client.  It is very similar to 
-   *   the version 2 decoder.  However it treats the inter strip position
-   *   computation and rounding axactly like the TELL1.
-   *
-   *   @arg bank pointer to raw bank
-   *   @arg sensor sensor corresponding to bank, needed to create channel id and for channel to strip mapping
-   *   @arg assumeChipChannels if true, assume chip channels instead of strip numbers in raw bank
-   *   @arg clusters keyed container to which decoded clusters will be appended
-   *   @arg number of bytes in the bank, including 4 byte header, without padding bytes at the end. Is set by this function.
-   *   @return number of decoded clusters appended (-1 = header error)
-   *   @see VeloCluster
-   *   @author Kurt Rinnert
-   *   @date   2006-02-17
-   */
-  int decodeRawBankToClustersV3(
-      const SiDAQ::buffer_word* bank, 
-      const DeVeloSensor* sensor,
-      const bool assumeChipChannels,
-      LHCb::VeloClusters& clusters,
-      int& byteCount,
-      std::string& errorMsg,
-      bool ignoreErrors=false); 
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodeRawBankToLiteClusters.cpp b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodeRawBankToLiteClusters.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a522bcbd38988609df0875a12d3bb0b012d669ce..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodeRawBankToLiteClusters.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-#include "VeloDet/DeVeloSensor.h"
-#include "VeloRawBankDecoder.h"
-#include "DecodeRawBankToLiteClusters.h"
-int VeloDAQ::decodeRawBankToLiteClusters (
-    const SiDAQ::buffer_word* bank, 
-    const DeVeloSensor& sensor,
-    const bool assumeChipChannels,
-    LHCb::VeloLiteCluster::FastContainer& clusters,
-    int& byteCount,
-    bool ignoreErrors )
-  // construct new raw decoder, implicitely decodes header
-  VeloRawBankDecoder decoder(bank);
-  // only decode banks without errors
-  if ( decoder.hasError() && !ignoreErrors ) { return -1; }
-  // decode the clusterpositions, create lite clusters and
-  // append them to the container
-  unsigned int sensorNumber = sensor.sensorNumber();
-  // only need to read ADCs to check for wrong bank length
-  auto cpi = decoder.posAdcBegin();
-  for (;cpi != decoder.posAdcEnd(); ++cpi) {
-    auto stripNumber = cpi->first.channelID();
-    if (assumeChipChannels) stripNumber = sensor.ChipChannelToStrip(stripNumber);
-    clusters.emplace_back( cpi->first.fracStripBits(),
-                           cpi->first.pseudoSizeBits(),
-                           cpi->first.hasHighThreshold(),
-                           LHCb::VeloChannelID(sensorNumber,stripNumber) );
-  }
-  // fetch number of decoded bytes, including 4 byte header, without
-  // the padding bytes at the end.
-  byteCount = cpi.bytesRead();
-  return decoder.nClusters();
-int VeloDAQ::decodeRawBankToLiteClusters (
-    const SiDAQ::buffer_word* bank, 
-    const DeVeloSensor& sensor,
-    LHCb::VeloLiteCluster::FastContainer& clusters,
-    bool ignoreErrors )
-  // construct new raw decoder, implicitely decodes header
-  VeloRawBankDecoder decoder(bank);
-  // only decode banks without errors
-  if ( decoder.hasError() && !ignoreErrors ) { return -1; }
-  // decode the clusterpositions, create lite clusters and
-  // append them to the container
-  unsigned int sensorNumber = sensor.sensorNumber();
-   // decode the clusterpositions, create lite clusters and
-  // append them to the container
-  for (auto cpi = decoder.posBegin(); cpi != decoder.posEnd(); ++cpi) {
-    clusters.emplace_back(cpi->fracStripBits(),
-                          cpi->pseudoSizeBits(),
-                          cpi->hasHighThreshold(),
-                          LHCb::VeloChannelID(sensorNumber, cpi->channelID()));
-  }
-  return decoder.nClusters();
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodeRawBankToLiteClusters.h b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodeRawBankToLiteClusters.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a1dd95462b53ec972c5c045d893efd8a199068f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodeRawBankToLiteClusters.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// $Id: DecodeRawBankToLiteClusters.h,v 1.3 2010-05-13 17:20:20 dhcroft Exp $
-#include "Event/VeloLiteCluster.h"
-#include "SiDAQ/SiRawBufferWord.h"
-class DeVeloSensor;
-namespace VeloDAQ {
-  /**  Append lite clusters to fast container  
-   *   This function decodes the cluster position part of the
-   *   raw bank and appends the resulting VeloLiteClusters to
-   *   to the fast container provided by the client.
-   *
-   *   @arg bank pointer to raw bank
-   *   @arg sensor sensor corresponding to bank, needed to create channel id and for channel to strip mapping
-   *   @arg assumeChipChannels if true, assume chip channels instead of strip numbers in raw bank
-   *   @arg clusters fast container to which decoded clusters will be appended
-   *   @return number of decoded clusters appended (-1 = Header error)
-   *   @see VeloLiteCluster
-   *   @author Kurt Rinnert
-   *   @date   2006-02-17
-   */
-  int decodeRawBankToLiteClusters(
-      const SiDAQ::buffer_word* bank, 
-      const DeVeloSensor& sensor,
-      const bool assumeChipChannels,
-      LHCb::VeloLiteCluster::FastContainer& clusters,
-      int & bytesCount,
-      bool ignoreErrors); 
-  /**  Append lite clusters to fast container  
-   *   This function decodes the cluster position part of the
-   *   raw bank and appends the resulting VeloLiteClusters to
-   *   to the fast container provided by the client. Fast version
-   *   that skips all test on ADC part of bank to check length is correct.
-   *
-   *   @arg bank pointer to raw bank
-   *   @arg sensor sensor corresponding to bank, needed to create channel id and for channel to strip mapping
-   *   @arg clusters fast container to which decoded clusters will be appended
-   *   @return number of decoded clusters appended (-1 = Header error)
-   *   @see VeloLiteCluster
-   *   @author Kurt Rinnert
-   *   @date   2006-02-17
-   */
-  int decodeRawBankToLiteClusters(
-      const SiDAQ::buffer_word* bank, 
-      const DeVeloSensor& sensor,
-      LHCb::VeloLiteCluster::FastContainer& clusters,
-      bool ignoreErrors); 
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer.cpp b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 99a461732d02ec3a32a3ed0ab86b79ac7ba2a558..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,429 +0,0 @@
-// Include files 
-// local
-#include "DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer.h"
-// Kernel
-#include "Kernel/VeloEventFunctor.h"
-// STL
-#include <vector>
-// Implementation file for class : DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer
-// 2006-04-21 : Tomasz Szumlak
-// Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
-// Standard constructor, initializes variables
-DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer::DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer( const std::string& name,
-    ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
-: GaudiAlgorithm ( name , pSvcLocator ),
-  m_veloADCLocation ( VeloFullBankLocation::Default ),
-  m_veloPartialADCLocation ( "Raw/Velo/PreparedPartialADC" ),
-  m_veloPedLocation ( VeloFullBankLocation::Pedestals ),
-  m_decodedADCLocation ( LHCb::VeloTELL1DataLocation::ADCs ),
-  m_decodedPartialADCLocation ( "Raw/Velo/PartialADCs" ),
-  m_decodedPedLocation ( LHCb::VeloTELL1DataLocation::Pedestals ),
-  m_decodedHeaderLocation ( LHCb::VeloTELL1DataLocation::Headers ),
-  m_evtInfoLocation ( EvtInfoLocation::Default ),
-  m_veloADCs ( 0 ),
-  m_veloPartialADCs ( 0 ),
-  m_veloPeds ( 0 ),
-  m_decodedADC ( 0 ),
-  m_decodedPartialADC ( 0 ),
-  m_decodedPed ( 0 ),
-  m_decodedHeader ( 0 ),
-  m_evtInfo ( 0 ),
-  m_adcDataPresent ( false ),
-  m_pedDataPresent ( false ),
-  m_isDebug ( false ),
-  m_signADC ( VeloTELL1::SENSOR_CHANNELS ),
-  m_signPartialADC ( VeloTELL1::SENSOR_CHANNELS ),
-  m_signADCReordered ( VeloTELL1::SENSOR_CHANNELS ),
-  m_signPartialADCReordered ( VeloTELL1::SENSOR_CHANNELS ),
-  m_signHeader ( 256 ),
-  m_signHeaderReordered ( 256 ),
-  m_signPed ( VeloTELL1::SENSOR_CHANNELS ),
-  m_signPedReordered ( VeloTELL1::SENSOR_CHANNELS ),
-  m_ADCDecoder ( VeloFull ),
-  m_ADCPartialDecoder ( VeloFull ),
-  m_HeaderDecoder ( VeloHeader ),
-  m_PedDecoder ( VeloPedestal )
-  declareProperty("ADCLocation",
-                  m_veloADCLocation=VeloFullBankLocation::Default );
-  declareProperty("PedestalLocation",
-                  m_veloPedLocation=VeloFullBankLocation::Pedestals );
-  declareProperty("DecodedADCLocation",
-                  m_decodedADCLocation=LHCb::VeloTELL1DataLocation::ADCs );
-  declareProperty("DecodedPartialADCLocation",
-                  m_decodedPartialADCLocation="Raw/Velo/PartialADCs" );
-  declareProperty("DecodedPedestalLocation",
-                  m_decodedPedLocation=LHCb::VeloTELL1DataLocation::Pedestals );
-  declareProperty("DecodedHeaderLocation",
-                  m_decodedHeaderLocation=LHCb::VeloTELL1DataLocation::Headers );
-  declareProperty("EventInfoLocation", 
-                  m_evtInfoLocation=EvtInfoLocation::Default );
-  declareProperty("SectorCorrection", m_sectorCorrection=true);
-  declareProperty("CableOrder", m_cableOrder);
-// Destructor
-DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer::~DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer() {} 
-// Initialization
-StatusCode DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer::initialize() {
-  StatusCode sc = GaudiAlgorithm::initialize(); // must be executed first
-  if ( sc.isFailure() ) return sc;  // error printed already by GaudiAlgorithm
-  debug() << "==> Initialize" << endmsg;
-  // Check cable order configuration.  If the configuration is empty,
-  // create a configuration with default order.  Otherwise perform
-  // sanity checks and bail out when encountering nonsense.
-  if (m_cableOrder.empty()) {
-    for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
-      m_cableOrder.push_back(i);
-    }
-    std::reverse(m_cableOrder.begin(), m_cableOrder.end());
-   } else if (4 != m_cableOrder.size()) {
-     error() << "The cable order configuration must have exactly 4 entries." << endmsg;
-     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-   } else {
-     std::vector<unsigned int> used;
-     for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
-       if (m_cableOrder[i] > 3) {
-         error() << "Only cable positions 0-3 are allowed." << endmsg;
-         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-       } else if (used.end() != std::find(used.begin(),used.end(),m_cableOrder[i])) {
-         error() << "Each cable position must appear exactly once." << endmsg;
-         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-       }
-       used.push_back(m_cableOrder[i]);
-     }
-   }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-// Main execution
-StatusCode DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer::execute() {
-  m_isDebug   = msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG );
-  if (m_isDebug) debug() << "==> Execute" << endmsg;
-  //
-  getData();
-  // decode ADC, Pedestals and EvtInfos data
-  decodeData();
-  sortAndWriteDecodedData();
-  resetMemory();
-  //
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer::getData()
-  if (m_isDebug) debug()<< " ==> getData() " <<endmsg;
-  //
-  m_veloADCs = getIfExists<VeloFullBanks>(adcContName());
-  if( NULL == m_veloADCs ){
-    if (m_isDebug) debug() << " ==> There is no data banks at: "
-      << adcContName() <<endmsg;
-  }else{  
-    // get the data banks from default TES location
-    if (m_isDebug) debug() << " ==> The data banks have been read-in from location: "
-        << adcContName()
-        << ", size of data container (number of read-out TELL1s): "
-        << m_veloADCs->size() <<endmsg;  
-    // create container for decoded data
-    m_decodedADC=new LHCb::VeloTELL1Datas();
-    m_decodedHeader=new LHCb::VeloTELL1Datas();
-    m_evtInfo=new EvtInfos();
-    //
-    setADCDataFlag();
-  }
-  m_veloPartialADCs = getIfExists<VeloFullBanks>(m_veloPartialADCLocation);
-  if( NULL ==  m_veloPartialADCs ){
-    if (m_isDebug) debug() << " ==> There is no data banks at: "
-      << m_veloPartialADCLocation <<endmsg;
-  }else{  
-    // get the partial data banks from default TES location
-    if (m_isDebug) debug() << " ==> The data banks have been read-in from location: "
-        << m_veloPartialADCLocation
-        << ", size of data container (number of read-out TELL1s): "
-        << m_veloPartialADCs->size() <<endmsg;  
-    // --> create container for decoded data
-    m_decodedPartialADC=new LHCb::VeloTELL1Datas();
-  }
-  //
-  m_veloPeds = getIfExists<VeloFullBanks>(pedContName());
-  if( NULL == m_veloPeds ){
-    if (m_isDebug) debug()<< " ==> There is no Pedestals at: "
-      << pedContName() <<endmsg;
-  }else{  
-    // get the pedestals banks from Pedestals TES location
-    if (m_isDebug) debug()<< " ==> The ped. banks have been read-in from location: "
-      << pedContName()
-      << ", size of pedestals container (number of read-out TELL1s): "
-      << m_veloPeds->size() <<endmsg;  
-    // create container for decoded Ped
-    m_decodedPed=new LHCb::VeloTELL1Datas();
-    setPedDataFlag();
-  }
-  //
-  return ( StatusCode::SUCCESS );
-std::string DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer::adcContName()
-  return ( m_veloADCLocation );
-std::string DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer::pedContName()
-  return ( m_veloPedLocation );
-std::string DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer::decADCName()
-  return ( m_decodedADCLocation );
-std::string DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer::decPedName()
-  return ( m_decodedPedLocation );
-std::string DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer::decHeaderName()
-  return ( m_decodedHeaderLocation );
-std::string DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer::evtInfoName()
-  return ( m_evtInfoLocation );
-StatusCode DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer::decodeData()
-  if (m_isDebug) debug()<< " ==> decodeData() " <<endmsg;
-  //
-  VeloFullBanks::const_iterator sensIt;
-  //
-  if(adcDataFlag()){
-    // decode both ADC and ADCHeaders
-    //
-    for(sensIt=m_veloADCs->begin(); sensIt!=m_veloADCs->end(); sensIt++){
-      m_ADCDecoder.decode(*sensIt,m_signADC);
-      m_HeaderDecoder.decode(*sensIt,m_signHeader);
-      //
-      LHCb::VeloTELL1Data* adcData=new LHCb::VeloTELL1Data((*sensIt)->key(), VeloFull);
-      LHCb::VeloTELL1Data* headerData=new LHCb::VeloTELL1Data((*sensIt)->key(), VeloHeader);
-      EvtInfo* anInfo=new EvtInfo((*sensIt)->key());
-      // data coming from TELL1 board is unsigned int
-      // for the subsequent algorithms we required signed
-      // values; change from unsigned int -> signed int
-      // In the following we apply the cable reordering (sector correction)
-      // is necessary for the NZS data to agree with the ZS data.
