diff --git a/DaVinciTests/python/DaVinciTests/QMTest/DaVinciExclusions.py b/DaVinciTests/python/DaVinciTests/QMTest/DaVinciExclusions.py
index e8f1b85d11b39c18029320d2f5cc1e13c5c09df6..bb5052aa8d0c987033214291dc85ad545ccc921c 100755
--- a/DaVinciTests/python/DaVinciTests/QMTest/DaVinciExclusions.py
+++ b/DaVinciTests/python/DaVinciTests/QMTest/DaVinciExclusions.py
@@ -30,4 +30,5 @@ preprocessor = LHCbPreprocessor + \
   LineSkipper(["LHCBCOND_"]) + \
   LineSkipper(["SIMCOND_"]) + \
   LineSkipper(["DDDB_"]) + \
-  LineSkipper(["DataOnDemandSvc                  INFO Handled "])
+  LineSkipper(["DataOnDemandSvc                  INFO Handled "]) + \
+  LineSkipper(["SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics :"])
diff --git a/DaVinciTests/tests/options/CommonParticles/DVTestStandardIntermediate.py b/DaVinciTests/tests/options/CommonParticles/DVTestStandardIntermediate.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 04c3cb091a0ee81b803c3c35d23d2d246be3b93f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DaVinciTests/tests/options/CommonParticles/DVTestStandardIntermediate.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# (c) Copyright 2000-2020 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
-#                                                                             #
-# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
-# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
-#                                                                             #
-# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
-# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
-# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-# syntax: gaudirun.py $DAVINCIMONITORSROOT/options/DVMonitorDst.py
-# Author: Patrick Koppenburg <patrick.koppenburg@cern.ch>
-from __future__ import print_function
-from DaVinci.Configuration import DaVinci
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-from CommonParticles import StandardBasic
-from CommonParticles import StandardIntermediate
-Locations = []
-for a, b in StandardIntermediate.locations.items():
-    print("DVTestCommonParticles adding location", a)
-    Locations.append(a)
-from Configurables import CountParticles
-CP = CountParticles(Inputs=Locations)
-# Histograms
-DaVinci().HistogramFile = "DVStandardIntermediate.root"
-# Most of this will be configured from Dirac
-from Configurables import CondDB
-DaVinci().UserAlgorithms = [CP]  # count them all
-DaVinci().EvtMax = 500
-DaVinci().DataType = "Upgrade"  # Must be given
-DaVinci().Simulation = True
-DaVinci().InputType = 'LDST'
-DaVinci().Lumi = False
-CondDB().Upgrade = True
-DaVinci().CondDBtag = "sim-20171127-vc-md100"
-DaVinci().DDDBtag = "dddb-20171126"
-MessageSvc().Format = "% F%60W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-from PRConfig import TestFileDB
diff --git a/DaVinciTests/tests/options/CommonParticles/TestStandardIntermediateCuts.py b/DaVinciTests/tests/options/CommonParticles/TestStandardIntermediateCuts.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 79975acc70617ab3e59daba148b4e9e61f27c48e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DaVinciTests/tests/options/CommonParticles/TestStandardIntermediateCuts.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# (c) Copyright 2000-2020 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
-#                                                                             #
-# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
-# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
-#                                                                             #
-# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
-# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
-# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-"""Test validisy of CommonParticles.StandardIntermediate cuts.
