diff --git a/DaVinciSys/CMakeLists.txt b/DaVinciSys/CMakeLists.txt
index e047419750ca81e3bea6100aed6465f006296d5e..e0bd16fb419553d7f3a642a0e782a43a7d55d504 100644
--- a/DaVinciSys/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/DaVinciSys/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -17,4 +17,6 @@ gaudi_depends_on_subdirs(DaVinciTests
 gaudi_add_test(QMTest QMTEST)
diff --git a/DaVinciSys/scripts/davinci b/DaVinciSys/scripts/davinci
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e19520743f572aecd8dda8fe1f9add5855250bac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DaVinciSys/scripts/davinci
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# (c) Copyright 2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration           #
+#                                                                             #
+# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
+# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
+#                                                                             #
+# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
+# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
+# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+This script is meant to implement the Python Click functionality
+when running a DaVinci (Gaudi) application.
+Two possible functions have been developed to automatically handle
+the differences between jobs using data or simulated input files.
+A help message with all the details on the possible commands and
+relative options can be obtained with the command line:
+./run davinci
+A DaVinci job using simulated data can be run using the command line:
+./run davinci [davinci_opts] run-mc [job_opts]
+import os, sys, click
+from DaVinci.utilities_script import dump_call, get_configurable_opts
+from DaVinci.ConfigurationUpgrade import run_davinci
+if "GAUDIAPPVERSION" in os.environ:
+    APP_VERSION = str(os.environ["GAUDIAPPVERSION"])
+    APP_VERSION = ""
+    "--export",
+    default=None,
+    help=
+    "export the options in a format suitable for gaudirun.py. Filename has to be provided as argument.",
+    "--with-defaults",
+    is_flag=True,
+    default=False,
+    help=
+    "explicitly include default values of properties in the final configuration",
+    "--dry-run",
+    is_flag=True,
+    default=False,
+    help="just process the options but do not run the application",
+def main(export, with_defaults, dry_run):
+    assert not export or export.endswith(
+        ".opts"), "--export argument must have '.opts' extension"
+def run_job(configurables, export=None, with_defaults=False, dry_run=None):
+    """
+    This function is not invoked directly in Davinci but it is used to override the
+    default click 'result_callback' function by means of the 'resultcallback' decorator.
+    The 'result_callback' method is invoked automatically when returning the values
+    of the main subcommnads: run_mc and run_data.
+    """
+    assert configurables.values()  # we only want the values
+    configurables = configurables.values()
+    opts = {
+        "ApplicationMgr.AppName": '"DaVinci"',
+        "ApplicationMgr.AppVersion": '"{}"'.format(APP_VERSION),
+    }
+    dict_opts = get_configurable_opts(configurables, with_defaults)
+    opts.update(dict_opts)
+    if export:
+        click.echo("writing configuration to {}".format(export))
+        with open(export, "w") as f:
+            f.writelines("{} = {};\n".format(*item) for item in opts.items())
+    if dry_run:
+        click.echo("dry-run: not starting the application")
+    else:
+        import Gaudi
+        opts["ApplicationMgr.JobOptionsType"] = '"NONE"'
+        app = Gaudi.Application(opts)
+        exit(app.run())
+    context_settings=dict(
+        ignore_unknown_options=True,
+        allow_extra_args=True,
+    ))
+    "--testfiledb",
+    default=("$DAVINCIROOT/options/DaVinciDB-Example.yaml",
+             "Upgrade_Bd2KstarMuMu_ldst"),
+    nargs=2,
+    help=
+    "TestFileDB-like file containing job input and conditions information (.yaml). Takes the pair of values 'filedb-path', 'filedb-key'"
+    "--joboptfile",
+    default="$DAVINCIROOT/options/jobOptions-Example.yaml",
+    help="Option file containing the job information (.yaml, .py)")
+    "--simplejob",
+    is_flag=True,
+    default=False,
+    help=
+    "Option for running a simple DaVinci jobs without any specific configuration (.py)."
+def run_mc(ctx, testfiledb, joboptfile, simplejob):
+    """
+    DaVinci function for running jobs on simulated samples on the command line, using Click.
+    Ctx: click.core.Context class (dict). Predefined click object storing information about the invoked command.
+    All the options passed by command line which are not recognised by click are stored into the ctx.args element.
+    Ctx.args is a simple array and each extra option is stored using two values: the first one is the key
+    and the second one is the corresponding value.
+    Eg: --evt_max 100 will be stored as: ctx.args[0] = --evt_max, ctx.args[1] = 100
+    Click automatically converts "_" in "-", so this function can be invoked calling run-mc as shown in the help.
+    """
+    assert len(
+        testfiledb
+    ) == 2, "--testfiledb takes two arguments: filedb filename and the relevant key."
+    testfiledb_file = testfiledb[0]
+    testfiledb_key = testfiledb[1]
+    ctx_args = (ctx.args if (len(ctx.args) > 1) else [])
+    dump_call(testfiledb_file, testfiledb_key, joboptfile, ctx_args)
+    config = run_davinci(
+        testfiledb_file,
+        testfiledb_key,  #file and key for job input and conditions
+        joboptfile,  # file for job options
+        True,  # flag for MC job
+        ctx_args,  # list of extra options to be set in the job
+        simplejob  # flag for running a simplejob
+    )
+    return config
+    context_settings=dict(
+        ignore_unknown_options=True,
+        allow_extra_args=True,
+    ))
+    "--testfiledb",
+    default=("$DAVINCIROOT/options/DaVinciDB-Example.yaml",
+             "Upgrade_Bd2KstarMuMu_ldst"),
+    nargs=2,
+    help=
+    "TestFileDB-like file containing job input and conditions information (.yaml). Takes the pair of values 'filedb-path', 'filedb-key'"
+    "--joboption-file",
+    default="$DAVINCIROOT/options/jobOptions-Example.yaml",
+    help="Option file containing the job information (.yaml, .py)")
+def run_data(ctx, testfiledb, optfile):
+    """
+    DaVinci function for running jobs on real data samples on the command line, using Click.
+    Ctx: click.core.Context class (dict). Predefined click object storing information about the invoked command.
+    All options passed by the command line that are not recognised by click are stored into the ctx.args element.
+    Ctx.args is a simple array and each extra option is stored using two values: the first one is the key
+    and the second one is the corresponding value.
+    Eg: --evt_max 100 will be stored as: ctx.args[0] = --evt_max, ctx.args[1] = 100
+    Click automatically converts "_" in "-", so this function can be invoked calling run-data as shown in the help.
+    """
+    raise ValueError(
+        'Data file with upgrade conditions are not yet available. Please use :mc function instead.'
+    )
+    assert len(
+        testfiledb
+    ) == 2, "--testfiledb takes two arguments: filedb filename and the relevant key."
+    testfiledb_file = testfiledb[0]
+    testfiledb_key = testfiledb[1]
+    ctx_args = (ctx.args if (len(ctx.args) > 1) else [])
+    dump_call(testfiledb_file, testfiledb_key, joboptfile, ctx_args)
+    config = run_davinci(
+        testfiledb_file,
+        testfiledb_key,  #file and key for job input and conditions
+        joboptfile,  # file for job options
+        False,  # flag for MC job
+        ctx_args,  # list of extra options to be set in the job
+        simplejob  # flag for running a simplejob
+    )
+    return config
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/DaVinciTests/python/DaVinciTests/QMTest/DaVinciExclusions.py b/DaVinciTests/python/DaVinciTests/QMTest/DaVinciExclusions.py
index bb5052aa8d0c987033214291dc85ad545ccc921c..15531c69a69d49441e1c9b60d668b613c00d86bf 100755
--- a/DaVinciTests/python/DaVinciTests/QMTest/DaVinciExclusions.py
+++ b/DaVinciTests/python/DaVinciTests/QMTest/DaVinciExclusions.py
@@ -31,4 +31,7 @@ preprocessor = LHCbPreprocessor + \
   LineSkipper(["SIMCOND_"]) + \
   LineSkipper(["DDDB_"]) + \
   LineSkipper(["DataOnDemandSvc                  INFO Handled "]) + \
-  LineSkipper(["SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics :"])
+  LineSkipper(["SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics :"]) + \
+  LineSkipper(["DVControlFlowMgr                       INFO"]) + \
+  LineSkipper(["HLTControlFlowMgr                      INFO"]) + \
+  LineSkipper(["|-log_file               ="])
diff --git a/DaVinciTests/tests/options/option_davinci_initialise_upgrade.yaml b/DaVinciTests/tests/options/option_davinci_initialise_upgrade.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a959d7cc85d4ce7e79cee05d6e40748927c58117
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DaVinciTests/tests/options/option_davinci_initialise_upgrade.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# (c) Copyright 2020-2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
+#                                                                             #
+# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
+# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
+#                                                                             #
+# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
+# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
+# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+evt_max: 1000
+skip_events: 0
+ntuple_file: 'DVNtuple.root'
+histo_file: 'DVHistos.root'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DaVinciTests/tests/options/option_davinci_user_algs.py b/DaVinciTests/tests/options/option_davinci_user_algs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c60a0f119971d4fa3fe57a0796a3cf7c16f31c55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DaVinciTests/tests/options/option_davinci_user_algs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# (c) Copyright 2020-2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
+#                                                                             #
+# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
+# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
+#                                                                             #
+# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
+# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
+# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+Example of a DaVinci job printing run and event numbers on every read event.
+__author__ = "Davide Fazzini"
+__date__ = "2021-03-31"
+from PyConf.control_flow import CompositeNode, NodeLogic
+from DaVinci import options
+from DaVinci.reco_objects import upfront_reconstruction_from_file as upfront_reconstruction
+def main():
+    # the "upfront_reconstruction" is what unpacks reconstruction objects, particles and primary vertices
+    # from file and creates protoparticles.
+    algs = upfront_reconstruction()
+    node = CompositeNode(
+        "PrintJpsiNode", children=algs, combine_logic=NodeLogic.NONLAZY_AND)
+    return node
diff --git a/DaVinciTests/tests/qmtest/davinci.qms/test_davinci_control_flow.qmt b/DaVinciTests/tests/qmtest/davinci.qms/test_davinci_control_flow.qmt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d13d0eff511a96dc59950b0a0384a673802eb6d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DaVinciTests/tests/qmtest/davinci.qms/test_davinci_control_flow.qmt
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+# (c) Copyright 2020-2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
+#                                                                             #
+# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
+# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
+#                                                                             #
+# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
+# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
+# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+<!DOCTYPE extension  PUBLIC '-//QM/2.3/Extension//EN'  'http://www.codesourcery.com/qm/dtds/2.3/-//qm/2.3/extension//en.dtd'>
+# ...................
+# Author: dfazzini
+# Purpose: Very simple test of DaVinci configurable for testing the click feature
+# Prerequisites: None
+# joboptfile $DAVINCITESTSROOT/tests/options/option_davinci_initialise_upgrade.yaml
+<extension class="GaudiTest.GaudiExeTest" kind="test">
+  <argument name="program"><text>davinci</text></argument>
+  <argument name="args"><set>
+  <text>run-mc</text>
+  <text>--joboptfile</text>
+  <text>$DAVINCITESTSROOT/tests/options/option_davinci_initialise_upgrade.yaml</text>
+  <text>--evt_max</text>
+  <text>150</text>
+  </set></argument>
+  <argument name="reference"><text>$DAVINCITESTSROOT/tests/refs/test_davinci_control_flow.ref</text></argument>
+  <argument name="error_reference"><text>$DAVINCITESTSROOT/tests/refs/empty.ref</text></argument>
+  <argument name="validator"><text>
+from DaVinciTests.QMTest.DaVinciExclusions import preprocessor
+validateWithReference(preproc = preprocessor)
+  </text></argument>
diff --git a/DaVinciTests/tests/qmtest/davinci.qms/test_davinci_initialise_upgrade.qmt b/DaVinciTests/tests/qmtest/davinci.qms/test_davinci_initialise_upgrade.qmt
index 183352a8cd2f619ee2d62d8ceca6ef00c7339d15..ffb98043a761a933a3cd5b99cb124d0fc9bb9bec 100755
--- a/DaVinciTests/tests/qmtest/davinci.qms/test_davinci_initialise_upgrade.qmt
+++ b/DaVinciTests/tests/qmtest/davinci.qms/test_davinci_initialise_upgrade.qmt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
-# (c) Copyright 2020 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration           #