-      // It corrects for the fact that the data cables between 
-      // repeater board and Tell1 have to be connected in reverse
-      // to their numbering (data 0 -> tell1 input 3,data 1-> tell1 input 2 etc)
-      if(m_sectorCorrection){ // need to correct for wrong cabling 
-        int counter=0;
-        for(scdatIt iT=m_signADC.begin(); iT!=m_signADC.end(); ++iT){ 
-          int channelposition=counter;
-          channelposition=m_cableOrder[channelposition/512]*512 + channelposition % 512;
-          if (m_isDebug) debug() << "ADCbanks: "<< channelposition << " "  <<(*iT) << endmsg;
-          m_signADCReordered[channelposition]=static_cast<signed int>(*iT);
-          counter++;
-        }
-        counter=0;
-        for(scdatIt iT=m_signHeader.begin(); iT!=m_signHeader.end(); iT++){
-          int channelposition=counter;
-          channelposition = m_cableOrder[channelposition/64]*64 + channelposition % 64;
-          if (m_isDebug) debug() << "Header: "<< channelposition << " " << (*iT) << endmsg;
-          m_signHeaderReordered[channelposition]=(static_cast<signed int>(*iT));
-          counter++;
-        }
-        adcData->setDecodedData(m_signADCReordered);
-        headerData->setDecodedData(m_signHeaderReordered);
-      } else { // no cable reordering requested
-        adcData->setDecodedData(m_signADC);
-        headerData->setDecodedData(m_signHeader);
-      }
-      anInfo->setEvtInfo((*sensIt)->getEvtInfo());
-      //
-      m_decodedADC->insert(adcData);
-      m_decodedHeader->insert(headerData);
-      m_evtInfo->insert(anInfo);
-    }
-  }
-  if(NULL!=m_veloPartialADCs){
-    // --> this part is responsible for the decoding of the partial data
-    //     associated with an error bank
-    VeloFullBanks::const_iterator partIt=m_veloPartialADCs->begin();
-    for( ; partIt!=m_veloPartialADCs->end(); ++partIt){
-      m_ADCPartialDecoder.decode(*partIt, m_signPartialADC);
-      LHCb::VeloTELL1Data* partData=new LHCb::VeloTELL1Data((*partIt)->key(), VeloFull);
-      if(m_sectorCorrection){ // need to correct for wrong cabling 
-        int counter=0;
-        scdatIt pIT=m_signPartialADC.begin();
-        for( ; pIT!=m_signPartialADC.end(); ++pIT){ 
-          int channelposition=counter;
-          channelposition=m_cableOrder[channelposition/512]*512 + channelposition % 512;
-          m_signPartialADCReordered[channelposition]=static_cast<signed int>(*pIT);
-          counter++;
-        }
-        partData->setDecodedData(m_signPartialADCReordered);
-      }else{ // --> no cable reordering requested
-        partData->setDecodedData(m_signPartialADC);
-      }
-      m_decodedPartialADC->insert(partData);
-    }
-  }
-  //
-  if(pedDataFlag()){
-    for(sensIt=m_veloPeds->begin(); sensIt!=m_veloPeds->end(); sensIt++){
-      m_PedDecoder.decode(*sensIt, m_signPed);
-      LHCb::VeloTELL1Data* pedData=new LHCb::VeloTELL1Data((*sensIt)->key(), VeloPedestal);
-      if(true==m_sectorCorrection){ // need to correct for wrong cabling
-        int counter=0;
-        for(scdatIt iT=m_signPed.begin(); iT!=m_signPed.end(); iT++){
-          int channelposition=counter;
-          channelposition = m_cableOrder[channelposition/512]*512 + channelposition % 512;
-          if (m_isDebug) debug() << "Ped bank: " << channelposition << " "  <<(*iT) << endmsg;  
-          m_signPedReordered[channelposition]=static_cast<signed int>(*iT);
-          counter++;
-        }
-        pedData->setDecodedData(m_signPedReordered);
-      } else { // no cable reordering requested
-        pedData->setDecodedData(m_signPed);
-      }
-      m_decodedPed->insert(pedData);
-    }
-  }
-  //
-  if((!adcDataFlag())&&(!pedDataFlag())){
-    if ( m_isDebug ) debug()<< " ==> No data decoded! " <<endmsg;
-    return ( StatusCode::SUCCESS );
-  }else{
-    return ( StatusCode::SUCCESS );
-  }
-void DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer::sortAndWriteDecodedData()
-  if (m_isDebug) debug()<< " ==> writeDecodedData() " <<endmsg;
-  //
-  if(adcDataFlag()){
-    // sort the output containers by key (TELL1 number)
-    std::stable_sort(m_decodedADC->begin(), m_decodedADC->end(),
-        VeloEventFunctor::Less_by_key<LHCb::VeloTELL1Data*>());
-    std::stable_sort(m_decodedHeader->begin(), m_decodedHeader->end(),
-        VeloEventFunctor::Less_by_key<LHCb::VeloTELL1Data*>());
-    std::stable_sort(m_evtInfo->begin(), m_evtInfo->end(),
-        VeloEventFunctor::Less_by_key<EvtInfo*>());
-    // put the data to TES
-    put(m_decodedADC, decADCName());
-    put(m_decodedHeader, decHeaderName());
-    put(m_evtInfo, evtInfoName());
-  }
-  if(NULL!=m_decodedPartialADC)
-  {
-    if(!m_decodedPartialADC->empty()) if (m_isDebug) debug()<< " --> Write some data " <<endmsg;
-    put(m_decodedPartialADC, m_decodedPartialADCLocation);
-  }
-  if(pedDataFlag()){
-    // sort decoded pedestals
-    std::stable_sort(m_decodedPed->begin(), m_decodedPed->end(),
-        VeloEventFunctor::Less_by_key<LHCb::VeloTELL1Data*>());
-    // put decoded peds in TES
-    put(m_decodedPed, decPedName());
-  }
-void DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer::setADCDataFlag()
-  m_adcDataPresent=true;
-void DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer::setPedDataFlag()
-  m_pedDataPresent=true;
-bool DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer::adcDataFlag()
-  return ( m_adcDataPresent );
-bool DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer::pedDataFlag()
-  return ( m_pedDataPresent );
-void DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer::unsetADCDataFlag()
-  m_adcDataPresent=false;
-void DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer::unsetPedDataFlag()
-  m_pedDataPresent=false;
-void DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer::resetMemory()
-  if (m_isDebug) debug()<< " ==> resetMemory() " <<endmsg;
-  //
-  unsetADCDataFlag();
-  unsetPedDataFlag();
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer.h b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b1ec36aa0df69578e15a02a5d123a3f8914953ac..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-// Include files
-// from Gaudi
-#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiAlgorithm.h"
-// local
-#include "VeloEvent/VeloFullBank.h"
-#include "VeloEvent/VeloTELL1Data.h"
-#include "VeloEvent/EvtInfo.h"
-#include "Tell1Kernel/VeloDecodeCore.h"
-#include "Tell1Kernel/VeloDecodeConf.h"
-#include "VeloFullDecoder.h"
-/** @class DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer.h
- *
- *
- *  @author Tomasz Szumlak
- *  @date   2006-04-21
- */
-using namespace VeloTELL1;
-class DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer : public GaudiAlgorithm {
-  /// Standard constructor
-  DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator );
-  virtual ~DecodeVeloFullRawBuffer( ); ///< Destructor
-  StatusCode initialize() override;    ///< Algorithm initialization
-  StatusCode execute   () override;    ///< Algorithm execution
-  StatusCode getData();
-  StatusCode decodeData();
-  std::string adcContName();
-  std::string pedContName();
-  std::string decADCName();
-  std::string decPedName();
-  std::string decHeaderName();
-  std::string evtInfoName();
-  void sortAndWriteDecodedData();
-  void setADCDataFlag();
-  void setPedDataFlag();
-  bool adcDataFlag();
-  bool pedDataFlag();
-  void resetMemory();
-  void unsetADCDataFlag();
-  void unsetPedDataFlag();
-  // location paths
-  std::string m_veloADCLocation;
-  std::string m_veloPartialADCLocation;
-  std::string m_veloPedLocation;
-  std::string m_decodedADCLocation;
-  std::string m_decodedPartialADCLocation;
-  std::string m_decodedPedLocation;
-  std::string m_decodedHeaderLocation;
-  std::string m_evtInfoLocation;
-  // input data
-  VeloFullBanks* m_veloADCs;
-  VeloFullBanks* m_veloPartialADCs;
-  VeloFullBanks* m_veloPeds;
-  // decoded data for futher processing
-  LHCb::VeloTELL1Datas* m_decodedADC;
-  LHCb::VeloTELL1Datas* m_decodedPartialADC;
-  LHCb::VeloTELL1Datas* m_decodedPed;
-  LHCb::VeloTELL1Datas* m_decodedHeader;
-  EvtInfos* m_evtInfo;
-  // flags
-  bool m_adcDataPresent;
-  bool m_pedDataPresent;
-  bool m_sectorCorrection;
-  bool m_isDebug;
-  // data buffers
-  sdataVec m_signADC;
-  sdataVec m_signPartialADC;
-  sdataVec m_signADCReordered;
-  sdataVec m_signPartialADCReordered;
-  sdataVec m_signHeader;
-  sdataVec m_signHeaderReordered;
-  sdataVec m_signPed;
-  sdataVec m_signPedReordered;
-  // decoders
-  VeloFullDecoder m_ADCDecoder;
-  VeloFullDecoder m_ADCPartialDecoder;
-  VeloFullDecoder m_HeaderDecoder;
-  VeloFullDecoder m_PedDecoder;
-  // cable order
-  std::vector<unsigned int> m_cableOrder;
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodeVeloRawBuffer.cpp b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodeVeloRawBuffer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b11dd8ab966e860be49ce1475a48f0acda565709..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodeVeloRawBuffer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
-#include "GaudiKernel/IIncidentSvc.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/Incident.h"
-#include "Event/RawEvent.h"
-#include "Event/RawBank.h"
-#include "Event/VeloLiteCluster.h"
-#include "Event/VeloCluster.h"
-#include "Event/ProcStatus.h"
-#include "VeloDet/DeVelo.h"
-#include "VeloDet/DeVeloSensor.h"
-#include "DecodeRawBankToLiteClusters.h"
-#include "DecodeRawBankToClusters.h"
-#include "DecodeVeloRawBuffer.h"
-#include "VeloRawBankDecoder.h"
-#include "VeloRawBankVersions.h"
-// Implementation file for class : DecodeVeloRawBuffer
-// 2004-02-02 : Chris Parkes
-// 2006-02-23 : David Jones, Kurt Rinnert
-//              - complete rewrite
-// Standard constructor, initializes variables
-DecodeVeloRawBuffer::DecodeVeloRawBuffer( const std::string& name,
-                                          ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
-    : Decoder::AlgBase ( name , pSvcLocator )
-  declareProperty("DecodeToVeloLiteClusters",m_decodeToVeloLiteClusters=true);
-  declareProperty("DecodeToVeloClusters",m_decodeToVeloClusters=false);
-  declareProperty("DumpVeloClusters",m_dumpVeloClusters=false);
-  declareProperty("VeloLiteClustersLocation",m_veloLiteClusterLocation=LHCb::VeloLiteClusterLocation::Default);
-  declareProperty("VeloClusterLocation",m_veloClusterLocation=LHCb::VeloClusterLocation::Default);
-  declareProperty("AssumeChipChannelsInRawBuffer",m_assumeChipChannelsInRawBuffer=false);
-  declareProperty("ForceBankVersion",m_forcedBankVersion=0);// there is no version 0, so this means bank version is not enforced
-  declareProperty("ErrorCount",m_errorCount=0);
-  declareProperty("IgnoreErrors",m_ignoreErrors=false,
-                  "Decode clusters even if errors are present. Use with care, can cause crashes on corrupted banks.");
-  declareProperty("DoLengthCheck",m_doLengthCheck=false,
-                  "Check when decoding lite clusters that the bank length is correct");
-  declareProperty("MaxVeloClusters", m_maxVeloClusters = 10000);
-  declareProperty("HideWarnings", m_hideWarnings = true);
-  //new for decoders, initialize search path, and then call the base method
-  m_defaultRawEventLocations={LHCb::RawEventLocation::Velo,    // When only VELO retained in stripping
-			      LHCb::RawEventLocation::Other,   // Stripping default
-			      LHCb::RawEventLocation::Default};// RAW default
-  m_rawEventLocations.resize(m_defaultRawEventLocations.size(),"");
-  std::copy(m_defaultRawEventLocations.begin(),
-	    m_defaultRawEventLocations.end(),m_rawEventLocations.begin());
-  initRawEventSearch();
-// Initialisation. Check parameters
-StatusCode DecodeVeloRawBuffer::initialize() {
-  StatusCode sc = Decoder::AlgBase::initialize(); // must be executed first
-  if ( sc.isFailure() ) return sc;  // error printed already by GaudiAlgorithm
-  if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) debug () << "==> Initialise" << endmsg;
-  // check whether enforced bank version is supported
-  if(m_forcedBankVersion) {
-    switch (m_forcedBankVersion) {
-      case VeloDAQ::v2: // ok, supported
-      case VeloDAQ::v3:
-        break;
-      default: // not supported, bail out
-        error() << "User enforced VELO raw buffer version "
-          << m_forcedBankVersion
-          << " is not supported."
-          << endmsg;
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-  }
-  info() << "Cancel processing of events with more than " << m_maxVeloClusters
-    << " Velo clusters" << endmsg;
-  m_velo = getDet<DeVelo>( DeVeloLocation::Default );
-  if (m_rawEventLocations.empty())
-  {
-    return Error("I can't decode if you don't tell me where to decode to! Fill RawEventLocations!",StatusCode::FAILURE);
-  }
-  if ( m_rawEventLocations.size() == 1 ){ // if one entry and not in default list print
-    if ( std::find(m_defaultRawEventLocations.begin(),
-		   m_defaultRawEventLocations.end(),
-		   m_rawEventLocations[0]) == m_defaultRawEventLocations.end() ) {
-      info() << "Using '" << m_rawEventLocations << "' as search path for the RawEvent object" << endmsg;
-    }
-  }else if( ( m_defaultRawEventLocations.size() != m_rawEventLocations.size() ) or
-	    (std::mismatch(m_defaultRawEventLocations.begin(), // if a list but not the same list print
-			   m_defaultRawEventLocations.end(),
-			   m_rawEventLocations.begin()).first !=
-	     m_defaultRawEventLocations.end() ) ){
-    info() << "Using '" << m_rawEventLocations << "' as search path for the RawEvent object" << endmsg;
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-// Main execution
-StatusCode DecodeVeloRawBuffer::execute() {
-  auto decStatus =
-    getIfExists<LHCb::VeloDecodeStatus>(m_veloLiteClusterLocation+"DecStatus");
-  if( !decStatus ){
-    decStatus = new LHCb::VeloDecodeStatus();
-    put(decStatus,m_veloLiteClusterLocation+"DecStatus");
-  }
-  // Retrieve the RawEvent:
-  LHCb::RawEvent* rawEvent = findFirstRawEvent();
-  if( rawEvent == NULL ) {
-    if( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) )
-      debug() << "Raw Event not found in " << m_rawEventLocations << endmsg;
-    createEmptyBanks();
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  }
-  const std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*>& banks = rawEvent->banks(LHCb::RawBank::Velo);
-  StatusCode sc;
-  // decode to lite clusters, if requested, bail out if something goes wrong
-  if (m_decodeToVeloLiteClusters) {
-    sc = decodeToVeloLiteClusters(banks,decStatus);
-    if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
-  }
-  // decode to clusters, if requested, bail out if something goes wrong
-  if (m_decodeToVeloClusters) {
-    sc = decodeToVeloClusters(banks,decStatus);
-    if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-// Private helpers
-StatusCode DecodeVeloRawBuffer::
-decodeToVeloLiteClusters(const std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*>& banks,
-			 LHCb::VeloDecodeStatus *decStatus) const {
-  LHCb::VeloLiteCluster::FastContainer* fastCont = new LHCb::VeloLiteCluster::FastContainer();
-  // make sure we have enough capacity in the container
-  // to avoid unnecessary relocations
-  // yes this is a guessed number based on <4% of signal events
-  // need more than clusters (one length doubling operation required)
-  fastCont->reserve(4096);
-  for (const LHCb::RawBank* rb : banks ) {
-    // --> protect against corrupted banks
-    if(LHCb::RawBank::MagicPattern!=rb->magic()) {
-      failEvent(format("Bad magic pattern in bank source ID %i",
-            rb->sourceID()),
-          "CorruptVeloBuffer",CorruptVeloBuffer,false);
-      continue;
-    }
-    const DeVeloSensor* sensor = m_velo->sensorByTell1Id(static_cast<unsigned int>(rb->sourceID()));
-    if (!sensor) {
-      failEvent(format("Could not map source ID %i to sensor number!",
-            rb->sourceID()),
-          "BadTELL1IDMapping",BadTELL1IDMapping,false);
-      continue;
-    }
-    int byteCount(0);
-    int nClusters;
-    const SiDAQ::buffer_word* rawBank = static_cast<const SiDAQ::buffer_word*>(rb->data());
-    if( m_doLengthCheck ) {
-      nClusters =VeloDAQ::decodeRawBankToLiteClusters(rawBank,*sensor,
-                                                      m_assumeChipChannelsInRawBuffer,
-                                                      *fastCont, byteCount, m_ignoreErrors);
-    }else{
-      nClusters = VeloDAQ::decodeRawBankToLiteClusters(rawBank,*sensor,
-                                                       *fastCont, m_ignoreErrors);
-    }
-    if( nClusters == -1 ) {
-      if ( !m_ignoreErrors ) {
-        if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) debug() << "Header error bit set in raw bank source ID "
-                                              << rb->sourceID() << endmsg;
-        failEvent(format("Header error bit set in the VELO, bank source ID %i",
-                         rb->sourceID()),
-                  "HeaderErrorVeloBuffer",HeaderErrorBit,false);
-        // no clusters produced so continue
-	decStatus->setDecoderState(sensor->sensorNumber(),false);
-        continue;
-      }
-    }
-    if ( m_doLengthCheck && (rb->size() != byteCount) ) {
-      if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) debug() << "Byte count mismatch between RawBank size and decoded bytes."