-   syntax: gaudirun.py $DAVINCIMONITORSROOT/options/TestStandardIntermediateCuts.py
-   Author: Juan Palacios <palacios@physik.uzh.ch>
-from __future__ import print_function
-from DaVinci.Configuration import DaVinci
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-from CommonParticles import StandardBasic
-from CommonParticles import StandardIntermediate
-List = []
-for a,b in StandardIntermediate.locations.items():
-    print("DVTestCommonParticles adding location", a)
-    List.append(b)                      # list of algorithms
-DaVinci( UserAlgorithms = List,
-         EvtMax = 1,
-         DataType = "Upgrade",
-         Simulation = True,
-         InputType = "LDST"
-         )
-MessageSvc().Format = "% F%60W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
-from PRConfig import TestFileDB
diff --git a/DaVinciTests/tests/qmtest/commonparticles.qms/test_standardintermediate_reco14_init.qmt b/DaVinciTests/tests/qmtest/commonparticles.qms/test_standardintermediate_reco14_init.qmt
deleted file mode 100755
index feb745aae45af581c92864ccf3e1dd31d8c1a4bf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DaVinciTests/tests/qmtest/commonparticles.qms/test_standardintermediate_reco14_init.qmt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" ?>
-    (c) Copyright 2000-2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration
-    This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
-    Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
-    In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
-    granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
-    or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
-<!DOCTYPE extension  PUBLIC '-//QM/2.3/Extension//EN'  'http://www.codesourcery.com/qm/dtds/2.3/-//qm/2.3/extension//en.dtd'>
-<extension class="GaudiTest.GaudiExeTest" kind="test">
-<argument name="program"><text>gaudirun.py</text></argument>
-<argument name="timeout"><integer>6400</integer></argument>
-<argument name="args"><set>
-  <text>../options/CommonParticles/TestStandardIntermediateCuts.py</text>
-<argument name="validator"><text>
-DaVinciInitAlg                                              SUCCESS 1 events processed
-DaVinciInitAlg                                              SUCCESS ==================================================================
-""", stdout, result, causes, signature_offset = 0)
diff --git a/DaVinciTests/tests/qmtest/commonparticles.qms/test_standardintermediate_reco14_run.qmt b/DaVinciTests/tests/qmtest/commonparticles.qms/test_standardintermediate_reco14_run.qmt
deleted file mode 100755
index 1dcaaf278d4ddcacfaaff06cc0cdac3678623e7b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DaVinciTests/tests/qmtest/commonparticles.qms/test_standardintermediate_reco14_run.qmt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" ?>
-    (c) Copyright 2000-2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration
-    This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
-    Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
-    In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
-    granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
-    or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
-<!DOCTYPE extension  PUBLIC '-//QM/2.3/Extension//EN'  'http://www.codesourcery.com/qm/dtds/2.3/-//qm/2.3/extension//en.dtd'>
-<extension class="GaudiTest.GaudiExeTest" kind="test">
-<argument name="program"><text>gaudirun.py</text></argument>
-<argument name="timeout"><integer>6400</integer></argument>
-<argument name="args"><set>
-  <text>../options/CommonParticles/DVTestStandardIntermediate.py</text>
-<argument name="prerequisites"><set>
-  <tuple><text>commonparticles.test_standardbasic_reco14_init</text><enumeral>PASS</enumeral></tuple>
-  <tuple><text>commonparticles.test_standardintermediate_reco14_init</text><enumeral>PASS</enumeral></tuple>
-<argument name="validator"><text>
-CountParticles                                                 INFO Number of counters : 97
- |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# Phys/StdAllLooseMuPion"                      |       500 |      20624 |     41.248 |     56.654 |      0.0000 |      583.00 |
- | "# Phys/StdDiElectronFromTracks"                |       500 |     686583 |     1373.2 |     1503.7 |      0.0000 |     11649.0 |
- | "# Phys/StdDiElectronGamma"                     |       500 |     686790 |     1373.6 |     1504.0 |      0.0000 |     11649.0 |
- | "# Phys/StdKs2PiPiDD"                           |       500 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/StdKs2PiPiLL"                           |       500 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLTUnbiasedJpsi2MuMu"                 |       500 |          4 |      0.008 |   0.089084 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLambda2PPiDD"                        |       500 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLambda2PPiLL"                        |       500 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseD02KK"                          |       500 |        410 |       0.82 |     1.6515 |      0.0000 |      14.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseD02KPi"                         |       500 |        571 |     1.1420 |     1.8894 |      0.0000 |      22.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseD02KPiDCS"                      |       500 |        571 |     1.1420 |     1.8894 |      0.0000 |      22.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseD02KsKK"                        |       500 |         14 |      0.028 |    0.32127 |      0.0000 |      6.0000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseD02KsPiPi"                      |       500 |         16 |      0.032 |    0.30818 |      0.0000 |      4.0000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseD02PiPi"                        |       500 |        592 |     1.1840 |     2.0333 |      0.0000 |      20.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseDalitzPi0"                      |       500 |       8461 |     16.922 |     23.647 |      0.0000 |      188.00 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseDetachedDiElectron"             |       500 |      21431 |     42.862 |     46.608 |      0.0000 |      480.00 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseDetachedDiElectronLU"           |       500 |      10625 |     21.250 |     23.101 |      0.0000 |      161.00 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseDetachedDipion"                 |       500 |       3706 |     7.4120 |     7.5192 |      0.0000 |      61.