From 69b568beb4effe7fa9bc6377dc8d64dc71f0dfd6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alex Pearce <>
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2018 14:49:35 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Add tests for Turbo MC processing.

 DaVinciTests/tests/options/    | 41 ++++++++
 DaVinciTests/tests/options/    | 40 ++++++++
 .../tests/options/        | 95 +++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 176 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 DaVinciTests/tests/options/
 create mode 100644 DaVinciTests/tests/options/
 create mode 100644 DaVinciTests/tests/options/

diff --git a/DaVinciTests/tests/options/ b/DaVinciTests/tests/options/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4595df200
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DaVinciTests/tests/options/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+from Configurables import DaVinci, DecayTreeTuple
+from DecayTreeTuple import Configuration
+from GaudiConf import IOHelper
+from PhysConf.Filters import LoKi_Filters
+from TeslaTools import TeslaTruthUtils
+hlt2_line = 'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KmPipTurbo'
+dtt = DecayTreeTuple('TupleDstToD0pi_D0ToKpi')
+dtt.Inputs = ['{0}/Particles'.format(hlt2_line)]
+dtt.Decay = '[D*(2010)+ -> ^(D0 -> ^K- ^pi+) ^pi+]CC'
+    'Dst': '[D*(2010)+ -> (D0 -> K- pi+) pi+]CC',
+    'D0': '[D*(2010)+ -> ^(D0 -> K- pi+) pi+]CC',
+    'D0_K': '[D*(2010)+ -> (D0 -> ^K- pi+) pi+]CC',
+    'D0_pi': '[D*(2010)+ -> (D0 -> K- ^pi+) pi+]CC',
+    'Dst_pi': '[D*(2010)+ -> (D0 -> K- pi+) ^pi+]CC'
+dtt.ToolList += [
+    'TupleToolMCBackgroundInfo',
+    'TupleToolMCTruth'
+relations = [TeslaTruthUtils.getRelLoc('')]
+mc_tools = [
+    'MCTupleToolKinematic'
+TeslaTruthUtils.makeTruth(dtt, relations, mc_tools)
+trigger_filter = LoKi_Filters(
+    HLT2_Code="HLT_PASS_RE('^{0}Decision$')".format(hlt2_line)
+DaVinci().EventPreFilters = trigger_filter.filters('TriggerFilters')
+DaVinci().UserAlgorithms = [dtt]
+DaVinci().TupleFile = 'TurboMC_2015.root'
+DaVinci().EvtMax = 1000
+# Found with `lb-run LHCbDirac dirac-dms-lfn-accessURL --Protocol=xroot /lhcb/MC/2015/DST/00064085/0000/00064085_00000001_1.dst`
+    'root://'
diff --git a/DaVinciTests/tests/options/ b/DaVinciTests/tests/options/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f89eea004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DaVinciTests/tests/options/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+from Configurables import DaVinci, DecayTreeTuple
+from DecayTreeTuple import Configuration
+from GaudiConf import IOHelper
+from PhysConf.Filters import LoKi_Filters
+from TeslaTools import TeslaTruthUtils
+hlt2_line = 'Hlt2CharmHadDstp2D0Pip_D02KmPipTurbo'
+dtt = DecayTreeTuple('TupleDstToD0pi_D0ToKpi')
+dtt.Inputs = ['{0}/Particles'.format(hlt2_line)]
+dtt.Decay = '[D*(2010)+ -> ^(D0 -> ^K- ^pi+) ^pi+]CC'
+    'Dst': '[D*(2010)+ -> (D0 -> K- pi+) pi+]CC',
+    'D0': '[D*(2010)+ -> ^(D0 -> K- pi+) pi+]CC',
+    'D0_K': '[D*(2010)+ -> (D0 -> ^K- pi+) pi+]CC',
+    'D0_pi': '[D*(2010)+ -> (D0 -> K- ^pi+) pi+]CC',
+    'Dst_pi': '[D*(2010)+ -> (D0 -> K- pi+) ^pi+]CC'
+dtt.ToolList += [
+    'TupleToolMCBackgroundInfo',
+    'TupleToolMCTruth'
+relations = [TeslaTruthUtils.getRelLoc('')]
+mc_tools = [
+    'MCTupleToolKinematic'
+TeslaTruthUtils.makeTruth(dtt, relations, mc_tools)
+trigger_filter = LoKi_Filters(
+    HLT2_Code="HLT_PASS_RE('^{0}Decision$')".format(hlt2_line)
+DaVinci().EventPreFilters = trigger_filter.filters('TriggerFilters')
+DaVinci().UserAlgorithms = [dtt]
+DaVinci().TupleFile = 'TurboMC_2016.root'
+# Found with `lb-run LHCbDirac dirac-dms-lfn-accessURL --Protocol=xroot /lhcb/MC/2016/DST/00066623/0000/00066623_00000001_1.dst`
+    'root://'
diff --git a/DaVinciTests/tests/options/ b/DaVinciTests/tests/options/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a5187918f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DaVinciTests/tests/options/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+from Configurables import DaVinci, DecayTreeTuple, GaudiSequencer
+from DecayTreeTuple import Configuration
+from GaudiConf import IOHelper
+from PhysConf.Filters import LoKi_Filters
+from PhysSelPython.Selections import (
+    AutomaticData,
+    CombineSelection,
+    RebuildSelection,
+    SelectionSequence
+from StandardParticles import StdAllLooseANNPions
+from TeslaTools import TeslaTruthUtils
+hlt2_line = 'Hlt2CharmHadLcpToPpKmPipTurbo'
+dtt = DecayTreeTuple('TupleLcTopKpi')
+dtt.Inputs = ['{0}/Particles'.format(hlt2_line)]
+dtt.Decay = '[Lambda_c+ -> ^p+ ^K- ^pi+]CC'
+    'Lc': '[Lambda_c+ -> p+ K- pi+]CC',
+    'Lc_p': '[Lambda_c+ -> ^p+ K- pi+]CC',
+    'Lc_K': '[Lambda_c+ -> p+ ^K- pi+]CC',
+    'Lc_pi': '[Lambda_c+ -> p+ K- ^pi+]CC'
+dtt.ToolList += [
+    'TupleToolMCBackgroundInfo',
+    'TupleToolMCTruth'
+relations = [
+    TeslaTruthUtils.getRelLoc(''),
+    # This location is required for truth-matching objects from Turbo++
+    '/Event/Turbo/Relations/Hlt2/Protos/Charged'
+mc_tools = [
+    'MCTupleToolKinematic'
+TeslaTruthUtils.makeTruth(dtt, relations, mc_tools)
+# The Lcp line was a PersistReco line in 2016, so we have access to the whole
+# HLT2 reconstruction here
+combiner_sel = CombineSelection(
+    'CombineLcpi',
+    inputs=[
+        AutomaticData('{0}/Particles'.format(hlt2_line)),
+        RebuildSelection(StdAllLooseANNPions)
+    ],
+    DecayDescriptors=[
+        '[Sigma_c++ -> Lambda_c+ pi+]cc',
+        '[Sigma_c0 -> Lambda_c+ pi-]cc'
+    ],
+    DaughtersCuts={
+        'pi+': 'PROBNNpi > 0.2'
+    },
+    CombinationCut=(
+        'in_range(0, (AM - AM1 - AM2), 170)'
+    ),
+    MotherCut=(
+        '(VFASPF(VCHI2PDOF) < 10) &'
+        'in_range(0, (M - M1 - M2), 150)'
+    )
+selseq = SelectionSequence(
+ + 'Sequence',
+    TopSelection=combiner_sel
+sc_dtt = DecayTreeTuple('TupleScToLcpi_LcTopKpi')
+sc_dtt.Inputs = [combiner_sel.outputLocation()]
+sc_dtt.Decay = '[(Sigma_c++|Sigma_c0) -> ^(Lambda_c+ -> ^p+ ^K- ^pi+) ^X]CC'
+    'Sc': '[Charm -> (Lambda_c+ -> p+ K- pi+) X]CC',
+    'Lc': '[Charm -> ^(Lambda_c+ -> p+ K- pi+) X]CC',
+    'Lc_p': '[Charm -> (Lambda_c+ -> ^p+ K- pi+) X]CC',
+    'Lc_K': '[Charm -> (Lambda_c+ -> p+ ^K- pi+) X]CC',
+    'Lc_pi': '[Charm -> (Lambda_c+ -> p+ K- ^pi+) X]CC',
+    'Sc_pi': '[Charm -> (Lambda_c+ -> p+ K- pi+) ^X]CC'
+sc_dtt.ToolList += [
+    'TupleToolMCBackgroundInfo',
+    'TupleToolMCTruth'
+TeslaTruthUtils.makeTruth(sc_dtt, relations, mc_tools)
+sc_seq = GaudiSequencer('SigmacSequence', Members=[selseq.sequence(), sc_dtt])
+trigger_filter = LoKi_Filters(
+    HLT2_Code="HLT_PASS_RE('^{0}Decision$')".format(hlt2_line)
+DaVinci().EventPreFilters = trigger_filter.filters('TriggerFilters')
+DaVinci().UserAlgorithms = [dtt, sc_seq]
+DaVinci().TupleFile = 'TurboMC_2016_uDST.root'
+# Found with `lb-run LHCbDirac dirac-dms-lfn-accessURL --Protocol=xroot /lhcb/MC/2016/ALLSTREAMS.MDST/00063447/0000/00063447_00000001_7.AllStreams.mdst`
+    'root://'