-        << " RawBank: " << rb->size()
-          << " Decoded: " << byteCount
-          << endmsg;
-      failEvent(format("Raw data corruption in the VELO, bank source ID %i",
-            rb->sourceID()),
-          "CorruptVeloBuffer",CorruptVeloBuffer,false);
-      // assume all clusters from the bad sensor at the end
-      if (nClusters>0) fastCont->resize( fastCont->size() - nClusters );
-      // a wrong byte count is also considered an error
-      decStatus->setDecoderState(sensor->sensorNumber(),false);
-    } else { // we got clusters decoded from this bank, update decode status
-      decStatus->setDecoderState(sensor->sensorNumber(),true);
-    }
-  }
-  if( fastCont->size() > m_maxVeloClusters){
-    fastCont->clear();
-    failEvent(format("Deleted all lite VELO clusters as more than limit %i in the event",
-          m_maxVeloClusters),
-        "TooManyClusters",TooManyClusters,true);
-  }
-  std::sort(fastCont->begin(),fastCont->end(),SiDataFunctor::Less_by_Channel< LHCb::VeloLiteCluster >());
-  put(fastCont,m_veloLiteClusterLocation);
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode DecodeVeloRawBuffer::decodeToVeloClusters(const std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*>& banks,LHCb::VeloDecodeStatus* decStatus) const
-  auto clusters = std::unique_ptr<LHCb::VeloClusters>(new LHCb::VeloClusters());
-  // Number of bytes in bank, including 4 byte header but
-  // *without* the padding bytes at the end.
-  // This is filled by the decoding function and should always
-  // be the same as RawBank::size().
-  int byteCount;
-  for (const auto& rb : banks) {
-    // a priory we assume the byte count is correct
-    byteCount = rb->size();
-    // --> protect against corrupted banks
-    if(LHCb::RawBank::MagicPattern!=rb->magic()) {
-      failEvent(format("Bad magic pattern in bank source ID %i",
-            rb->sourceID()),
-          "CorruptVeloBuffer",CorruptVeloBuffer,false);
-      continue;
-    }
-    const SiDAQ::buffer_word* rawBank = static_cast<const SiDAQ::buffer_word*>(rb->data());
-    const DeVeloSensor* sensor = m_velo->sensorByTell1Id(static_cast<unsigned int>(rb->sourceID()));
-    if (!sensor) {
-      failEvent(format("Could not map source ID %i to sensor number!",
-            rb->sourceID()),
-          "BadTELL1IDMapping",BadTELL1IDMapping,false);
-      continue;
-    }
-    unsigned int bankVersion = m_forcedBankVersion ? m_forcedBankVersion : rb->version();
-    int nClusters = 0;
-    std::string errorMsg;
-    switch (bankVersion) {
-      case VeloDAQ::v2:
-        nClusters =
-          VeloDAQ::decodeRawBankToClustersV2(rawBank,sensor,
-              m_assumeChipChannelsInRawBuffer,
-              *clusters,byteCount,m_ignoreErrors);
-        break;
-      case VeloDAQ::v3:
-        nClusters =
-          VeloDAQ::decodeRawBankToClustersV3(rawBank,sensor,
-              m_assumeChipChannelsInRawBuffer,
-              *clusters,byteCount,errorMsg,m_ignoreErrors);
-        if ( !errorMsg.empty() ) {
-          unsigned int msgCount = 0;
-          if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) {
-            msgCount = 10;
-            Warning(errorMsg, StatusCode::SUCCESS, msgCount).ignore();
-          }else{
-            // currently suppressed due to presence of bug in TELL1 cluster maker
-            if(!m_hideWarnings){
-              Warning(errorMsg, StatusCode::SUCCESS, msgCount).ignore();
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        break;
-      default: // bank version is not supported: kill the event
-        failEvent(format("VELO raw buffer version %i is not supported.",
-              rb->sourceID()),
-            "UnsupportedBufferVersion",UnsupportedBufferVersion,false);
-        continue;
-    }
-    if( nClusters == -1 ) {
-      if ( !m_ignoreErrors ){
-        debug() << "Header error bit set in raw bank source ID "
-          << rb->sourceID() << endmsg;
-        failEvent(format("Header error bit set in the VELO, bank source ID %i",
-              rb->sourceID()),
-            "HeaderErrorVeloBuffer",HeaderErrorBit,false);
-        // no clusters produced so continue
-	decStatus->setDecoderState(sensor->sensorNumber(), false);
-        continue;
-      }
-    }
-    if (rb->size() != byteCount) {
-      if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) debug() << "Byte count mismatch between full RawBank size and decoded bytes."
-        << " RawBank: " << rb->size()
-          << " Decoded: " << byteCount
-          << endmsg;
-      failEvent(format("Raw data corruption in the VELO, bank source ID %i",
-            rb->sourceID()),
-          "CorruptVeloBuffer",CorruptVeloBuffer,false);
-      decStatus->setDecoderState(sensor->sensorNumber(), false);
-      StatusCode sc = replaceFullFromLite(*clusters,sensor->sensorNumber(),
-                                          banks, decStatus);
-      if(!sc) return Error("Failed to convert lite to fake full VELO clusters");
-    } else { // we got clusters decoded from this bank, update TELL1 event info
-      decStatus->setDecoderState(sensor->sensorNumber(), true);
-    }
-  }
-  if( clusters->size() > m_maxVeloClusters){
-    clusters->clear();
-    failEvent(format("Deleted all full VELO clusters as more than limit %i in the event",m_maxVeloClusters),
-        "TooManyClusters",TooManyClusters,true);
-  }
-  if (m_dumpVeloClusters) dumpVeloClusters(*clusters);
-  put(clusters.release(),m_veloClusterLocation);
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-void DecodeVeloRawBuffer::dumpVeloClusters(const LHCb::VeloClusters& clusters) const
-  std::vector<float> adcValues;
-  for (const auto& clu : clusters ) {
-    unsigned int sensorNumber = clu->channelID().sensor();
-    unsigned int centroidStrip = clu->channelID().strip();
-    // interstrip position in 1/8 of strip pitch (as it is encoded in raw bank)
-    //     float interStripPos = static_cast<unsigned int>((clu->interStripFraction())*8.0)/8.0;
-    double interStripPos = clu->interStripFraction();
-    info() << "DEC::POSDUMP:"
-	   << " SN=" << sensorNumber
-	   << " CS=" << centroidStrip
-	   << " ISP=" << interStripPos
-	   << endmsg;
-    info() << "DEC::ADCDUMP:"
-	   << " SN=" << sensorNumber;
-    for (unsigned int adci=0; adci<clu->size(); ++adci) {
-      info() << " " << clu->adcValue(adci)
-	     << "@" << clu->strip(adci);
-    }
-    info() << endmsg;
-  }
-void DecodeVeloRawBuffer::createEmptyBanks() const {
-  if ( m_decodeToVeloLiteClusters ) {
-    put(new LHCb::VeloLiteCluster::FastContainer(),m_veloLiteClusterLocation);
-  }
-  if ( m_decodeToVeloClusters ) {
-    put(new LHCb::VeloClusters(),m_veloClusterLocation);
-  }
-void DecodeVeloRawBuffer::failEvent(const std::string &ErrorText,
-				    const std::string &ProcText,
-				    AlgStatusType status,
-				    bool procAborted) const {
-  // set ProcStat for this event to failed in DecodeVeloRawBuffer
-  LHCb::ProcStatus *pStat =
-    getOrCreate<LHCb::ProcStatus,LHCb::ProcStatus>(LHCb::ProcStatusLocation::Default);
-  pStat->addAlgorithmStatus("DecodeVeloRawBuffer",
-			    "VELO",ProcText,status,procAborted);
-  if( m_errorCount > 0 || msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) {
-    unsigned int msgCount = m_errorCount;
-    if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) msgCount += 10;
-    Error(ErrorText,StatusCode::SUCCESS,msgCount).ignore();
-  }
-StatusCode DecodeVeloRawBuffer::
-replaceFullFromLite(LHCb::VeloClusters& clusters,
-                    unsigned int nSensor,
-                    const std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*>& banks,
-		    LHCb::VeloDecodeStatus *decStatus) const {
-  unsigned int msgCount = 1;
-  if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) msgCount = 10;
-  Error(format("Corrupt buffer sensor %i, matching lite clusters in full bank",
-               nSensor), StatusCode::SUCCESS, msgCount).ignore();
-  LHCb::VeloLiteCluster::FastContainer *veloLiteClusters =
-    getIfExists<LHCb::VeloLiteCluster::FastContainer>(m_veloLiteClusterLocation);
-  if(!veloLiteClusters){
-    // not asked to decode in options and no DOD setup :(
-    // But we are the decoder! We can make the container ourselves
-    StatusCode sc = decodeToVeloLiteClusters(banks,decStatus);
-    if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
-    veloLiteClusters = get<LHCb::VeloLiteCluster::FastContainer>(m_veloLiteClusterLocation);
-  }
-  std::vector<LHCb::VeloChannelID> killChannels;
-  for(const auto& c : clusters ) {
-    if( c->channelID().sensor() == nSensor ){
-      killChannels.push_back(c->channelID());
-    }
-  }
-  // nuke all existing clusters from this sensor
-  for(const auto& i : killChannels) clusters.erase(i);
-  // replace with fake cluster to match the badly decoded lite container
-  for(const auto& c : *veloLiteClusters ) {
-    if( c.channelID().sensor() == nSensor ) makeFakeCluster(c,clusters);
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-void DecodeVeloRawBuffer::
-makeFakeCluster(LHCb::VeloLiteCluster const &liteCluster,
-                LHCb::VeloClusters& fakeClusters) const {
-  LHCb::VeloCluster * fakeClus;
-  if( liteCluster.pseudoSize() == 1){
-    fakeClus = new LHCb::VeloCluster( liteCluster, { std::make_pair(liteCluster.channelID().strip(),
-                                                                    liteCluster.highThreshold()?64:21) } );
-  }else{
-    // always fake two strip clusters for two or more strip clusters
-    // from pseudosize
-    LHCb::VeloCluster::ADCVector vec; vec.reserve(2);
-    if( liteCluster.highThreshold() ){
-      unsigned int secondADC = static_cast<unsigned int>(4. + (liteCluster.interStripFraction()*64.));
-      unsigned int firstADC = static_cast<unsigned int>(64 - secondADC);
-      vec.emplace_back(liteCluster.channelID().strip(),firstADC);
-      vec.emplace_back(liteCluster.channelID().strip()+1,secondADC);
-    }else{
-      unsigned int secondADC = static_cast<unsigned int>((4. + (liteCluster.interStripFraction()*64.))/3.);
-      unsigned int firstADC = static_cast<unsigned int>(21 - secondADC);
-      vec.emplace_back(liteCluster.channelID().strip(),firstADC);
-      vec.emplace_back(liteCluster.channelID().strip()+1,secondADC);
-    }
-    fakeClus = new LHCb::VeloCluster(liteCluster,vec);
-  }
-  fakeClusters.insert(fakeClus,liteCluster.channelID());
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodeVeloRawBuffer.h b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodeVeloRawBuffer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 238fc42d42e4f6806c78d6bbf790c08f2a346821..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/DecodeVeloRawBuffer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-#include <string>
-#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiAlgorithm.h"
-#include "DAQKernel/DecoderAlgBase.h"
-#include "VeloEvent/VeloDecodeStatus.h"
-#include "SiDAQ/SiRawBufferWord.h"
-namespace LHCb {
-  class RawBank;
-class DeVelo;
-class IIncidentSvc;
-/** @class DecodeVeloRawBuffer DecodeVeloRawBuffer.h
- *  Decode the Velo data from the 1MHZ Raw buffer.
- *  Completely re-written for the new 1Mhz raw buffer.
- *
- *  @author David Jones
- *  @author Kurt Rinnert
- *  @author Chris Parkes
- *  @date   2004-02-02
- */
-class DecodeVeloRawBuffer : public Decoder::AlgBase {
-  /// Standard constructor
-  DecodeVeloRawBuffer( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator );
-  StatusCode initialize() override;    ///< Algorithm initialization
-  StatusCode execute   () override;    ///< Algorithm execution
-  enum AlgStatusType{
-    OK = 0,
-    BadTELL1IDMapping = 1,
-    UnsupportedBufferVersion = 2,
-    CorruptVeloBuffer = 3,
-    TooManyClusters = 4,
-    HeaderErrorBit = 5,
-    Other = 99
-  };
-  /** Decode raw buffer to lite clusters
-   * This decodes the raw buffer to VeloLiteClusters and
-   * adds a VeloLiteCluster::FastContainer to the TES.
-   *
-   * @see VeloLiteCluster
-   */
-  StatusCode decodeToVeloLiteClusters(const std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*>& banks,
-				      LHCb::VeloDecodeStatus* decStatus) const;
-  /** Decode raw buffer to clusters
-   * This decodes the raw buffer to VeloClusters and
-   * adds themn to the TES.
-   *
-   * @see VeloCluster
-   */
-  StatusCode decodeToVeloClusters(const std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*>& banks,
-				  LHCb::VeloDecodeStatus *decStatus) const;
-  /** Write VeloClusters to stdout
-   *
-   *  @see VeloCluster
-   */
-  void dumpVeloClusters(const LHCb::VeloClusters& clusters) const;
-  /** Create empty banks
-   *
-   * Creates empty cluster and lite cluster banks on the TES.
-   * This called as a failsafe option in case the raw event
-   * is missing.
-   * */
-  void createEmptyBanks() const;
-  /** Add DecodeVeloRawBuffer to list of failed algorithms
-   *  if procAbort = true set the ProcStatus to "aborted" to show
-   *  this event should be removed from physics streams
-   */
-  void failEvent(const std::string &ErrorText,
-                 const std::string &ProcText,
-                 AlgStatusType status,
-                 bool procAborted) const;
-  /** Replace the full clusters for a specific sensor with faked
-   *  clusters from the lite container
-   */
-  StatusCode replaceFullFromLite(LHCb::VeloClusters& clusters,
-                                 unsigned int nSensor,
-                                 const std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*>& banks,
-				 LHCb::VeloDecodeStatus *decStatus) const;
-  /// Add a fake lite cluster to the full cluster container
-  void makeFakeCluster(LHCb::VeloLiteCluster const &liteCluster,
-                       LHCb::VeloClusters& fakeClusters) const;
-  // configuration
-  bool m_decodeToVeloLiteClusters;
-  bool m_decodeToVeloClusters;
-  bool m_dumpVeloClusters;
-  unsigned int m_forcedBankVersion; ///< user forced bank version
-  std::string m_veloLiteClusterLocation;
-  std::string m_veloClusterLocation;
-  /// do we assume chip channels instead of strips in the raw buffer?