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseDetachedKpi"                    |       500 |      21612 |     43.224 |     52.960 |      0.0000 |      593.00 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseDetachedKst2Kpi"                |       500 |       9621 |     19.242 |     22.917 |      0.0000 |      187.00 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseDetachedPhi2KK"                 |       500 |       1066 |     2.1320 |     3.0962 |      0.0000 |      21.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseDetachedTau3pi"                 |       500 |       1656 |     3.3120 |     7.6278 |      0.0000 |      84.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseDetachedTau3piNonPhys"          |       500 |        501 |     1.0020 |     2.4121 |      0.0000 |      19.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseDiElectron"                     |       500 |      10550 |     21.100 |     23.460 |      0.0000 |      169.00 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseDiMuon"                         |       500 |       2446 |     4.8920 |     10.096 |      0.0000 |      123.00 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseDiMuonSameSign"                 |       500 |       2607 |     5.2140 |     11.732 |      0.0000 |      134.00 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseDplus2KKK"                      |       500 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseDplus2KKPi"                     |       500 |        910 |     1.8200 |     5.1548 |      0.0000 |      70.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseDplus2KPiPi"                    |       500 |        633 |     1.2660 |     3.0697 |      0.0000 |      38.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseDplus2KPiPiOppSignPi"           |       500 |       1168 |     2.3360 |     5.8182 |      0.0000 |      72.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseDplus2PiPiPi"                   |       500 |        730 |     1.4600 |     3.3759 |      0.0000 |      41.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseDplus2hhh"                      |       500 |       6038 |     12.076 |     38.120 |      0.0000 |      760.00 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseDsplus2KKPi"                    |       500 |        910 |     1.8200 |     5.1548 |      0.0000 |      70.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseDsplus2KKPiOppSign"             |       500 |          1 |      0.002 |   0.044677 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseDstarWithD02KK"                 |       500 |         25 |       0.05 |    0.32787 |      0.0000 |      4.0000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseDstarWithD02KPi"                |       500 |         76 |      0.152 |     1.0977 |      0.0000 |      21.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseDstarWithD02KPiDCS"             |       500 |         80 |       0.16 |    0.80895 |      0.0000 |      13.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseDstarWithD02PiPi"               |       500 |         74 |      0.148 |     0.7114 |      0.0000 |      8.0000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseJpsi2MuMu"                      |       500 |         22 |      0.044 |    0.21463 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseJpsi2ee"                        |       500 |       4737 |     9.4740 |     11.935 |      0.0000 |      121.00 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseKsDD"                           |       500 |       2877 |     5.7540 |     8.4258 |      0.0000 |      117.00 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseKsLD"                           |       500 |       6218 |     12.436 |     15.331 |      0.0000 |      209.00 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseKsLD_NegLong"                   |       500 |       3185 |     6.3700 |     8.8772 |      0.0000 |      112.00 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseKsLD_PosLong"                   |       500 |       3033 |     6.0660 |     7.9936 |      0.0000 |      97.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseKsLL"                           |       500 |        282 |      0.564 |    0.89325 |      0.0000 |      6.0000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseKstar2Kpi"                      |       500 |     275144 |     550.29 |     542.31 |      1.0000 |      3762.0 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseLambdaDD"                       |       500 |       2941 |     5.8820 |     8.2435 |      0.0000 |      99.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseLambdaLD"                       |       500 |       1934 |     3.8680 |     4.8755 |      0.0000 |      59.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseLambdaLDpDown"                  |       500 |        135 |       0.27 |    0.63961 |      0.0000 |      7.0000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseLambdaLDpLong"                  |       500 |       1799 |     3.5980 |     4.5361 |      0.0000 |      52.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseLambdaLL"                       |       500 |         94 |      0.188 |    0.49463 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseLambdac2PKPi"                   |       500 |        291 |      0.582 |     2.1669 |      0.0000 |      38.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseLambdastar2pK"                  |       500 |     648874 |     1297.7 |     1285.1 |      0.0000 |      8764.0 |
- | "# Phys/StdLoosePhi2KK"                         |       500 |      67279 |     134.56 |     132.58 |      0.0000 |      863.00 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseRho0"                           |       500 |        776 |     1.5520 |     1.9858 |      0.0000 |      16.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdLooseRhoPlus"                        |       500 |      80225 |     160.45 |     191.40 |      0.0000 |      1139.0 |