+# (c) Copyright 2020-2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
 #                                                                             #
 # This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
 # Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
@@ -17,17 +17,24 @@
 # ...................
 # Author: dfazzini
-# Purpose: Very simple test of DaVinci configurable
+# Purpose: Very simple test of DaVinci configurable for testing the click feature
 # Prerequisites: None
+# joboptfile $DAVINCITESTSROOT/tests/options/option_davinci_initialise_upgrade.yaml
 <extension class="GaudiTest.GaudiExeTest" kind="test">
-  <argument name="program"><text>gaudirun.py</text></argument>
-  <argument name="args"><set><text>DaVinci:mc</text></set></argument>
+  <argument name="program"><text>davinci</text></argument>
+  <argument name="args"><set>
+  <text>--dry-run</text>
+  <text>run-mc</text>
+  <text>--joboptfile</text>
+  <text>$DAVINCITESTSROOT/tests/options/option_davinci_initialise_upgrade.yaml</text>
+  </set></argument>
   <argument name="reference"><text>$DAVINCITESTSROOT/tests/refs/test_davinci_initialise_upgrade.ref</text></argument>
   <argument name="error_reference"><text>$DAVINCITESTSROOT/tests/refs/empty.ref</text></argument>
   <argument name="validator"><text>
 from DaVinciTests.QMTest.DaVinciExclusions import preprocessor
 validateWithReference(preproc = preprocessor)
+  </text></argument>
diff --git a/DaVinciTests/tests/qmtest/davinci.qms/test_davinci_simplejob.qmt b/DaVinciTests/tests/qmtest/davinci.qms/test_davinci_simplejob.qmt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a7b61fcec817627f8da57894b74f7ae12a058370
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DaVinciTests/tests/qmtest/davinci.qms/test_davinci_simplejob.qmt
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+# (c) Copyright 2020-2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
+#                                                                             #
+# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
+# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
+#                                                                             #
+# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
+# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
+# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+<!DOCTYPE extension  PUBLIC '-//QM/2.3/Extension//EN'  'http://www.codesourcery.com/qm/dtds/2.3/-//qm/2.3/extension//en.dtd'>
+# ...................
+# Author: dfazzini
+# Purpose: Very simple test of DaVinci configurable for testing the click feature
+# Prerequisites: None
+# user_algorithms $DAVINCITESTSROOT/tests/options/option_davinci_simplejob:main
+<extension class="GaudiTest.GaudiExeTest" kind="test">
+  <argument name="program"><text>davinci</text></argument>
+  <argument name="args"><set>
+  <text>run-mc</text>
+  <text>--simplejob</text>
+  </set></argument>
+  <argument name="reference"><text>$DAVINCITESTSROOT/tests/refs/test_davinci_simplejob.ref</text></argument>
+  <argument name="error_reference"><text>$DAVINCITESTSROOT/tests/refs/empty.ref</text></argument>
+  <argument name="validator"><text>
+from DaVinciTests.QMTest.DaVinciExclusions import preprocessor
+validateWithReference(preproc = preprocessor)
+  </text></argument>
diff --git a/DaVinciTests/tests/qmtest/davinci.qms/test_davinci_user_algs.qmt b/DaVinciTests/tests/qmtest/davinci.qms/test_davinci_user_algs.qmt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..49e53045ee9ec888c028b7899e909d629e083e43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DaVinciTests/tests/qmtest/davinci.qms/test_davinci_user_algs.qmt
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+# (c) Copyright 2020-2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
+#                                                                             #
+# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
+# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
+#                                                                             #
+# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
+# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
+# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+<!DOCTYPE extension  PUBLIC '-//QM/2.3/Extension//EN'  'http://www.codesourcery.com/qm/dtds/2.3/-//qm/2.3/extension//en.dtd'>
+# ...................
+# Author: dfazzini
+# Purpose: Very simple test of DaVinci configurable for testing the click feature
+# Prerequisites: None
+# user_algorithms $DAVINCITESTSROOT/tests/options/option_davinci_simplejob:main
+<extension class="GaudiTest.GaudiExeTest" kind="test">
+  <argument name="program"><text>davinci</text></argument>
+  <argument name="args"><set>
+  <text>run-mc</text>
+  <text>--user_algorithms</text>
+  <text>$DAVINCITESTSROOT/tests/options/option_davinci_user_algs:main</text>
+  </set></argument>
+  <argument name="reference"><text>$DAVINCITESTSROOT/tests/refs/test_davinci_user_algs.ref</text></argument>
+  <argument name="error_reference"><text>$DAVINCITESTSROOT/tests/refs/empty.ref</text></argument>
+  <argument name="validator"><text>
+from DaVinciTests.QMTest.DaVinciExclusions import preprocessor
+validateWithReference(preproc = preprocessor)
+  </text></argument>
diff --git a/DaVinciTests/tests/refs/test_davinci_control_flow.ref b/DaVinciTests/tests/refs/test_davinci_control_flow.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4d2f870189ff6727a5d14bbb1e911c4a9b884cea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DaVinciTests/tests/refs/test_davinci_control_flow.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+/***** User DVAppOptions/DVAppOptions **************************************************************
+|-auditors               = []  (default: [])
+|-buffer_events          = 20000  (default: 20000)
+|-callgrind_profile      = False  (default: False)
+|-conddb_tag             = 'HEAD'  (default: '')
+|-control_flow_file      = ''  (default: '')
+|-data_flow_file         = ''  (default: '')
+|-data_type              = 'Upgrade'  (default: '')
+|-dddb_tag               = 'dddb-20200424-2'  (default: '')
+|-detectors              = ['VP', 'UT', 'FT', 'Rich1Pmt', 'Rich2Pmt', 'Ecal', 'Hcal', 'Muon', 'Magnet', 'Tr']
+|                        (default: ['VP', 'UT', 'FT', 'Rich1Pmt', 'Rich2Pmt', 'Ecal', 'Hcal', 'Muon', 'Magnet', 'Tr'])
+|-dqflags_tag            = ''  (default: '')
+|-enable_unpack          = None
+|-event_store            = 'HiveWhiteBoard'  (default: 'HiveWhiteBoard')
+|-evt_max                = 150  (default: -1)
+|-first_evt              = 0  (default: 0)
+|-histo_file             = 'DVHistos.root'  (default: '')
+|-ignore_dq_flags        = False  (default: False)
+|-input_files            = ['root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/MC/Upgrade/LDST/00076720/0000/00076720_00000002_1.ldst', 'root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/MC/Upgrade/LDST/00076720/0000/00076720_00000004_1.ldst', 'root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/MC/Upgrade/LDST/00076720/0000/00076720_00000043_1.ldst', 'root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/MC/Upgrade/LDST/00076720/0000/00076720_00000068_1.ldst']
+|                        (default: [])
+|-input_raw_format       = 0.3  (default: 0.3)
+|-input_type             = 'ROOT'  (default: 'DST')
+|-lines_maker            = None
+|-lumi                   = False  (default: False)
+|-main_options           = ''  (default: '')
+|-memory_pool_size       = 10485760  (default: 10485760)
+|-merge_genfsr           = False  (default: False)
+|-msg_svc_format         = '% F%35W%S %7W%R%T %0W%M'  (default: '% F%35W%S %7W%R%T %0W%M')
+|-msg_svc_time_format    = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC'  (default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC')
+|-n_event_slots          = 1  (default: -1)
+|-n_threads              = 1  (default: 1)
+|-ntuple_file            = 'DVNtuple.root'  (default: '')
+|-output_file            = ''  (default: '')
+|-output_level           = 3  (default: 3)
+|-output_type            = ''  (default: '')
+|-overwrite_data_options = False  (default: False)
+|-print_freq             = 1000  (default: 1000)
+|-python_logging_level   = 30  (default: 30)
+|-root_compression_level = 'LZMA:6'  (default: 'LZMA:6')
+|-scheduler_legacy_mode  = True  (default: True)
+|-simulation             = True  (default: False)
+|-skip_events            = 0  (default: 0)
+|-tck                    = 0  (default: 0)
+|-use_iosvc              = False  (default: False)
+|-user_algorithms        = ''  (default: '')
+|-write_fsr              = True  (default: True)
+\----- (End of User DVAppOptions/DVAppOptions) -----------------------------------------------------
+ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
+ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
+NTupleSvc                              INFO Added stream file:DVNtuple.root as FILE1
+RootHistSvc                            INFO Writing ROOT histograms to: DVHistos.root
+HistogramPersistencySvc                INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootHistSvc
+FSROutputStreamDstWriter               INFO Data source: EventDataSvc output: SVC='Gaudi::RootCnvSvc'
+DetectorDataSvc                        INFO Detector description not requested to be loaded
+EventClockSvc.FakeEventTime            INFO Event times generated from 0 with steps of 0
+HiveDataBrokerSvc                   WARNING non-reentrant algorithm: RecordStream/FSROutputStreamDstWriter
+HiveDataBrokerSvc                   WARNING non-reentrant algorithm: GaudiHistoAlgorithm/SimpleHistos
+ApplicationMgr                         INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
+ApplicationMgr                         INFO Application Manager Started successfully
+EventPersistencySvc                    INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootCnvSvc
+EventSelector                          INFO Stream:EventSelector.DataStreamTool_1 Def:DATAFILE='root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/MC/Upgrade/LDST/00076720/0000/00076720_00000002_1.ldst' SVC='Gaudi::RootEvtSelector' OPT='READ' IgnoreChecksum='YES'
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 1. Record number within stream 1: 1
+RndmGenSvc.Engine                      INFO Generator engine type:CLHEP::RanluxEngine
+RndmGenSvc.Engine                      INFO Current Seed:1234567 Luxury:3
+RndmGenSvc                             INFO Using Random engine:HepRndm::Engine<CLHEP::RanluxEngine>
+SimpleHistos                           INFO GaudiHistoAlgorithm:: Filling Histograms...... Please be patient !
+ApplicationMgr                         INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
+FSROutputStreamDstWriter               INFO Set up File Summary Record
+FSROutputStreamDstWriter               INFO Events output: 1
+NONLAZY_OR: DaVinci                      #=150     Sum=150         Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+ NONLAZY_OR: WriteFSR                    #=150     Sum=150         Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+  RecordStream/FSROutputStreamDstWriter  #=150     Sum=150         Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+ NONLAZY_AND: DVStdAlgs                  #=150     Sum=150         Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+  GaudiHistoAlgorithm/SimpleHistos       #=150     Sum=150         Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+ToolSvc                                INFO Removing all tools created by ToolSvc
+*****Chrono*****                       INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
+ChronoStatSvc.finalize()               INFO  Service finalized successfully
+ApplicationMgr                         INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
+ApplicationMgr                         INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
+SimpleHistos                        SUCCESS 1D histograms in directory "SimpleHistos" : 10
+ | ID                        |   Title                                       |    #    |     Mean   |    RMS     |  Skewness  |  Kurtosis  |
+ | 101                       | "Exponential"                                 |   150   |     1.0544 | 0.96222    |     1.2397 |     1.1807 |
+ | 102                       | "Breit"                                       |   150   |   -0.17526 | 1.1518     |   -0.69906 |     2.2522 |
+ | 1111                      | "Forced Numeric ID time test"                 |   150   |  -0.077547 | 0.91944    |   -0.29833 |  -0.018186 |
+ | AutoID time test          | "AutoID time test"                            |   150   |  -0.077547 | 0.91944    |   -0.29833 |  -0.018186 |
+ | Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1  | "Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1"                    |   150   |  -0.077547 | 0.91944    |   -0.29833 |  -0.018186 |
+ | poisson                   | "Poisson"                                     |   150   |      1.838 | 1.1606     |    0.39305 |   -0.75933 |
+ | subdir1/bino              | "Binominal"                                   |   150   |     1.9732 | 1.0488     |    0.26648 |   -0.57997 |
+ | subdir2/bino              | "Binominal"                                   |   150   |     1.9732 | 1.0488     |    0.26648 |   -0.57997 |
+ | test1                     | "Forced Alpha ID time test"                   |   150   |  -0.077547 | 0.91944    |   -0.29833 |  -0.018186 |
+ | varBinning/x              | "1D Variable Binning"                         |   150   | -0.0098433 | 2.7426     |  -0.027901 |    -1.0865 |
+SimpleHistos                        SUCCESS 1D profile histograms in directory "SimpleHistos" : 9
+ | ID                        |   Title                                       |    #    |     Mean   |    RMS     |  Skewness  |  Kurtosis  |
+ | Expo V Gauss 1DProf       | "Expo V Gauss 1DProf"                         |   150   |  -0.077547 | 0.91944    |    -3.0691 |     9.4945 |
+ | Expo V Gauss 1DProf s     | "Expo V Gauss 1DProf s"                       |   150   |  -0.077547 | 0.91944    |    -3.0691 |     9.4945 |
+ | Gauss V Flat 1DProf       | "Gauss V Flat 1DProf"                         |   150   |    0.38454 | 5.7038     |          0 |         -3 |
+ | Gauss V Flat 1DProf S     | "Gauss V Flat 1DProf S"                       |   150   |    0.38454 | 5.7038     |          0 |         -3 |
+ | Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with | "Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-I"          |    68   |    0.38536 | 5.5289     |   -0.45136 |   -0.94643 |
+ | Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with | "Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-I  s"       |    68   |    0.38536 | 5.5289     |   -0.45136 |   -0.94643 |
+ | Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with | "Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-II"         |    82   |    0.38385 | 5.8449     |          0 |         -3 |
+ | Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with | "Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-II s"       |    82   |    0.38385 | 5.8449     |          0 |         -3 |
+ | varBinning/a              | "1D Profile Variable Binning"                 |   150   | -0.0098433 | 2.7426     |     -4.458 |     50.149 |
diff --git a/DaVinciTests/tests/refs/test_davinci_initialise_upgrade.ref b/DaVinciTests/tests/refs/test_davinci_initialise_upgrade.ref
index 5fdd5a154603c82c583da1583e16bfd854153238..909e122b9275c6f4b99b014cc62ed14eacd785c4 100644
--- a/DaVinciTests/tests/refs/test_davinci_initialise_upgrade.ref
+++ b/DaVinciTests/tests/refs/test_davinci_initialise_upgrade.ref
@@ -1,55 +1,48 @@
-ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
-RndmGenSvc.Engine    INFO Generator engine type:CLHEP::RanluxEngine
-RndmGenSvc.Engine    INFO Current Seed:1234567 Luxury:3
-RndmGenSvc           INFO Using Random engine:HepRndm::Engine<CLHEP::RanluxEngine>
-RootHistSvc          INFO Writing ROOT histograms to: DVHistos.root
-HistogramPersis...   INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootHistSvc
-NTupleSvc            INFO Added stream file:DVNtuple.root as FILE1
-DaVinciInitAlg    SUCCESS ==================================================================
-DaVinciInitAlg    SUCCESS Requested to process 100 events
-DaVinciInitAlg    SUCCESS ==================================================================
-FSROutputStream...   INFO Data source: EventDataSvc output:
-EventPersistenc...   INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootCnvSvc
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Started successfully
-EventSelector     SUCCESS Reading Event record 1. Record number within stream 1: 1
-SimpleHistos         INFO GaudiHistoAlgorithm:: Filling Histograms...... Please be patient !
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
-DaVinciInitAlg    SUCCESS ==================================================================
-DaVinciInitAlg    SUCCESS 100 events processed
-DaVinciInitAlg    SUCCESS ==================================================================
-GenFSRMerge          INFO ========== Merging GenFSR ==========
-FSROutputStream...   INFO Set up File Summary Record
-FSROutputStream...   INFO Events output: 1
-EventLoopMgr         INFO Histograms converted successfully according to request.
-ToolSvc              INFO Removing all tools created by ToolSvc
-*****Chrono*****     INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
-ChronoStatSvc.f...   INFO  Service finalized successfully
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
-ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
-SimpleHistos      SUCCESS 1D histograms in directory "SimpleHistos" : 10
- | ID                        |   Title                                       |    #    |     Mean   |    RMS     |  Skewness  |  Kurtosis  |
- | 101                       | "Exponential"                                 |   100   |    0.86944 | 0.83526    |     1.3231 |     1.3673 |
- | 102                       | "Breit"                                       |   100   |  -0.050344 | 1.116      |   -0.36005 |     1.6486 |
- | 1111                      | "Forced Numeric ID time test"                 |   100   |    0.04085 | 1.1075     |   -0.12242 |   -0.32017 |
- | AutoID time test          | "AutoID time test"                            |   100   |    0.04085 | 1.1075     |   -0.12242 |   -0.32017 |
- | Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1  | "Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1"                    |   100   |    0.04085 | 1.1075     |   -0.12242 |   -0.32017 |
- | poisson                   | "Poisson"                                     |   100   |     1.8085 | 1.1694     |    0.26477 |   -0.78547 |
- | subdir1/bino              | "Binominal"                                   |   100   |     2.0306 | 1.138      |    0.27968 |   -0.82258 |
- | subdir2/bino              | "Binominal"                                   |   100   |     2.0306 | 1.138      |    0.27968 |   -0.82258 |
- | test1                     | "Forced Alpha ID time test"                   |   100   |    0.04085 | 1.1075     |   -0.12242 |   -0.32017 |
- | varBinning/x              | "1D Variable Binning"                         |   100   |   -0.20883 | 2.6896     |    0.18717 |    -1.2165 |
-SimpleHistos      SUCCESS 1D profile histograms in directory "SimpleHistos" : 9
- | ID                        |   Title                                       |    #    |     Mean   |    RMS     |  Skewness  |  Kurtosis  |
- | Expo V Gauss 1DProf       | "Expo V Gauss 1DProf"                         |   100   |    0.04085 | 1.1075     |    -1.2689 |     2.4065 |
- | Expo V Gauss 1DProf s     | "Expo V Gauss 1DProf s"                       |   100   |    0.04085 | 1.1075     |    -1.2689 |     2.4065 |
- | Gauss V Flat 1DProf       | "Gauss V Flat 1DProf"                         |   100   |   -0.53201 | 5.8217     |     11.029 |     12.795 |
- | Gauss V Flat 1DProf S     | "Gauss V Flat 1DProf S"                       |   100   |   -0.53201 | 5.8217     |     11.029 |     12.795 |
- | Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with | "Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-I"          |    52   |     0.1216 | 5.9301     |    0.32131 |    -1.1125 |
- | Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with | "Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-I  s"       |    52   |     0.1216 | 5.9301     |    0.32131 |    -1.1125 |
- | Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with | "Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-II"         |    48   |    -1.2401 | 5.6166     |          0 |         -3 |
- | Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with | "Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-II s"       |    48   |    -1.2401 | 5.6166     |          0 |         -3 |
- | varBinning/a              | "1D Profile Variable Binning"                 |   100   |   -0.20883 | 2.6896     |          0 |         -3 |
+/***** User DVAppOptions/DVAppOptions **************************************************************
+|-auditors               = []  (default: [])
+|-buffer_events          = 20000  (default: 20000)
+|-callgrind_profile      = False  (default: False)
+|-conddb_tag             = 'HEAD'  (default: '')
+|-control_flow_file      = ''  (default: '')
+|-data_flow_file         = ''  (default: '')
+|-data_type              = 'Upgrade'  (default: '')
+|-dddb_tag               = 'dddb-20200424-2'  (default: '')
+|-detectors              = ['VP', 'UT', 'FT', 'Rich1Pmt', 'Rich2Pmt', 'Ecal', 'Hcal', 'Muon', 'Magnet', 'Tr']
+|                        (default: ['VP', 'UT', 'FT', 'Rich1Pmt', 'Rich2Pmt', 'Ecal', 'Hcal', 'Muon', 'Magnet', 'Tr'])
+|-dqflags_tag            = ''  (default: '')
+|-enable_unpack          = None
+|-event_store            = 'HiveWhiteBoard'  (default: 'HiveWhiteBoard')
+|-evt_max                = 1000  (default: -1)
+|-first_evt              = 0  (default: 0)
+|-histo_file             = 'DVHistos.root'  (default: '')
+|-ignore_dq_flags        = False  (default: False)
+|-input_files            = ['root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/MC/Upgrade/LDST/00076720/0000/00076720_00000002_1.ldst', 'root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/MC/Upgrade/LDST/00076720/0000/00076720_00000004_1.ldst', 'root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/MC/Upgrade/LDST/00076720/0000/00076720_00000043_1.ldst', 'root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/MC/Upgrade/LDST/00076720/0000/00076720_00000068_1.ldst']
+|                        (default: [])
+|-input_raw_format       = 0.3  (default: 0.3)
+|-input_type             = 'ROOT'  (default: 'DST')
+|-lines_maker            = None
+|-lumi                   = False  (default: False)
+|-main_options           = ''  (default: '')
+|-memory_pool_size       = 10485760  (default: 10485760)
+|-merge_genfsr           = False  (default: False)
+|-msg_svc_format         = '% F%35W%S %7W%R%T %0W%M'  (default: '% F%35W%S %7W%R%T %0W%M')
+|-msg_svc_time_format    = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC'  (default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC')
+|-n_event_slots          = 1  (default: -1)
+|-n_threads              = 1  (default: 1)
+|-ntuple_file            = 'DVNtuple.root'  (default: '')
+|-output_file            = ''  (default: '')
+|-output_level           = 3  (default: 3)
+|-output_type            = ''  (default: '')
+|-overwrite_data_options = False  (default: False)
+|-print_freq             = 1000  (default: 1000)
+|-python_logging_level   = 30  (default: 30)
+|-root_compression_level = 'LZMA:6'  (default: 'LZMA:6')
+|-scheduler_legacy_mode  = True  (default: True)
+|-simulation             = True  (default: False)
+|-skip_events            = 0  (default: 0)
+|-tck                    = 0  (default: 0)
+|-use_iosvc              = False  (default: False)
+|-user_algorithms        = ''  (default: '')
+|-write_fsr              = True  (default: True)
+\----- (End of User DVAppOptions/DVAppOptions) -----------------------------------------------------
+dry-run: not starting the application
diff --git a/DaVinciTests/tests/refs/test_davinci_simplejob.ref b/DaVinciTests/tests/refs/test_davinci_simplejob.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9dc87929da36f2736b65b867c3fc92aeea65d506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DaVinciTests/tests/refs/test_davinci_simplejob.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+/***** User DVAppOptions/DVAppOptions **************************************************************
+|-auditors               = []  (default: [])
+|-buffer_events          = 20000  (default: 20000)
+|-callgrind_profile      = False  (default: False)
+|-conddb_tag             = 'HEAD'  (default: '')
+|-control_flow_file      = ''  (default: '')
+|-data_flow_file         = ''  (default: '')
+|-data_type              = 'Upgrade'  (default: '')
+|-dddb_tag               = 'dddb-20200424-2'  (default: '')
+|-detectors              = ['VP', 'UT', 'FT', 'Rich1Pmt', 'Rich2Pmt', 'Ecal', 'Hcal', 'Muon', 'Magnet', 'Tr']
+|                        (default: ['VP', 'UT', 'FT', 'Rich1Pmt', 'Rich2Pmt', 'Ecal', 'Hcal', 'Muon', 'Magnet', 'Tr'])
+|-dqflags_tag            = ''  (default: '')
+|-enable_unpack          = None
+|-event_store            = 'HiveWhiteBoard'  (default: 'HiveWhiteBoard')
+|-evt_max                = 100  (default: -1)
+|-first_evt              = 0  (default: 0)
+|-histo_file             = 'DVHistos.root'  (default: '')
+|-ignore_dq_flags        = False  (default: False)
+|-input_files            = ['root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/MC/Upgrade/LDST/00076720/0000/00076720_00000002_1.ldst', 'root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/MC/Upgrade/LDST/00076720/0000/00076720_00000004_1.ldst', 'root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/MC/Upgrade/LDST/00076720/0000/00076720_00000043_1.ldst', 'root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/MC/Upgrade/LDST/00076720/0000/00076720_00000068_1.ldst']
+|                        (default: [])
+|-input_raw_format       = 0.3  (default: 0.3)
+|-input_type             = 'ROOT'  (default: 'DST')
+|-lines_maker            = None
+|-lumi                   = False  (default: False)
+|-main_options           = ''  (default: '')
+|-memory_pool_size       = 10485760  (default: 10485760)
+|-merge_genfsr           = False  (default: False)
+|-msg_svc_format         = '% F%35W%S %7W%R%T %0W%M'  (default: '% F%35W%S %7W%R%T %0W%M')
+|-msg_svc_time_format    = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC'  (default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC')
+|-n_event_slots          = 1  (default: -1)
+|-n_threads              = 1  (default: 1)
+|-ntuple_file            = 'DVNtuple.root'  (default: '')
+|-output_file            = ''  (default: '')
+|-output_level           = 3  (default: 3)
+|-output_type            = ''  (default: '')
+|-overwrite_data_options = False  (default: False)
+|-print_freq             = 1000  (default: 1000)
+|-python_logging_level   = 30  (default: 30)
+|-root_compression_level = 'LZMA:6'  (default: 'LZMA:6')
+|-scheduler_legacy_mode  = True  (default: True)
+|-simulation             = True  (default: False)
+|-skip_events            = 2  (default: 0)
+|-tck                    = 0  (default: 0)
+|-use_iosvc              = False  (default: False)
+|-user_algorithms        = ''  (default: '')
+|-write_fsr              = True  (default: True)
+\----- (End of User DVAppOptions/DVAppOptions) -----------------------------------------------------
+ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
+ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
+NTupleSvc                              INFO Added stream file:DVNtuple.root as FILE1
+RootHistSvc                            INFO Writing ROOT histograms to: DVHistos.root
+HistogramPersistencySvc                INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootHistSvc
+DetectorDataSvc                        INFO Detector description not requested to be loaded
+EventClockSvc.FakeEventTime            INFO Event times generated from 0 with steps of 0
+ApplicationMgr                         INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
+ApplicationMgr                         INFO Application Manager Started successfully
+EventPersistencySvc                    INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootCnvSvc
+EventSelector                          INFO Stream:EventSelector.DataStreamTool_1 Def:DATAFILE='root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/MC/Upgrade/LDST/00076720/0000/00076720_00000002_1.ldst' SVC='Gaudi::RootEvtSelector' OPT='READ' IgnoreChecksum='YES'
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 1. Record number within stream 1: 1
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer          INFO executing VoidConsumer
+ApplicationMgr                         INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
+LAZY_AND: DummyNode                                           #=100     Sum=100         Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+ Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer/Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer  #=100     Sum=100         Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+ToolSvc                                INFO Removing all tools created by ToolSvc
+ApplicationMgr                         INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
+ApplicationMgr                         INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
diff --git a/DaVinciTests/tests/refs/test_davinci_user_algs.ref b/DaVinciTests/tests/refs/test_davinci_user_algs.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..34dd13078b2f28ab33503c5a81462ab6240cc554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DaVinciTests/tests/refs/test_davinci_user_algs.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+/***** User DVAppOptions/DVAppOptions **************************************************************
+|-auditors               = []  (default: [])
+|-buffer_events          = 20000  (default: 20000)
+|-callgrind_profile      = False  (default: False)
+|-conddb_tag             = 'HEAD'  (default: '')
+|-control_flow_file      = ''  (default: '')
+|-data_flow_file         = ''  (default: '')
+|-data_type              = 'Upgrade'  (default: '')
+|-dddb_tag               = 'dddb-20200424-2'  (default: '')
+|-detectors              = ['VP', 'UT', 'FT', 'Rich1Pmt', 'Rich2Pmt', 'Ecal', 'Hcal', 'Muon', 'Magnet', 'Tr']
+|                        (default: ['VP', 'UT', 'FT', 'Rich1Pmt', 'Rich2Pmt', 'Ecal', 'Hcal', 'Muon', 'Magnet', 'Tr'])
+|-dqflags_tag            = ''  (default: '')
+|-enable_unpack          = None
+|-event_store            = 'HiveWhiteBoard'  (default: 'HiveWhiteBoard')
+|-evt_max                = 100  (default: -1)
+|-first_evt              = 0  (default: 0)
+|-histo_file             = 'DVHistos.root'  (default: '')
+|-ignore_dq_flags        = False  (default: False)
+|-input_files            = ['root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/MC/Upgrade/LDST/00076720/0000/00076720_00000002_1.ldst', 'root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/MC/Upgrade/LDST/00076720/0000/00076720_00000004_1.ldst', 'root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/MC/Upgrade/LDST/00076720/0000/00076720_00000043_1.ldst', 'root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/MC/Upgrade/LDST/00076720/0000/00076720_00000068_1.ldst']
+|                        (default: [])
+|-input_raw_format       = 0.3  (default: 0.3)
+|-input_type             = 'ROOT'  (default: 'DST')
+|-lines_maker            = None
+|-lumi                   = False  (default: False)
+|-main_options           = ''  (default: '')
+|-memory_pool_size       = 10485760  (default: 10485760)
+|-merge_genfsr           = False  (default: False)
+|-msg_svc_format         = '% F%35W%S %7W%R%T %0W%M'  (default: '% F%35W%S %7W%R%T %0W%M')
+|-msg_svc_time_format    = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC'  (default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC')
+|-n_event_slots          = 1  (default: -1)
+|-n_threads              = 1  (default: 1)
+|-ntuple_file            = 'DVNtuple.root'  (default: '')
+|-output_file            = ''  (default: '')
+|-output_level           = 3  (default: 3)
+|-output_type            = ''  (default: '')
+|-overwrite_data_options = False  (default: False)
+|-print_freq             = 1000  (default: 1000)
+|-python_logging_level   = 30  (default: 30)
+|-root_compression_level = 'LZMA:6'  (default: 'LZMA:6')
+|-scheduler_legacy_mode  = True  (default: True)
+|-simulation             = True  (default: False)
+|-skip_events            = 2  (default: 0)
+|-tck                    = 0  (default: 0)
+|-use_iosvc              = False  (default: False)
+|-user_algorithms        = '$DAVINCITESTSROOT/tests/options/option_davinci_user_algs:main'  (default: '')
+|-write_fsr              = True  (default: True)
+\----- (End of User DVAppOptions/DVAppOptions) -----------------------------------------------------
+<module 'option_davinci_user_algs' from '/workspace/build/DaVinci/DaVinciTests/tests/options/option_davinci_user_algs.py'>
+ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
+ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
+NTupleSvc                              INFO Added stream file:DVNtuple.root as FILE1
+RootHistSvc                            INFO Writing ROOT histograms to: DVHistos.root
+HistogramPersistencySvc                INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootHistSvc
+FSROutputStreamDstWriter               INFO Data source: EventDataSvc output: SVC='Gaudi::RootCnvSvc'
+UnpackChargedProtos.ChargedProto...    INFO Using retuned RICH el and mu DLL values in combined DLLs
+DetectorDataSvc                        INFO Detector description not requested to be loaded
+EventClockSvc.FakeEventTime            INFO Event times generated from 0 with steps of 0
+HiveDataBrokerSvc                   WARNING non-reentrant algorithm: RecordStream/FSROutputStreamDstWriter
+HiveDataBrokerSvc                   WARNING non-reentrant algorithm: GaudiHistoAlgorithm/SimpleHistos
+HiveDataBrokerSvc                   WARNING non-reentrant algorithm: UnpackRecVertex/UnpackRecVertices
+HiveDataBrokerSvc                   WARNING non-reentrant algorithm: DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MuonPIDPacker>/UnpackMuonPIDs
+HiveDataBrokerSvc                   WARNING non-reentrant algorithm: DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::RichPIDPacker>/UnpackRichPIDs
+HiveDataBrokerSvc                   WARNING non-reentrant algorithm: UnpackProtoParticle/UnpackNeutralProtos
+HiveDataBrokerSvc                   WARNING non-reentrant algorithm: UnpackProtoParticle/UnpackChargedProtos
+ApplicationMgr                         INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
+ApplicationMgr                         INFO Application Manager Started successfully
+EventPersistencySvc                    INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootCnvSvc
+EventSelector                          INFO Stream:EventSelector.DataStreamTool_1 Def:DATAFILE='root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/MC/Upgrade/LDST/00076720/0000/00076720_00000002_1.ldst' SVC='Gaudi::RootEvtSelector' OPT='READ' IgnoreChecksum='YES'
+EventSelector                       SUCCESS Reading Event record 1. Record number within stream 1: 1
+RndmGenSvc.Engine                      INFO Generator engine type:CLHEP::RanluxEngine
+RndmGenSvc.Engine                      INFO Current Seed:1234567 Luxury:3
+RndmGenSvc                             INFO Using Random engine:HepRndm::Engine<CLHEP::RanluxEngine>
+SimpleHistos                           INFO GaudiHistoAlgorithm:: Filling Histograms...... Please be patient !
+ApplicationMgr                         INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
+FSROutputStreamDstWriter               INFO Set up File Summary Record
+FSROutputStreamDstWriter               INFO Events output: 1
+UnpackRichPIDs                      SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 100      Message = 'Incorrect data version 0 for packing version > 3. Correcting data to version 2.'
+NONLAZY_OR: DaVinci                                        #=100     Sum=100         Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+ NONLAZY_OR: WriteFSR                                      #=100     Sum=100         Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+  RecordStream/FSROutputStreamDstWriter                    #=100     Sum=100         Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+ NONLAZY_AND: DVStdAlgs                                    #=100     Sum=100         Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+  GaudiHistoAlgorithm/SimpleHistos                         #=100     Sum=100         Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+ NONLAZY_AND: PrintJpsiNode                                #=100     Sum=100         Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+  UnpackRecVertex/UnpackRecVertices                        #=100     Sum=100         Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+  UnpackCaloHypo/UnpackCaloElectrons                       #=100     Sum=100         Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+  UnpackCaloHypo/UnpackCaloPhotons                         #=100     Sum=100         Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+  UnpackCaloHypo/UnpackCaloMergedPi0s                      #=100     Sum=100         Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+  UnpackCaloHypo/UnpackCaloSplitPhotons                    #=100     Sum=100         Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+  DataPacking__Unpack<LHCb__MuonPIDPacker>/UnpackMuonPIDs  #=100     Sum=100         Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+  DataPacking__Unpack<LHCb__RichPIDPacker>/UnpackRichPIDs  #=100     Sum=100         Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+  UnpackTrackFunctional/UnpackBestTracks                   #=100     Sum=100         Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+  UnpackTrackFunctional/UnpackMuonTracks                   #=100     Sum=100         Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+  UnpackProtoParticle/UnpackNeutralProtos                  #=100     Sum=100         Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+  UnpackProtoParticle/UnpackChargedProtos                  #=100     Sum=100         Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|
+ToolSvc                                INFO Removing all tools created by ToolSvc
+*****Chrono*****                       INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
+ChronoStatSvc.finalize()               INFO  Service finalized successfully
+ApplicationMgr                         INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
+ApplicationMgr                         INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
+UnpackBestTracks                       INFO Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# Unpacked Tracks"                             |       100 |      41403 |     414.03 |
+UnpackMuonPIDs                         INFO Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |       100 |       9896 |     98.960 |     47.355 |      25.000 |      264.00 |
+UnpackMuonTracks                       INFO Number of counters : 1
+ |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
+ | "# Unpacked Tracks"                             |       100 |       1684 |     16.840 |
+SimpleHistos                        SUCCESS 1D histograms in directory "SimpleHistos" : 10
+ | ID                        |   Title                                       |    #    |     Mean   |    RMS     |  Skewness  |  Kurtosis  |
+ | 101                       | "Exponential"                                 |   100   |      1.141 | 1.0488     |     1.1417 |    0.71718 |
+ | 102                       | "Breit"                                       |   100   |   -0.15117 | 1.1275     |   -0.32351 |     2.0377 |
+ | 1111                      | "Forced Numeric ID time test"                 |   100   |  -0.047428 | 0.89797    |   -0.25222 |    0.14476 |
+ | AutoID time test          | "AutoID time test"                            |   100   |  -0.047428 | 0.89797    |   -0.25222 |    0.14476 |
+ | Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1  | "Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1"                    |   100   |  -0.047428 | 0.89797    |   -0.25222 |    0.14476 |
+ | poisson                   | "Poisson"                                     |   100   |     1.8947 | 1.1376     |    0.42462 |   -0.74327 |
+ | subdir1/bino              | "Binominal"                                   |   100   |     1.8788 | 1.0567     |    0.38496 |   -0.44547 |
+ | subdir2/bino              | "Binominal"                                   |   100   |     1.8788 | 1.0567     |    0.38496 |   -0.44547 |
+ | test1                     | "Forced Alpha ID time test"                   |   100   |  -0.047428 | 0.89797    |   -0.25222 |    0.14476 |
+ | varBinning/x              | "1D Variable Binning"                         |   100   |   -0.22236 | 2.6506     |   0.026186 |   -0.97273 |
+SimpleHistos                        SUCCESS 1D profile histograms in directory "SimpleHistos" : 9
+ | ID                        |   Title                                       |    #    |     Mean   |    RMS     |  Skewness  |  Kurtosis  |
+ | Expo V Gauss 1DProf       | "Expo V Gauss 1DProf"                         |   100   |  -0.047428 | 0.89797    |    -2.3629 |     9.4136 |
+ | Expo V Gauss 1DProf s     | "Expo V Gauss 1DProf s"                       |   100   |  -0.047428 | 0.89797    |    -2.3629 |     9.4136 |
+ | Gauss V Flat 1DProf       | "Gauss V Flat 1DProf"                         |   100   |    0.18402 | 5.688      |          0 |         -3 |
+ | Gauss V Flat 1DProf S     | "Gauss V Flat 1DProf S"                       |   100   |    0.18402 | 5.688      |          0 |         -3 |
+ | Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with | "Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-I"          |    45   |    0.24192 | 5.5416     |   -0.26447 |    -1.0149 |
+ | Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with | "Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-I  s"       |    45   |    0.24192 | 5.5416     |   -0.26447 |    -1.0149 |
+ | Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with | "Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-II"         |    55   |    0.13664 | 5.8046     |          0 |         -3 |
+ | Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with | "Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-II s"       |    55   |    0.13664 | 5.8046     |          0 |         -3 |
+ | varBinning/a              | "1D Profile Variable Binning"                 |   100   |   -0.22236 | 2.6506     |     7.4264 |     29.421 |
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinci/options/DaVinci-UserAlgs-Example.py b/Phys/DaVinci/options/DaVinci-UserAlgs-Example.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bab731b36864728a5645dfa7ad03a3f61c26884..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Phys/DaVinci/options/DaVinci-UserAlgs-Example.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# (c) Copyright 2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration           #
-#                                                                             #
-# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
-# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
-#                                                                             #
-# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
-# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
-# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-#                                                                             #
- Simple DaVinci example for defining user algorithms
-__author__ = "Davide Fazzini <davide.fazzini@cern.ch>"
-from GaudiConfig2 import Configurables as C
-from PhysConf.Selections import AutomaticData
-def myfunc():
-    sel = AutomaticData('/Phys/BetaSBd2JpsiKstarDetachedLine/Particles')
-    inputTuple = sel.outputLocation()
-    # make a tuple
-    dtt = C.DecayTreeTuple("Bd2JpsiKstar")
-    dtt.Inputs = [inputTuple]
-    dtt.ToolList = ['TupleToolKinematic']
-    dtt.Decay = "[B0 -> ^(J/psi(1S) -> ^mu+ ^mu-) ^(K*(892)0 -> ^K+ ^pi-)]CC"
-    evtTuple = C.EventTuple()
-    evtTuple.ToolList += ["TupleToolEventInfo"]
-    #listAlg = [evtTuple, dtt]
-    listAlg = []
-    return listAlg
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinci/options/DaVinciDB-Example.yaml b/Phys/DaVinci/options/DaVinciDB-Example.yaml
index 85bd9e4d73adb95abd2d6204a024101bbb57b2b8..0c64652f196a2d79f28d717093c461a99e6f2e03 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinci/options/DaVinciDB-Example.yaml
+++ b/Phys/DaVinci/options/DaVinciDB-Example.yaml
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ Upgrade_genFSR_ldst:
    - 'root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/cern-swtest/lhcb/swtest/genFSR/genfsr_upgrade2.ldst'
    - 'root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/cern-swtest/lhcb/swtest/genFSR/genfsr_upgrade3.ldst'
-      DataType: Upgrade
-      InputType: LDST
-      Simulation: true
-      CondDBtag: sim-20171127-vc-md100
-      DDDBtag: dddb-20171126
+      data_type: Upgrade
+      input_type: LDST
+      simulation: true
+      conddb_tag: sim-20171127-vc-md100
+      dddb_tag: dddb-20171126
       Author: 'dfazzini'
       Date: '2020-06-17 18:34:43.57756'
@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ Upgrade_Bd2KstarMuMu_ldst:
    - 'root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/MC/Upgrade/LDST/00076720/0000/00076720_00000043_1.ldst'
    - 'root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/MC/Upgrade/LDST/00076720/0000/00076720_00000068_1.ldst'
-      DataType: Upgrade
-      InputType: LDST
-      Simulation: true
-      CondDBtag: sim-20171127-vc-md100
-      DDDBtag: dddb-20171126
+      data_type: Upgrade
+      input_type: LDST
+      simulation: true
+      conddb_tag: HEAD
+      dddb_tag: dddb-20200424-2
       Author: 'Patrick Koppenburg'
       Date: '2020-05-28 11:12:55'
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinci/options/application-option-defaults.yaml b/Phys/DaVinci/options/application-option-defaults.yaml
index 1f3917813aaa0065feca849cc005b6f9142cfb94..18fc29bed28180ef10211484d2859d060418768e 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinci/options/application-option-defaults.yaml
+++ b/Phys/DaVinci/options/application-option-defaults.yaml
@@ -31,13 +31,19 @@ data_flow_file:
    value: ''
    text: '"""Data type, can be ["Upgrade"]."""'
-   value: 'Upgrade'
+   value: ''
-   text: '""" Data type, can be ["Upgrade"] Forwarded to PhysConf, AnalysisConf, DstConf and LHCbApp"""'
-   value: 'dddb-20171126'
+   text: '""" Data type, can be ["Upgrade"] Forwarded to PhysConf, AnalysisConf, DstConf and LHCbApp."""'
+   value: ''
+   text: '"""List of detectors."""'
+   value: ['VP', 'UT', 'FT', 'Rich1Pmt', 'Rich2Pmt', 'Ecal', 'Hcal', 'Muon', 'Magnet', 'Tr']
-   text: '"""Tag for DQFLAGS. Default as set in DDDBConf for DataType """'
+   text: '"""Tag for DQFLAGS. Default as set in DDDBConf for DataType."""'
    value: ''
+   text: '"""Explicitly enable/disable unpacking for input data (if specified)"""'
+   value: 
    text: '"""Number of events to analyse. Default = -1 to run over all events."""'
    value: -1
@@ -48,13 +54,22 @@ ignore_dq_flags:
    text: '"""If False, process only events with good DQ. Default = False."""'
    value: False
-   text: '"""Input data. Default = []. """'
+   text: '"""Input data. Default = []."""'
    value: []
    text: '"""Type of input files, e.g. "DST", "DIGI", "RDST", "MDST", "XDST" or "LDST". Default = DST."""'
    value: 'DST'
+   text: '"""Logger used to print warning and error messages."""'
+   value: 
-   text: '"""Luminosity accounting. Default = False."""'
+  text: '"""Luminosity accounting. Default = False."""'
+  value: False
+   text: '"""Main option file to execute."""'
+   value: ''
+   text: '"""Flags whether to merge the generator-level FSRs."""'
    value: False
    text: '"""MessageSvc output format.Default = "% F%35W%S %7W%R%T %0W%M"."""'
@@ -68,12 +83,18 @@ ntuple_file:
    text: '"""Set the output level used in the job. Default = INFO=3."""'
    value: 3
+   text: '"""Allow overwriting default data options defined in DaVinci Database."""'
+   value: False
    text: '"""Frequency at which to print event numbers. Default = 1000."""'
    value: 1000
    text: '"""Python logger level. Default = logging.WARNING=30."""'
    value: 30
+   text: '"""ROOT Compression level for ntuples."""'
+   value: 'LZMA:6'
    text: '"""Number of events to skip at the beginning. Default = 0."""'
    value: 0
@@ -81,8 +102,11 @@ simulation:
    text: '"""Boolean to specify simulated samples. Default = False."""'
    value: False
-   text: '"""List of user algorithms to run. Default = []."""'
-   value: []
+   text: '"""User algorithm to run. Default = ''."""'
+   value: ''
    text: '"""Use an alternative, faster, IIOSvc implementation for MDFs. Default = False."""'
    value: False
+   text: '"""Flags whether to write out an FSR."""'
+   value: True
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinci/options/jobOptions-Example.py b/Phys/DaVinci/options/jobOptions-Example.py
index 3d32fecd157d4ccd20c11381f7ce6c99c4b64fc0..807397eb2dedeec167e84c5cc26324153f5719ba 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinci/options/jobOptions-Example.py
+++ b/Phys/DaVinci/options/jobOptions-Example.py
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
-    'EvtMax': 100,
-    'SkipEvents': 2,
-    'TupleFile': 'DVNtuple.root',
-    'HistogramFile': 'DVHistos.root'
+    'evt_max': 100,
+    'skip_events': 2,
+    'ntuple_file': 'DVNtuple.root',
+    'histo_file': 'DVHistos.root'
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinci/options/jobOptions-Example.yaml b/Phys/DaVinci/options/jobOptions-Example.yaml
index 0c7b6afa6c165cc259f74b1903d97a4c3fb180ea..ae0f47415103fbabfe491644dd1d26c4c49527f1 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinci/options/jobOptions-Example.yaml
+++ b/Phys/DaVinci/options/jobOptions-Example.yaml
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-EvtMax: 100
-SkipEvents: 2
-TupleFile: 'DVNtuple.root'
-HistogramFile: 'DVHistos.root'
+evt_max: 100
+skip_events: 2
+ntuple_file: 'DVNtuple.root'
+histo_file: 'DVHistos.root'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/ConfigurationUpgrade.py b/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/ConfigurationUpgrade.py
index 8d3e81f0881c8c0ec89ee95a581a436cc202b835..817f93626044d41497d21db666b78cd9258ca3cf 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/ConfigurationUpgrade.py
+++ b/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/ConfigurationUpgrade.py
@@ -11,128 +11,64 @@
 High level configuration tools for DaVinci.
+from PyConf.application import ComponentConfig, configure, configure_input
+from PyConf.control_flow import CompositeNode, NodeLogic
+from DaVinci.configOptions import (check_options, set_file_options,
+                                   set_option_value, set_job_options,
+                                   set_args_options)
+from DaVinci.algorithms import (define_log, setup_algorithms,
+                                define_fsr_writer, setup_user_algorithms,
+                                add_missing_configurables)
-from GaudiConfig2 import Configurables as C
-from GaudiConfig2 import mergeConfigs
-from DaVinci.configOptions import initialize_slots, check_options, set_file_options, set_job_options, set_args_options
-from DaVinci.algorithms import (define_input, define_monitors, define_log,
-                                define_root_files, define_services,
-                                define_dv_init_algo, setup_algorithms,
-                                define_genfsr_writer)
-from DaVinci.configurations import configure_app_mgr
-from DaVinci.utilities import dump_call, dump_configuration
-import click
-#import os
-#os.environ["LC_ALL"] = "en_GB.utf8"
-    "--key",
-    default="Upgrade_Bd2KstarMuMu_ldst",
-    help="Key name related to the input files listed in the TestFileDB")
-    "--dbfile",
-    default="$DAVINCIROOT/options/DaVinciDB-Example.yaml",
-    help="YAML file database containing input file infos")
-    "--optfile",
-    default="$DAVINCIROOT/options/jobOptions-Example.yaml",
-    help="YAML option file containing the job infos")
-    context_settings=dict(
-        ignore_unknown_options=True,
-        allow_extra_args=True,
-    ))
-def cli(ctx, key, dbfile, optfile):
-    pass
-def mc(key="Upgrade_Bd2KstarMuMu_ldst",
-       dbfile="$DAVINCIROOT/options/DaVinciDB-Example.yaml",
-       optfile="$DAVINCIROOT/options/jobOptions-Example.yaml"):
+def add_davinci_configurables(options):
-    DaVinci function for running job with simulated samples
+    Add dedicated Davinci configurables to the main job configuration.
-    #dump_call(ctx, key, dbfile, optfile)
-    kwargs = ""
-    #if (len(ctx.args) > 1):
-    #    kwargs = ctx.args
+    dvNodes = []
+    if options.simulation and options.write_fsr:
+        fsrNode = define_fsr_writer(options)
+        dvNodes.append(fsrNode)
+    algsNodes = setup_algorithms(options)
+    dvNodes.extend(algsNodes)
+    topNode = CompositeNode(
+        "DaVinci",
+        combine_logic=NodeLogic.NONLAZY_OR,
+        children=dvNodes,
+        force_order=True)
+    config = ComponentConfig()
+    config.update(configure(options, topNode))
+    config.update(add_missing_configurables(options, topNode))
-    return main(key, dbfile, optfile, True, kwargs)
-    "--key",
-    default="Upgrade_Bd2KstarMuMu_ldst",
-    help="Key name related to the input files listed in the TestFileDB")
-    "--dbfile",
-    default="$DAVINCIROOT/options/DaVinciDB-Example.yaml",
-    help="YAML file database containing input file infos")
-    "--optfile",
-    default="$DAVINCIROOT/options/jobOptions-Example.yaml",
-    help="YAML option file containing the job infos")
-    context_settings=dict(
-        ignore_unknown_options=True,
-        allow_extra_args=True,
-    ))
-def data(ctx, key, dbfile, optfile):
-    """
-    DaVinci function for running job with data samples
-    """
-    raise ValueError(
-        'Data file with upgrade conditions are not yet available. Please use :mc function instead.'
-    )
-    dump_call(ctx, key, dbfile, optfile)
-    kwargs = ""
-    if (len(ctx.args) > 1):
-        kwargs = ctx.args
-    return main(key, dbfile, optfile, False, kwargs)
+    return config
-def main(key, dbFile, jobOptFile, isMC, kwargs):
+def run_davinci(fileDB_file, fileDB_key, jobOptFile, flagMC, ctx_args,
+                simplejob):
-    DaVinci application main configuration.
+    Run DaVinci application.
-    slots = {}
-    propertyDocDct = {}
-    initialize_slots(slots, propertyDocDct)
-    define_log(slots)
-    set_file_options(slots, key, dbFile, isMC)
-    set_job_options(slots, jobOptFile, key, dbFile)
-    if kwargs:
-        set_args_options(slots, kwargs, key, dbFile)
-    dump_configuration(slots)
-    check_options(slots)
-    define_input(slots)
-    config = []
-    appMgr = C.ApplicationMgr()
-    config.append(appMgr)
-    define_dv_init_algo(config, slots)
-    define_monitors(config, slots)
+    from DaVinci import options
-    setup_algorithms(config, slots)
+    define_log(options)
+    set_file_options(options, fileDB_key, fileDB_file)
+    set_job_options(options, jobOptFile, fileDB_key, fileDB_file)
-    define_services(config, slots)
+    if ctx_args:
+        set_args_options(options, ctx_args, fileDB_key, fileDB_file)
-    define_root_files(config, slots)
+    set_option_value(options, "input_type", "ROOT")
+    check_options(options)
-    define_genfsr_writer(config, slots)
+    config = configure_input(options)
-    configure_app_mgr(config, slots, appMgr)
+    if simplejob:
+        node = setup_user_algorithms(options)
+        config.update(configure(options, node))
+        config.update(add_missing_configurables(options, node))
+    else:
+        config.update(add_davinci_configurables(options))
-    config = mergeConfigs(config)
     return config
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/__init__.py b/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/__init__.py
index 73ced637546a5ee4724025aad881dab36e402269..d44ee4dc5806a51bf450b1729e6dacd4d09c30ac 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/__init__.py
+++ b/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/__init__.py
@@ -10,9 +10,6 @@
 from __future__ import absolute_import
-from .ConfigurationUpgrade import data, mc, main
 from .config import options, run_davinci, DVNode, DVHelper
-__all__ = ('data', 'mc', 'main', 'options', 'run_davinci', 'DVNode',
-           'DVHelper')
+__all__ = ('options', 'run_davinci', 'DVNode', 'DVHelper')
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/algorithms.py b/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/algorithms.py
index c31fb651706c74283de4b0a91aadd70db1d92878..fdaaa12cf584e8c981f7c994256bd416a8addbb2 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/algorithms.py
+++ b/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/algorithms.py
@@ -9,213 +9,222 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from GaudiConfig2 import Configurables as C
-from DaVinci.configOptions import get_slot_value, set_slot_value
-from DaVinci.optionChecker import DVOptionError, DVRuntimeError
+import os, sys, importlib
+from PyConf.components import setup_component
+from PyConf.application import ComponentConfig, all_nodes_and_algs
+from PyConf.dataflow import dataflow_config
+from PyConf.control_flow import CompositeNode, NodeLogic
+from DaVinci.configOptions import get_option_value, set_option_value
+from DaVinci.optionChecker import DVOptionError
 from DaVinci.configurations import *
-def define_dv_init_algo(config, slots):
+def setup_algorithms(options):
-    Define the DaVinci initialisation algorithm.
+    Set DaVinci algorithms
-    dvInit = C.DaVinciInit("DaVinciInitAlg")
-    configure_init(slots, dvInit)
-    config.append(dvInit)
+    from PyConf.Algorithms import GaudiHistoAlgorithm
-def define_input(slots):
-    """
-    Define the input files via the IOHelper.
-    """
-    from GaudiConf import IOHelper
-    input = get_slot_value(slots, "Input")
-    if (len(input) > 0):
-        persistency = None
-        inputType = get_slot_value(slots, "InputType").upper()
-        if inputType == "MDF": persistency = "MDF"
-        # Support connection strings and lists of files
-        input = IOHelper(persistency, persistency).convertConnectionStrings(
-            input, "I")
-        # Clear selector to maintain the same behaviour
-        IOHelper(persistency, persistency).inputFiles(input, clear=True)
+    log = get_option_value(options, "log_file")
+    opts = get_option_value(options, "main_options")
+    if not opts == "":
+        importOptions(opts)
-        log = get_slot_value(slots, "Log")
+        log.info(
+            "No MainOptions specified. DaVinci() will import no options file!")
+    stdAlgs = [
+        GaudiHistoAlgorithm(
+            name="SimpleHistos",
+            HistoPrint=True,
+            OutputLevel=get_option_value(options, "output_level"))
+    ]
+    stdAlgsNode = CompositeNode(
+        "DVStdAlgs", children=stdAlgs, combine_logic=NodeLogic.NONLAZY_AND)
+    userAlgs = get_option_value(options, 'user_algorithms')
+    if not userAlgs:
-            "No input files available along with the selected key. Check the related DaVinciDB."
+            "DV option file or main function not defined. No user algorithms will be used."
+        return [stdAlgsNode]
+    else:
+        userAlgsNode = setup_user_algorithms(options)
+        return [stdAlgsNode, userAlgsNode]
-def define_monitors(config, slots):
+def define_log(options):
+    """
+    Define the logger.
-    Define the monitors:
+    from AnalysisPython.Logger import getLogger
+    log = getLogger("DaVinci")
+    set_option_value(options, "log_file", log)
-    - AuditorSvc
-    - EventSelector
-    - SequencerTimerTool
-    - TimingAuditor
-    - EventClock.
+def define_fsr_writer(options):
-    auditor = C.AuditorSvc()
-    timer = C.TimingAuditor()
-    sequencer = C.SequencerTimerTool()
-    configure_timing(slots, auditor, sequencer, timer)
+    Define Generator FSR writer
+    """
+    from PyConf.Algorithms import GenFSRMerge, RecordStream
+    algs = []
+    if get_option_value(options, "merge_genfsr"):
+        mergeGenfsr = GenFSRMerge(name="GenFSRMerge")
+        algs.append(mergeGenfsr)
+    outputLevel = get_option_value(options, "output_level")
+    if outputLevel == '':
+        outputLevel = INFO
-    evtSel = C.EventSelector()
-    configure_event_selector(slots, evtSel)
+    recStream = RecordStream(
+        name="FSROutputStreamDstWriter",
+        OutputLevel=outputLevel,
+        Output="SVC='Gaudi::RootCnvSvc'")
+    algs.append(recStream)
+    fsrNode = CompositeNode(
+        "WriteFSR",
+        combine_logic=NodeLogic.NONLAZY_OR,
+        children=algs,
+        force_order=True)
-    #evtTime = C.EventClockSvc(EventTimeDecoder="OdinTimeDecoder")
-    config.extend([auditor, timer, sequencer, evtSel])  #, evtTime])
+    return fsrNode
-def setup_algorithms(config, slots):
+def setup_user_algorithms(options):
-    Set DaVinci algorithms
+    Set user algorithms and return a PyConf node
-    import importlib, sys, os
-    stdAlgorithms = [
-        C.GaudiHistoAlgorithm(
-            "SimpleHistos",
-            HistoPrint=True,
-            OutputLevel=get_slot_value(slots, "OutputLevel"))
-    ]
+    userAlgs = get_option_value(options, 'user_algorithms')
+    log = get_option_value(options, "log_file")
-    fileAlg = get_slot_value(slots, 'UserAlgorithmFile')
-    funcName = get_slot_value(slots, 'UserAlgorithm')
+    if userAlgs == "":
+        log.warning(
+            "DV option file or main function not defined. No user algorithms will be used."
+        )
+        # Add a dummy algorithm in order to avoid errors from empty nodes
+        from PyConf.Algorithms import Gaudi__Examples__VoidConsumer as VoidConsumer
+        alg = VoidConsumer()
+        userAlgsNode = CompositeNode("DummyNode", children=[alg])
+    else:
+        modulePath = userAlgs.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
+        algName = userAlgs.rsplit('/', 1)[1]
-    modulePath = fileAlg.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
-    moduleName = fileAlg.rsplit('/', 1)[1]
+        modulePath = os.path.expandvars(modulePath)
+        sys.path.append(modulePath)
-    modulePath = os.path.expandvars(modulePath)
-    _, ext = os.path.splitext(moduleName)
-    if ext == ".py":
-        moduleName = moduleName.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
+        _, ext = os.path.splitext(algName)
+        if ext == ".py":
+            algName = algName.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
-    sys.path.append(modulePath)
-    log = get_slot_value(slots, "Log")
+        if ":" in algName:
+            moduleName = algName.rsplit(":", 1)[0]
+            funcName = ".%s" % algName.rsplit(":", 1)[1]
+        else:
+            moduleName = algName
+            funcName = ""
-    if moduleName and funcName:
             module = importlib.import_module(moduleName)
             raise DVOptionError(
-                "UserAlgorithmFile",
+                "user_algorithms",
                 "Importing user algorithms failed. Check if the user python module %s defined in %s exists!"
                 % (moduleName, modulePath))
-            algorithms = stdAlgorithms
+            print(module)
-                userAlgorithms = eval("module.%s()" % funcName)
-                log.info("User algorithm %s.%s imported successfully!" %
-                         (moduleName, funcName))
-                algorithms = stdAlgorithms + userAlgorithms
+                userAlgsNode = eval("module%s()" % funcName)
-                raise DVRuntimeError(
-                    "UserAlgorithmFile", "UserAlgorithm",
+                raise DVOptionError(
+                    "user_algorithms",
                     "Run time error when calling the user algorithm. User algorithm %s can not be imported!"
                     % funcName)
-                algorithms = stdAlgorithms
-    else:
-        log.warning(
-            "DV option file or main function not defined. No user algorithms will be used."
-        )
-        algorithms = stdAlgorithms
-    config.extend(algorithms)
-def define_services(config, slots):
-    """
-    Define standard services:
-    - AlgContextSvc
-    - EvtDataSvc
-    - EvtPersistencySvc
-    - FileRecordDataSvc
-    - IODataManager
-    - LoKiSvc
-    - MultiFileCatalog
-    - RootCnvSvc
-    - ToolSvc
-    - XmlCnvSvc
-    - XmlParserSvc
-    """
-    evtSvc = C.EvtDataSvc()
-    evtPers = C.EvtPersistencySvc("EventPersistencySvc")
-    configure_event(evtSvc, evtPers)
-    algSvc = C.AlgContextSvc()
-    algSvc.BypassIncidents = True
+            else:
+                log.info("User algorithm %s%s imported successfully!" %
+                         (moduleName, funcName))
-    rootSvc = C.Gaudi.RootCnvSvc("FileRecordCnvSvc")
-    fileDataSvc = C.FileRecordDataSvc()
+    return userAlgsNode
+def add_missing_configurables(options,
+                              topNode,
+                              public_tools=[],
+                              barrier_algorithms=[]):
+    """
+    Temporary function used for including missing configurables in the DaVinci job.
+    The reason of these missing configurables is probably due to the different Gaudi call
+    ('./run davinci' instead of './run gaudirun.py') and from the 'configure' method
+    implemented in PyConf: indeed the method doesn't return all the configurables stored
+    in 'configurable_algs' and 'configurable_tools'.
+    """
+    from Configurables import (
+        Gaudi__RootCnvSvc as RootCnvSvc, XmlCnvSvc, FileRecordDataSvc,
+        XmlParserSvc, Gaudi__MultiFileCatalog as MultiFileCatalog,
+        LHCb__DetDesc__ReserveDetDescForEvent as reserveIOV,
+        LHCb__Tests__FakeEventTimeProducer as DummyEventTime)
+    from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
+    if UseDD4Hep:
+        from Configurables import LHCb__Det__LbDD4hep__IOVProducer as IOVProducer
+    options.finalize()
+    config = ComponentConfig()
+    nodes, algs = all_nodes_and_algs(topNode)
+    configuration = dataflow_config()
+    for alg in algs:
+        configuration.update(alg.configuration())
+    for tool in public_tools:
+        configuration.update(tool.configuration())
+    configurable_algs, configurable_tools = configuration.apply()
+    INITIAL_TIME = 1433509200
+    odin_loc = "/Event/DAQ/DummyODIN"
+    configurable_algs += [
+        setup_component(
+            DummyEventTime,
+            "DummyEventTime",
+            Start=INITIAL_TIME,
+            Step=0,
+            ODIN=odin_loc,
+            require_IOVLock=False),
+        setup_component(
+            reserveIOV, "reserveIOV", require_IOVLock=False, ODIN=odin_loc)
+    ]
+    if UseDD4Hep:
+        configurable_algs += [
+            setup_component(
+                IOVProducer,
+                "ReserveIOVDD4hep",
+                require_IOVLock=False,
+                SliceLocation="IOVLockDD4hep",
+                ODIN=odin_loc)
+        ]
+    rootSvc = RootCnvSvc("RootCnvSvc")
+    fileDataSvc = FileRecordDataSvc()
     configure_file_record_data(rootSvc, fileDataSvc)
-    xmlSvc = C.XmlCnvSvc()
-    xmlParser = C.XmlParserSvc()
+    xmlSvc = XmlCnvSvc()
+    xmlParser = XmlParserSvc()
     configure_xml(xmlSvc, xmlParser)
-    extSvc = [
-        evtSvc,
-        evtPers,
-        algSvc,
-        fileDataSvc,
-        rootSvc,
-        xmlSvc,
-        C.LoKiSvc(),
-        C.ToolSvc(),
-        C.Gaudi.Monitoring.MessageSvcSink(),
-        C.Gaudi.MultiFileCatalog("FileCatalog"),
-        C.Gaudi.IODataManager("IODataManager"),
-    ]
-    config.extend(extSvc)
-def define_root_files(config, slots):
-    """
-    Set the output ROOT file names for ntuples and histograms.
-    Note:
-        Ntuples and histograms can be output to different files, and are so typically.
-    """
-    from GaudiKernel.Configurable import ConfigurableGeneric as RFileCnv
-    if get_slot_value(slots, "HistogramFile"):
-        histoSvc = C.HistogramPersistencySvc(
-            OutputFile=get_slot_value(slots, "HistogramFile"))
-        config.append(histoSvc)
-    if get_slot_value(slots, "TupleFile"):
-        ntSvc = C.NTupleSvc()
-        configure_options_root_ntuples(slots, ntSvc)
-        config.append(ntSvc)
-    # Set the compression level for the ROOT tuple file
-    RFileCnv("RFileCnv").GlobalCompression = get_slot_value(
-        slots, "RootCompressionLevel")
-def define_log(slots):
-    """
-    Define the logger.
-    """
-    from AnalysisPython.Logger import getLogger
-    log = getLogger("DaVinci")
-    set_slot_value(slots, "Log", log)
-def define_genfsr_writer(config, slots):
-    """
-    Define Generator FSR writer
-    """
-    if get_slot_value(slots, "MergeGenFSR"):
-        config.append(C.GenFSRMerge())
-    config.append(
-        C.RecordStream(
-            "FSROutputStreamDstWriter",
-            OutputLevel=get_slot_value(slots, "OutputLevel")))
+    config.add(setup_component("ToolSvc"))
+    config.add(
+        setup_component(
+            "EventPersistencySvc",
+            CnvServices=["Gaudi::RootCnvSvc/RootCnvSvc"]))
+    config.add(fileDataSvc)
+    config.add(rootSvc)
+    config.add(xmlSvc)
+    config.add(xmlParser)
+    for alg in configurable_algs:
+        config.add(alg)
+    for tool in configurable_tools:
+        config.add(tool)
+    return config
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/configOptions.py b/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/configOptions.py
index bb0a7a9b84c21a4920a9ae24c74982375d7186e2..90a02b3f9a1b9dbc60159c740dbc09c1e9cf3206 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/configOptions.py
+++ b/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/configOptions.py
@@ -9,115 +9,65 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-Set and retrieve the value of a specific slot property.
+Set and retrieve the value of a specific option property.
 import os, difflib
 from DaVinci.optionChecker import DVOptionError, DVRuntimeError, option_checker
-def get_slot_value(slots, name):
-    if if_slot_exists(slots, name):
-        return slots[name]
-    else:
-        return None
+def get_option_value(options, name):
+    return options.getProp(name)
-def set_slot_value(slots, name, value):
-    if if_slot_exists(slots, name):
-        slots[name] = value
+def set_option_value(options, name, value):
+    options.setProp(name, value)
-def if_slot_exists(slots, name):
-    if name in slots:
-        return True
-    else:
-        raise DVOptionError(
-            name,
-            "Unknown qualifier called %s. Please check the DaVinci database or the job option file!\nList of possible valid qualifiers: %s"
-            % (name, difflib.get_close_matches(name, slots)))
-        return False
-def get_default_value(inputKey):
-    """
-    Get the default value for a specific property.
-    """
-    import yaml
-    optsDefaultName = "$DAVINCIROOT/options/DVconfig-Default.yaml"
-    with open(os.path.expandvars(optsDefaultName)) as optsDefault:
-        config = yaml.safe_load(optsDefault)
-    for key, args in config.items():
-        if key == inputKey:
-            for name, value in args.items():
-                if name == 'value':
-                    return value
-    return 0
-def initialize_slots(slots, propDct):
-    """
-    Initialize the properties with default values.
-    """
-    import yaml
-    optsDefaultName = "$DAVINCIROOT/options/DVconfig-Default.yaml"
-    with open(os.path.expandvars(optsDefaultName)) as optsDefault:
-        config = yaml.safe_load(optsDefault)
-    for key, args in config.items():
-        for name, value in args.items():
-            if name == 'value':
-                slots[key] = value
-            else:
-                propDct[key] = value
-def set_file_options(slots, inputKey, dbName, isMC):
+def set_file_options(options, fileDB_key, fileDB_file):
     Set the dataset properties required by the user.
     import yaml
-    with open(os.path.expandvars(dbName)) as dbFile:
+    with open(os.path.expandvars(fileDB_file)) as dbFile:
         dataDV = yaml.safe_load(dbFile)
     idxFile = -1
-    if ":" in inputKey:
-        idxFile = int(inputKey.split(":")[1])
-        inputKey = inputKey.split(":")[0]
+    if ":" in fileDB_key:
+        idxFile = int(fileDB_key.split(":")[1])
+        fileDB_key = fileDB_key.split(":")[0]
     for key, config in dataDV.items():
-        if key == inputKey:
+        if key == fileDB_key:
             for item, obj in config.items():
                 if item == 'qualifiers':
                     for prop, value in obj.items():
-                        set_slot_value(slots, prop, value)
+                        set_option_value(options, prop, value)
                 elif item == 'filenames':
                     if idxFile > -1:
                         if idxFile < len(obj):
-                            set_slot_value(slots, "Input", [obj[idxFile]])
+                            set_option_value(options, "input_files",
+                                             [obj[idxFile]])
                             raise ValueError(
                                 'Index file exceeds the number of available files related to the given key!'
-                        set_slot_value(slots, "Input", obj)
+                        set_option_value(options, "input_files", obj)
-def set_job_options(slots, configName, inputKey, dbName):
+def set_job_options(options, jobOptFile, fileDB_key, fileDB_file):
     Set the job properties required by the user.
-    log = get_slot_value(slots, "Log")
-    if configName == '':
+    log = get_option_value(options, "log_file")
+    if jobOptFile == '':
         log.warning('No jobOption file selected, the default values are used.')
-        dataOptions = list_data_options(inputKey.split(":")[0], dbName)
+        dataOptions = list_data_options(fileDB_key.split(":")[0], fileDB_file)
-        with open(os.path.expandvars(configName)) as config_file:
-            _, ext = os.path.splitext(configName)
+        with open(os.path.expandvars(jobOptFile)) as config_file:
+            _, ext = os.path.splitext(jobOptFile)
             if ext in (".yaml", ".yml", ".json"):
                 import yaml
                 config = yaml.safe_load(config_file)
@@ -130,37 +80,37 @@ def set_job_options(slots, configName, inputKey, dbName):
             for key, value in config.items():
-                if is_option_settable(slots, key, dataOptions):
-                    set_slot_value(slots, key, value)
+                if is_option_settable(options, key, dataOptions):
+                    set_option_value(options, key, value)
-def set_args_options(slots, kwargs, inputKey, dbName):
+def set_args_options(options, ctx_args, fileDB_key, fileDB_file):
     Set the extra arguments required by the user.
-    dataOptions = list_data_options(inputKey.split(":")[0], dbName)
-    for i in range(1, len(kwargs), 2):
-        key = kwargs[i][2:]
-        value = kwargs[i + 1]
+    dataOptions = list_data_options(fileDB_key.split(":")[0], fileDB_file)
+    for i in range(0, len(ctx_args), 2):
+        key = ctx_args[i][2:]
+        value = ctx_args[i + 1]
-        if is_option_settable(slots, key, dataOptions):
-            set_slot_value(slots, key, value)
+        if is_option_settable(options, key, dataOptions):
+            set_option_value(options, key, value)
-def is_option_settable(slots, key, dataOptions):
+def is_option_settable(options, key, dataOptions):
     Check if the current option 'key' can be set corretly
-    log = get_slot_value(slots, "Log")
+    log = get_option_value(options, "log_file")
     if key in dataOptions:
-        if get_slot_value(slots, "OverwriteDataOptions"):
+        if get_option_value(options, "overwrite_data_options"):
                 "New value found for the option %s in the job option file. 'OverwriteDataOptions' is active so the default value will be overwritten."
                 % key)
             return True
             raise DVRuntimeError(
-                key, "OverwriteDataOptions",
+                key, "overwrite_data_options",
                 "Default value for option %s is taken from DaVinciDB.\nA new value is found in the job option file but 'OverwriteDataOptions' is not active so the default value can't be overwritten!"
                 % key)
             return False
@@ -168,18 +118,18 @@ def is_option_settable(slots, key, dataOptions):
         return True
-def list_data_options(inputKey, dbName):
+def list_data_options(fileDB_key, fileDB_file):
     List of the properties that are set automatically given a dataset.
     import yaml
-    with open(os.path.expandvars(dbName)) as dbFile:
+    with open(os.path.expandvars(fileDB_file)) as dbFile:
         dataDV = yaml.safe_load(dbFile)
     optionList = []
     for key, config in dataDV.items():
-        if key == inputKey:
+        if key == fileDB_key:
             for item, obj in config.items():
                 if item == 'qualifiers':
                     for prop, value in obj.items():
@@ -188,49 +138,36 @@ def list_data_options(inputKey, dbName):
     return optionList
-def check_options(slots):
+def check_options(options):
     Check the options. Applies changes if needed.
-    dataType = get_slot_value(slots, "DataType")
-    option_checker("DataType", dataType)
-    inputType = get_slot_value(slots, "InputType").upper()
-    option_checker("InputType", inputType)
+    dataType = get_option_value(options, "data_type")
+    option_checker("data_type", dataType)
-    redoLink = get_slot_value(slots, "RedoMCLinks")
-    isMC = get_slot_value(slots, "Simulation")
+    inputType = get_option_value(options, "input_type").upper()
+    option_checker("input_type", inputType)
-    if not isMC:
-        if redoLink:
-            raise DVRuntimeError(
-                "RedoMCLinks", "Simulation",
-                "Re-doing MC links not possible for data! Set RedoMCLinks = False."
-            )
+    flagMC = get_option_value(options, "simulation")
-        if get_slot_value(slots, "MergeGenFSR"):
+    if not flagMC:
+        if get_option_value(options, "merge_genfsr"):
             raise DVRuntimeError(
-                "MergeGenFSR", "Simulation",
-                "GenFSR are not available in real data so MergeGenFSR cannot be run! Set MergeGenFSR = False."
+                "merge_genfsr", "simulation",
+                "GenFSR are not available in real data so merge_genfsr cannot be run! Set merge_genfsr = False."
-        if redoLink and inputType("MDF", "DIGI", "MDST", "RDST"):
-            raise DVRuntimeError(
-                "RedoMCLinks", "InputType",
-                "Re-doing MC links not possible for %s input type! Set RedoMCLinks = False."
-                % inputType)
-        if get_slot_value(slots, "Lumi"):
+        if get_option_value(options, "lumi"):
             raise DVRuntimeError(
-                "Lumi", "Simulation",
-                "Lumi not valid for Simulation! Set Lumi = False.")
+                "Lumi", "simulation",
+                "Lumi not valid for simulation! Set lumi = False.")
         ## for simulation, it is very important to specify proper DB-tags:
-        if not get_slot_value(slots, 'DDDBtag'):
+        if not get_option_value(options, 'dddb_tag'):
             raise DVOptionError(
-                "DDDBtag",
-                "``DDDBtag''   is not specified for simulated data!", "")
-        if not get_slot_value(slots, 'CondDBtag'):
+                "dddb_tag",
+                "``dddb_tag''   is not specified for simulated data!", "")
+        if not get_option_value(options, 'conddb_tag'):
             raise DVOptionError(
-                "CondDBtag",
-                "``CondDBtag'' is not specified for simulated data!", "")
+                "conddb_tag",
+                "``conddb_tag'' is not specified for simulated data!", "")
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/configurations.py b/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/configurations.py
index 43aed758699d638e2e2bfdd84bfb6e7eb5d1b132..8c59a5d177251ed51e1c48080a201ed906f954c5 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/configurations.py
+++ b/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/configurations.py
@@ -12,103 +12,11 @@
 Define configurations for applications, algorithms and external services.
-from DaVinci.configOptions import get_slot_value, get_default_value
-def configure_app_mgr(config, slots, appMgr):
-    """
-    Configuration of the main application.
-    """
-    messageSvc = 0
-    for c in config:
-        if c.name == 'MessageSvc':
-            messageSvc = c
-    appMgr.EvtMax = get_slot_value(slots, "EvtMax")
-    appMgr.HistogramPersistency = 'ROOT'
-    appMgr.AuditAlgorithms = True
-    propagate_properties_to_lhcb(config, slots)
-    appMgr.ExtSvc = [
-        c for c in config if c.__component_type__ == 'Service'
-        and c.name not in ['ApplicationMgr']
-    ]
-    appMgr.TopAlg = [
-        c for c in config if c.__component_type__ == 'Algorithm'
-        and c.name not in ['ApplicationMgr']
-    ]
-def configure_init(slots, dvInit):
-    """
-    Configuration of initialisation algorithm.
-    """
-    dvInit.Increment = get_slot_value(slots, "PrintFreq")
 # Define configurations for external services
-def configure_timing(slots, auditor, sequencer, timer):
-    """
-    Configuration of timing auditors.
-    """
-    auditor.Auditors = ['ChronoAuditor', 'TimingAuditor']
-    sequencer.OutputLevel = get_slot_value(slots, "OutputLevel")
-def configure_options_root_ntuples(slots, svc):
-    """
-    Configuration of output .root ntuples.
-    """
-    for _line in svc.Output:
-        if 0 <= _line.find('FILE1'):
-            log = get_slot_value(slots, "Log")
-            log.warning('Replace NTuple-LUN FILE1: ' + _line)
-            svc.Output.remove(_line)
-    tupleFile = get_slot_value(slots, "TupleFile")
-    tupleStr = "FILE1 DATAFILE='%s' TYP='ROOT' OPT='NEW'" % tupleFile
-    svc.Output += [tupleStr]
-    svc.OutputLevel = get_slot_value(slots, "OutputLevel")
-def configure_event(evtSvc, svc):
-    """
-    Configuration of the event services.
-    """
-    evtSvc.EnableFaultHandler = True
-    evtSvc.ForceLeaves = True
-    evtSvc.RootCLID = 1
-    svc.CnvServices.append("Gaudi::RootCnvSvc/RootCnvSvc")
-def configure_event_selector(slots, svc):
-    """
-    Configuration of the event selector.
-    """
-    printFreq = get_slot_value(slots, "PrintFreq")
-    if printFreq == 0:
-        printFreq = get_default_value("PrintFreq")
-        log = get_slot_value(slots, "Log")
-        log.warning("Print frequency cannot be 0. Set to %f." % printFreq)
-    svc.PrintFreq = printFreq
-#def configure_detector(detSvc, detPers):
-#    """
-#    Configure Detector services.
-#    """
-#    detSvc.DetDbLocation = "git:/lhcb.xml"
-#    detSvc.DetDbRootName = "dd"
-#    detSvc.DetStorageType = 7
-#    detSvc.UsePersistency = True
-#    detPers.CnvServices = ["XmlCnvSvc/XmlCnvSvc"]
 def configure_file_record_data(rootSvc, fileDataSvc):
     Configure File Record Data service.
@@ -132,60 +40,3 @@ def configure_xml(xmlSvc, xmlParser):
     xmlParser.CacheBehavior = 3
     xmlParser.EntityResolver = "EntityResolverDispatcher/EntityResolverDispatcher"
     xmlParser.MaxDocNbInCache = 15
-# Define configurations for MC algorithms
-def configure_MC_algorithms(slots, dataSvc):
-    """
-    Configure DaVinciAssociators and do MC unpacking.
-    """
-    root = ""
-    if get_slot_value(slots, "InputType") == "MDST" and get_slot_value(
-            slots, "RootInTES"):
-        root = get_slot_value(slots, "RootInTES")
-    else:
-        root = "/Event"
-    configure_MC_unpacking(slots, dataSvc, root)
-def configure_MC_unpacking(slots, dataSvc, root):
-    """
-    Configure the unpacking of MC particles.
-    """
-    import os
-    log = get_slot_value(slots, "Log")
-    mcRoot = os.path.join(root, "MC")
-    log.info("Will unpack MC objects to {0}".format(mcRoot))
-    #particlesOutput = os.path.join(mcRoot, "Particles")
-    #verticesOutput = os.path.join(mcRoot, "Vertices")
-    #samba = C.UnpackMCParticle("UnpackMCParticle", RootInTES=root)
-    dataSvc.NodeMap[mcRoot] = "DataObject"
-    #dataSvc.AlgMap[particlesOutput] = C.UnpackMCParticle("UnpackMCParticle", RootInTES=root)
-    #dataSvc.AlgMap[verticesOutput] = C.UnpackMCVertex("UnpackMCVertex", RootInTES=root)
-def propagate_properties_to_lhcb(config, slots):
-    """
-    Define and configure LHCbApp with the relevant DV properties.
-    """
-    from Configurables import LHCbApp
-    lhcbApp = LHCbApp()
-    properties = [
-        "EvtMax", "SkipEvents", "DataType", "CondDBtag", "DDDBtag",
-        "DQFLAGStag", "Simulation", "IgnoreDQFlags"
-    ]
-    for prop in properties:
-        if get_slot_value(slots, prop):
-            lhcbApp.setProp(prop, get_slot_value(slots, prop))
-    #config.append(lhcbApp)
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/optionChecker.py b/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/optionChecker.py
index 9b21a3b31efe95a81a1e4155a0d5acd0c9ef8414..6ebd36c1d9ae87280edcf33f9f7b53d9f9454804 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/optionChecker.py
+++ b/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/optionChecker.py
@@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ def option_checker(name, value):
 def get_allowed_option_values():
     allowedValues = {
-        "DataType": ["Upgrade"],
-        "Detectors": [
+        "data_type": ["Upgrade"],
+        "detectors": [
             'VP', 'UT', 'FT', 'Rich1Pmt', 'Rich2Pmt', 'Ecal', 'Hcal', 'Muon',
             'Magnet', 'Tr'
-        "InputType":
-        ["MDF", "DST", "DIGI", "RDST", "MDST", "SDST", "XDST", "LDST"]
+        "input_type":
+        ["MDF", "DST", "DIGI", "RDST", "MDST", "SDST", "XDST", "LDST", "ROOT"]
     return allowedValues
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/utilities.py b/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/utilities.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 61c9d608c5432d9d84e1c327478da66a6adc90dc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/utilities.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-# (c) Copyright 2020-2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
-#                                                                             #
-# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
-# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
-#                                                                             #
-# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
-# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
-# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from DaVinci.configOptions import get_slot_value
-import os, click
-def dump_call(ctx, key, dbfile, optfile):
-    indentStr = "# "
-    click.echo("%sDaVinci: running using the following arguments:" % indentStr)
-    click.echo("%s         - key:     {key}" % indentStr)
-    click.echo("%s         - dbfile:  {dbfile}" % indentStr)
-    click.echo("%s         - optfile: {optfile}" % indentStr)
-    if len(ctx.args) > 1:
-        for i in range(1, len(ctx.args), 2):
-            click.echo("%s         - %s: %s" % (indentStr, ctx.args[i][2:],
-                                                ctx.args[i + 1]))
-def dump_configuration(slots):
-    """
-    Dump the DaVinci Configuration.
-    """
-    indentStr = "# "
-    appName = "DaVinci"
-    preLen = 10
-    headerWidth = 100
-    log = get_slot_value(slots, "Log")
-    header = "Applying %s configuration" % appName
-    dump = indentStr + header + os.linesep
-    title = "User %s/%s" % (appName, appName)
-    postLen = get_post_length(title, preLen, headerWidth)
-    dump += "%s%s %s %s" % (indentStr, preLen * '*', title,
-                            postLen * '*') + os.linesep
-    dump += get_prop_infos(slots, indentStr)
-    footer = "(End of User %s/%s)" % (appName, appName)
-    postLen = get_post_length(footer, preLen, headerWidth)
-    dump += "%s%s %s %s" % (indentStr, preLen * '-', footer, postLen * '-')
-    log.info(dump)
-def get_prop_infos(slots, indentStr):
-    """
-    Dump the DV configuration with the name and value of each property.
-    """
-    nameWidth = get_name_width(slots)
-    config = ""
-    for prop in slots:
-        prefix = "%s|-%s" % (indentStr, prop.ljust(nameWidth))
-        value = get_slot_value(slots, prop)
-        line = "%s = %s" % (prefix, repr(value))
-        config += line + os.linesep
-    return config
-def get_name_width(slots):
-    """
-    Get the maximum length of the property names.
-    """
-    nameWidth = 0
-    for slot in slots:
-        nameWidth = max(nameWidth, len(slot))
-    return nameWidth
-def get_post_length(name, preLen, width):
-    """
-    Get the number of remaining blank spaces after 'name' given the specific width.
-    """
-    postLen = width - preLen - len(name)
-    postLen = max(preLen, postLen)
-    return postLen
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/utilities_script.py b/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/utilities_script.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d5d8b4c8678bf8332c5d73b094450336f060535e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Phys/DaVinci/python/DaVinci/utilities_script.py
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# (c) Copyright 2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration           #
+#                                                                             #
+# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
+# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
+#                                                                             #
+# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
+# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
+# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+This module contains some functions useful while running the davinci script.
+def dump_call(testfiledb_file, testfiledb_key, joboptfile, ctx_args):
+    """
+    Print out all the davinci options used to run the job by means of the
+    'davinci' script.
+    Args:
+       - testfiledb_file: TestFileDB-like file with job input information (1st davinci argument, 1st slot)
+       - testfiledb_key: relevant key to be looked for in the TestFileDB-like file (1st davinci argument, 2nd slot)
+       - joboptfile: file containing the job option information (2nd davinci argument)
+       - ctx_args: array with the remnant options passed to davinci by command line
+    """
+    import os, click
+    indentStr = "# "
+    click.echo("%sDaVinci: running using the following arguments:" % indentStr)
+    click.echo(
+        "%s         - testfiledb-file: %s" % (indentStr, testfiledb_file))
+    click.echo(
+        "%s         - testfiledb-key:  %s" % (indentStr, testfiledb_key))
+    click.echo("%s         - joboption-file:  %s" % (indentStr, joboptfile))
+    if len(ctx_args) > 1:
+        for i in range(0, len(ctx_args), 2):
+            click.echo("%s         - %s: %s" % (indentStr, ctx_args[i][2:],
+                                                ctx_args[i + 1]))
+def get_configurable_opts(configurables, with_defaults):
+    """
+    Temporary method to be used until GaudiConfig2 will be not implemented.
+    Loop over the list of configurables to be passed to Gaudi and convert them
+    in a dictionary.
+    Args:
+       - configurables: list of configurables to be passed to Gaudi
+       - with_defaults: flag to set the default values
+    Ouput:
+       - opts: dictionary containing all the configurables
+    """
+    import sys
+    from itertools import chain
+    from GaudiKernel.Proxy.Configurable import Configurable
+    opts = {}
+    for c in configurables:
+        items = (chain(c.getDefaultProperties().items(),
+                       c.getValuedProperties().items())
+                 if with_defaults else c.getValuedProperties().items())
+        for p, v in items:
+            if hasattr(Configurable, "PropertyReference") and isinstance(
+                    v, Configurable.PropertyReference):
+                v = v.__resolve__()
+            if isinstance(v, str):
+                v = '"%s"' % v.replace('"', '\\"')
+            elif sys.version_info < (3, ) and isinstance(v, long):
+                v = '%d' % v
+            elif hasattr(v, '__opt_value__'):
+                v = v.__opt_value__()
+            opts['.'.join((c.name(), p))] = str(v)
+    return opts