-  /// (useful for some testbeam TELL1 cinfigurations, defaults to false)
-  bool m_assumeChipChannelsInRawBuffer;
-  /// helpers
-  const DeVelo* m_velo = nullptr;
-  /// maximum permissible number of VELO clusters,
-  /// more than this will force an IncidentType::AbortEvent
-  unsigned int m_maxVeloClusters;
-  /// m_errorCount is the number of errors per fault to print
-  /// default = 0
-  /// 10 is added to it if the message level is debug
-  unsigned int m_errorCount;
-  /// if true, clusters will be decoded even in the presence of errors
-  bool m_ignoreErrors = false;
-  /// if true hide the errors from multiple cluster using the same strip
-  bool m_hideWarnings;
-  /// Check when decoding lite clusters that the bank length is correct
-  bool m_doLengthCheck;
-  /// default raw event locations: not set in options to allow comparison
-  std::vector<std::string> m_defaultRawEventLocations;
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer.cpp b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b4e1f1339c3bd55d8783e447d95d399e49edbf7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
-// Include files 
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <exception>
-// from Gaudi
-#include "GaudiAlg/Tuples.h"
-// local
-#include "PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer.h"
-// data model
-#include "Event/RawEvent.h"
-// stl
-#include <algorithm>
-// Implementation file for class : PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer
-// 2006-03-22 : Tomasz Szumlak
-// Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
-typedef std::map<unsigned int, std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int*> > DATA_REPO;
-typedef DATA_REPO::const_iterator DR_IT;
-typedef std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int* > DATA_PAIR;
-// Standard constructor, initializes variables
-PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer::PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer( const std::string& name,
-                                                  ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
-  : GaudiTupleAlg ( name , pSvcLocator ),
-    m_rawEvent ( 0 ),
-    m_veloADCData ( 0 ),
-    m_veloADCPartialData ( 0 ),
-    m_veloPedestals ( 0 ),
-    m_veloPedestalsLoc ( VeloFullBankLocation::Pedestals ),
-    m_adcBankPresent ( false ),
-    m_pedBankPresent ( false ),
-    m_isDebug ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) )
-  declareProperty("RunWithODIN", m_runWithODIN=true); 
-  declareProperty("RawEventLocation", 
-                  m_rawEventLoc=LHCb::RawEventLocation::Default);
-  declareProperty("ADCLocation", 
-                  m_veloADCDataLoc=VeloFullBankLocation::Default);
-  declareProperty("ADCPartialLoc",
-                  m_veloADCPartialDataLoc="Raw/Velo/PreparedPartialADC");
-  declareProperty("RoundRobin", m_roundRobin=false);
-  declareProperty("IgnoreErrorBanks", m_ignoreErrorBanks=true);
-// Destructor
-PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer::~PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer() {}
-// Initialization
-StatusCode PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer::initialize() {
-  StatusCode sc = GaudiAlgorithm::initialize(); // must be executed first
-  if ( sc.isFailure() ) return sc;  // error printed already by GaudiAlgorithm
-  if(m_isDebug) debug() << "==> Initialize" << endmsg;
-  //
-  //  setHistoTopDir( "Vetra/" );
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-// Main execution
-StatusCode PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer::execute() {
-  if(m_isDebug) debug() << "==> Execute" << endmsg;
-  //  
-  StatusCode rawEvtStatus=getRawEvent();
-  if(rawEvtStatus.isSuccess()){
-    getRawBanks();
-    // if there is adc bank or pedestal bank begin ordering
-    if(adcBankFlag()||pedBankFlag()){
-      if(adcBankFlag()||pedBankFlag()) createOrderedSections();
-      writeVeloFull();
-      // flush the memory after each event
-      resetMemory();
-    }else if(m_roundRobin){
-      writeVeloFull();
-    }
-  }else{
-    return ( StatusCode::SUCCESS);
-  }
-  //
-  if(m_isDebug) debug()<< " end of execute" <<endmsg;
-  return ( StatusCode::SUCCESS );
-StatusCode PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer::getRawEvent()
-  if(m_isDebug) {
-    debug()<< " ==> getRawEvent() " <<endmsg;
-    debug()<< "--------------------" <<endmsg;
-  }
-  //
-  // get the RawEvent from default TES location
-  m_rawEvent = getIfExists<LHCb::RawEvent>(m_rawEventLoc);
-  if( NULL == m_rawEvent ){
-    return Error( " ==> There is no RawEvent at: " + m_rawEventLoc );
-  }else{  
-    if(m_isDebug) debug()<< " ==> The RawEvent has been read-in from location: "
-           << m_rawEventLoc  <<endmsg;  
-  }
-  //
-  return ( StatusCode::SUCCESS );
-StatusCode PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer::getRawBanks()
-  if(m_isDebug) debug()<< " ==> getRawBanks() " <<endmsg;
-  // check if there is non-zero suppressed bank present
-  const std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*>& fullBanks=
-        m_rawEvent->banks(LHCb::RawBank::VeloFull);
-  const std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*>& errorBanks=
-        m_rawEvent->banks(LHCb::RawBank::VeloError);
-  std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*>::const_iterator bIt;
-  std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*>::const_iterator isError;
-  // if so get all info needed for decoding
-  if(!fullBanks.empty()){
-    setADCBankFlag();
-    m_veloADCData=new VeloFullBanks();
-    m_veloADCPartialData=new VeloFullBanks();
-    //
-    for(bIt=fullBanks.begin(); bIt!=fullBanks.end(); bIt++){
-      LHCb::RawBank* aBank=(*bIt);
-      // protection against wrong magic pattern
-      if(LHCb::RawBank::MagicPattern!=aBank->magic()){
-        info()<< " --> Bank with source ID: " << (aBank->sourceID())
-              << " is corrupted! Skipping to the next event" <<endmsg;
-        return ( StatusCode::SUCCESS );
-      }
-      // get the sensor number == sourceID
-      int sensor=aBank->sourceID();
-      if(!m_ignoreErrorBanks)
-      {
-        // handle the data sent out together with an error bank properly
-        isError=find_if(errorBanks.begin(), errorBanks.end(), errorBankFinder(sensor));
-        if(isError!=errorBanks.end())
-        {
-          DATA_PAIR data_info=std::make_pair(aBank->size(), aBank->data());
-          m_partialData2Decode[(aBank->sourceID())]=data_info;
-          DATA_PAIR eb_info=std::make_pair((*isError)->size(), (*isError)->data());
-          m_errorBanks2Check[(aBank->sourceID())]=eb_info;
-        }else{
-          DATA_PAIR full_info=std::make_pair(aBank->size(), aBank->data());
-          m_fullData2Decode[(aBank->sourceID())]=full_info;
-        }
-      }else{
-        // put all the nzs data in one container
-        DATA_PAIR full_info=std::make_pair(aBank->size(), aBank->data());
-        m_fullData2Decode[(aBank->sourceID())]=full_info;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // check if there is pedestal bank present
-  const std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*>& pedBanks=
-    m_rawEvent->banks(LHCb::RawBank::VeloPedestal);
-  // if so get informations about it
-  if(pedBanks.size()!=0){
-    setPedBankFlag();
-    m_veloPedestals=new VeloFullBanks();
-    //
-    if(m_isDebug) debug()<< "VeloPed bank detected of size: "
-                         << pedBanks.size() <<endmsg;
-    for(bIt=pedBanks.begin(); bIt!=pedBanks.end(); bIt++){
-      LHCb::RawBank* aBank=(*bIt);
-      DATA_PAIR ped_info;
-      ped_info=std::make_pair(aBank->size(), aBank->data());
-      m_pedestalData2Decode[aBank->sourceID()]=ped_info;
-    }
-  }
-  // check if there is ODIN bank present
-  const std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*>& odinBank=
-    m_rawEvent->banks(LHCb::RawBank::ODIN);
-  // cache the bank if present
-  if(odinBank.empty()){
-    if(m_runWithODIN){
-      Error(" ==> ODIN bank missing!");
-      return ( StatusCode::FAILURE );
-    }
-  }
-  //
-  if(fullBanks.empty()){
-    m_veloADCData=new VeloFullBanks();
-    m_veloADCPartialData=new VeloFullBanks();
-    unsigned int msgCount=0;
-    if(m_isDebug) msgCount=10;
-    Warning(" --> There are no NZS banks!", StatusCode::SUCCESS, msgCount).ignore();
-  }
-  //
-  return ( StatusCode::SUCCESS );
-// /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// //
-// if there are both banks type order the data and create new data object    //
-// and pass it to the next stage of the processing                           //
-// /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// //
-void PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer::createOrderedSections()
-  if(m_isDebug) debug()<< " ==> createOrderedSection() " <<endmsg;
-  //
-  if(adcBankFlag()){
-    int type_1=LHCb::RawBank::VeloFull;
-    DR_IT full_IT=m_fullData2Decode.begin();
-    for( ; full_IT!=m_fullData2Decode.end(); ++full_IT)
-    {
-      VeloFullBank* aBank=new VeloFullBank((*full_IT).first, 
-                                           (*full_IT).second.second, type_1);
-      m_veloADCData->insert(aBank);
-    }
-    DR_IT part_IT=m_partialData2Decode.begin();
-    for( ; part_IT!=m_partialData2Decode.end(); ++part_IT)
-    {
-      if(WORD2BYTE*FPGAx4==(*part_IT).second.first)
-      {
-        //if (m_isDebug) debug()<< " --> Will write partial data! " <<endmsg;
-        //if (m_isDebug) debug()<< " --> source id: " << ((*part_IT).first) <<endmsg;
-        info()<< " --> Will write partial data! " <<endmsg;
-        info()<< " --> source id: " << ((*part_IT).first) <<endmsg;
-        VeloFullBank* aBank=new VeloFullBank((*part_IT).first,
-                                             (*part_IT).second.second, type_1);
-        m_veloADCPartialData->insert(aBank);
-      }else{
-        // --> partial data decoding using information form the associated EB
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  //
-  if(pedBankFlag()){
-    int type_2=LHCb::RawBank::VeloPedestal;
-    DR_IT ped_IT=m_pedestalData2Decode.begin();
-    for( ; ped_IT!=m_pedestalData2Decode.end(); ++ped_IT)
-    {
-      VeloFullBank* aBank=new VeloFullBank((*ped_IT).first,
-                                           (*ped_IT).second.second, type_2);
-      m_veloPedestals->insert(aBank);
-    }
-  }
-StatusCode PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer::writeVeloFull()
-  if(m_isDebug) debug()<< " ==> writeVeloFull() " <<endmsg;
-  //
-  if(adcBankFlag()||m_roundRobin){
-    if(m_isDebug) debug()<< "Registered container with bank data of size: "
-          << m_veloADCData->size() << ", at" 
-          << m_veloADCDataLoc <<endmsg;
-    put(m_veloADCData, m_veloADCDataLoc);
-    put(m_veloADCPartialData, m_veloADCPartialDataLoc);
-  }
-  //  
-  if(pedBankFlag()){
-    if(m_isDebug) debug()<< "Registered container with bank data of size: "
-          << m_veloPedestals->size() << ", at" 
-          << m_veloPedestalsLoc <<endmsg;
-    put(m_veloPedestals, m_veloPedestalsLoc);
-  }
-  //
-  return ( StatusCode::SUCCESS );
-void PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer::resetMemory()
-  if(m_isDebug) debug()<< " ==> resetMemory() " <<endmsg;
-  //
-  m_fullData2Decode.clear();
-  m_partialData2Decode.clear();
-  m_pedestalData2Decode.clear();
-  m_errorBanks2Check.clear();
-  if(adcBankFlag()) unsetADCBankFlag();
-  if(pedBankFlag()) unsetPedBankFlag();
-// Note only for use in emergency debugging (not referenced in code presently)
-void PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer::dumpADCs(const dataVec& inADCs)
-  info()<< " Dumping ADC values for all channels (1 TELL1)" <<endmsg;
-  //
-  cdatIt adcIt;
-  int ii=0;
-  for(adcIt=inADCs.begin(); adcIt!=inADCs.end(); adcIt++, ii++){
-    if(!(ii%32)){
-      info()<< " Beggining dumping ALink number: " << ii/32 <<endmsg;
-    }
-    //
-    info() << "[Beetle, Channel] = " << "[" << ii/128 << ", "
-	   << ii%32 << "]" << (*adcIt) <<std::endl;
-  }
-void PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer::setADCBankFlag()
-  m_adcBankPresent=true;
-void PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer::unsetADCBankFlag()
-  m_adcBankPresent=false;
-void PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer::setPedBankFlag()
-  m_pedBankPresent=true;
-void PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer::unsetPedBankFlag()
-  m_pedBankPresent=false;
-bool PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer::adcBankFlag()
-  return ( m_adcBankPresent );
-bool PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer::pedBankFlag()
-  return ( m_pedBankPresent );
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer.h b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bc1c7deaa91ab34c237242f1739d3f8ae0e829f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-// Include files
-// from Gaudi
-#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiTupleAlg.h"
-// STL
-#include <vector>
-#include <map>
-#include <utility>
-// data model
-#include "Kernel/VeloChannelID.h"
-#include "Tell1Kernel/VeloDecodeCore.h"
-#include "Tell1Kernel/VeloDecodeConf.h"
-#include "Tell1Kernel/VeloTell1Core.h"
-#include "VeloEvent/VeloFullBank.h"
-#include "Event/RawBank.h"
-/** @class PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer.h
- *
- *
- *  @author Tomasz Szumlak
- *  @date   2006-03-22
- *
- *  Algorithm dedicated to decoding the new 1MHz non-zero suppresed
- *  RawBank which is sent out by TELL1 pre-processing board.
- *  The input for the algorithm is binary file and the output
- *  is container with VeloDigits objects.
- *  The container is the input for the TELL1
- *  algorithms (pedestal subtraction and following, FIR filter nad
- *  linear CM subtraction)
- */
-namespace LHCb
-  class RawEvent;
-using namespace VeloTELL1;
-using namespace LHCb;
-class PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer : public GaudiTupleAlg {
-  typedef std::map<unsigned int, std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int* > > DATA_REPO;
-  enum parameters{
-    ERROR_HEADER_1=1,
-    ERROR_HEADER_2=2,
-    ADCHeadersShift=4,
-    ALinkShift=36
-  };
-  enum bitMasks{
-    ADCMask=0x000003ff
-  };
-  enum bitShifts{
-    ADCShift=10
-  };
-  enum BANKS_SIZES{
-    WORD2BYTE=4,
-    EB_FPGAx1=6,
-    COMPLETE_EB=52,
-    FPGAx1=224,
-    FPGAx4=896
-  };
-  //
-  /// Standard constructor
-  PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator );
-  virtual ~PrepareVeloFullRawBuffer( ); ///< Destructor
-  StatusCode initialize() override;    ///< Algorithm initialization
-  StatusCode execute   () override;    ///< Algorithm execution
-  // fetch the RawEvent
-  StatusCode getRawEvent();
-  // extract vector of the RawBanks of the type VeloFull (non-zero supp.)
-  StatusCode getRawBanks();
-  void createOrderedSections();
-  // write-out the Gaudi model of the RawBank (with digit objects,
-  // header infos and Beetle headers)
-  StatusCode writeVeloFull();
-  // run after decoding each event
-  void resetMemory();
-  // use only as emergency checker!
-  void dumpADCs(const dataVec& inADCs);
-  void setADCBankFlag();
-  void setPedBankFlag();
-  void unsetADCBankFlag();
-  void unsetPedBankFlag();
-  bool adcBankFlag();
-  bool pedBankFlag();
-  void setDecodeWithErrorBank();
-  bool getDecodeWithErrorBank() const;
-  LHCb::RawEvent* m_rawEvent;          /// pointer to RawEvent container
-  std::string m_rawEventLoc;           /// location of RawEvent container
-  DATA_REPO m_fullData2Decode;         /// source id and ptr to the bank body - full
-  DATA_REPO m_partialData2Decode;      /// source id and ptr to the bank body - partial
-  DATA_REPO m_pedestalData2Decode;     /// src id and ptr to the bank body - pedestals
-  DATA_REPO m_errorBanks2Check;        /// the same for the error banks
-  VeloFullBanks* m_veloADCData;        /// container to store ordered data
-  VeloFullBanks* m_veloADCPartialData;
-  VeloFullBanks* m_veloPedestals;      /// container to store ordered pedestals
-  std::string m_veloADCDataLoc;        /// TES locations of decoded data
-  std::string m_veloPedestalsLoc;
-  std::string m_veloADCPartialDataLoc;
-  bool m_adcBankPresent;               /// flag to check if data is sent out
-  bool m_pedBankPresent;               /// flag to check if ped is sent out
-  bool m_runWithODIN;
-  bool m_isDebug;
-  bool m_roundRobin;
-  bool m_ignoreErrorBanks;
-struct errorBankFinder{
-  errorBankFinder(unsigned int tell1):
-    currentTell1 (tell1)
-  { }
-  bool operator()(LHCb::RawBank* aBank) const{
-    return (aBank->sourceID())==static_cast<int>(currentTell1);
-  }
-  unsigned int currentTell1;
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/PrepareVeloRawBuffer.cpp b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/PrepareVeloRawBuffer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 112257686d40a15407c64fdc54bab7908ea077f3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/PrepareVeloRawBuffer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,477 +0,0 @@
-#include "Event/RawEvent.h"
-#include "VeloEvent/InternalVeloCluster.h"
-#include "VeloDet/DeVelo.h"
-#include "SiDAQ/SiHeaderWord.h"
-#include "SiDAQ/SiADCWord.h"
-#include "SiDAQ/SiRawBufferWord.h"
-#include "VeloClusterWord.h"
-#include "VeloRawBankVersions.h"
-#include "VeloRawWordSizes.h"
-#include "VeloClusterPtrLessThan.h"
-#include "PrepareVeloRawBuffer.h"
-// Implementation file for class : PrepareVeloRawBuffer
-// 2003-04-11 : Olivier Callot
-// 2004-04-13 : modified and moved to Velo area Chris Parkes
-// 2004-11-03 : modified to GaudiAlg dependance
-// 2006-02-15 : David Jones, Kurt Rinnert: complete rewrite for 1MHz raw buffer
-// Standard constructor, initializes variables
-PrepareVeloRawBuffer::PrepareVeloRawBuffer( const std::string& name,
-    ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator) 
-  GaudiAlgorithm (name , pSvcLocator)
-  declareProperty("InternalVeloClusterLocation",m_clusterLoc=LHCb::InternalVeloClusterLocation::Default);
-  declareProperty("RawEventLocation",m_rawEventLoc=LHCb::RawEventLocation::Default);
-  declareProperty("DumpInputClusters",m_dumpInputClusters=false);
-  declareProperty("BankVersion", m_bankVersion=VeloDAQ::v3);
-// Destructor
-PrepareVeloRawBuffer::~PrepareVeloRawBuffer() {}
-// Initialisation. Check parameters
-StatusCode PrepareVeloRawBuffer::initialize() {
-  StatusCode sc = GaudiAlgorithm::initialize(); // must be executed first
-  if ( sc.isFailure() ) return sc;  // error printed already by GaudiAlgorithm
-  debug() << "==> Initialise" << endmsg;
-  m_velo = getDet<DeVelo>( DeVeloLocation::Default );
-  // check whether the requested bank version is supported
-  switch (m_bankVersion) {
-    case VeloDAQ::v2: // ok, do nothing
-    case VeloDAQ::v3:
-      break; 
-    default: // not supported, bail out
-      error() << "VELO raw buffer version " 
-        << m_bankVersion 
-        << " is not supported."
-        << endmsg;
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  // get a list of sensor numbers to identify empty sensors
-  std::vector< DeVeloSensor* >::const_iterator  sIter = m_velo->sensorsBegin();
-  std::vector< DeVeloSensor* >::const_iterator  sEnd = m_velo->sensorsEnd();
-  for( ; sIter != sEnd ; ++sIter ){
-    m_sensorNumbers.push_back((*sIter)->sensorNumber());
-  }
-  std::sort( m_sensorNumbers.begin() , m_sensorNumbers.end() );
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-// Main execution
-StatusCode PrepareVeloRawBuffer::execute() {
-  bool isDebug   = msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG );
-  if (isDebug) debug() << "==> Execute" << endmsg;
-  // Get the input container
-  // Get the InternalVeloClusters from their default location 
-  const LHCb::InternalVeloClusters* clusters = getIfExists<LHCb::InternalVeloClusters>(m_clusterLoc);
-  if( NULL == clusters ){
-    return Error( " ==> There are no InternalVeloClusters in TES! " );
-  }
-  m_sortedClusters.clear();
-  m_sortedClusters.resize(clusters->size());
-  std::copy(clusters->begin(),clusters->end(),m_sortedClusters.begin());
-  // Then sort the clusters by sensor number and local coordinate
-  std::sort( m_sortedClusters.begin(), m_sortedClusters.end(), 
-      VeloDAQ::veloClusterPtrLessThan());
-  // dump input clusters to console, if requested
-  if (m_dumpInputClusters) dumpInputClusters();
-  // see whether the raw event exits
-  LHCb::RawEvent* rawEvent = getIfExists<LHCb::RawEvent>(m_rawEventLoc);
-  if( NULL == rawEvent ) {
-    // raw rawEvent doesn't exist. We need to create it 
-    rawEvent = new LHCb::RawEvent();
-    put(rawEvent, m_rawEventLoc);
-  } 
-  // loop over all clusters and write one bank per sensor
-  std::vector<const LHCb::InternalVeloCluster*>::const_iterator firstOnSensor,
-    lastOnSensor;
-  lastOnSensor = firstOnSensor =  m_sortedClusters.begin();
-  int currentSensorNumber;  
-  int sensorIndex = -1; // index of current sensor in list
-  while (firstOnSensor != m_sortedClusters.end()) {
-    currentSensorNumber = (*firstOnSensor)->sensor();
-    sensorIndex++; // move to next on list of expected sensors
-    // check there was not a missing sensor
-    while( currentSensorNumber != m_sensorNumbers[sensorIndex] ){
-      // store an empty bank
-      storeBank(m_sensorNumbers[sensorIndex],lastOnSensor, lastOnSensor,
-          rawEvent); 
-      if (isDebug) debug() << "Added empty bank for sensor " 
-        << m_sensorNumbers[sensorIndex] << endmsg;
-      sensorIndex++; // move to next on list, try again
-    }
-    while (lastOnSensor != m_sortedClusters.end() && 
-        (*lastOnSensor)->sensor() == currentSensorNumber) {
-      ++lastOnSensor;
-    }
-    // make and store the bank
-    storeBank(currentSensorNumber, firstOnSensor, lastOnSensor, rawEvent);
-    firstOnSensor = lastOnSensor;
-  }
-  // add any empty banks from final sessor in the list
-  sensorIndex++;// move to next on list of expected sensors
-  while(sensorIndex < static_cast<int>(m_sensorNumbers.size())){
-    // store an empty bank
-    storeBank(m_sensorNumbers[sensorIndex],lastOnSensor, lastOnSensor,
-        rawEvent); 
-    if (isDebug) debug() << "Added empty bank for sensor " 
-      << m_sensorNumbers[sensorIndex] << endmsg;
-    sensorIndex++; // move to next on list, try again
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-void PrepareVeloRawBuffer::storeBank(
-    int sensor,
-    std::vector<const LHCb::InternalVeloCluster*>::const_iterator begin, 
-    std::vector<const LHCb::InternalVeloCluster*>::const_iterator end,
-    LHCb::RawEvent* rawEvent) {
-  // create new raw buffer in raw data cache, old one is cleared
-  makeBank(begin, end);
-  // Sensor and TELL1 Id might be different, e.g in a test beam
-  // setup.  Also it makes no sense to add a bank for a sensor that
-  // has not Tell1 Id.  While this should never be attempted in the 
-  // first place (if the geometry XML and CondDB is correct), it is
-  // still a good idea to protect against this scenario. 
-  unsigned int sourceId;
-  if (m_velo->tell1IdBySensorNumber(sensor, sourceId)) {
-    debug() << "Sensor = " << sensor << "Source ID = " << sourceId << endmsg;
-    LHCb::RawBank* newBank = rawEvent->
-      createBank(static_cast<SiDAQ::buffer_word>(sourceId),
-          LHCb::RawBank::Velo,
-          m_bankVersion,
-          m_bankSizeInBytes, 
-          &(m_rawData[0]));
-    // add new bank and pass memory ownership to raw event
-    rawEvent->adoptBank(newBank,true);
-  } else {
-    // we should not end up here if the geometry XMl and the
-    // CondDB sensor/Tell1 mapping is consistent
-    warning() 
-      << "Plot to create bank for sensor " << sensor 
-      << " with no TELL1 Id foiled." << endmsg; 
-  }
-unsigned int PrepareVeloRawBuffer::makeBank (
-    std::vector<const LHCb::InternalVeloCluster*>::const_iterator begin, 
-    std::vector<const LHCb::InternalVeloCluster*>::const_iterator end) 
-  bool isVerbose = msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE );
-  // clear bank
-  m_rawData.clear();
-  // work out number of clusters for this sensor uses 1st 16 bits
-  int numClu = end - begin;
-  if(isVerbose) {
-    verbose() <<"Number of clusters:" << numClu  <<endmsg;
-  }  
-  // pcn is next 8 bits: set to zero here (never any errors in sim)
-  SiHeaderWord hw(numClu,0,0); 
-  SiDAQ::buffer_word pcnAndNumClu = hw.value();
-  // clear temporary buffers
-  m_clusterPosBuffer.clear();
-  m_clusterADCBuffer.clear();
-  // for storing 32 bit 'rows' of adc values and cluster positions
-  SiDAQ::buffer_word rowData   = 0x0; 
-  SiDAQ::buffer_word cluRowData = 0x0;
-  // loop over clusters in range defined by iterator 
-  unsigned int nClu = 0;  // cluster counter
-  unsigned int nAdc = 0;  // ADC word counter, used to to determine
-  // number of padding bytes at end of raw bank 
-  std::vector<const LHCb::InternalVeloCluster*>::const_iterator iC = begin;
-  for ( ; iC != end ; ++iC) {
-    const LHCb::InternalVeloCluster* clu = *iC;
-    unsigned int numStrips = clu->size();
-    bool highThresh = clu->hasHighThreshold();
-    if(isVerbose) {
-      verbose() <<"Reading cluster from sensor "
-        << clu->sensor() << " with " <<
-        numStrips << " strips." <<endmsg;
-    }
-    SiDAQ::buffer_word packedCluster;
-    if( numStrips == 1 ) {  // single strip cluster
-      double adcCount = clu->adcValue(0);
-      if (adcCount > 127) {
-        adcCount = 127;
-      }
-      VeloClusterWord vcw(clu->strip(0),0.0,1, highThresh);
-      packedCluster = static_cast<SiDAQ::buffer_word>(vcw.value());
-      if ( isVerbose ) {
-        verbose() <<"STRIP: " << clu->strip(0)
-          << ",ADC: " << clu->adcValue( 0) << endmsg;
-      }
-      SiADCWord aw(adcCount,true);
-      rowData |= (aw.value() << ((nAdc % VeloDAQ::adc_per_buffer) 
-            << VeloDAQ::adc_shift));
-      ++nAdc;
-      if (nAdc % VeloDAQ::adc_per_buffer == 0) {
-        m_clusterADCBuffer.push_back ( rowData );
-        //reset rowData
-        rowData = 0x0;
-      }
-      if ( isVerbose ) {
-        verbose() <<"strip " << clu->strip(0)
-                  << ",adc= " << aw.value() << endmsg;
-      }
-    } else {
-      // multiple strip cluster
-      // calculate weighted average position of cluster 
-      const std::vector< std::pair<long,double> >& stripSignals = 
-        clu->stripSignals();
-      double sumADC = 0.;
-      double sumADCWeightedeStrip = 0.;
-      // loop over all strip signals 
-      unsigned int i = 0;
-      for (; i<stripSignals.size(); ++i) {
-        unsigned int stripNumber = stripSignals[i].first;
-        double adcCount = stripSignals[i].second;
-        if (adcCount > 127) {
-          adcCount = 127;
-        }
-        if(isVerbose) {
-          verbose() << "ADC COUNT:" <<  adcCount << " STRIP:" << stripNumber
-            << endmsg; 
-        }
-        // sum adc values and adc weighted strip numbers
-        sumADC += adcCount;
-        sumADCWeightedeStrip += static_cast<double>(i) * adcCount;
-        // create new adc word
-        bool endOfCluster = (stripSignals.size() == i+1);
-        SiADCWord aw(adcCount,endOfCluster);
-        rowData |= (aw.value() << 
-            ((nAdc % VeloDAQ::adc_per_buffer) << VeloDAQ::adc_shift));
-        ++nAdc;
-        if (nAdc % VeloDAQ::adc_per_buffer == 0) {
-          m_clusterADCBuffer.push_back ( rowData );
-          //reset rowData
-          rowData = 0x0;
-        }
-      }
-      double       cPos          = 0.0;
-      double       interStripPos = 0.0;
-      unsigned int channelPos    = 0;
-      unsigned int stripNumber = stripSignals[0].first;
-      switch (m_bankVersion) {
-        case VeloDAQ::v2:
-          cPos = (sumADCWeightedeStrip/sumADC) ; // get weighted mean
-          channelPos = stripNumber+static_cast<unsigned int>(cPos); // without fractional par
-          interStripPos = cPos - static_cast<unsigned int>(cPos); // fractional part
-          break;
-        case VeloDAQ::v3:
-          // compute the weighted mean like it is done on the TELL1
-          cPos = sumADCWeightedeStrip*static_cast<int>(65536./sumADC+0.5)/65536.;
-          channelPos = stripNumber+static_cast<int>(cPos+1/16.0); // without fractional part
-          interStripPos = cPos - static_cast<int>(cPos) + 1/16.0; // fractional part, will be rounded to nearest 1/8
-          break;
-      }
-      VeloClusterWord vcw(channelPos, interStripPos, numStrips, highThresh);
-      packedCluster = static_cast<SiDAQ::buffer_word>(vcw.value());
-      if(isVerbose) {
-        verbose() << "CPOS: " << cPos
-          << " CHPOS: " << channelPos
-          << " ISPOS: " << interStripPos
-          << " WORD: " << format( "%8X" , packedCluster )
-          <<endmsg;
-      }
-    }
-    // store the cluster position
-    cluRowData |= (packedCluster << ((nClu % VeloDAQ::clu_per_buffer) << VeloDAQ::clu_shift));
-    ++nClu;
-    if ( nClu % VeloDAQ::clu_per_buffer == 0 ) {
-      m_clusterPosBuffer.push_back( cluRowData );
-      // clear the cluster buffer 
-      cluRowData = 0x0 ; 
-    }
-  }
-  // if there were an odd number of clusters, sort the last cluster row
-  if (  nClu % VeloDAQ::clu_per_buffer != 0 ) {
-    m_clusterPosBuffer.push_back ( cluRowData  );
-  }
-  // check row data is not empty, store remaining adcs
-  if ( nAdc % VeloDAQ::adc_per_buffer != 0 ) {
-    m_clusterADCBuffer.push_back ( rowData );
-  }
-  // write to buffer or return ? 
-  if ( isVerbose ) {
-    verbose()<< "Raw  output of cluster start" <<endmsg;
-    verbose()<< "PCN error flag and number of clusters[" << format( "%10X" , pcnAndNumClu ) 
-      << "]"<<endmsg;
-  }
-  // add PCN and R
-  m_rawData.push_back ( pcnAndNumClu  );
-  // add clusters positions  
-  std::vector<SiDAQ::buffer_word>::iterator tmpCp = m_clusterPosBuffer.begin();
-  for ( ; tmpCp != m_clusterPosBuffer.end() ; ++tmpCp ) {      
-    if ( isVerbose  ) {
-      verbose()<< "Cluster position[" << format( "%10X" , *tmpCp ) << "]"<<endmsg;
-    }
-    m_rawData.push_back ( *tmpCp ) ;
-  }
-  // add adc values 
-  std::vector<SiDAQ::buffer_word>::iterator tmpAdc = m_clusterADCBuffer.begin();
-  for ( ; tmpAdc != m_clusterADCBuffer.end() ; ++tmpAdc ) {
-    if ( isVerbose ) {
-      verbose()<< "Adc row[" << format( "%10X" , *tmpAdc ) << "]"<<endmsg;
-    }
-    m_rawData.push_back ( *tmpAdc ) ;
-  }
-  // Find number of padding bytes at the end of bank an compute
-  // raw bank size in bytes, including the 4 byte header but
-  // *without* the padding bytes at the end. 
-  // The number of padding bytes is completely determined by
-  // the number of ADC words in the raw bank.
-  int adcRemainder = nAdc%VeloDAQ::adc_per_buffer;
-  m_bankSizeInBytes = sizeof(SiDAQ::buffer_word)*m_rawData.size()  
-    - (adcRemainder ? sizeof(SiDAQ::buffer_word)-adcRemainder*VeloDAQ::adc_word_size : 0);
-  if ( isVerbose) {
-    verbose()<< "Raw  output of cluster end" <<endmsg;
-  }
-  return nClu;
-void PrepareVeloRawBuffer::dumpInputClusters() const
-  for (std::vector<const LHCb::InternalVeloCluster*>::const_iterator ci =  m_sortedClusters.begin(); 
-      ci != m_sortedClusters.end(); 
-      ++ci) {
-    const LHCb::InternalVeloCluster* clu = *ci;
-    unsigned int sensorNumber = clu->sensor();
-    unsigned int centroidStrip = clu->strip(0);
-    double channelPos = centroidStrip;
-    // ensure 7 bit cut off for adc values
-    std::vector<double> adcValues;
-    for (int adci=0; adci<clu->size(); ++adci) {
-      adcValues.push_back((clu->adcValue(adci) > 127 ? 127 : clu->adcValue(adci)));
-    }
-    if (clu->size() > 1) {
-      double sumAdc = 0.0;
-      double offset = 0;
-      for (int strip = 0; strip < clu->size(); ++strip) {
-        offset += strip*adcValues[strip];
-        sumAdc += adcValues[strip];
-      }
-      channelPos += offset/sumAdc;
-      centroidStrip = static_cast<unsigned int>(channelPos);
-    }
-    // interstrip position in 1/8 of strip pitch (as it is encoded in raw bank)
-    double interStripPos = static_cast<unsigned int>((channelPos-centroidStrip)*8.0)/8.0;
-    info() << "ENC::POSDUMP:"
-	   << " SN=" << sensorNumber
-	   << " CS=" << centroidStrip
-	   << " ISP=" << interStripPos
-	   << endmsg;
-    info() << "ENC::ADCDUMP:"
-	   << " SN=" << sensorNumber;
-    for (int adci=0; adci<clu->size(); ++adci) {
-      info() << " " << adcValues[adci]
-	     << "@" << clu->strip(adci);
-    }
-    info() << endmsg;
-  }
-  return;
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/PrepareVeloRawBuffer.h b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/PrepareVeloRawBuffer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 063f71dd6a93ef3fa151fb30dbe7f252aca9d8fc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/PrepareVeloRawBuffer.h
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@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-#include <vector>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <string>
-#include "VeloEvent/InternalVeloCluster.h"
-#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiAlgorithm.h"
-class DeVelo;
-namespace LHCb {
-  class RawEvent;
-/** @class PrepareVeloRawBuffer PrepareVeloRawBuffer.h
- *  Prepare the cluster container from 1MHz raw buffer.
- *  Completely rewritten for the new 1MHz raw buffer.
- *
- *  @author David Jones
- *  @author Kurt Rinnert
- *  @author Olivier Callot
- *  @date   2003-04-11
- *  2004-04-13 : modified and moved to Velo area Chris Parkes
- *  2004-11-04 : modified to use new GaudiAlgorithm by David Hutchcroft
- *  2006-02-15 : completely rewritten for 1MHz raw buffer, Kurt Rinnert, David Jones
- */
-class PrepareVeloRawBuffer : public GaudiAlgorithm {
-  /// Standard constructor
-  PrepareVeloRawBuffer( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator );
-  virtual ~PrepareVeloRawBuffer( ); ///< Destructor
-  StatusCode initialize() override;    ///< Algorithm initialization
-  StatusCode execute   () override;    ///< Algorithm execution
-  void dumpInputClusters() const;
-  unsigned int
-makeBank (std::vector<const LHCb::InternalVeloCluster*>::const_iterator begin,
-	  std::vector<const LHCb::InternalVeloCluster*>::const_iterator end);
-storeBank(int sensor,
-	  std::vector<const LHCb::InternalVeloCluster*>::const_iterator begin,
-	  std::vector<const LHCb::InternalVeloCluster*>::const_iterator end,
-	  LHCb::RawEvent* rawEvent);
-  // configurable locations in the TES
-  std::string m_clusterLoc;
-  std::string m_rawEventLoc;
-  // configurable cluster dump flag
-  bool m_dumpInputClusters;
-  /// version tag
-  unsigned int m_bankVersion;
-  // long lived containers for performance reasons. Also used to communicate
-  // with makeBank() method
-  std::vector<const LHCb::InternalVeloCluster*> m_sortedClusters;
-  std::vector<SiDAQ::buffer_word> m_rawData;
-  std::vector<SiDAQ::buffer_word> m_clusterADCBuffer;
-  std::vector<SiDAQ::buffer_word> m_clusterPosBuffer;
-  // size of raw bank in bytes, inclding the 4 byte header but
-  // *without* the padding bytes at the end
-  unsigned int m_bankSizeInBytes = 0;
-  /// pointer to Velo Detector Element
-  DeVelo* m_velo = nullptr;
-  /// list of sensor numbers to check for empty sensors
-  std::vector<int> m_sensorNumbers;
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/SmartVeloErrorBankDecoder.cpp b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/SmartVeloErrorBankDecoder.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index bce55f64ccab8c050adf114da6cb34f7cba9c0d8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/SmartVeloErrorBankDecoder.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-// Include files 
-// local
-#include "SmartVeloErrorBankDecoder.h"
-// Implementation file for class : SmartVeloErrorBankDecoder
-// 2008-08-24 : Tomasz Szumlak
-// Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
-using namespace VeloTELL1;
-typedef unsigned int* ErrorBankIT;
-typedef std::pair<ErrorBankIT, ErrorBankIT> ITPair;
-typedef std::map<unsigned int, ITPair> BANKS;
-typedef std::map<unsigned int, ITPair> SECTORS;
-// Standard constructor, initializes variables
-SmartVeloErrorBankDecoder::SmartVeloErrorBankDecoder( const std::string& name,
-                                                      ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
-  : GaudiAlgorithm ( name , pSvcLocator ),
-    m_isDebug ( false ),
-    m_rawEvent ( 0 ),
-    m_errorBank ( 0 ),
-    m_bankLength ( ),
-    m_bankVersion ( 0 ),
-    m_bankType ( 0 ),
-    m_magicPattern ( 0 )
-  declareProperty("PrintBankHeader", m_printBankHeader=0);
-  declareProperty( "RawEventLocation",  m_rawEventLocation = "", 
-                   "OBSOLETE. Use RawEventLocations instead" );
-  declareProperty( "RawEventLocations", m_rawEventLocations,
-                   "List of possible locations of the RawEvent object in the"
-                   " transient store. By default it is LHCb::RawEventLocation::Other,"
-                   " LHCb::RawEventLocation::Default.");
-  declareProperty("ErrorBankLocation",
-                  m_errorBankLoc=VeloErrorBankLocation::Default);
-// Destructor
-SmartVeloErrorBankDecoder::~SmartVeloErrorBankDecoder() {} 
-// Initialization
-StatusCode SmartVeloErrorBankDecoder::initialize() {
-  StatusCode sc = GaudiAlgorithm::initialize(); // must be executed first
-  if ( sc.isFailure() ) return sc;  // error printed already by GaudiAlgorithm
-  m_isDebug=msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG);
-  if(m_isDebug) debug() << "==> Initialize" << endmsg;
-  // Initialise the RawEvent locations
-  bool usingDefaultLocation = m_rawEventLocations.empty() && m_rawEventLocation.empty();
-  if (! m_rawEventLocation.empty()) {
-    warning() << "The RawEventLocation property is obsolete, use RawEventLocations instead" << endmsg;
-    m_rawEventLocations.insert(m_rawEventLocations.begin(), m_rawEventLocation);
-  }
-  if (std::find(m_rawEventLocations.begin(), m_rawEventLocations.end(), LHCb::RawEventLocation::Default)
-      == m_rawEventLocations.end()) {
-    // append the defaults to the search path
-    m_rawEventLocations.push_back(LHCb::RawEventLocation::Other);
-    m_rawEventLocations.push_back(LHCb::RawEventLocation::Default);
-  }
-  if (!usingDefaultLocation) {
-    info() << "Using '" << m_rawEventLocations << "' as search path for the RawEvent object" << endmsg;
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-// Main execution
-StatusCode SmartVeloErrorBankDecoder::execute() {
-  if(m_isDebug) debug() << "==> Execute" << endmsg;
-  //
-  StatusCode rawEvtStatus=getRawEvent();
-  StatusCode bankStatus;
-  if(rawEvtStatus.isSuccess()) bankStatus=cacheErrorRawBanks();
-  if(bankStatus.isSuccess()){
-    bankStatus=storeErrorRawBanks();
-  }else{
-    // go to the next event
-    bankStatus=StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  }
-  if ( ! bankStatus.isSuccess() ) {
-    warning() << "storing error banks aborted (possible raw bank corruption)." << endmsg;
-    bankStatus=StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  }
-  //
-  return ( bankStatus );
-StatusCode SmartVeloErrorBankDecoder::getRawEvent()
-  if(m_isDebug) debug()<< " ==> getRawEvent() " <<endmsg;
-  if(m_isDebug) debug()<< "--------------------" <<endmsg;
-  //
-  // Retrieve the RawEvent:
-  m_rawEvent = NULL;
-  for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator p = m_rawEventLocations.begin(); p != m_rawEventLocations.end(); ++p) {
-    m_rawEvent = getIfExists<LHCb::RawEvent>(*p);
-    if ( NULL != m_rawEvent ){
-      if(m_isDebug) 
-        debug()<< " ==> The RawEvent has been read-in from location: "
-               << (*p) <<endmsg;  
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  if( m_rawEvent == NULL ) {
-    error() << " ==> There is no RawEvent at: " 
-           << m_rawEventLocations <<endmsg;
-    return ( StatusCode::FAILURE );
-  }
-  //
-  return ( StatusCode::SUCCESS );
-StatusCode SmartVeloErrorBankDecoder::cacheErrorRawBanks()
-  if(m_isDebug) debug()<< " ==> cacheErrorRawBanks() " <<endmsg;
-  // check if there is error bank present
-  m_cachedBanks.clear();
-  m_bankLength.clear();
-  const std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*>& errorBank=
-    m_rawEvent->banks(LHCb::RawBank::VeloError);
-  std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*>::const_iterator bIt;
-  // if so write out the banks
-  if(errorBank.size()!=0){
-    m_errorBank=new VeloErrorBanks();
-    //
-    if(m_isDebug) debug()<< " --> Error bank detected of size: " << errorBank.size() <<endmsg;
-    ITPair data;
-    for(bIt=errorBank.begin(); bIt!=errorBank.end(); ++bIt){
-      LHCb::RawBank* aBank=(*bIt);
-      // --> protect against corrupted banks
-      if(LHCb::RawBank::MagicPattern!=aBank->magic()) return ( StatusCode::FAILURE );
-      // get the sensor number == sourceID if there is no full data
-      unsigned int tell1=aBank->sourceID();
-      m_bankLength[tell1]=aBank->size();
-      m_bankVersion=aBank->version();
-      m_bankType=aBank->type();
-      m_magicPattern=aBank->magic();
-      if(m_printBankHeader){
-        info()<< " --> src Id: " << tell1 <<endmsg;
-        info()<< " --> type of bank: " << (aBank->typeName()) <<endmsg;
-        info()<< " --> bank header size: " << (aBank->hdrSize()) <<endmsg;
-        info()<< " --> body size: " << (aBank->size()) <<endmsg;
-        info()<< " --> total size: " << (aBank->totalSize()) <<endmsg;
-      }
-      // get pointer to the bank data
-      data.first=aBank->begin<unsigned int>();
-      unsigned int* inIT=aBank->begin<unsigned int>();
-      unsigned int* dat=aBank->data();
-      if(m_isDebug) debug()<< " --> src Id: " << tell1 <<endmsg;
-      for(int step=0; step<6; ++step){
-        if(m_isDebug) debug()<< " data ptr: " << step << " : " << (*(inIT+step)) <<endmsg;
-        if(m_isDebug) debug()<< " data tab: " << step << " : " << (*(dat+step)) <<endmsg;
-      }
-      data.second=aBank->end<unsigned int>();
-      m_cachedBanks[tell1]=data;
-      int dist=std::distance(data.first, data.second);
-      if(m_isDebug) debug()<< " --> bank body size: " << (dist*sizeof(unsigned int)) <<endmsg;
-    }
-  }else{
-    Info(" --> No error bank detected - skipping to the next event ");
-    return ( StatusCode::FAILURE );
-  }
-  if(m_isDebug) debug()<< " --> cached error bank strucure's size:" 
-         << (m_cachedBanks.size()) <<endmsg;
-  return ( StatusCode::SUCCESS );
-StatusCode SmartVeloErrorBankDecoder::storeErrorRawBanks()
-  if(m_isDebug) debug()<< " ==> storeErrorRawBanks() " <<endmsg;
-  //
-  std::map<unsigned int, ITPair>::iterator bankIT;
-  bankIT=m_cachedBanks.begin();
-  for( ; bankIT!=m_cachedBanks.end(); ++bankIT){
-    EvtInfo anEvtInfo(bankIT->first);
-    allEvt evtInfoData;
-    allError errorInfoData;
-    dataVec sources;
-    // get information on error sources
-    SECTORS sectors=errorDetector(bankIT->first);
-    if(sectors.size()!=SOURCES) {
-      if(m_isDebug) debug()<< " --> Error detected for " << (sectors.size()) 
-             << " PPFPGA(s) "<<endmsg;
-      warning() << "Impossible number of PPFPGAs: " << sectors.size() << endmsg;
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    VeloErrorBank* err=new VeloErrorBank(bankIT->first);
-    // store words in error bank
-    SECTORS::iterator secIT=sectors.begin();
-    for( ; secIT!=sectors.end(); ++secIT){
-      // write fixed words
-      errorInfo anErrorInfo;
-      ErrorBankIT begin=secIT->second.first-INIT_SHIFT;
-      ErrorBankIT end=(secIT->second.first+1);
-      for( ; begin!=end; ++begin){
-        anErrorInfo.push_back(*begin);
-      }
-      if(secIT->second.second==0){
-        anErrorInfo.push_back(*end);
-        anErrorInfo.push_back(*(++end));
-      }
-      errorInfoData.push_back(anErrorInfo);
-      // write optional part
-      evtInfo anInfo;
-      if(secIT->second.second!=0){
-        // error was sent for this fpga build evt info section
-        // encode properly the evt section block
-        sources.push_back(secIT->first);
-        ErrorBankIT begin=secIT->second.first-INIT_SHIFT;
-        anInfo.push_back(*begin);
-        anInfo.push_back(*(++begin));
-        unsigned int word=(*(++begin));
-        word=(word>>bitShift16)&bitMask16;
-        anInfo.push_back(word);
-        begin=secIT->second.second;
-        ErrorBankIT end=begin+EVT_WORDS;
-        for( ; begin!=end; ++begin){
-          anInfo.push_back(*begin);
-        }
-      }
-      evtInfoData.push_back(anInfo);
-    }
-    anEvtInfo.setEvtInfo(evtInfoData);
-    err->setEvtInfoSection(anEvtInfo);
-    err->setErrorInfoSection(errorInfoData);
-    if(m_isDebug) debug()<< " bank lenght: " << m_bankLength[bankIT->first] 
-           << " for tell1: " << (bankIT->first) <<endmsg;
-    err->setBankLength(m_bankLength[bankIT->first]);
-    err->setBankType(m_bankType);
-    err->setBankVersion(m_bankVersion);
-    err->setMagicPattern(m_magicPattern);
-    if(m_isDebug) debug()<< " --> Detected errors: " << (sources.size()) <<endmsg;
-    err->setErrorSources(sources); 
-    m_errorBank->insert(err);       
-  }
-  //
-  put(m_errorBank, m_errorBankLoc);
-  //
-  return ( StatusCode::SUCCESS );
-std::map<unsigned int, ITPair> SmartVeloErrorBankDecoder::errorDetector(
-                                 unsigned int tell1)
-  if(m_isDebug) debug()<< " ==> errorDetector() " <<endmsg;
-  //
-  unsigned int fpga=0;
-  SECTORS sectors;
-  BANKS::const_iterator bankIT;
-  bankIT=m_cachedBanks.find(tell1);
-  if(bankIT!=m_cachedBanks.end()){
-    ITPair iTPair=bankIT->second;
-    ErrorBankIT iT=iTPair.first;
-    // we can skip first four words - see note EDMS 694818
-    iT+=INIT_SHIFT;
-    // check if the file has expected format
-    ITPair aPair(0, 0);
-    for( ; iT!=iTPair.second; ++iT){
-      if(((*iT&bitMask8)==EBMarker0)&&(((*iT>>bitShift8)&bitMask8)==EBMarker)){
-        // cache this iterator
-        aPair.first=iT;
-        if(((*iT>>bitShift16)&bitMask16)==ERROR_BANK_SIZE){
-          // cache iterator to the first word
-          aPair.second=(iT+1);
-        }else{
-          // store nothing
-          aPair.second=0;
-        }
-        sectors[fpga]=aPair;
-        ++fpga;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  //
-  return ( sectors );
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index 99702a03d3f989b50cacf43988ff1451b850bb6c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/SmartVeloErrorBankDecoder.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-// Include files
-// from Gaudi
-#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiAlgorithm.h"
-// data model
-#include "Event/RawEvent.h"
-#include "Event/RawBank.h"
-#include "Tell1Kernel/VeloDecodeCore.h"
-#include "Tell1Kernel/VeloDecodeConf.h"
-#include "Tell1Kernel/VeloTell1Core.h"
-#include "VeloEvent/VeloErrorBank.h"
-// stl
-#include <vector>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <iterator>
-/** @class SmartVeloErrorBankDecoder SmartVeloErrorBankDecoder.h
- *
- *
- *  @author Tomasz Szumlak
- *  @date   2008-08-22
- */
-class SmartVeloErrorBankDecoder : public GaudiAlgorithm {
-  /// iterator to the error bank body
-  typedef unsigned int* ErrorBankIT;
-  typedef std::pair<ErrorBankIT, ErrorBankIT> ITPair;
-  typedef std::map<unsigned int, ITPair> BANKS;
-  typedef std::map<unsigned int, ITPair> SECTORS;
-  enum marks{
-    INIT_SHIFT=4,
-    EVT_WORDS=5
-  };
-  enum sectors{
-    SOURCES=4,
-    HEADER=5,
-  };
-  /// Standard constructor
-  SmartVeloErrorBankDecoder( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator );
-  virtual ~SmartVeloErrorBankDecoder( ); ///< Destructor
-  StatusCode initialize() override;    ///< Algorithm initialization
-  StatusCode execute   () override;    ///< Algorithm execution
-  // get the RawEvent
-  StatusCode getRawEvent();
-  // extract error banks
-  StatusCode cacheErrorRawBanks();
-  // count how many ppfpga sent errors
-  SECTORS errorDetector(unsigned int tell1);
-  // decode header and store evt info blocks
-  StatusCode storeErrorRawBanks();
-  bool m_isDebug;
-  LHCb::RawEvent* m_rawEvent;          /// pointer to RawEvent container
-  /// Location in the transient store of the RawEvent object.
-  /// @warning Obsolete: use m_rawEventLocations
-  std::string m_rawEventLocation;
-  /// List of locations in the transient store to search the RawEvent object.