- | "# Phys/StdMassConstrainedJpsi2MuMu"            |       500 |         22 |      0.044 |    0.21463 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
- | "# Phys/StdTightDetachedTau3pi"                 |       500 |        113 |      0.226 |     2.0868 |      0.0000 |      39.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdTightDplus2KPiPiOppSignPi"           |       500 |        147 |      0.294 |     0.9228 |      0.0000 |      9.0000 |
- | "# Phys/StdTightDplus2PiPiPi"                   |       500 |         82 |      0.164 |    0.66716 |      0.0000 |      10.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdTightPhi2KK"                         |       500 |        531 |     1.0620 |     1.8073 |      0.0000 |      14.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdVeryLooseDetachedKst2Kpi"            |       500 |      10707 |     21.414 |     25.532 |      0.0000 |      207.00 |
- | "# Phys/StdVeryLooseDiMuon"                     |       500 |      16010 |     32.020 |     68.780 |      0.0000 |      985.00 |
- | "# Phys/StdVeryLooseJpsi2MuMu"                  |       500 |         19 |      0.038 |     0.1912 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "# Phys/StdVeryLooseKsLL"                       |       500 |       1154 |     2.3080 |     2.6331 |      0.0000 |      21.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdVeryLooseLambdaLL"                   |       500 |        993 |     1.9860 |     2.6149 |      0.0000 |      18.000 |
- | "# Phys/StdVeryTightDsplus2KKPi"                |       500 |         34 |      0.068 |    0.35125 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
- | "# input particles"                             |       500 |    2630760 |     5261.5 |     5417.2 |      9.0000 |     37866.0 |
- |*"#accept"                                       |       500 |        500 |( 100.0000 +- 0.000000)% |
- | "D*(2010)+"                                     |       135 |        135 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "D*(2010)-"                                     |       120 |        120 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "D+"                                            |      5083 |       5083 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "D-"                                            |      4625 |       4625 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "D0"                                            |      1087 |       1087 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "D_s+"                                          |       488 |        488 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "D_s-"                                          |       457 |        457 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "D~0"                                           |      1087 |       1087 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "J/psi(1S)"                                     |    297334 |     297334 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "K*(892)0"                                      |    158225 |     158225 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "K*(892)~0"                                     |    158859 |     158859 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "KS0"                                           |     16749 |      16749 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "Lambda(1520)0"                                 |    323601 |     323601 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "Lambda(1520)~0"                                |    325273 |     325273 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "Lambda0"                                       |      3984 |       3984 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "Lambda_c+"                                     |       139 |        139 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "Lambda_c~-"                                    |       152 |        152 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "Lambda~0"                                      |      3912 |       3912 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "e+"                                            |    457791 |     457791 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "e-"                                            |    457791 |     457791 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "gamma"                                         |    228930 |     228930 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "phi(1020)"                                     |     68876 |      68876 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "pi0"                                           |      8461 |       8461 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "rho(770)+"                                     |     40593 |      40593 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "rho(770)-"                                     |     41431 |      41431 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "rho(770)0"                                     |     23307 |      23307 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "tau+"                                          |      1128 |       1128 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "tau-"                                          |      1142 |       1142 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
-""", stdout, result, causes,
-signature_offset = 0, id='Particles')
diff --git a/DaVinciTests/tests/refs/test_davinci_initialise_upgrade.ref b/DaVinciTests/tests/refs/test_davinci_initialise_upgrade.ref
index a2fa69c04dd11d0a1b02ee831916cac4fb1952cd..007622cd9871d46347d8e4f4c5e13d3697a97f45 100644
--- a/DaVinciTests/tests/refs/test_davinci_initialise_upgrade.ref
+++ b/DaVinciTests/tests/refs/test_davinci_initialise_upgrade.ref
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ LoKi
 Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good
 Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good
 ToolSvc              INFO Removing all tools created by ToolSvc
-DaVinciInitAlg....SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/2/0
 *****Chrono*****     INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 ChronoStatSvc.f...   INFO  Service finalized successfully
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully