diff --git a/Phys/Tesla/python/Tesla/Configuration.py b/Phys/Tesla/python/Tesla/Configuration.py
index 7c7373af2ce9cf75dbf2fb29b29958f0c882c9a5..68ff6bf6656cdca5c3512b161b67c025e985b2d4 100644
--- a/Phys/Tesla/python/Tesla/Configuration.py
+++ b/Phys/Tesla/python/Tesla/Configuration.py
@@ -71,6 +71,40 @@ from LHCbKernel.Configuration import *
 from RawEventCompat.Configuration import ReverseDict as RawEventLocationsToBanks
+# Locations of Track and ProtoParticle objects created in HLT2 that are not
+# defined as part of the 'standard reconstruction' that is saved in PersistReco
+# We need to know these locations in Tesla so that we can truth match the objects
+# See LHCBPS-1807 for more details, and how this list was obtained
+_extra_track_locations = [
+    # These two locations are defined as part of the standard HLT2 reconstruction
+    # 'Hlt2/Track/Best/Downstream',
+    # 'Hlt2/Track/Best/Long',
+    'Hlt2/Track/Best/LongDownstreamClones',
+    'Hlt2/Track/Best/LongV0Vertices',
+    'Hlt2/Track/Best/Muon',
+    'Hlt2/Track/Best/Ttrack',
+    'Hlt2/Track/ComplementForward',
+    'Hlt2/Track/Downstream',
+    'Hlt2/Track/Forward',
+    'Hlt2/Track/Match',
+    'Hlt2/Track/Seeding',
+    'Hlt2/TrackBest/PID/MuonSegments',
+    'Hlt2/TrackEff/Track/FullDownstream',
+    'Hlt2/TrackEff/Track/MuonTT',
+    'Hlt2/TrackEff/Track/StandaloneMuon',
+    'Hlt2/TrackEff/Track/VeloMuon'
+_extra_protoparticle_locations = [
+    # These two locations are defined as part of the standard HLT2 reconstruction
+    # 'Hlt2/ProtoP/Downstream/Charged/WithAllPIDs',
+    # 'Hlt2/ProtoP/Long/Charged/WithAllPIDs',
+    'Hlt2/ProtoP/Best/FullDownstream',
+    'Hlt2/ProtoP/Best/MuonTT',
+    'Hlt2/ProtoP/Best/VeloMuon',
+    'Hlt2/ProtoP/Hlt2/TrackEff/Velo'
 def _strip_root(root, locs):
     """Return list of paths `loc` stripped of the `root` prefix.
@@ -623,12 +657,16 @@ class Tesla(LHCbConfigurableUser):
     def _configureTruthMatching(self, name, packing):
         output_level = self.getProp('OutputLevel')
+        extra_track_locs = [os.path.join('/Event', self.base, l) for l in _extra_track_locations]
+        extra_proto_locs = [os.path.join('/Event', self.base, l) for l in _extra_protoparticle_locations]
         # Locations of the objects we want to truth-match
         track_locs = [packing.outputs['Hlt2LongTracks'],
+        track_locs += extra_track_locs
         proto_locs = [packing.outputs['Hlt2LongProtos'],
+        proto_locs += extra_proto_locs
         cluster_locs = [packing.outputs['Hlt2CaloClusters']]
         neutral_locs = [packing.outputs['Hlt2NeutralProtos']]
@@ -718,7 +756,11 @@ class Tesla(LHCbConfigurableUser):
                     DataCopy('Copy{0}'.format(loc.replace('/', '')),
                              Target=os.path.join(base, loc),
-                             NeverFail=False,
+                             # It's very possible that the extra locations
+                             # might not exist, so no relations table will be
+                             # created; we don't mind the copying failing in
+                             # those cases
+                             NeverFail=True if loc.replace('Relations/', '/Event/') in (extra_track_locs + extra_proto_locs) else False,
                     for loc in relationsLocations
                     if self.base in loc