-  std::vector<std::string> m_rawEventLocations;
-  VeloErrorBanks* m_errorBank;             /// container to store error banks
-  std::string m_errorBankLoc;
-  int m_printBankHeader;
-  BANKS m_cachedBanks;
-  std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int> m_bankLength;
-  unsigned int m_bankVersion;
-  unsigned int m_bankType;
-  unsigned int m_magicPattern;
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloBitsPolicy.h b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloBitsPolicy.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cf50e53a3f5ab87dd174d83d22105b9d454e1a42..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloBitsPolicy.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-// $Id: VeloBitsPolicy.h,v 1.3 2006-02-23 15:41:50 krinnert Exp $
-#include "SiDAQ/SiADCBankTraits.h"
-/** Velo raw bank bit pattern
- *
- *  This class is a type parameter for the SiClusterWord
- *  template class that allows to share bit-packing code
- *  with the ST software.
- *  The bit pattern is an implementation of the Velo raw
- *  bank specification in EDMS 637676, Version 2.0 as of
- *  December 1, 2005.
- *  
- * @see SiClusterWord
- *
- * @author Kurt Rinnert
- * @date   2006-02-02
- */
-class VeloBitsPolicy
-  typedef SiDAQ::adc_only_bank_tag adc_bank_type;
-  enum bits {
-    positionBits        =  0,
-    channelBits         =  3,
-    sizeBits            = 14,
-    thresBits           = 15,
-    interStripPrecision =  3 
-  };
-  enum mask {
-    positionMask = 0x0007,
-    channelMask  = 0x3ff8,
-    sizeMask     = 0x4000,
-    thresMask    = 0x8000
-  };
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloClusterFilter.cpp b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloClusterFilter.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b7bdec9c93e37f05266d7ae70aacc79b604d2b9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloClusterFilter.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-// Include files
-#include <iomanip>
-// From Detector Element
-#include "VeloDet/DeVelo.h"
-#include "VeloDet/DeVeloSensor.h"
-// From Event
-#include "Event/VeloLiteCluster.h"
-#include "Event/VeloCluster.h"
-// local
-#include "VeloClusterFilter.h"
-namespace {
-void incrementCounters(LHCb::VeloChannelID id,int& countClusters,int& countRClusters,int& countPhiClusters)
-  unsigned int sensorNumber = id.sensor();
-  if(sensorNumber<64){
-    ++countRClusters;
-  }else if(sensorNumber<128){
-    ++countPhiClusters;
-  }
-  ++countClusters;
-static const std::array<std::string,7> valid_criteria =
-             { "All","Left","Right","R","Phi","PU","Overlap" };
-StatusCode parse(VeloClusterFilter::filter_t& result, const std::string& input) {
-  auto i = std::find( valid_criteria.begin(), valid_criteria.end(), input );
-  if (i==valid_criteria.end()) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  result.criterion = static_cast<VeloClusterFilter::filter_t::criterion_t>(std::distance( valid_criteria.begin(), i ));
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-std::ostream& toStream(const VeloClusterFilter::filter_t& crit, std::ostream& os) {
-  return os << std::quoted( crit.toString(), '\'' );
-const std::string& VeloClusterFilter::filter_t::toString() const {
-  return valid_criteria[static_cast<int>(criterion)];
-bool VeloClusterFilter::filter_t::operator()(LHCb::VeloChannelID id) const {
-  unsigned int sensorNumber = id.sensor();
-  switch (criterion) {
-    case criterion_t::ALL     : return true;
-    case criterion_t::LEFT    : return sensorNumber%2==0;
-    case criterion_t::RIGHT   : return sensorNumber%2==1;
-    case criterion_t::R       : return sensorNumber<64;
-    case criterion_t::PHI     : return sensorNumber>=64 && sensorNumber<128;
-    case criterion_t::PU      : return sensorNumber>=128 ;
-    case criterion_t::OVERLAP : {
-      unsigned int stripNumber = id.strip();
-      if (id.isRType() || id.isPileUp()) {
-        return stripNumber<512 || stripNumber>=1536;
-      }
-      if (id.isPhiType()) {
-        const unsigned int range=25;
-        return (stripNumber<range) ||
-               (stripNumber>=2048-range && stripNumber<2048) ||
-               (stripNumber>= 683-range && stripNumber<683+range);
-      }
-      return false;
-    }
-    default :
-        assert(false); // unreachable...
-        return false;
-  }
-// Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
-// Initialization
-StatusCode VeloClusterFilter::initialize()
-  StatusCode sc = GaudiAlgorithm::initialize(); // must be executed first
-  if ( sc.isFailure() ) return sc;  // error printed already by GaudiAlgorithm
-  debug() << "==> Initialize" << endmsg;
-  m_velo = getDet<DeVelo>( DeVeloLocation::Default );
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-// Main execution
-StatusCode VeloClusterFilter::execute()
-  if(msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG)){  debug() << "==> Execute" << endmsg; }
-  int countClusters=0;
-  int countRClusters=0;
-  int countPhiClusters=0;
-  int totalClusters=0;
-  const auto* clusters = getIfExists<LHCb::VeloClusters>(m_inputClusterLocation);
-  const auto* liteClusters = getIfExists<LHCb::VeloLiteCluster::FastContainer>(m_inputLiteClusterLocation);
-  if( (!clusters) && (!liteClusters) ) {
-    return Warning( "No velo clusters or liteClusters on the TES !!!" );
-  }
-  if( clusters ){
-    auto filteredClusters = std::make_unique<LHCb::VeloClusters>();
-    filteredClusters->reserve(clusters->size());
-    for (LHCb::VeloCluster* cluster : *clusters ) {
-      if (m_filter.value()(cluster->channelID())) {
-          filteredClusters->insert(cluster);
-          incrementCounters(cluster->channelID(),countClusters,countRClusters,countPhiClusters);
-      }
-      ++totalClusters;
-    }
-    put(filteredClusters.release(),m_outputClusterLocation);
-  }
-  if( liteClusters ){
-    auto filteredLiteClusters = std::make_unique<LHCb::VeloLiteCluster::FastContainer>();
-    filteredLiteClusters->reserve(liteClusters->size());
-    for (const auto& c :  *liteClusters) {
-      if (m_filter.value()(c.channelID())){
-        filteredLiteClusters->push_back(c);
-        incrementCounters(c.channelID(),countClusters,countRClusters,countPhiClusters);
-      }
-      ++totalClusters;
-    }
-    put(filteredLiteClusters.release(),m_outputLiteClusterLocation);
-  }
-  if (msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG)) debug() << "Number of \'" << m_filter.value().toString()
-                       << "\' clusters surviving = " << countClusters
-                       << "(R:"    << countRClusters
-                       << " ,P:"   << countPhiClusters << ")"
-                       << " from " << totalClusters << "." << endmsg;
-  if (countRClusters   < m_minNRClustersCut  ) setFilterPassed(false);
-  if (countPhiClusters < m_minNPhiClustersCut) setFilterPassed(false);
-  if (countClusters    < m_minNClustersCut   ) setFilterPassed(false);
-  if (countRClusters   > m_maxNRClustersCut  ) setFilterPassed(false);
-  if (countPhiClusters > m_maxNPhiClustersCut) setFilterPassed(false);
-  if (countClusters    > m_maxNClustersCut   ) setFilterPassed(false);
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloClusterFilter.h b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloClusterFilter.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 48a681e325d0a196c4660201553c41c6e01e85b7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloClusterFilter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#include "Kernel/VeloChannelID.h"
-#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiAlgorithm.h"
-#include <string>
-class DeVelo;
-///< A class to filter Velo clusters according to some defined criterion
-///< Accepted filters are:
-///<   "Right" : retains only clusters in the Velo Right
-///<   "Left"  : retains only clusters in the Velo Left
-///<   "R"     : retains only clusters in R sensors
-///<   "Phi"   : retains only clusters in Phi sensors
-///<   "PU"    : retains only clusters in PU sensors
-class VeloClusterFilter : public GaudiAlgorithm {
-  using GaudiAlgorithm::GaudiAlgorithm;
-  StatusCode initialize() override;
-  StatusCode execute()    override;
-  struct filter_t final {
-    enum class criterion_t { ALL = 0, LEFT, RIGHT, R, PHI, PU, OVERLAP };
-    criterion_t criterion;
-    filter_t( criterion_t c = criterion_t::ALL ) : criterion(c) {}
-    bool operator()(LHCb::VeloChannelID id) const;
-    const std::string& toString() const;
-    // add support for Gaudi::Property<filter_t>
-    friend std::ostream& toStream(const filter_t& crit, std::ostream& os);
-    friend StatusCode parse(filter_t& result, const std::string& input );
-  };
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_inputLiteClusterLocation{ this, "InputLiteClusterLocation", LHCb::VeloLiteClusterLocation::Default };
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_outputLiteClusterLocation{ this, "OutputLiteClusterLocation", "/Event/Raw/Velo/LiteClustersCopy" };
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_inputClusterLocation{ this, "InputClusterLocation", LHCb::VeloClusterLocation::Default };
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_outputClusterLocation{ this, "OutputClusterLocation", "/Event/Raw/Velo/ClustersCopy" };
-  Gaudi::Property<filter_t> m_filter{ this, "FilterOption", filter_t::criterion_t::ALL };
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minNRClustersCut{ this, "MinimumNumberOfRClusters",0 };
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minNPhiClustersCut{ this, "MinimumNumberOfPhiClusters",0 };
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minNClustersCut{ this, "MinimumNumberOfClusters",0 };
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_maxNRClustersCut{ this, "MaximumNumberOfRClusters",100000 };
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_maxNPhiClustersCut{ this, "MaximumNumberOfPhiClusters",100000 };
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_maxNClustersCut{ this, "MaximumNumberOfClusters",100000 };
-  DeVelo* m_velo = nullptr;                  ///< Detector element
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloClusterPtrLessThan.h b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloClusterPtrLessThan.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 80a5b11ae31ea8c21012efa4dc9fda49bd865d4d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloClusterPtrLessThan.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// $Id:
-#include "Event/VeloCluster.h"
-#include "VeloEvent/InternalVeloCluster.h"
-namespace VeloDAQ {
-  /**  Compare two VeloClusters or two InternalVeloClusters 
-   *   via pointers.
-   * 
-   *   This function defines a less-than relation between two
-   *   clusters. The lhs cluster is less than the rhs cluster
-   *   if the lhs sensor number is lower than the rhs sensor number.
-   *   In case of equal sensor numbers, the first strip number 
-   *   decides.
-   *   
-   *   I'd very much prefer to template this. But that requires a
-   *   change in the InternalVeloCluster interface.
-   *
-   *   @see VeloCluster
-   *   @see InternalVeloCluster
-   *   @author Kurt Rinnert
-   *   @date   2011-09-20
-   */
-  class veloClusterPtrLessThan {
-    public:
-      inline bool operator() (const LHCb::VeloCluster* lhs, const LHCb::VeloCluster* rhs) const;
-      inline bool operator() (const LHCb::InternalVeloCluster* lhs, const LHCb::InternalVeloCluster* rhs) const;
-  };
-  bool veloClusterPtrLessThan::operator() (const LHCb::InternalVeloCluster* lhs, const LHCb::InternalVeloCluster* rhs) const
-    {
-      const LHCb::VeloChannelID& lhsId = lhs->channelID(0);
-      const LHCb::VeloChannelID& rhsId = rhs->channelID(0);
-      return  (lhsId.sensor() == rhsId.sensor() ? lhsId.strip() < rhsId.strip() : lhsId.sensor() < rhsId.sensor());
-    }
-  bool veloClusterPtrLessThan::operator() (const LHCb::VeloCluster* lhs, const LHCb::VeloCluster* rhs) const
-    {
-      const LHCb::VeloChannelID& lhsId = lhs->channelID();
-      const LHCb::VeloChannelID& rhsId = rhs->channelID();
-      return  (lhsId.sensor() == rhsId.sensor() ? lhsId.strip() < rhsId.strip() : lhsId.sensor() < rhsId.sensor());
-    }
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloClusterWord.h b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloClusterWord.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cc38012fc9ecccc96868b407637e175ffb79dfbe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloClusterWord.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#include "SiDAQ/SiClusterWord.h"
-#include "VeloBitsPolicy.h"
-/** Decodes/encodes velo clusterword
- *
- *  This class is a simple type wrapper for an
- *  SiClusterWord instantiated with a VeloBitsPoliciy.
- *  
- * @see SiClusterWord
- * @see VeloBitsPolicy
- *
- * @author Kurt Rinnert
- * @date   2006-02-02
- */
-typedef SiClusterWord<VeloBitsPolicy> VeloClusterWord;
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloClustersToRaw.cpp b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloClustersToRaw.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d3ca5dda3f0dde1f28ee14fc752e0dbd3f80d1f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloClustersToRaw.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
-#include "Event/RawEvent.h"
-#include "VeloDet/DeVelo.h"
-#include "SiDAQ/SiHeaderWord.h"
-#include "SiDAQ/SiADCWord.h"
-#include "SiDAQ/SiRawBufferWord.h"
-#include "VeloClusterWord.h"
-#include "VeloRawBankVersions.h"
-#include "VeloRawBankDecoder.h"
-#include "VeloRawWordSizes.h"
-#include "VeloClusterPtrLessThan.h"
-#include "DecodeRawBankToClusters.h"
-#include "VeloClustersToRaw.h"
-// Implementation file for class : VeloClustersToRaw
-// 2011-09-20 : Kurt Rinnert
-// Standard constructor, initializes variables
-VeloClustersToRaw::VeloClustersToRaw( const std::string& name,
-    ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
-: GaudiAlgorithm (name , pSvcLocator),
-  m_clusterLoc(LHCb::VeloClusterLocation::Default),
-  m_rawEventLoc(LHCb::RawEventLocation::Default),
-  m_bankVersion(VeloDAQ::v3)
-  declareProperty("VeloClusterLocation",m_clusterLoc="Raw/Velo/ClustersSelected");
-  declareProperty("RawEventLocation",m_rawEventLoc="DAQ/RawEventSelected");
-  declareProperty("RunSelfTest",m_runSelfTest=false,"Decodes endoced bank and compares to input clusters.");
-  declareProperty("BankVersion", m_bankVersion=VeloDAQ::v3);
-// Initialisation. Check parameters
-StatusCode VeloClustersToRaw::initialize() {
-  StatusCode sc = GaudiAlgorithm::initialize(); // must be executed first
-  if ( sc.isFailure() ) return sc;  // error printed already by GaudiAlgorithm
-  m_velo = getDet<DeVelo>( DeVeloLocation::Default );
-  // check whether the requested bank version is supported
-  switch (m_bankVersion) {
-    case VeloDAQ::v2: // ok, do nothing
-    case VeloDAQ::v3:
-      break;
-    default: // not supported, bail out
-      error() << "VELO raw buffer version "
-        << m_bankVersion
-        << " is not supported."
-        << endmsg;
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-// Main execution
-StatusCode VeloClustersToRaw::execute() {
-  StatusCode sc;
-  // Get the input container
-  // Get the VeloClusters from their default location
-  const LHCb::VeloClusters* clusters = getIfExists<LHCb::VeloClusters>(m_clusterLoc);
-  if( !clusters ) return Error( " ==> There are no VeloClusters in TES! " );
-  m_sortedClusters.clear();
-  m_sortedClusters.resize(clusters->size());
-  std::copy(clusters->begin(),clusters->end(),m_sortedClusters.begin());
-  // Then sort the clusters by sensor number and strip number
-  std::sort( m_sortedClusters.begin(), m_sortedClusters.end(),
-      VeloDAQ::veloClusterPtrLessThan());
-  m_rawEventOut = getIfExists<LHCb::RawEvent>(m_rawEventLoc);
-  if( !m_rawEventOut ) {
-    m_rawEventOut = new LHCb::RawEvent();
-    put(m_rawEventOut, m_rawEventLoc);
-  }
-  // loop over all clusters and write one bank per sensor
-  auto clusterIter = m_sortedClusters.cbegin();
-  unsigned int currentSensorNumber;  // sensor number for current cluster subset
-  //unsigned int sensorIndex = 0; // index of current sensor in list of all sensors
-  while (clusterIter != m_sortedClusters.cend()) {
-    currentSensorNumber = (*clusterIter)->channelID().sensor();
-    // make and store the bank, increments cluster iterator to first
-    // cluster on next non-empty sensor
-    sc = storeBank(currentSensorNumber, clusterIter);
-    if ( !sc ) { return StatusCode::FAILURE; }
-  }
-  if ( m_runSelfTest ) {
-    if ( selfTest() ) {
-      info() << "Self test passed." << endmsg;
-    } else {
-      error() << "Self test FAILED." << endmsg;
-    }
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode VeloClustersToRaw::storeBank( const unsigned int sensor,
-    std::vector<const LHCb::VeloCluster*>::const_iterator& clusterIter) {
-  // Sensor and TELL1 Id might be different, e.g in a test beam
-  // setup.  Also it makes no sense to add a bank for a sensor that
-  // has no Tell1 Id.  While this should never be attempted in the
-  // first place (if the geometry XML and CondDB is correct), it is
-  // still a good idea to protect against this scenario.
-  unsigned int sourceId;
-  if (m_velo->tell1IdBySensorNumber(sensor, sourceId)) {
-    // create new raw buffer in raw data cache, old one is cleared
-    makeBank(sensor, clusterIter);
-    LHCb::RawBank* newBank = m_rawEventOut->createBank(static_cast<SiDAQ::buffer_word>(sourceId),
-        LHCb::RawBank::Velo,
-        m_bankVersion,
-        m_bankSizeInBytes,
-        &(m_rawData[0]));
-    // add new bank and pass memory ownership to raw event
-    m_rawEventOut->adoptBank(newBank,true);
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  } else {
-    // we should not end up here if the geometry XMl and the
-    // CondDB sensor/Tell1 mapping is consistent
-    error()
-      << " Attempt to create bank for sensor " << sensor
-      << " with no TELL1 Id detected." << endmsg;
-   return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-unsigned int VeloClustersToRaw::makeBank ( const unsigned int sensor,
-    std::vector<const LHCb::VeloCluster*>::const_iterator& clusterIter ) {
-  // clear bank
-  m_rawData.clear();
-  // clear temporary buffers
-  m_clusterPosBuffer.clear();
-  m_clusterADCBuffer.clear();
-  // for storing 32 bit 'rows' of adc values and compressed clusters
-  SiDAQ::buffer_word rowData   = 0x0;
-  SiDAQ::buffer_word cluRowData = 0x0;
-  // loop over clusters on this sensor
-  unsigned int nClu = 0;  // cluster counter
-  unsigned int nAdc = 0;  // ADC word counter, needed for padding
-  for ( ;  m_sortedClusters.end() != clusterIter && sensor == (*clusterIter)->channelID().sensor(); ++clusterIter) {
-    const LHCb::VeloCluster* clu = *clusterIter;
-    unsigned int numStrips = clu->size();
-    bool highThresh = clu->highThreshold();
-    double interStripFrac = clu->interStripFraction();
-    unsigned int strip = clu->channelID().strip();
-    // encode cluster position
-    VeloClusterWord vcw(strip,interStripFrac,numStrips,highThresh);
-    SiDAQ::buffer_word packedCluster = static_cast<SiDAQ::buffer_word>(vcw.value());
-    //encode adc values
-    const std::vector< std::pair<int, unsigned int> >& stripSignals = clu->stripValues();
-    for (unsigned int i=0; i<stripSignals.size(); ++i) {
-      double adcCount = stripSignals[i].second;
-      // create new adc word
-      bool endOfCluster = (stripSignals.size() == i+1);
-      SiADCWord aw(adcCount,endOfCluster);
-      rowData |= (aw.value() <<
-          ((nAdc % VeloDAQ::adc_per_buffer) << VeloDAQ::adc_shift));
-      ++nAdc;
-      if (nAdc % VeloDAQ::adc_per_buffer == 0) {
-        m_clusterADCBuffer.push_back ( rowData );
-        //reset rowData
-        rowData = 0x0;
-      }
-    }
-    // store the cluster position
-    cluRowData |= (packedCluster << ((nClu % VeloDAQ::clu_per_buffer) << VeloDAQ::clu_shift));
-    ++nClu;
-    if ( nClu % VeloDAQ::clu_per_buffer == 0 ) {
-      m_clusterPosBuffer.push_back( cluRowData );
-      // clear the cluster buffer
-      cluRowData = 0x0 ;
-    }
-  }
-  // if there were an odd number of clusters, sort the last cluster row
-  if (  nClu % VeloDAQ::clu_per_buffer != 0 ) {
-    m_clusterPosBuffer.push_back ( cluRowData  );
-  }
-  // check row data is not empty, store remaining adcs
-  if ( nAdc % VeloDAQ::adc_per_buffer != 0 ) {
-    m_clusterADCBuffer.push_back ( rowData );
-  }
-  // add bank header
-  // the actual PCN is not available and there are no banks with errors in stripping
-  SiHeaderWord hw(nClu,0,0);
-  SiDAQ::buffer_word bankHeader = hw.value();
-  m_rawData.push_back ( bankHeader );
-  // add clusters positions
-  std::copy( m_clusterPosBuffer.begin(), m_clusterPosBuffer.end(),
-             std::back_inserter(m_rawData));
-  // add adc values
-  std::copy( m_clusterADCBuffer.begin(), m_clusterADCBuffer.end(),
-             std::back_inserter(m_rawData) );
-  // Find number of padding bytes at the end of bank an compute
-  // raw bank size in bytes, including the 4 byte header but
-  // *without* the padding bytes at the end.
-  // The number of padding bytes is completely determined by
-  // the number of ADC words in the raw bank.
-  int adcRemainder = nAdc%VeloDAQ::adc_per_buffer;
-  m_bankSizeInBytes = sizeof(SiDAQ::buffer_word)*m_rawData.size()
-    - (adcRemainder ? sizeof(SiDAQ::buffer_word)-adcRemainder*VeloDAQ::adc_word_size : 0);
-  return nClu;
-bool VeloClustersToRaw::selfTest()
-  info() << "==> selfTest" << endmsg;
-  bool passed = false;
-  LHCb::VeloClusters clusters;
-  for (const auto& bo : m_rawEventOut->banks(LHCb::RawBank::Velo)) {
-    LHCb::RawBank* outBank = bo;
-    const DeVeloSensor* sensor = m_velo->sensor( outBank->sourceID() );
-    int byteCount = 0;
-    std::string errMsg;
-    VeloDAQ::decodeRawBankToClustersV3(static_cast<SiDAQ::buffer_word*>(outBank->data()),
-                                       sensor, false, clusters, byteCount, errMsg, false);
-  }
-  std::vector<const LHCb::VeloCluster*> decodedClusters(clusters.size());
-  std::copy(clusters.begin(),clusters.end(),decodedClusters.begin());
-  std::sort( decodedClusters.begin(), decodedClusters.end(),
-      VeloDAQ::veloClusterPtrLessThan());
-  info() << "Number of clusters: ref=" << m_sortedClusters.size() << " out=" << decodedClusters.size() << endmsg;
-  if (  m_sortedClusters.size() != decodedClusters.size() ) return passed;
-  passed = true;
-  auto iIn = m_sortedClusters.begin();
-  auto iOut = decodedClusters.begin();
-  for ( ; iOut != decodedClusters.end(); ++iIn, ++iOut ) {
-    const LHCb::VeloCluster* inClu = *iIn;
-    const LHCb::VeloCluster* outClu = *iOut;
-    if ( inClu->channelID() != outClu->channelID() ) {
-      error() << "Channel IDs do not match: ref=(" << inClu->channelID().sensor() << "," << inClu->channelID().strip()
-        << ") out=(" << outClu->channelID().sensor() << "," << outClu->channelID().strip() << ")" << endmsg;
-      passed = false;
-    }
-    if ( inClu->size() != outClu->size() ) {
-      error() << "Cluster sizes do not match: ref=" << inClu->size()
-        << " out=" << outClu->size() << endmsg;
-      passed = false;
-    } else {
-      for (unsigned int i=0; i<outClu->size(); ++i) {
-        if ( inClu->strip(i) != outClu->strip(i) ) {
-          error() << "Cluster strips do not match: ref=" << inClu->strip(i)
-            << " out=" << outClu->strip(i) << endmsg;
-          passed = false;
-        }
-        if ( inClu->adcValue(i) != outClu->adcValue(i) ) {
-          error() << "Strip ADC values do not match: ref=" << inClu->adcValue(i)
-            << " out=" << outClu->adcValue(i) << endmsg;
-          passed = false;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if ( inClu->totalCharge() != outClu->totalCharge() ) {
-      error() << "Cluster charges do not match: ref=" << inClu->totalCharge()
-        << " out=" << outClu->totalCharge() << endmsg;
-      passed = false;
-    }
-    if ( inClu->highThreshold() != outClu->highThreshold() ) {
-      error() << "Threshold flags do not match: ref=" << inClu->highThreshold()
-        << " out=" << outClu->highThreshold() << endmsg;
-      passed = false;
-    }
-    if ( inClu->pseudoSize() != outClu->pseudoSize() ) {
-      error() << "Cluster pseudo sizes do not match: ref=" << inClu->pseudoSize()
-        << " out=" << outClu->pseudoSize() << endmsg;
-      passed = false;
-    }
-    if ( inClu->interStripFraction() != outClu->interStripFraction() ) {
-      error() << "Inter strip fractions do not match: ref=" << inClu->interStripFraction()
-        << " out=" << outClu->interStripFraction() << endmsg;
-      passed = false;
-    }
-  }
-  return passed;
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloClustersToRaw.h b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloClustersToRaw.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 506cac0b1d2d6f8d53c5157ba848a91c00d1e4c6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloClustersToRaw.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-#include <vector>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <string>
-#include "Event/VeloCluster.h"
-#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiAlgorithm.h"
-class DeVelo;
-namespace LHCb {
-  class RawEvent;
-/** @class VeloClustersToRaw VeloClustersToRaw.h
- *  Create a raw VELO cluster bank from VeloCluster container.
- *
- *  @author Kurt Rinnert
- *  @date   2011-09-20
- */
-class VeloClustersToRaw : public GaudiAlgorithm {
-  /// Standard constructor
-  VeloClustersToRaw( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator );
-  StatusCode initialize() override;  ///< Algorithm initialization
-  StatusCode execute   () override;  ///< Algorithm execution
-  unsigned int makeBank (const unsigned int sensor, std::vector<const LHCb::VeloCluster*>::const_iterator& begin);
-  StatusCode storeBank(const unsigned int sensor, std::vector<const LHCb::VeloCluster*>::const_iterator& begin);
-  bool selfTest(); ///< run self test on default locations
-  // configurable locations in the TES
-  std::string m_clusterLoc;      ///< cluster container input location
-  std::string m_rawEventLoc;     ///< raw bank output location
-  unsigned int m_bankVersion; ///< raw bank version tag
-  bool m_runSelfTest; ///< run self test on default locations
-  // long lived containers for performance reasons. Also used to communicate
-  // with makeBank() method
-  std::vector<const LHCb::VeloCluster*> m_sortedClusters;
-  std::vector<SiDAQ::buffer_word> m_rawData;
-  std::vector<SiDAQ::buffer_word> m_clusterADCBuffer;
-  std::vector<SiDAQ::buffer_word> m_clusterPosBuffer;
-  LHCb::RawEvent* m_rawEventOut = nullptr;
-  // size of raw bank in bytes, including the 4 byte header but
-  // *without* the padding bytes at the end
-  unsigned int m_bankSizeInBytes = 0;
-  /// pointer to Velo Detector Element
-  DeVelo* m_velo = nullptr;
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloFullDecoder.cpp b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloFullDecoder.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b7c2bb0ff922bb0e65e4ff0a1b5b306ecc1aa27f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloFullDecoder.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-// Include files
-// local
-#include "VeloFullDecoder.h"
-#include <iostream>
-// Implementation file for class : VeloFullDecoder
-// 2006-04-21 : Tomasz Szumlak
-// Standard constructor, initializes variables
-using namespace VeloTELL1;
-VeloFullDecoder::VeloFullDecoder(const int decoderType)
-  decoderIni(decoderType);
-void VeloFullDecoder::decode(VeloFullBank* inData, VeloTELL1::sdataVec& decodedData) const
-  decodedData.clear();
-  //
-  for(int aBlock=0; aBlock<VeloTELL1::NumberOfPPFPGA; aBlock++){
-    for(int aSection=0; aSection<VeloTELL1::SectionsPerBlock; aSection++){
-      dataVec section=inData->getSection(aBlock, aSection);
-      for(int stream=0; stream<VeloTELL1::DataStreamPerSection; stream++){
-        // skip the empty space in C section
-        if(!((aSection==EmptyData)&&(stream==EmptyData))){
-          int ADCBitShift=stream*VeloTELL1::ADCShift;
-          for(int aLink=0; aLink<VeloTELL1::ALinkPerDataStream; aLink++){
-            int analogChanShift=aLink*m_dataLenght;
-            int beginDecode=m_initialShift+analogChanShift;
-            int endDecode=m_wordsToDecode+beginDecode;
-            int count=0;
-            //
-            for(auto secIt  = section.begin()+beginDecode;
-                     secIt != section.begin()+endDecode; ++secIt ){
-              unsigned int decodedWord=(((*secIt)>>ADCBitShift)&VeloTELL1::ADCMask);
-              // from now on we must be prepared for negative values, hence
-              // the cast to int.
-              decodedData.push_back(static_cast<int>(decodedWord));
-              count++;
-            }
-          } // loop over channels
-        }   // loop over ALink
-      }     // loop over coded int
-    }       // Sections loop
-  }         // FPGA loop
-// to make the decoder universal one the code below to execute inside
-// VeloFullDecoder constructor is provided
-void VeloFullDecoder::decoderIni(const int decoderType)
-  if(decoderType==VeloFull){
-    // during ADC decoding skip ADC headers
-    m_initialShift=ADCShift;
-    // number of channes in one ALink and ADC headers
-    m_dataLenght=ALinkShift;
-    m_wordsToDecode=CHANNELS;
-  }else if(decoderType==VeloPedestal){
-    // pedestals data has no ADC heders, no shift needed
-    m_initialShift=NoShift;
-    // one pedestal value for each strip
-    m_dataLenght=CHANNELS;
-    m_wordsToDecode=CHANNELS;
-  }else if(decoderType==VeloHeader){
-    m_initialShift=NoShift;
-    m_dataLenght=ALinkShift;
-    m_wordsToDecode=ADCHeaders;
-  }
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloFullDecoder.h b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloFullDecoder.h
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index a6fa93b22e9fbeaf3e73a773ba01e124bd6fb0f3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloFullDecoder.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-// Include files
-#include "VeloEvent/VeloFullBank.h"
-#include "Tell1Kernel/VeloDecodeConf.h"
-#include "Tell1Kernel/VeloDecodeCore.h"
-/** @class VeloFullDecoder VeloFullDecoder.h VeloFullDecoder.h
- *
- *
- *  @author Tomasz Szumlak
- *  @date   2006-04-11
- */
-class VeloFullDecoder final {
-  enum initialShifts{
-    NoShift=0,
-    EmptyData=2,
-    ADCShift=4
-  };
-  /// Standard constructor
-  VeloFullDecoder(const int decoderType);
-  void decode(VeloFullBank* inData, VeloTELL1::sdataVec& decodedData) const;
-  void decoderIni(const int decoderType);
-  int m_initialShift;  // if decoding adcs skip headers
-  int m_dataLenght;    // lenght of the ALink
-  int m_wordsToDecode; // words to decode
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloRawBankDecoder.h b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloRawBankDecoder.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ead28693aa421112686a821349921ca2e033bc7f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloRawBankDecoder.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#include "SiDAQ/SiRawBankDecoder.h"
-#include "VeloClusterWord.h"
-/** @class VeloRawBankDecoder VeloRawBankDecoder.h
- *  
- *  Decoder for raw Velo banks
- *
- *  This is a simple type wrapper for a template
- *  instantiation of a SiRawBankDecoder with
- *  VeloCLusterWord.
- *
- *  @see VeloClusterWord
- *  @see SiRawBankDecoder
- * 
- *  @author Kurt Rinnert
- *  @date   2006-02-08
- */
-typedef SiRawBankDecoder<VeloClusterWord> VeloRawBankDecoder;
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloRawBankVersions.h b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloRawBankVersions.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b9c5f4ebc5632816de7d73e51f04d29dec493a56..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloRawBankVersions.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// $Id: VeloRawBankVersions.h,v 1.2 2007-09-16 16:56:24 krinnert Exp $
-namespace VeloDAQ {
-  enum {  v1 = 1
-        , v2 = 2
-        , v3 = 3 };
diff --git a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloRawWordSizes.h b/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloRawWordSizes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b034ed770daf0bd96d5e621add346494eb181d17..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Velo/VeloDAQ/src/VeloRawWordSizes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// $Id: VeloRawWordSizes.h,v 1.1 2006-03-07 15:53:00 krinnert Exp $
-#include "SiDAQ/SiRawBufferWord.h"
-namespace VeloDAQ {
-  // the size of a cluster word in bytes
-  const size_t clu_word_size = sizeof(unsigned short);
-  // the number of cluster words per buffer word
-  const size_t clu_per_buffer = sizeof(SiDAQ::buffer_word)/clu_word_size;
-  // the power of two that yields the number of bits in a cluster word,
-  // needed for shifting
-  const size_t clu_shift = 4;
-  // the size of an adc word in bytes
-  const size_t adc_word_size = sizeof(unsigned char);
-  // the number of adc words per buffer word
-  const size_t adc_per_buffer = sizeof(SiDAQ::buffer_word)/adc_word_size;
-  // the power of two that yields the number of bits in an adc word,
-  // needed for shifting
-  const size_t adc_shift = 3;